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"Good Morning Drr" 11,000 strong and growing,stop in a say hello.
DRR Sportsman
Picture of Mouse
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Morning everyone.
Now that i'm not walking with my cane, they want me to start doing all kinds of crazy things. They say it will help, i just kind of look at them funny. Oh well, i guess they know what they're doing.
W.A. i went on a 5 minute walk on the treadmill at therapy this morning, does that count?
Mike, i certainly didn't think you were whining, and believe me, i know about whinning. I'm the biggest whinner of the bunch here. I do catch myself doing that alot, and then have to step back and say "Boy, you got it pretty good". Lots of folks would like to only have a bum knee that's getting better.
Well, i'm going to go try to find something to do. Don't know if it will be productive or not, but it will be something.
Y'all have a good one and enjoy the Lords blessings.
See y'all later.

Dennis "Mouse" McKee
Wild Rodent Racing
Posts: 1049 | Location: Sapulpa, Ok. | Registered: May 14, 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Sportsman
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Good evening everyone. Most of you are probably asleep by now, so when you read this it will actually be good morning.
We took the trailer out to the track tonight (Sacramento) thinking we would get a good parking spot for the weekend. Oh yeah that plan worked out well, we are pitted out in the middle of nowhere. Not only are they putting on a National Open for us, but for the junior dragsters as well. To say it is a mess is putting it mildly, going to have to have a lot of patience this weekend. Those junior dragster people have rigs that look like they belong to a top fuel team.
I am looking forward to spending 2 days at the track with our friends and hopefully Mark can keep kicking butt and taking numbers.
Mike, when we get to Tennessee, you and Mannie are welcome to come and visit anytime. Mouse glad to hear the knee is coming along. Floyd, wish Mom a Happy Birthday and enjoy the party. Chuck, Michelle, Christine, W A and all my other DRR friends have a great weekend.
Hugs & Prayers for you all. hug Praying
Posts: 684 | Location: Winners Circle | Registered: January 04, 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Mike Hawks
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Good Morning ya'll,good looking day starting off here,looks like a nice racing weekend for all,hope everybody gets to have some fun this weekend and gets to enjoy whatever they wish.............. Smile.......................

Prayers to all and may God be with each of you on the daily journey called life.......................... Praying...........................

Oh yea that silly little fantail transmission fairy took the night off,just got the memo,just my luck,won't be racing my truck today,but am really blessed to have friends with lots of racecars and trucks,so as the budlight comm.says,HERE WE GO....................... Car...........................
Posts: 5080 | Location: Cana va. | Registered: December 05, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of W.A.O. 111
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hey ya'll, looks good here today too! i got a storage unit and have decided to clear out some negative energy from my place. it's stuff i've collected over years- tons of nautical items-early american stuff- and just stuff! i can yard sale at the unit and get some s/c money! even got tons of racing die-cast if anybody collects that let me know!
sound alittle better today mike! Big Grin no bud for me today, i would find a police officer in no time if i did that! morn mouse chuck 442 434 ma msfurr and all - gotta get goin' and be somebody! be-blessed and keep a happy thought! - i gotta find someone to tell about Jesus Wink -- 111 -- -there aint nothin' to it, a baby can do it!!

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Posts: 340 | Location: chiefland fl. | Registered: March 06, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Floyd Staggs
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Mornin Y'all!
Mom's party went off without any drama. Surprise, surprise, surprise. Saw some nieces, nephews, grand nieces, grand nephews that I haven't seen in a long time. There were at least 4 generations there, if not 5. There were so many people they passed out name tags.
Luckily for the facility they put a nine and a zero candle on the cake instead of 90 candles. It would have started a fire. She was a happy camper.
Y'all have a gooden. Praying Angel hug
Posts: 4863 | Location: Cucamonga, Ca | Registered: May 28, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Mike Hawks
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Good morning gang,Floyd glad you all had fun yesterday and that mom had a good time,90,wow.............. Big Grin.....................

Looks like a good old rainy morning here,maybe sunshine afterwhile,prayers all around,and ya'll have a wonderful sunday................................ Praying........................
Posts: 5080 | Location: Cana va. | Registered: December 05, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of W.A.O. 111
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HEY YA'LL, how ya been feelin' mike? nothin' like a kick in the teeth from the mailman! if it aint one thing it's another anymore. but the good thing is we're alive and able to enjoy friends and family! cant get blood from a turnip. wish i could have raced something this weekend, but gotta keep bein' patient.got alot done at the homefront though! makin' progress mouse? Praying hey chuck Wave msfurr Wave 442 Wave 434 Wave ma Wave and ect. Wave i trust all is well! i'm turning this week over to God in advance for His will to be done in our lives-- if you worry, why pray? - if you pray, why worry? be blessed ya'll. -i'm so thankful that i'm a child of the KING!- .111.

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Posts: 340 | Location: chiefland fl. | Registered: March 06, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post

Picture of Mike Hawks
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HELLO,anybody out there, Big Grin,good morning all,done been to the Dr. this morning for blood work and took Hope back to check on blood thinners,so busy,busy.......................

