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"Good Morning Drr" 11,000 strong and growing,stop in a say hello.
Picture of Floyd Staggs
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Mike, it posted fine. No we ain't gettin tired of hearing your problems but for your sake, I wish they would stop. Like I said in a earlier post this is a family thread. Everybody tries to look out for each other.
The sun is just startin to peak up in the west so I guess I better start gettin my stuff together and head for Bakersfield.
Posts: 4862 | Location: Cucamonga, Ca | Registered: May 28, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Top Comp
Picture of ChuckT
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Mornin' all! It's the kind of morning where I could just sleep all day. Cold and drizzling and gray. Wake me up at lunch, wouldja?? Big Grin

Mike, I'm so glad Hope is ok. Listen to the docs. Like I said, my parents have gone through the cardiac stuff, and they're doing fine. I sure hope you're feeling better too. X2 what Floyd said, all the way around.

Floyd, if you see a pasty white guy with a camera chain smoking, that's Bob Wenzelburger, tell him I said hello. I believe he is already out that way, and man, he picked a good weekend to go.

Guy, I didn't see an email. Michelle, I conked out again last night, but I did look... the ones I have are with the sticker on the Camaro, in the trailer, correct?

And in case I didn't mention it clearly enough, Christine made Nolen cry. Big Grin

'81 Cutlass, KX05, Keystone Raceway Park
Millerstown Pic-A-Part, Tarentum, PA
Wholesale Transmission, New Kensington, PA
Thinking of Nikki and Mark - forever 53
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DRR Sportsman
Picture of Mouse
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Morning everyone.
Looks like it might turn out to be a nice day around here in Northeast Okla. The sun is shining for the first time all week.
Mike don't think that we are tired of hearing about your problems. We all have them, we all listen, and then pray for each other. That's what we're suppose to do.
My kids are home for fall break, so i'm gonna go see what kind of trouble we can get into.
Y'all have a good one.
See ya.

Dennis "Mouse" McKee
Wild Rodent Racing
Posts: 1049 | Location: Sapulpa, Ok. | Registered: May 14, 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of MsFurr
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Great news Uncle Mike! You know we're always here, never get tired of our friends or family! Wink Heading your way in a bit, spend the day with my Mom so we'll be going Lowgap mtn, bet it's just lovely fog out there! lol

That's it Chuck, I should've taken a better one at Super Chevy-I will at the Rock next weekend, we are actually excited about some 1/4 mile racin next weekend! You guys need to send some positive thoughts for me on Fri, after bouncing around it all year & not getting in yet, with you guys behind me surely I can win the SptsNational Friday to get in...one....or both td & hr! (I don't care what Rick says...I don't ask for much!! Rolling)

Good Luck in Bakersfield Floyd! just had a vision of Dwight Yokam..lol

Chevy is awesome, a lot like Bowtie...2 weeks tonight. We were looking thru some older albums last night, good memories!

Praying hug

Posts: 2023 | Location: hugging my kids... | Registered: March 26, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Floyd Staggs
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I'n not driving this weekend. I'm a fill in crew chief for a candy apple red A/gas corvette. The regular crew chief got to busy to go so they scraped the bottom of the barrell and got me. As long as he don't ask me to adjust the fuel curve or put more blower in it We'll be fine.
Have a gooden, everybody! Chuck, where is the link to those pictures?
Posts: 4862 | Location: Cucamonga, Ca | Registered: May 28, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Top Comp
Picture of Guy M. Price
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Yea, Chuck, just the two shots in the trailer was it! Hope it will suffice until I can get car out of trailer. Still battling with changing thermostat in my Trailblazer. Gonna have to move alternator out of way today if my right hip don't fall apart! Sure was botherin' me yesterday afternoon and last night for no apparent reason! Got one stinkin' bolt to remove and have to move alternator to get at it and then I can replace the thermostat and attached housing! I went to NAPA to assure myself I was getting a high quality product. it came in a nice red, white and blue box and I open in up and cast into the housing was "DEF CHINA"! Guess it cost to much to cast those aluminum housings in this country. the T-stat itself says it is an 86 degree (Centigrade) stat but the guages in all my vehicles are in farenheit! I think that is about 186 degrees in Farenheit so should suffice. After I get this job done, gonna write a book on how stupid GM engineers are as they reflect the greed of the company by placing bolts and replacement items on engines so the common folk have to take it back to the dealer to pay exhorbitant prices to have the thing repaired! Sure creates a lot cuss words too! Hope today goes better! You all have a gooden! Eyes Banging Head No No I'm stupid Cool

"The Price is Right, but seldom official. If you find yourself in a hole, for God's sake, quit digging! I'm not old, I'm chronologically gifted!"
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Picture of Floyd Staggs
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*****, *****, *****! You're getting old and cranky.
Laughing Rolling
Posts: 4862 | Location: Cucamonga, Ca | Registered: May 28, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post

Mrs. DRR
Picture of WIFE99O
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orning All, Mike that is great news about Hope Praying

Hope everyone has a great weekend!!!

