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"Good Morning Drr" 11,000 strong and growing,stop in a say hello.
DRR Sportsman
Picture of Mouse
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Good morning my friends.
I pray everyone is staying safe through the storms that are rolling eastward.
Chuck, thanks. I'm glad to be apart of this little family here on DRR. It's wonderful to know you have friends that i have never met face to face, but are willing to listen, give comforting thoughts and encouragement, and prayers when needed.
Floyd, tell your mom Happy Birthday.
I hope you guys don't mind, but i have a link i want to share:
I'm not a big country music fan, but i do like to hear Carrie sing. I start to cry everytime i hear her sing this song.
You guys be safe and have a great day.
See y'all later.

Dennis "Mouse" McKee
Wild Rodent Racing
Posts: 1049 | Location: Sapulpa, Ok. | Registered: May 14, 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of W.A.O. 111
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hey ya'll, and NO I DIDNT JUST GET UP! been runnin' selling work! thanks for the kind words chuck.. ya'll are really good people. msfurr,mouse,mike,442,434,ma,mr.staggs,tee,chris ,guy,ect.- i trust everyone is good! - glad things turned out for better for you guys msfurr. enjoyed your chick mag. story mike...maybe she just plain liked you! Hum hope yer knee is movin' mouse. just remember, God is not going to arrange our lives in a way that we won't need Him! we will all live forever! the question is where? you choose!---keep a happy thought - 111 - Wink

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Posts: 340 | Location: chiefland fl. | Registered: March 06, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Mike Hawks
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Morning ya'll,waiting to go and pick Hope up at the hospitial,she had to spend the night there,hopefully coming home in awhile,not feeling great today myself,but still trying,so sorry Chuck for the loss of your friends wife,cancer knows no bounderies,prayers to all.................. Praying....................

Floyd wish your Mom Happy B-day for me,It's funny I used to did't care if I lived to be a 100,but since Mannie came along,well never say things don't change.......................

Allen,your little grand baby makes me smile,when I see her pretty little face,thanks for sharing.............................
Posts: 5080 | Location: Cana va. | Registered: December 05, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Sportsman
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Good afternoon everyone. Hey if you want to get a chuckle, read my husband's post MUST READ: DENNIS PAZ by Mark Warmouth. It is the next chapter in the saga of our garage being broken into last week.
Wow Michelle that is one very good looking family you have there. Nice to put a face to a name. Floyd, Happy Birthday to Mom. Chuck, prayers sent for your friend. Mike prayers sent that you & Mannie & Hope will be fine. W.A. I gotta say it again, your grand baby is just about as cute as a bugs ear.
Mouse, hope the knee is getting better everyday.

This is going to be a very bad bad weather day for some of you, so please be safe. I will be keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers.
Susie hug Praying
Posts: 684 | Location: Winners Circle | Registered: January 04, 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Floyd Staggs
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Susie, Mark must be taking story tellin lessons from Mike. He spins a good yarn. Big Grin
Glad you caught someone.
Posts: 4863 | Location: Cucamonga, Ca | Registered: May 28, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of W.A.O. 111
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well!, another day or opportunity? i'm goin' with the latter. i'm sending prayers out this morning to all that is hurting,depressed,confused,experiencing a loss and needing encouragement! all is well - really!i got a big day ,and am staged! i'm grateful for you guy's to share the morn. with . oh!- my gal is wanting to get back together Hum imagine that. we'll see, she's on her knees but not on her belly yet Big Grin lol. i want ya'll to have a good day and you know who you are!!! keep a happy thought! -- 111 --

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Posts: 340 | Location: chiefland fl. | Registered: March 06, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of MsFurr
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Morning gang, field trip with Madi today to Foster Falls...can't help thinking of Nikki this month, can't imagine what Karen & Bob are feeling.
g'luck with your girl Allen if that's what you want, thanks Susie & your life must be very entertaining with your Hubby, I have one like that too! lol prayers for Hope! hi Floyd & Chuck hug

Posts: 2023 | Location: hugging my kids... | Registered: March 26, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post

Picture of Mike Hawks
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Morning gang,another rainy morning another hand full of pill,and a shot in the belly,to quote a John Connelly song,or should say a line in the song,It's a hell of a way to live out your life knowing all your tomorrows will be just alike, Hum...you think about how good it is to be above ground,and then the day starts,omg,here we go................ Wink...................

Someone onced asked me,don't it hurt to walk,with that bad knee,I said not as bad as it hurts to talk and think about it,sorry don't mean to sound dishearted,some mornings you get up and it don't matter how good it all looks,it's still dark.........need you're prayers gang................ Praying.......................

Got Hope home,got her settled this morning,now got to get Mannie to school for his 1hr.of success maker,and then it never ends,and I wonder why I don't get to race.............. Frown....................