Prayers to all and have as gooder of a day as possible................... WaveHey everybody..............................
Posts: 5080 | Location: Cana va. | Registered: December 05, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Top Comp
Picture of ChuckT
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Mornin' all! Happy (uggghhh) Monday. Weather cooperated for Saturday, so we were able to race finally. Oh man, I needed that. I love driving my hot rod to and from the track, but I really love the rush of racing. -.007 2nd round, oh well. Got that one out of the way early, should be good to go for a spell. Big Grin

Floyd, glad to hear the party went off with no drama. That is some good stuff, that many generations, all for a happy occasion.

Hi Mike! You have a gooder day too. Big Grin

Susie, Michelle, Mouse, Christine, Nicole, WAO, Paul, et al, Wave

'81 Cutlass, KX05, Keystone Raceway Park
Millerstown Pic-A-Part, Tarentum, PA
Wholesale Transmission, New Kensington, PA
Thinking of Nikki and Mark - forever 53
Posts: 7230 | Location: Pittsburgh | Registered: December 07, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Mike Hawks
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Morning all,looks like another rainy day here in Cana,ain't complaining,just saying......... Smile...............

Off to visit the Dr. this morning to see why I'm having them passing out spells,and then back here to see what can be done.............. Hum.......................

Got to tell you a funny story,well to me funny,sunday evening I was taking the trans.back out of my newest project race truck,I reckon the trans. sit around so long,in the barn,that it rusted up and now has to be rebuilt(it was fresh when it was put in the barn).

So I went to jack the truck up and it fell off the jack stands 2 times,not on me but fell off twice,now this ain't my first rodeo Wink but I said this truck is alive and don't want me working on it,so the third time it fell it trapped me between the rear of the truck and some barrell of junk(imagion that)in the back of the shed,skinned my side up pretty good and made me very angry,after a few choice words to the truck,I got it jacked up and on stands and the trans. out and to the guy that is going to fix it for me.

The funny part is yesterday I was at my friend Steve McCrearys shop and his son Chad(owner of Copperhead Graphics)was talking and he said with all the trouble you've had with that truck,you should name it Christen,from the movie Christen,lol,and I could not help but think of our Christen,not that she's unlucky or anything like that,but the name fits the truck,and it is red,so the name has stuck,it's easier to call them by name anyway because my s-dime truck is red,and squeaky the blazer is yellow,and my other v-8 s-10 is white and is street drivable,maybe........ Laughing .........but anyway Christen you're in my family now,and I'm not giving up on her,the truck anyway,love ya Christen the lady.......... hug........................the truck not so much......... Tongue......................

Ok prayer to all and have a gooder one as possible.................. Praying.....................

Hey Chuck Wave don't you just love country folks,and I try to type more proper than I talk,ain't working all that good huh...................... Rolling..........................................

Hey everybody else it's time to eat,get up gravy's getting cold and the pups are waiting at the door for leftovers........... Ice Cream.............................

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Posts: 5080 | Location: Cana va. | Registered: December 05, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of MsFurr
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hi gang, our family had a great weekend we ended up staying at p'mont until Sun, cooked & watched the Nascar race (a little anyway, just can't get into it a lot since Dale Jr was such an a** at Bristol). NO phone service so we weren't able to keep in touch.
So much for EC being 60' short & so quick 4.60 there was 4.64 at p'mont at a buck 51, a friend helped me come up with how the dragster feels leaving now with the new setup...like a rubberband, smooth. Missed it 03 to his .002 wasn't pretty in TD. Had the bulb & killed 6 numbers trying to cut it close in HR & gave it back 6 thou, if I go left the race goes right but sooner or later we're going in the same direction Cool

Glad you got to race Chuck, how did you guys do Susie? sorry for all you're going thru Mike, sending prayers. happy belated b'day to Mom Floyd. how are you & the girl Allen? hope you feel better Dennis!

Posts: 2023 | Location: hugging my kids... | Registered: March 26, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of W.A.O. 111
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MORN' ALL, you sure got a way of "close calls" mike - hope the doc can turn some screws and dial you in! bet you had fun at the wheel chuck- awesome - you o.k.mouse? havent heard from ya!-- hey ms furr, the race is takin' the path of least resistance, are you fightin' it? Tongue thanks for askin' about teri, she's good, we'll be o.k. she flexxes her emotional muscles from time to time- me at 51, have seen this before! hi susie Wavema Wave434(your car is lookin' sweet!) Waveand of course mr staggs Wave let God have your day-and not the devil have his way! -be blessed! .111.

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Posts: 340 | Location: chiefland fl. | Registered: March 06, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Sportsman
Picture of Mouse
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Morning everyone.
Been kind of busy that last few days, if you can imagine someone with a leg and 3/4 being busy.
We got a beautiful day in store here in Northeast Okla, so i'm going to get out and enjoy it.
Y'all have a good one and God Bless.
See ya.

