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"Good Morning Drr" 11,000 strong and growing,stop in a say hello.
DRR Top Comp
Picture of ChuckT
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Mornin' all! Back to the real world... sigh

Hi Mike! Wave One of the things I forgot to mention, when Scotty and Mike ran the final, Sonya had the awesome idea of Team PRP coming out on the starting line behind both cars. It gave me chills, it was another great moment.

Belated welcome in to KTB, c'mon back.

And Mike, I had Rascal Flats' "I Miss Mayberry" in my head because of your post. Big Grin

'81 Cutlass, KX05, Keystone Raceway Park
Millerstown Pic-A-Part, Tarentum, PA
Wholesale Transmission, New Kensington, PA
Thinking of Nikki and Mark - forever 53
Posts: 7230 | Location: Pittsburgh | Registered: December 07, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Top Comp
Picture of ChuckT
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Someone close the diner??? Helllllooooooooo???

Confused Missing

'81 Cutlass, KX05, Keystone Raceway Park
Millerstown Pic-A-Part, Tarentum, PA
Wholesale Transmission, New Kensington, PA
Thinking of Nikki and Mark - forever 53
Posts: 7230 | Location: Pittsburgh | Registered: December 07, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Sportsman
Picture of Mouse
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Morning everyone.
Getting a late start this morning, (like there's alot i can do) but anyway. Had my Dr. appt yesterday. Stay on the crutches, don't put any weight on it, and keep moving it. Go back in 2 weeks. By the time this is all said and done, i'm going to have every book in the house read, which will be a good thing. I'm thinking God is trying to show me how to use my time wisely, and this time i'm going to listen to him.
Y'all have a good one.
See ya.

Dennis "Mouse" McKee
Wild Rodent Racing
Posts: 1049 | Location: Sapulpa, Ok. | Registered: May 14, 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Mike Hawks
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Howdy ya'll,yea Chuck,had to close down today,blood pressures gone crazy high,had to go to Dr.for some fluid pills,whats next,oh well......................

x's 2 Mouse,God has a way at telling us stuff,and prayers to all and we'll see ya'll tomorrow...............................................
Posts: 5080 | Location: Cana va. | Registered: December 05, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Floyd Staggs
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Mornin Y'all!
Hey Mike, you better get that pressure to normal if you are going to co-host a radio show. All them good lookin ladies standing around. Rolling
Posts: 4862 | Location: Cucamonga, Ca | Registered: May 28, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of MsFurr
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hey gang, ever feel like there are just not enough hours in the day???

Posts: 2023 | Location: hugging my kids... | Registered: March 26, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Mike Hawks
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Yea Floyd,I was looking forward to becoming a radio star,and the Dr.put me to bed,oh well another day another dollar.................................

Michelle,somedays are diamonds,somedays just pull vaccum(sp)you get the point huh,me laying around with BP problems with $5 bucks to my name,good thing for taters and beans,or I would starve.........lol.............................
Posts: 5080 | Location: Cana va. | Registered: December 05, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post

Picture of Mike Hawks
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Good morning ya'll,got some fresh tenderloin bisquits,ready for ya'll this morning,ifn you want some egg on that biscuit,run out to the chicken trailer,hooked up behind the Mini-Winnie,and get a few and I'll fry em up fer ya.............. Big Grin............our new moto is our eggs are so fresh,you have to ask the hen for em................... Hum Eyes Tongue................

Ok enough braggin about the Diner,lets get to it,and Mouse you want coffee with that biscuit,I know you're possed to be taking it easy,so we will deliever to you,or anyone else that is laid up,like Guy,he can only have boiled eggs and decafe,hang on fellars,be there in awhile..................................

Prayers to all,and one for me and my BP,just want to hang around a little longer,gotta watch Mannie play Fooseball,see ya'll afterwhile............................

Hey Chuck Wave..............................
Posts: 5080 | Location: Cana va. | Registered: December 05, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Top Comp
Picture of ChuckT
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Mornin' all! Hi Mike! Wave I hope your BP comes down. Relax, go to your happy place, think of calm blue oceans and gentle breezes. And take a good nap if you're getting rain. You gotta stay around to see Mannie play ball, and so we can tip back a longneck, maybe 2. Big Grin

Michelle, there dayum sure aren't enough hours in the day lately.

