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"Good Morning Drr" 11,000 strong and growing,stop in a say hello.
DRR Top Comp
Picture of ChuckT
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Mornin' all! One step up, got the 362 pulled out, put the 455 in. One step back, can't find the balancer, and Olds are externally balanced. Hoping it's in one of the 3 places it could be, or else I have to reverse the swap. Again. But, if that's my only complaint, life is good.

It's nothing compared to what Nikki is facing. She is starting to lose her hair from the chemo, and has a hard road ahead for the bone marrow. So the rain today is going to help wash away the old, and help bring in the new healing.

'81 Cutlass, KX05, Keystone Raceway Park
Millerstown Pic-A-Part, Tarentum, PA
Wholesale Transmission, New Kensington, PA
Thinking of Nikki and Mark - forever 53
Posts: 7230 | Location: Pittsburgh | Registered: December 07, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Mike Hawks
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Ok DRR family,one of our
Good Morning crowd has had some pretty bad news concreteman,Marty StClair,lost his 23 yr.old daughter sunday morning (see other thread on Drr) and we all need to be in much prayer for him and his family,god bless you Marty and family,The Hawks Family is praying for you...........................
Posts: 5080 | Location: Cana va. | Registered: December 05, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Sportsman
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Well looks as if i'm briinging up the rear this morning Big Grin Hope all had an enjoyable weekend. Got to go out for fourth time this season and made our second final, just came up on wrong side of this one though Sleep Sleep if you get my drift Big Grin Ventured up to Kilkare in Xenia ,Ohio for there super sat. show. Seen fellow with a camera at the starting line and was thinking maybe he was using it to make sure we were leaving off of bottom bulb. Just looked though and they have all their finals on video in Track Reporter live section. Pretty cool idea. First time i've ever seen our old beater camaro on video Smile

The older I get the faster I used to be !!
Posts: 567 | Location: Indiana | Registered: December 12, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Top Comp
Picture of Guy M. Price
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No MTD 44, no one is later than Floyd or I as we are out west and the sun don't come up as early out here! By the time we get up you all have cow's milked, the chicken's fed and pig's slopped and ma's already thinkin' about havin' fried marguts for lunch from that steer you butchered this mornin' before you headed off to fire up the still! You folks all chip in and get Nikki a wig and her real hair will be back real soon! Or go down to the Harley shop and get her one of those wild bandanas and make everyone think she is a Hell's Angel! Sorry to hear about Marty's major loss! Hope time heals that dramatic loss and I know there will always be a soft spot in a lot of folks hearts for what that family has endured! God Bless them!
Let's pave the road to "hump day" with good intentions and you all have a "big ol good un"! Wink Eyes Tongue Frown I'm stupid not worthy Cool

"The Price is Right, but seldom official. If you find yourself in a hole, for God's sake, quit digging! I'm not old, I'm chronologically gifted!"
Posts: 6498 | Location: At Los Dos Molinos! | Registered: October 25, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of BarneyB
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Nornin Rooster and the rest of DDR folks. Afternoon Guy Big Grin
BB Tuesday, we on a roll now. Rolling

WiredTwoWin race car wiring

Posts: 2436 | Location: Wadsworth, Ohio | Registered: December 12, 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Sportsman
Picture of Mouse
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Morning everyone.
Looks like more rain for around here today.
Y'all have a good one.
See ya.

Dennis "Mouse" McKee
Wild Rodent Racing
Posts: 1049 | Location: Sapulpa, Ok. | Registered: May 14, 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Mike Hawks
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Morning All,still wet here too Mouse,I believe the boat racing idea you had the other day is a good one.

Well my thoughts and prayers go out to Marty this morning,thought about it when I went to sleep and was thinking about it when I woke up,just can't hardly imagin how hard it would be losing a child,so lets hug them babies no matter how big they are.

And Thinking of Nikki,God Bless her sweet soul,just praying for Gods healing hand on her.
Well you all have at it, and have a gooden,and if you get a chance today give that someone you LOVE a HUG and tell them how much they mean to you........................................
Posts: 5080 | Location: Cana va. | Registered: December 05, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post

DRR Trophy
Picture of bigblockmadness
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good mornin drr ppl
Posts: 46 | Location: New Carlisle, Ohio | Registered: May 21, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Sportsman
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Mornin troops. Hope all is well and the ill are healing.

The older I get the faster I used to be !!
Posts: 567 | Location: Indiana | Registered: December 12, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of MsFurr
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Good Morning guys & gals! It's a rainy, cloudy day here, good day to get caught up. Wasn't that way cool how everyone was so nice to Madi & now she gets to go to Bristol...Mom has mixed feelings with all of that walking & no golf cart & I've never been a good 'spectator' but how can I not be grateful for the chance to spend a Mommie/Me weekend with my little girl? Rick & Adiayn are into trains so I think they'll go to Tweetsie.
My heart goes out to Marty, Hank, Nikki & their families...we should treasure every moment. Like Mike said tell someone how you feel today, so....I think you guys & gals are pretty cool.

Posts: 2023 | Location: hugging my kids... | Registered: March 26, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Sportsman
Picture of Ma Brewer-Christine
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Morning! Sorry so late! What a morning!

Good for you Ms Furr--Mommie and Me weekend! I'm not a good specator at all! Just ask Chuck!! LOL

My heart goes out for those who have lost their loved ones and the ones who are fighting a battle! I wish I had the right words. But, I am glad that they know that I do care!
Nikki had a good day yesterday! She will be starting her chemo today and Karen is in good spirits! What a lady Karen is!

