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Picture of Goob
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I heard they had the felon who survived on TeeVee this morning, trying to paint Kyle as a mad dog spraying bullets at protestors...LOL

The kid should get an award and be an endorsement for the NRA and gun training programs, the kid hit every target and stops the threats on his life without harming anyone except the perpetrators.
Kid was VERY cool under pressure.

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Picture of wideopen231
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Originally posted by Goob:
They're continuing to try to shield rioters from consequences.
When Rittenhouse walks, BLM and Antifa will have to give hazardous duty pay...... Laughing Hard

Both by definition qualify as terroir Est groups.
the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.

Seems pretty damn cut and dry.

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Pop'em, drop'em and let god sort them out.

America home of free. Brought to you by 2nd amendment.
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Originally posted by Curly1:
Also Prosecution is trying to get Rittenhouse did not have a proper HUNTING license..................................

I used to be a people person, but people ruined that.
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For how many days has this woke mob gaslighting circus been going on now? Roll Eyes

They're just exposing themselves as lunatics.

Silver tongue ain't working.
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"Gaige Grosskreutz had two charges dismissed by prosecutors days before Rittenhouse trial

Gaige Grosskreutz, the prosecution’s star witness in the Kyle Rittenhouse case, had charged dropped by the prosecutor in the days before being a witness in the case.

Grosskreutz injured his arm after Kyle Rittenhouse shot at him after he threatened to murder Kyle. For unexplained reasons, Grosskreutz has not been charged as a felon in possession of a firearm and attempting to kill Kyle Rittenhouse, even though at the time of the attempted murder, Grosskreutz was a felon. reports: But what we have found is that in his long list of violations, Grosskreutz was arrested with his second OWI (operating while intoxicated) and a case was filed on January 21, 2021. This was only a couple of months after he attempted to kill Kyle Rittenhouse.

The unusual coincidence is that this case was dismissed only a couple of days before Grosskreutz gave his testimony in the Rittenhouse case on October 28, 2021. See case data below:

Along with the above charge, another charge for refusing to take a blood-alcohol test was also dismissed on October 28, 2021. Again, this was only a couple of days before Grosskreutz testified in the Rittenhouse case.

Here is some more on these dismissals.

Was the state tampering with a witness or was this all above board?"

So the Prosecution was trying to eliminate and hide incriminating evidence about their Star Witness? Hmm.
One of their other Star Witnesses they tried to get him to change his testimony. Hmmm.

All three of the guys shot had criminal records one for Pedophilia and one for attempted murder and then this guy.

All three of the guys shot were chasing Rittenhouse and had attempted to kill or harm him. The PROSECUTION proved that.

This is much bigger than a guy protecting his life in Self Defense. This is about the left trying to take away our Right to Self Defense.

The REAL question the Jurors are being asked is not if Rittenhouse acted in Self Defense (He did that has been Proven) the question they are now being asked is "Does anyone have the Right to use Deadly Force in Self Defense?"

That question right there is why this case is so important and has much bigger implications of future of our Rights.

I feel the right to protect myself and Family is God Given and no Court or Government can take that.
"Dunning-Kruger Effect"
-a type of Cognitive bias where people with little expertise or ability assume they have superior expertise or ability. This overestimation occurs as a result of the fact that they do not have enough knowledge to know they don't have enough knowledge.

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The War on reality is the 3rd World War. It's a war on the people, for arbitrary power.

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Picture of Curly1
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You guys can say what ever you want but at the end of the day I still trust Kyle Rittenhouse with a Gun more than Alec Baldwin.
"Dunning-Kruger Effect"
-a type of Cognitive bias where people with little expertise or ability assume they have superior expertise or ability. This overestimation occurs as a result of the fact that they do not have enough knowledge to know they don't have enough knowledge.

Before you argue with someone ask yourself, "Is this person mentally mature enough to grasp the concept of a different perspective?" If not there is no point to argue.

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You can now see the real purpose of this trial. It will be illegal (reckless endangerment) to defend home, property or life.
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Originally posted by Phil Dees:
You can now see the real purpose of this trial. It will be illegal (reckless endangerment) to defend home, property or life.

Depending who you are, arbitrary.

Social credit score, money $$ or both.

You'll have to buy your inherent rights, Freedom.

The real gangsters of this world are the lying pieces of chit who pervert reality, and their trained obedient dogs, "just following orders".

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Picture of Curly1
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Originally posted by Phil Dees:
You can now see the real purpose of this trial. It will be illegal (reckless endangerment) to defend home, property or life.

Well I think they wanted to get him for Murder to limit OUR Right to Self Defense. It appears they have lost that argument and are now going for Reckless endangerment because 2? bullets missed? and he used FMJ bullets which they are saying could have went through the people he shot and hurt someone else. The Prosecution made a big deal about HOLLOWPOINT bullets saying they "EXPLODE" in people and said that several times. The Defense and the Judge corrected him and said they Expand which is not the same as EXPLODE and he was not using Hollowpoints any way because they are against the Geneva Convention to use in War. Prosecution said "Explode" a few more times and was admonished by the court. This was a "Catch 22 Trick" by the Prosecution that may have been another one of their many failures. They wanted to say he was using Hollowpoints which are designed to kill and "Explode". When that got shot down he is saying that he used FMJ which "could"go through the victim and could hit some innocent bystanders. This will be brought up again in closing arguments by the Prosecution, it is all they have now in a weak case to start with.

