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"Good Morning Drr" 11,000 strong and growing,stop in a say hello.
DRR Trophy
Picture of Madilyn
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Hey every body!! we just got home from bible school. Going to bristol for our last point race this weekend Car My birthday is August 5, I'll be 10! We can't wait to meet you Ma and Chuck at Pennsylvania. hope you all have a good weekend!
Posts: 48 | Location: playing with bro! | Registered: March 11, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Top Comp
Picture of Guy M. Price
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Have a Happy Birthday Madi! It's too far for me to drive so get Mike Hawk to get you a nice cake! The best from the Price Racing Clan! not worthy Car Wink Big Grin Cool

"The Price is Right, but seldom official. If you find yourself in a hole, for God's sake, quit digging! I'm not old, I'm chronologically gifted!"
Posts: 6498 | Location: At Los Dos Molinos! | Registered: October 25, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Mike Hawks
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Morning gang,hope everybodies Fri.goes good and hope you have a safe and fun weekend.....................

Hey Madi girl good luck at Bristol this weekend along with your Mom,ya'll have fun and be safe,well talk to ya'll soon...........Oh and I'll have to buy you a cake,not much at baking,unless you want biscuits and gravy........... Wink..........................

Well ya'll have at it and have a gooden and we will see you all afterwhile......................................................
Prayers for Nikki...............................
Posts: 5080 | Location: Cana va. | Registered: December 05, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Top Comp
Picture of ChuckT
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Mornin' all! I just need to get through today, then I'm on vacation! Woo hoo! Race tomorrow, then head to Holden Beach, NC, after. I can't wait! Got my case of Iron City last night to take down, so I'm set. Big Grin I don't know if I'll be giving daily updates like Mouse did... depends on if my brother has his laptop there.

Go get 'em Madi! I'm looking forward to meeting you all too! Your birthday is a good day... that's my parents' anniversary date, it will be 48 years.

Good luck to all racing this weekend. I'll put the update and a new pic of Nikki on Bob's thread, unless that chick Christine beat me to it while I multi-tasked.

'81 Cutlass, KX05, Keystone Raceway Park
Millerstown Pic-A-Part, Tarentum, PA
Wholesale Transmission, New Kensington, PA
Thinking of Nikki and Mark - forever 53
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Picture of Floyd Staggs
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Mornin Y'all!
No racin out here, it's too hot. Gotta work on the suspension anyhow. That is if I get my lazy butt busy. I'm really enjoying these short work weeks and 3 day weekends. I don't know how I ever got anything done with only 2 days. Next year I'm going to cut back to 3 days work. Then maybe I can get something done.
Have a gooden!
Posts: 4863 | Location: Cucamonga, Ca | Registered: May 28, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Sportsman
Picture of Ma Brewer-Christine
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T.G. I.F.--Morning! Well I woke up around 4 am with a migraine!! Banging Head That's how my head feels!!

Well Happy Birthday Madi!! Go getem' girl!! You can do it!! Can't wait to meet you too!! We will have some fun!! But, I'm very shy though!! LOL

Good luck to all those who are racing!! Have lots of fun!!

Chuck have fun on vacation!! Lucky!! Chicky here will let you put up the new pictures and update!! I think I'm going home shortly and take some meds!!

Always, "Thinking of Nikki"! I keep all the Angels in my prayers!!

Have a great weekend!! Be safe!!

Forever "53'

Always and forever "Thinking of Nikki"...

Our "Guy"
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DRR Top Comp
Picture of Guy M. Price
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Think I am gonna spend some time today creating a shade over the patio! Think after 30 years I figured out a way to do it economicaly and it oughta last for quite a while. We'll see how well old age and ingenuity work out I reckon. It's been to hot here to race also and a $300 a month electric bill (all electric home) is the first one I have had since daughter graduated from high school 16 years ago! That tells you how hot is has been this summer! And we set thermostats at 61 or 82 degrees. Us old folks with poor circulation don't require as much coolness as you young bucks! Prayers to all in need of help! You all have a gooden! Tongue Wink Big Grin Smile just do it Cool

"The Price is Right, but seldom official. If you find yourself in a hole, for God's sake, quit digging! I'm not old, I'm chronologically gifted!"
Posts: 6498 | Location: At Los Dos Molinos! | Registered: October 25, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post

Picture of Floyd Staggs
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Guy, I got 2 creepers. Come on up and help me re-do the ladder bar set up. We got a couple of good taco joints up here. As well as a Hooters.
Posts: 4863 | Location: Cucamonga, Ca | Registered: May 28, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Sportsman
Picture of Ma Brewer-Christine
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Good night! Ending my work day early! Have a great weekend! Catch you fine folks on Monday!!