Prayers to all and hope I did'nt bring your day down to low,have as gooder one as possible........................ Big Grin Smile.............................
Posts: 5080 | Location: Cana va. | Registered: December 05, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Floyd Staggs
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Mornin Y'all!
Mikey, hang in there, Bud. You know it's always darkest before the dawn. Now if'n you had that minnie winnie parked in my driveway we could kick a can and swap some lies and everything would be okay. Maybe even do a burn out or two. You know I'm thinkin of ya. Praying
hug to all the ladies, Hi Chuck.
Praying Angel hug
Posts: 4863 | Location: Cucamonga, Ca | Registered: May 28, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of W.A.O. 111
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just checkin' in @ lunch, you gonna be o.k., mike? go to mr staggs- he'll straighten you out! Wink msfurr, you know us guys like to play the tough guy with the ladies when we get a chance! so just let me enjoy it!, don't happen often. Roll Eyes btw mike, knock it off - we're countin' on ya No No don't fall for those discouraging thoughts, thats ole fuzzy nose! straight from the pit of hell, smells just like smoke! he aint come up with nothin' new since the garden and he's pouting crying need anything just call! number should in your pm's from coloradoracer prayers are sent, so brace yourself Praying

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Posts: 340 | Location: chiefland fl. | Registered: March 06, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Top Comp
Picture of ChuckT
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Mornin' all! Kinda cloudy and cool here, and we're a little down because the Penguins lost last night, and PRP lost another racer, Kenny Boyd, to cancer. Foxtrot Uncle Charles King cancer.

Floyd, happy birthday to mom. That's awesome, 80 rsvp's, so nice to come together for a happy occasion.

Mouse, Carrie does have a good voice. The fact that she's an Okie doesn't have anything to do with why you like to hear her, does it? Big Grin

Hi Mike! Wave I hear ya... you know you're always welcome to vent here. I hope you're feeling better soon, maybe if you get a couple days of sunshine, it will help you feel better all the way around. Or hop in the mini Winnie and park it at PRP this weekend, we'll knock down some longnecks after racing. Big Grin

WAO, good luck with the gal!

Susie, that's good stuff! Bummer the Pens can't meet the Sharks now. Are they still in? I'll root for them now... don't care to root for anyone from the Eastern Conference.

Michelle, I hope you're having a good field trip. I know what you mean about Nikki, Karen, and Bob. Mouse was talking about songs that can make you cry - I can't get a minute into "Skin" by Rascall Flats before losing it, thinking of what they went through.

I also know what Pat was talking about back on page 294. There is an article in Drag Review on Karen's work on the Thinking of Nikki Foundation. Karen posted this morning, and I updated Bob's thread.

hug hug

'81 Cutlass, KX05, Keystone Raceway Park
Millerstown Pic-A-Part, Tarentum, PA
Wholesale Transmission, New Kensington, PA
Thinking of Nikki and Mark - forever 53
Posts: 7230 | Location: Pittsburgh | Registered: December 07, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Sportsman
Picture of Mouse
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Morning everyone.
My thoughts and prayers go to all effected by the tornados last night.
Chuck, that might have something to do with it, plus she is quite pleasing to look at, and she does have a beautiful voice.
Mike, hang in there. We're here for you.
Well, my physical therapist told me yesterday to get rid of the cane to walk with, so that is what i did. It's a little bit of an effort, but it's been quite some time since i have walked without the use of crutches or a cane. I guess progress is being made.
Y'all have a good one and enjoy your day.
See ya.

Dennis "Mouse" McKee
Wild Rodent Racing
Posts: 1049 | Location: Sapulpa, Ok. | Registered: May 14, 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Mike Hawks
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Morning,says it's 54 here,feels like 34,whats up with that,Thanks guys and gals for the prayers,I don't know what got into me yesterday,I don't like whiners and I hate it when I fall into whinning,got the world by the tail,going for a thrill ride,so whats they're to complain about,anyway forgive me my friends,it's just as Floyd said it's darkest before light,well it got light Floyd,but then it got dark again,lol.

Got a little time in between all my life duties yesterday to work on the new(old by now)truck,to maybe get to go race this weekend,got most everything done,and now the trans won't move,thats where it got dark again,trans been sitting awhile,and now I quess something is stuck in it.
If the unsticking fairy did't come by lastnight,well it maybe another week before I get to try it out,oh well,again thank all ya'll for the words of encouragement............. Praying...............................

Ok prayers to all the folks that were effected by the storms,makes my problems seem well,like no problems,and prayers to all you my friends,yes this is a good thread,and I thank God for Scott and Nicole,for letting us be here,rent free,woohoo,ain't many places you can say that anymore................. Praying hug............................