Time for some ice cream, hugs to all

Ice Cream hug

'81 Cutlass, KX05, Keystone Raceway Park
Millerstown Pic-A-Part, Tarentum, PA
Wholesale Transmission, New Kensington, PA
Thinking of Nikki and Mark - forever 53
Posts: 7230 | Location: Pittsburgh | Registered: December 07, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Sportsman
Picture of Mouse
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Morning everyone.
Mike, gotta have coffee with the bisquit. Holler if you think you're getting lost. I'm real easy to find.
Y'all have a good one.
See ya.

Dennis "Mouse" McKee
Wild Rodent Racing
Posts: 1049 | Location: Sapulpa, Ok. | Registered: May 14, 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Floyd Staggs
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Mornin Y'all!
We are having the screwiest weather out here on the left coast. High 90's, cloudy, and a little rain now and then.
All my racin pals from Fontucky are up at Sacramento for the ET finals and here I am pounding on a key board. What is wrong with this picture? I'm stupid
I guess I'm not dedicated enough.
Y'all have a gooden, Mike, work on that BP, Michelle, have a good time at Pinks, Chuck, good luck I know you are racin again, Mouse, take care, Christine, hug, Guy, Ice Cream
Posts: 4862 | Location: Cucamonga, Ca | Registered: May 28, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Mike Hawks
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Morning ya'll,Floyd being home pounding the keyboard,mite be a good idea,with the weather being so krazy,when it's like that,I just wish it would go on and rain,everytime you get ready to run,here come another shower,and then you do this Banging Head so on a day like that for me,I'd rather be home,but ofcourse thats just me.................................................

Got to get at it,got to get used to feeling bad again,I quess,this BP thing,has got me feeling like crap,and or the new pill does,I just want to feel like working,I really like working,that is when I feel like getting outa bed..................................

Grab a biscuit and coffee or tea,and have a great day,prayers to you all,and we'll see ya'll after bit...................................................
Posts: 5080 | Location: Cana va. | Registered: December 05, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Top Comp
Picture of ChuckT
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Mornin' all! Happy Friday!

Hi Mike! Wave I hope you feel better. Can the docs adjust the meds, so it works without making you feel bad? Did you get any of that tropical storm rain?

Floyd, that's too warm. I'd melt. It would feel like Bristol at the WFC all over again. I am pulling for Art Rizzi, one of the Olds guys.

Mouse, did you find a new favorite book or author? I like the Jack Ryan series from Tom Clancy. Those might take up some time for you.

My friend and co worker of the last 11 years retired yesterday, after 40 years here. Man, I'm envious, but the smile on her face, her husband and kids at her party, I'm so happy for her. I've got a long way to go until that's me. Big Grin

Don't forget some ice cream this weekend
Ice Cream Ice Cream

'81 Cutlass, KX05, Keystone Raceway Park
Millerstown Pic-A-Part, Tarentum, PA
Wholesale Transmission, New Kensington, PA
Thinking of Nikki and Mark - forever 53
Posts: 7230 | Location: Pittsburgh | Registered: December 07, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Sportsman
Picture of Mouse
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Morning everybody.
Is it Friday? All of my days seem to be the same, so it's hard for me to tell. If it weren't for college football and racing on t.v. i wouldn't know it was the weekend.
Chuck, no i really haven't found a favorite yet. Is that the same Tom Clancy that they made the video games about? I played a couple of the Splinter Cell games years ago, so i bet he does write some good books.
Well, you guys have a good one and we'll see you later.

Dennis "Mouse" McKee
Wild Rodent Racing
Posts: 1049 | Location: Sapulpa, Ok. | Registered: May 14, 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post

Picture of Floyd Staggs
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Mornin again Y'all!
Went down to AAA to get new tags for the tow truck and the race truck. The computer was down but she said it would be back up in 20 mins. Went next door to the car wash and then back to AAA. While I was getting my tags it rained on my nice shiny clean truck.
Yep, I shoulda stood in bed.
Posts: 4862 | Location: Cucamonga, Ca | Registered: May 28, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Floyd Staggs
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Afternoon Y'all!
Fired the old hay hauler up today, finally. Sounds good, set the timing at about 35 degs and it sounds nice abd crisp. Next weekend down to the dyno and get her tuned up. Time to make some smoke. Car Party
Posts: 4862 | Location: Cucamonga, Ca | Registered: May 28, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of MsFurr
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Morning gang!! crispy bacon, fluffy eggs & buttermilk biscuits...good stuff!!