Forever "53'

Always and forever "Thinking of Nikki"...

Our "Guy"
Posts: 1169 | Location: Greensburg, PA | Registered: January 06, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Sportsman
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Good evening folks.
Finally got a good week of work in this week. Even with the rain and all.

My wife is out of town this weekend, man I'm gonna starve. She does the cookin and my pops didnt teach me much about that, I guess I'm gonna have to rely on country cookin tonite.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Madi. Smile Good luck at Bristol.
You go gettum girl. Car

I have Lacey Saturday, all to myself. I am glad she likes ravioli. Thats about all I know how to fix, other than bacon and eggs. I can make some mean biscuits also. Ha Ha, just kiddin on the cookin stuff. I can do a bit better than that. Big Grin
I think I will be taking Lacey to the park and MM just to spectate and have a good time with her.

Well, ya'll have a good weekend and good luck to all if your racing. Car

Still praying for Nikki and all of our other DRR friends.

Mike you gonna run MM sat? We might see ya there. Be rootin for ya. Big Grin

Tomahawk Racing
Marty St.Clair
Posts: 643 | Location: Troutville, VA | Registered: September 24, 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Sportsman
Picture of Mouse
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Good evening folks.
I'm not used to working Fridays, so this morning i was running a little late, since i over slept. Wasn't late for work, but it was close. Not that i really care if i were late or not.
Y'all have a good evening.
Talk to you tommorrow.

Dennis "Mouse" McKee
Wild Rodent Racing
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Picture of rooster_439
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good morning and good luck to all not wishing no bad luck on no one but hope mines all good Smile

“Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple.” Dr.Seuss
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Picture of Floyd Staggs
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Mornin Y'all!
Guy didn't show up to help me yesterday so it turned into a do nuthin day. We need those every once in a while. Everybody have a gooden.
Posts: 4863 | Location: Cucamonga, Ca | Registered: May 28, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Mike Hawks
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Even ya'll,been a long day,to much going on,and it ain't racing,but I hope everybody has a great weekend and gets some big shiney W's turned on them this weekend...............................

Ya'll keep my Mama in your prayers,she had to be admitted to the hospitial yesterday evening because of trouble with her difiberator(spell?) and has to stay into next week for a cath.to see what alls going on,so keep her in you prayers...........................................

Well ya'll have a gooden and still saying them prayers for Nikki...............................
Posts: 5080 | Location: Cana va. | Registered: December 05, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post

Picture of Floyd Staggs
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We'll add your Mama to our prayers, Mike, along with Nikki, Tom and my buddy.
Posts: 4863 | Location: Cucamonga, Ca | Registered: May 28, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Top Comp
Picture of Guy M. Price
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Me show up there? You were supposed to show up here to help me with my patio roofing Floyd! Got tired of waiting on you and went out and got one whole sheet up before I got so sloppy sweaty my pants fell off and wife made me go in the house! Fell into my Lazy Boy and didn't get up until I waas ready to go to bed last night! I was plumb tuckered out! And then woke up at 3, wide awake for about an hour or so before I fell asleep again and got up at 7 and started to add another sheet and my 9 it was already a 100 degrees and I wnet back to the Lazy Boy! Did take the time to go to the Indians and get me some cigarettes and a Big Mac on the way home before flopping in to the Lazy Boy again! This is where I will be if any body needs me the rest of the day! Sayin't a prayer for Mike's mom and Nikki when I am awake!
You all have big ol' gooden! Sleep Eyes Sleep Hum Sleep Wink Sleep Big Grin Cool

"The Price is Right, but seldom official. If you find yourself in a hole, for God's sake, quit digging! I'm not old, I'm chronologically gifted!"
Posts: 6498 | Location: At Los Dos Molinos! | Registered: October 25, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Sportsman
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Evening folks.

Well, Lacey and I didnt make it to the track today. Too much to do with little time. We had a blast. Tried to get her to take a nap by swinging on the porch swing, no go, finally I took her ridin on the old Ford 8N and she fell right to sleep. I knew I needed to hold onto that old tractor for a reason. Big Grin

Mike, I am sorry to hear about your Mom, we will keep her in our prayers.

Well, ya'll have a good Sunday.

Tomahawk Racing
Marty St.Clair
Posts: 643 | Location: Troutville, VA | Registered: September 24, 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of rooster_439
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good morning DRR Smile

“Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple.” Dr.Seuss
Posts: 4191 | Location: twilight zone | Registered: February 26, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR All Star
Picture of BD
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I took her ridin on the old Ford 8N and she fell right to sleep

As a kid of twelve riding an 8N raking hay, I used to get real sleepy myself. Those old tractors were an engineering marvel if you look at one real close.

Wes Scott

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Wes Scott

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