Prayers for all Praying and we never get tired of hearing anyones troubles, that is what we are here for

Nicole Lemen

Racers Helping Racers!!

Always and forever, "Thinking of Nikki".... And Mark forever 53.... I miss you Guy!!!!!


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DRR Top Comp
Picture of ChuckT
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Michelle, take more pics and send 'em. You sure can get it done next Friday and get in! You know we're behind you! And now I have "Guitars and Cadillacs" in my head, thanks! Tongue

Sorry Guy, I confused you with Camaro talk. I have pics of MsFurr's sticker on her Camaro. I didn't get your pics. Email is brotherhoodracing@yahoo.com - send away! I'll let you know when I get them.

Awww heck Floyd, I told Bob to look for the truck. Still working on the link and pics. Rainy and cool here all weekend, so I hope to make progress.

'81 Cutlass, KX05, Keystone Raceway Park
Millerstown Pic-A-Part, Tarentum, PA
Wholesale Transmission, New Kensington, PA
Thinking of Nikki and Mark - forever 53
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DRR Top Comp
Picture of Guy M. Price
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Chuck T., seen why you never recieved the pictures, I forgot to put "racing" after "brotherhood" in email address so somebody with the email address of "brotherhood@yahoo.com" is scratching their head wondering why someone sent them the tail end of a Camaro! Hip, hip, hooray! Got the thermostat changed in my 2005 Trailblazer! I could just about hang the engineer that came up with that idea of putting it in the lower hose into the block with a retaining bolt on top that you cannot reach without removing the alternator! Reckon I can get a job engineering at GM? Don't really need a degree, just need common sense! As a result, my right hip hurts, I am sore as if I had played football game but I will sleep well tonight I am sure! Gonna kick back tomorrow and maybe go to a racer's wedding if I can locate the invitation so as to know where to go! You all head into the weekend with a smile on your face and keep it there! Folks will wonder what you are up to! Eyes Tongue Hum Laughing Cool

"The Price is Right, but seldom official. If you find yourself in a hole, for God's sake, quit digging! I'm not old, I'm chronologically gifted!"
Posts: 6498 | Location: At Los Dos Molinos! | Registered: October 25, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of MsFurr
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It's Saturday morning gang! Get your smiles on & Up and at 'em!!

Posts: 2023 | Location: hugging my kids... | Registered: March 26, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Floyd Staggs
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Mornin Y'all from Bakersfield.
Friday was uneventful, nobody could really get down the track. It was slipperynad I think it mhas water coming up from the rain a few days ago. There is a huge crowd, hundreds of cars and going to be a great weekend if we get in. There are 33 a/gas cars trying for 16 spots.
Y'all have a gooden and I'll let you know what happens tonight.
Praying Angel hug
Posts: 4862 | Location: Cucamonga, Ca | Registered: May 28, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Sportsman
Picture of Mouse
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Morning gang.
Gotta leave here in a little bit for the 2 hr. drive to my sons football game. Looks like it's gonna be a long day.
I'll have to record the OU/Texas game then watch it when i get home. Hopefully Texas puts a whippin' on OU.
Whatever you're doing today, hafe fun and be safe.
Prayers for strength and safety for everyone.
Y'all have a good one.
See ya.

Dennis "Mouse" McKee
Wild Rodent Racing
Posts: 1049 | Location: Sapulpa, Ok. | Registered: May 14, 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Mike Hawks
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Morning gang,did I say it turned cold overnight,if I didn't IT'S COLD HERE THIS MORNING...... Tongue........it's ok just something new to complain about,have you ever thought what you would talk about to strangers if you didn't have the weather,you know walk up to a stranger and say how'd you sleep last night,I had a itch right here in a place I could not reach,now that would be odd wouldn't it,but the good old weather always changing,always something new,on the subject of weather,you know heat rises,so why are the mountains always cool,and why is the north always colder than the south, Hum help..............I must be getting better,my thinking hat just come back,oh well so many questions,so little time............. Laughing ......................

Ok guys and gals ya'll have a gooden and have fun at whatever you are doing today,and just remember wherever you are it's a different deal somewhere else.............. Tongue Hum Big Grin..........................I'm still thinking why I don't have but one COW................................