Had a blast at Pinks, wasn't so nice when "H" 9.00-9.50 is in the lanes waiting for our last time shot, the arm drop one, when Rich comes back to the lanes & says to us, "okay so you guys are not in the show as we are doing 64 car field so you can just hit the tree to qualify for quick 8" e'one is like, do what?????? you got guys running in the 7's @ 200 & you think 9 sec's is going to make quick 8? "well okay we'll make it quick 16, that work?" so Rick speaks up with a no & we are at the head of staging so I get out (sounding like a sqawking chicken with this laryngitis) & put my hand on Rich's shoulder to lean in & explain how he is telling us we're done, 8 or 16 & that if they are doing 64 car fields instead of 16 it would be nice to know...the faster cars aren't going to make a 64 with 24 in H, 45 in G (9.50-10.00), like 9 in I (8.50-9.00)...he politely said "sorry but my show my way hate you guys gave up the bf's though", I said well yeah, I guess you got me there...lol Smile But then Rick & I were crew for our friend Chris Smith who made it in & down to 8(he ran 9.90's in time runs-had it won but missed the drop at 8 against Tim), another friend, Tim Fields who was .02 slower than Chris won & we had Chris's kids, our kids in the lanes, talking to the camera's, being interviewed, putting the camera in our faces as Chris was making his runs, pretty wild stuff...so unless we make the cutting room floor, we should make the show & we got to see what it's like to make it. Oh & it got cold, only coat I had with me was John Coughlin's bright yellow -15 driving jacket from last year so I'll be easy to spot! lol Pat would've been in the show but a shifter malfunction got him dq'd on the arm drop pass...sux. and that quick 16 cut off? how about 8.63.. I ran 9.12 @ 148, not too bad for a 3000 lb back half car? Mike if you see Steve & Chad tell them about 50 people asked who painted the Camaro with the metal flake in it or who airbrushed the clown on the scoop, there is no telling how many pics of the clown are out there! lol
We really had a blast..good stuff!
ok enough about our weekend, hope you guys all have a great day!! hugz all around...

Posts: 2023 | Location: hugging my kids... | Registered: March 26, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Sportsman
Picture of Mouse
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Good morning everyone and welcome to Monday.
We ask that you put your tray tables and seats in their upright positions. We also ask you to pull your seat belts and chin straps tight, and keep your hands and feet inside the cabin at all times, until Friday afternoon.
Thank you for flying "Good Morning DRR Racers Airlines", and have a great day.

Dennis "Mouse" McKee
Wild Rodent Racing
Posts: 1049 | Location: Sapulpa, Ok. | Registered: May 14, 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Mike Hawks
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Good morning friends and neighbors,sorry for not getting the diner open yesterday,but kinda had a lot to do,had to take Mom to get her right wrist cast,she fell last friday,and broke two ribs and her wrist,but would not go to Dr.till yesterday,you know that third day hurting thing,and I wonder where I got my stuborn ways from,but talk about tough,laid around all weekend with a broke wrist and two cracked ribs,can you say tough,they don't makem like that anymore,most can sneeze twice,and are in ICU.....................................

Plus it's pee-wee football time,been to practice with Mannie,and they played their first game sunday afternoon and got beat pretty bad,but Mannie got in a few good runs and a few good hits,and practice yesterday was alot better,so they'll play this evening and I believe they will do better,or I just hope they have some fun,I know I am,just watching them play................................................

So come and get it,big breakfast today,got it all biscuits and gravy,bacon,eggs and tenderloin,and grits and homemade pear preserves,or for that matter,any kind of jelly or jams you may want,getting colder here at the foot of the Mt.so coffees hot,see ya'll afterwhile and prayers to all that have problems,seems the board is full of prayer requests...........................................................

Hey Chuck Wave...........................
Posts: 5080 | Location: Cana va. | Registered: December 05, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Floyd Staggs
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Mornin Y'all!
Out here on the gold coast we have had a major swing in the weather. One week ago yesterday it was 113 degs and yesterday it was 69. That's almost a 50 deg swing. Hello God, should we get ready for something? Praying Angel

Okay Mike, I gotta ask a red neck question. You keep talking about tenderloin for breakfast. What the hell is tenderloin? Fillet Mignon or Pork Tenderloin? You confuse me when you mention bacon and tenderloin in the same sentence. Michelle said sdomething about having tenderloin last weekend at the races. We eat good out here but we don't have fillet mignon all the time. Sometimes we just have hamburgers.
Hum I'm stupid
Posts: 4862 | Location: Cucamonga, Ca | Registered: May 28, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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