Dennis "Mouse" McKee
Wild Rodent Racing
Posts: 1049 | Location: Sapulpa, Ok. | Registered: May 14, 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Mike Hawks
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Morning,did't know 45 degrees could feel so cold,skin finnally got warm,now cold again,oh well............... Frown........................

Sick bay report,Moms in hospitial again over her heart,she's been there since sunday night,pray for her please,and Hopes hopping around on a walker,can't put weight on her ankle for 5 more weeks,and we're off to a Dr. in Abington Va.(about 2 hrs. away)for Mannie and he don't want to go,he's now pick up a allergy for Dr.'s he say they make him sneeze............. Hum Tongue...................but other than that we're fine......... Big Grin.................

Ok ya'll breakfast is ready and the pups are dancing at the door,hoping ya'll don't eat,me I'm eating and off on a field trip as I like to call it................ Ice Cream.........................

Prayers to all and to all a good day,and have as gooder hour as you can,the better it starts the better it will end................. Praying...................

Hugs to all and Floyd you better be ok,you don't want Mannie and me to have to come find you,now do ya.............. Rolling....................I know that'll get you moving........................ I'm stupid........................

Hey and bye, Wave all works out about the same................ Hum Wink..................................
Posts: 5080 | Location: Cana va. | Registered: December 05, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post

Picture of W.A.O. 111
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morn. ya'll, time to rise and shine!i trust all is well with everyone for the 3rd. mon. of the week. hope your doing better and better as the days go by mike, you too mouse! morn. msfurr,floyd,442! gotta a pretty buss. day myself. oh! guess i worded things alittle wrong and was mis understood on anthoer thread and got ate alive! dang! guess it happens Frown don't feel the need to defend my charactor- you make a mistake and pay the price!these guys are out for blood!- rather here or in the world, it's impossible to defend your self from anothers dark imaginings. anyway i'll just be a little more careful with my wording cause i can see how it could have been taken wrong crying so you guys dont hurt me too bad!o.k.? with that said- you all have a great day today and everyone is in my prayers on a daily basis..--- keep a happy thought!---.111 .btw mike prayin' for yer mom,, o.k?

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Posts: 340 | Location: chiefland fl. | Registered: March 06, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of MsFurr
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didn't see it Allen so I'm not sure what my opinion may be or if I would even share it Wink, but they will get over it...or not...no big whoop either way, trust me I'm a pro at getting ate alive back in the day. My philosophy now is it's pretty dang cool to occupy space in someone else's head. (& although I've moved out of a lot there are a few who still like to keep me around lol) Life is good...

have a great day gang!!

prayers all around esp for Moma Hawks!

Posts: 2023 | Location: hugging my kids... | Registered: March 26, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Top Comp
Picture of ChuckT
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Mornin' all! Over center day! I'm over center with all the wet stuff. Had enough of the frozen version this winter, and have had enough, at least for now, of the liquid version this spring.

Hi Mike! Wave Prayers for mom, for sure. Praying I hope she's doing better. Prayers for you all, for some good health, and some good times. Sorry the truck has earned that nickname. Too bad it couldn't have been something like Flyin' Fast. Big Grin

Floyd must have partied hard, and is catching up his rest. Big Grin

WAO, shame people misinterpreted your post. I say we know you well enough to know that you didn't mean harm, or wanted to start a fuss.

Michelle, sorry about the race weekend. But I know it's coming around. In the meantime, go down swinging. I think maybe I'm glad I wasn't around for the Dark Side days. Eyes

Mouse, I hope you're getting better every day, and getting more time out of the house.

Susie, so far so good for the Sharks! That's who I'm rooting for now!

You all have a good day!

'81 Cutlass, KX05, Keystone Raceway Park
Millerstown Pic-A-Part, Tarentum, PA
Wholesale Transmission, New Kensington, PA
Thinking of Nikki and Mark - forever 53
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thanks for sayin' the kind words msfurr! and you too mrchuck! you know ya kinda get a sense of each persons charactor on here, and some of the guys i had real respect for were the first to rip me to shreds! it's o.k. although it did bother me a little. i had a talk with mr lemen and he read it and didnt see any malitious intent and i asked him to handle it and he promptly acted!...whew - barely got out alive! .never to old to learn a little something about people,and for that i'm grateful! with all that said , time to move on to the stuff that matters! ,be-blessed ya'll, .111.

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Posts: 340 | Location: chiefland fl. | Registered: March 06, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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That's the internet WA. If you are meaning something, then take the time to spell it all out. Don't assume that the people can read the emotiion or underlying meaning in your posts. I read it and I think you meant it that you was helping that guy out by taking out of your pocket before you was supposed to but it really came off bad the way you typed it out.

Hope all has gone well with this Happy Hump Day!!
Posts: 2399 | Location: Ohio | Registered: April 01, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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i understand shawn, thanks for the reply and visit us more often on here, ya here? .111.

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