Which to me does not mean much you are grasping at straws.
If you can say to Hang Rittenhouse for Murder because "He should not have been there" and in the same sentence say he could have hurt some innocent bystanders there?

What kind of Ediot says it is okay for the Rioters, Arsonists and the Looters to be there but Rittenhouse had no Right to be there and was looking for trouble?

One other thing the Prosecution tried to say was he should not have had the gun because he did not have a proper Hunting License in the State. I think that to is a weak argument and grasping straws. There is no license required for Self Defense in fact they do not even have a Self Defense License. When you buy a gun you are not required to tell anyone what you are using it for or why you bought it. Now if you use a gun for Hunting then you would need required licenses. But why was Prosecution even discussing Hunting Licenses? What does that have to do with this case?

Three of the guys there WERE looking for Trouble, they were convicted Felons and rioting, burning, looting, threatened to kill Rittenhouse and tried to attack and kill someone. They found Rittenhouse, they chased him, attacked him and he stopped them.
End of story.
These things have been proven. Simple even Stupid people should be able to figure that out.
So if you are going to Hang someone for "Being there" then you need to round up all of the people there at the time. And you might as well charge them for Rioting, Arson and Looting.

All the Prosecution has left is the Misdemeanors of Breaking Curfew which has already been dropped and the gun violation(s). The Prosecution is going to go after using FMJ bullets because he could have hit innocent bystanders but do not know how that will go over. Sure they will try to get him for Murder but realistically they know there is slim to none chance so have put up lesser charges against him and hope they get them.

This case has been very interesting because it is an Abuse of Power by Prosecution and should be looked into by the Bar for it. Rittenhouse should have not even been charged with anything but the Misdemeanors and then this would not be National News. The Media and even Dictator Biden has said Rittenhouse is a White Surpremist, Racist Murderer. So much for innocent until Proven Guilty and I hope that Rittenhouse is able to Sue those for Slander for saying it.
"Dunning-Kruger Effect"
-a type of Cognitive bias where people with little expertise or ability assume they have superior expertise or ability. This overestimation occurs as a result of the fact that they do not have enough knowledge to know they don't have enough knowledge.

Before you argue with someone ask yourself, "Is this person mentally mature enough to grasp the concept of a different perspective?" If not there is no point to argue.

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The jury and audience was bewildered by minutiae.


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He doesn't have to be convicted of murder to limit your right to self defense, if firing your weapon is reckless endangerment.
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Picture of Curly1
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Originally posted by Phil Dees:
He doesn't have to be convicted of murder to limit your right to self defense, if firing your weapon is reckless endangerment.

Very true, I think they wanted Murder but as it looks to me right now there is no way they can convict him of that. The Prosecution knew those things before they pressed charges. Why did they even press charges? So I think they will go for Reckless endangerment in some form. Kind of a reach there.

Right now we know the kid is guilty of the Curfew charge which was dropped by the Judge and the Misdemeanor Weapons charges. Which are not Hanging charges like some here would want.
"Dunning-Kruger Effect"
-a type of Cognitive bias where people with little expertise or ability assume they have superior expertise or ability. This overestimation occurs as a result of the fact that they do not have enough knowledge to know they don't have enough knowledge.

Before you argue with someone ask yourself, "Is this person mentally mature enough to grasp the concept of a different perspective?" If not there is no point to argue.

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Originally posted by Phil Dees:
He doesn't have to be convicted of murder to limit your right to self defense, if firing your weapon is reckless endangerment.

The attack isn't on self defense itself, the attack is on who decides it is self defense, when it is never who decides it is self defense, it is self defense in nature, or reality according to observable fact, which is objective fact that decides if it is self defense..

This is what they want to do away with, at that point they can decide what is justice and what isn't according to preference (arbitrarily).

Like Bradenton did by not giving a clarification on putting a racer back in the final round, 45 minutes after ruling him loser in the semi-final round.





Now think about how that'll work for them on vaccines, or more accurately said, already has.

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The more minutiae the better, to dehumanize & issolate its subject Rittenhous, and bewilder - bemuse the jury and audience.
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The Judge said that he will not allow the Lesser charges to be added. Which means as far as I know the Prosecution will have to win or lose on the charges they brought against him with the evidence or lack of that that had.

This is not all signed sealed and delivered but it appears at this time Rittenhouse SHOULD be acquitted of all Felonies and probably convicted of the minor misdemeanors.
"Dunning-Kruger Effect"
-a type of Cognitive bias where people with little expertise or ability assume they have superior expertise or ability. This overestimation occurs as a result of the fact that they do not have enough knowledge to know they don't have enough knowledge.

Before you argue with someone ask yourself, "Is this person mentally mature enough to grasp the concept of a different perspective?" If not there is no point to argue.

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I don't think he should get any charges,but I will be surprised if they don't get him on something.
Probably a Jaywalking charge.
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Captain America patriotic Superhero faught the Nazi menace.

Meme going around on FB... "I'm gonna tell my grandkids Rittenhous was Captain America"

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