Oh Mouse tell your son good luck on his feetball game,and Floyd ya'll have fun and don't look,but we may see you on the web-cast,a buddy of mine called last night and said he was watching that race from Bakersfield.......................... Car Big Grin..........................so smile alot,you're on compooter camera.................................Bye ya'll...................................
Posts: 5080 | Location: Cana va. | Registered: December 05, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post

DRR Top Comp
Picture of Guy M. Price
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Mike, am I gonna have to have a talk with you about the "birds and the bees"? The reason you only have one cow is you gotta leave the gate open so the bull can come see her! I know that there is some sort of interaction that takes place there--I forgot how it all works--that results in a calf being born and hopefully it is a heifer calf and then, eventually, you will have two cows and you repeat the procedure again with the heifer as I recall! Good luck on your herd expansion! It gives us something new to talk about other than aches and pains and the weather! After my battle with changing the thermostat on my Trailblazer the last 3 days I feel like I played all four quarters of a 6 man football game last night and carried the ball of every offensive play and made a tackle on every defensive play! Kinda like the "mornin' after" feeling you have when you are in a car wreck, every muscle and joint in your body aches when you move! So, go out and "punch" a few cows today Mike and you will totally forget about the weather! Nuthin better than a "stump broke" heifer! Wink Eyes Hum Laughing hug Cool

"The Price is Right, but seldom official. If you find yourself in a hole, for God's sake, quit digging! I'm not old, I'm chronologically gifted!"
Posts: 6498 | Location: At Los Dos Molinos! | Registered: October 25, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Floyd Staggs
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Hey Mike, I did my best to get on camera. I was looking good in the team uniform and the car was doing great. We qualified #2 with a 7.618. First round is this morning.
I'll be standing right behind that beautiful candy apple red 63 split window in A/gas. I like to watch hoe she goes down the track. The groove here is real tight. Look for us in the winners circle this afternoon. We won it last year and we sure want to repeat.
Y'all have a gooden. Praying Angel hug
Posts: 4862 | Location: Cucamonga, Ca | Registered: May 28, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Mike Hawks
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Good morning ya'll,Floyd that sounds like some fun racing out there,good luck today,and have some fun......................................

Did I say it was windy,well it's windy here,and cold,I can handle one,but both at the same time,no thanks,it'll be in the camper time for me today,surfing the net.......................

Ya'll have a gooden and have fun and be safe............................................
Posts: 5080 | Location: Cana va. | Registered: December 05, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Top Comp
Picture of Guy M. Price
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Well boys and girls, after spending 3 days changing the thermostat in my Trailblazer I have come upon a new "sport" that is economical, requires no SFI certifications, requires no travel, requires little fuel--oatmeal, coffee or tea, lemonade, a sandwich or two, some peanut butter crackers, perhaps some popcorn, toilet paper and Flexall (as needed)--requires very little energy, an "Airdesk" table to hold your laptop so you can swing it out of the way as needed, an HD flat screen TV and the most important part of all, a comfortable Lazy Boy chair! The name of this sport: "Lazyboyness!" I love it! My aches and pains from changing the thermostat are going away, I can watch what I want on my HD TV via remote control and can make the 10 or so steps to the refrigerator with the only problem being the "gettin' up" outa the Lazy Boy! The Air Desk is fantastic and holds my redneck Sony Vaio with no problem and I can swing it around and type my posts such as this one with very little effort involved! By the way, my "redneck Sony Vaio" is entitled as such as several months (perhaps a year) ago, the mouse pad quit working and the little coke I spilled on the key board crippled it so I have a USB mouse and a USB keyboard I use on it! The display screen is held in place with black "Gorilla" tape (better than regular old duct tape) that you can pick up at Home Depot.
This sport is great! I don't have to worry about "cutting a good light" or, for that matter, winning or losing! All I have to worry about is making sure my right arm is in good shape so I can pull the lever that props up the foot rest! Now, if I can just make this old Lazy Boy last a few more years until we get another COLA (Cost of Living Adjustment) I'll have it made! You all take this Sunday and enjoy it the way I am and you will find out how wonderful it is to be "pain free" with this new sport I have developed and perfected! Have a big old gooden'! Eyes not worthy Hum Laughing hug Cool

"The Price is Right, but seldom official. If you find yourself in a hole, for God's sake, quit digging! I'm not old, I'm chronologically gifted!"
Posts: 6498 | Location: At Los Dos Molinos! | Registered: October 25, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Floyd Staggs
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Evenin Y'all!
Just got home from Bakersfield. We lost 3rd round. Jimmy was out on him till half trasck and must of hit something on the track and turned her sideways. Almost crossed the centerline, straightened her out, mashed the gas and blew the tires off. Needless to say the other guy drove around us. We did good though, put it in the trailer with all the fenders still on and running.
Have a gooden, bed time, get ready for 4:00 AM>
Praying Angel hug
Posts: 4862 | Location: Cucamonga, Ca | Registered: May 28, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of BarneyB
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Mornin all.....Manic Monday, lets get with it Sleep

BB work two days then off racin for the last time this season.

WiredTwoWin race car wiring

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