So, everyone have a safe day! Be good, just cause a little trouble today! And, it's fricking cold here! I want my 90 degree weather!!!! LOL

Forever "53'

Always and forever "Thinking of Nikki"...

Our "Guy"
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DRR Top Comp
Picture of ChuckT
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Mornin' all! Day 4 of "Dude, have you seen my balancer?" But I'm going to move forward and start getting everything else ready. If I can't find this balancer, I have another one to put on.

Good words, Mike, I agree.

Nikki had a fun day yesterday, before starting the chemo this morning.

'81 Cutlass, KX05, Keystone Raceway Park
Millerstown Pic-A-Part, Tarentum, PA
Wholesale Transmission, New Kensington, PA
Thinking of Nikki and Mark - forever 53
Posts: 7230 | Location: Pittsburgh | Registered: December 07, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Top Comp
Picture of ChuckT
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I got treed by Christine! But that's nothing new. Big Grin

This isn't cold! This is close to perfect weather, if it would stop raining. 90 degrees + big Chuck = unhappy

'81 Cutlass, KX05, Keystone Raceway Park
Millerstown Pic-A-Part, Tarentum, PA
Wholesale Transmission, New Kensington, PA
Thinking of Nikki and Mark - forever 53
Posts: 7230 | Location: Pittsburgh | Registered: December 07, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Floyd Staggs
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Mornin Y'all!
I'm later than anybody today. I've actually had to work a little but I'm all caught up now.
Goin to be warmer today and getting warmer all week, should be in the mid 80's.
Well Guy, you get that motor back tomorrow? You didn't lose your balancer did ya? You oughta have that thing on the track by Saturday.
Everybody have a gooden.
Posts: 4863 | Location: Cucamonga, Ca | Registered: May 28, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post

DRR Top Comp
Picture of Guy M. Price
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Grrrrr! Now I know why I hate all politicians! Cause they are all lawyers and all they do is paint a big glowing picture and things go down hill from there! The lawyer my crew-chief retained to represent him initially in his rear-end case on I-40 in New Mexico last August failed to tell him that he is not licensed in New Mexico and the past so the efforts we have exerted in the past 8 months have all been for naught! We couldn't understand that when he first took the case my friend was led to believe that the trucking company responsible for the accident carried $5 million in liability insurance and that would more than take care of the damages to his vehicle and his body (heart and pacemaker) and now we it has come down to where he would receive about $14,000 for his pain and suffering after paying for his new pacemaker, new truck and other costs involved. My friend is on his way to terminate their relationship this morning as he has found a new attorney who can represent him in New Mexico! Sounds a lot like Congress doesn't it? We need some good old aggies back running this country that know what hard work and common sense is all about!
Supposed to get to 100 here today so I guess I'd better celebrate Cinco de Mayo with the mescans by going to Los Dos Molinos today and give my insides a good cleaning before I go pick up my engine tomorrow! You all have an
"ass-kickin'" day! I'm stupid Eyes Wink Big Grin Razz Smile just do it Cool

"The Price is Right, but seldom official. If you find yourself in a hole, for God's sake, quit digging! I'm not old, I'm chronologically gifted!"
Posts: 6498 | Location: At Los Dos Molinos! | Registered: October 25, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Top Comp
Picture of Guy M. Price
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Just to get the "hump day" early birds off to a good start I thought you would like some of my thoughts for the day:
1. Forget health food, I'm at age where I need all the preservatives I can get!
2. If there's no chocolate in heaven, I ain't goin!
3. As you get older, your secrets are safe with your friends cause they can't remember them either!
4. I would be unstoppable, if I could just get started!
5. My "wild oats" has turned to prunes and All-Bran!
6. I live in my own little world! But it's okay cause they know me here!
7. If you leave me, can I come too?
8. You can't stay young forever, but you can be immature for the rest of your life!
9. Gone crazy! Be back soon!
There is so much to be thankful for if you will only take the time to look! I'm sitting here right now being thankful that wrinkles don't hurt!
Have a fantastic "hump day" and keep smiling and counting those blessings! See ya on the other side of the moon!
Wink Big Grin Eyes Hum I'm stupid Smile just do it Cool

"The Price is Right, but seldom official. If you find yourself in a hole, for God's sake, quit digging! I'm not old, I'm chronologically gifted!"
Posts: 6498 | Location: At Los Dos Molinos! | Registered: October 25, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of BarneyB
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Mornin Rooster, Mike, Mouse, bigblock, MaBrewer, Chuck, Floyd, Guy, MTD, Mugs, MsFurr and all the people that visit but don't chime in Cool

BB It's H.U.M.P. day Smile just do it

WiredTwoWin race car wiring

Posts: 2436 | Location: Wadsworth, Ohio | Registered: December 12, 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of rooster_439
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morning Big L Smile and DRR gang

“Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple.” Dr.Seuss
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DRR Sportsman
Picture of Mouse
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Morning everyone.
Humpday is here.
Have a good one and we'll see ya later.

Dennis "Mouse" McKee
Wild Rodent Racing
Posts: 1049 | Location: Sapulpa, Ok. | Registered: May 14, 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Sportsman
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Birds chirpin and more rain on the way Mad Hope the sun shines on you all today Wink

The older I get the faster I used to be !!
Posts: 567 | Location: Indiana | Registered: December 12, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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