And Hey Chuck Wave................a big 10-4 on the long-necks........................ Big Grin..............

And Floyd here's to you my friend hug........I just hope one day I can give you a big hug,I know me and Mannie would be right at home in your driveway in the mini-winnie,now the community mite not like it............ Laughing ....................

Mouse good news on getting rid of the cane,won't be long now,back to doing burnouts..............

WaO get that dragster ready,I appricate all the help and encouragement,you're the best................ Smile........................

MsFurr good luck to ya'll this weekend,hope there's a bunch of win lights coming ya'll's way.................. Car.........................

Susie,when you and Mark get closer to us(in Tenn.)Mannie and me are coming to see ya'll,just thought I would for warn ya'll,now don't back out moving,lol.................. hug..................................

And to my friend Guy and all that have left us way to soon,Bob H,Nikki,and all her little friends,Mark,and my Dad,we miss you all and love you very much,no response needed we feel ya'll here with us.................. Angel.....................................
Posts: 5080 | Location: Cana va. | Registered: December 05, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of W.A.O. 111
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morn.! - it's the last monday of the week!we're gettin' a arctic blast here too. another day to add to our testimony. i'm speechless about all the storm losses, just prayin'! - thanks for the luck wishes chuck - i got her right were i want her Hum - (delusion feels so good!) - whats up with you mouse? been out joggin' this morn.? you go boy!- msfurr-glad you're comin' around to the dragster way of thinkin' ,good luck this weekend if ya'll are runnin' hope your doin' good susie,434, ma, and all! - good to here things a alittle brighter today - mike - that little racetruck is makin' ya earn it! nothin' worth anything comes easy does it? glad you recieved the prayers - they change things! it's funny that people don't realize that our current state of affairs are a direct reflection of our past choices and actions!---- money,relationships,health. if things aren't so good, a bad choise or decision,you will find, has been made in most cases if not all. so my lightning fast mind tells me that wouldn't NOW be a good time to make sound choices and decisions so that our future will reflect the good life? wow, what a concept! and dont trust yer feelings, they change like a woman Rolling thats for us guys - dont read that ladies - anyway all is well here , i may work on the dragster monster some today! we'll see, i'm waiting on the days directions - gotta find someone i can help today,to stay out of self! - be blessed ya'll, i'm countin' on ya's -- 111 --

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Posts: 340 | Location: chiefland fl. | Registered: March 06, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post

Picture of Floyd Staggs
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Mornin Y'all!
Mikey, I would tell the comunity the same thing Bette Midler said, F em if they can't take a joke.
Well the family started arriving last nite for mom's big party. Wish I could find a race to go to. But being the oldest guess I gotta be there and try to keep the peace.
I'll bet Michelle is having fun.
Y'all have a gooden. Praying Angel hug
Posts: 4863 | Location: Cucamonga, Ca | Registered: May 28, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of W.A.O. 111
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as soon as i saw your post, i said -dang- i forget mrstaggs. good morn. sir. how's that!-- bette? great googlie mooglie, you feekin' old! but i'm just a young 51 -- Allen111 --

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Posts: 340 | Location: chiefland fl. | Registered: March 06, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Floyd Staggs
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Yep, I'm old. And that's a good thing.
Posts: 4863 | Location: Cucamonga, Ca | Registered: May 28, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of W.A.O. 111
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i here ya! WinkOld Guys Rule!

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Posts: 340 | Location: chiefland fl. | Registered: March 06, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of J178RED
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Mike & Floyd , sure enjoy your morning awake up post! not worthy

Posts: 2698 | Location: OLD NICK OUT ON THE TRACK OR IN THE DESERT | Registered: March 09, 2010Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Top Comp
Picture of ChuckT
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Mornin' all! Friday, woo hoo! Hoping the rain stays away today, so PRP can keep drying out, and we can race both days this weekend.

Special day, 2 times... it's my baby sister's 40th birthday, and yes, she will always be my baby sister. Today is also Mark's birthday, so big big special hugs going to Christine hug hug

Hi Mike! Wave You're not whining, you're just saying what you feel. Nothing wrong with that at all. We've all been there. We all know we're blessed, too. I hope the transmission fairy helps you out and you can go race. Big Grin

Mouse, I hope that is good news about losing the cane. I hope the knee is on its way to letting you race.

Floyd, I hope the party is a blast.

WAO, what's an artic blast in FL at the end of April? 72 degrees??? Laughing

Michelle, Susie, Paul, all you lurkers, have a great weekend!

'81 Cutlass, KX05, Keystone Raceway Park
Millerstown Pic-A-Part, Tarentum, PA
Wholesale Transmission, New Kensington, PA
Thinking of Nikki and Mark - forever 53
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