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"Good Morning Drr" 11,000 strong and growing,stop in a say hello.
Picture of CURTIS REED
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Anyone heard from Fern? Hope everything is well.

2017 and 2018 Osage Casinos Tulsa Raceway Park No-Box Champion

2018 Div4 Goodguys Hammer award winner
Posts: 3254 | Location: KIEFER, OK. | Registered: August 17, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Thanks for checking Curtis. I got a good kick in the a$$ as soon as I got to Bristol. I guess between the knee recovery, no sleep the night before, and the heat my body decided to shut down. I ended up in the hospital with a pretty bad seizure and never even got to unload my car. Got to give thanks to those that encouraged me to go to the hospital, probably saved me. Anyway that was a week ago tomorrow and I seem to be doing fine at home today. Whole lot of effort was put out by a lot of people to get me and all of my stuff back home safe. I'll be forever grateful. I saw a list of who won the prizes John Jelich and I gave away, hope you all enjoyed the CASH! Fern hopes to try again soon.
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Picture of BTR69
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Good evening y'all. Been a while since I've been able to check in on the discussions boards. Nothing significant happening for a while on the race car, but still chipping away at things as I can. Work has me wide open and then some. My boss seems to have no idea or clue about allowing me personal time. Being self employed and the only employee on hand, I suppose it's time for me to figure out a way to fix that.. LOL.

B King, glad to read you're back on track, even though it's a borrowed ride. I had a friend offer me a loaner a while back. Probably should have taken him up on it, but really thought I'd have mine on track in short order so I thanked him and didn't take him up on it. Knowing him, I'm sure the offer still stands, and I may bring it up to him sometime soon.

Fern, Hate it that you missed the race, but glad to read that you're ok. Take care of yourself, we need to keep good guys like you around. Plus, I'd like the opportunity to line up next to you on the starting line sometime.

Hope the rest of y'all are doing well and turning on more win lights than your opponents.
Have a great week.

William Kilduff
1970 Barracuda
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Good to have you checking in BTR! It gives me a chance to check in also, I've been slacking.

Fern, sorry you missed the race(s) but your health is #1. I'm glad you're doing OK!

I'm not overly enthusiastic about using someone else's car but very grateful; it a great competitive car.

Hope all is well with everyone & take care!


1980 Camaro
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Picture of CURTIS REED
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It's been a couple weeks now Fern. How are you doing?

Been an expensive year so far. Broke an axle and the rack and pinion steering the same day. Got that all that replaced/repaired and went out to test. A rocker arm decided to spit out all the needle bearings. Back together after pulling things apart searching for all of those and am going to try again Saturday at our points race.

Insurance company said get a new roof or no more coverage. That is $30,000 I hadn't expected to spend yet. I thought I had at least a few more years. We are very fortunate though to at least have the money. Now I know why I have raced the same ugly old car for 17 years. LOL Land around me is going for $25,000-30,000 an acre so I might have to split off 5 acres to turn loose of.

2017 and 2018 Osage Casinos Tulsa Raceway Park No-Box Champion

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Sorry B King. I left NC Sat morning and drove 400mi up to WV to a family reunion Sunday. Monday drove another 100mi to Morgantown WV to visit my BIL. Spent the night and right now am 200mi into the 400mi trip home. Having lunch at a Cracker Barrel. So, I think I am doing ok. But thanks to you and all who have been concerned.
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Picture of Floyd Staggs
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Other than it being hot and So Cal on fire again not much going on out here.
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Glad you checked in Floyd!

This thread is pretty slow & I have been slacking also. Where's Nick/JRED?

I hope all is well with everyone!


1980 Camaro
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Frame broke on lawnmower, 2nd time, so I am once more a welder. Race car looks good sitting in garage. Window broke in motor home from heat I guess. Went to Dr Fri and he says I am doing good. Life is good. Hope Scotty gets well.
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Good evening y'all. Hey Fern, I have a few extra lawn mowers here. Happy to let one or twelve go to new homes. They haven't been running for a few years, so will definitely need some attention. The better ones are, 3 John Deere 420 machines with 60" decks, and 2 John Deere GT275 machines with 48" decks. You know the story, "ran when parked", LOL... I've kept them around with plans on kinda sorta restoring them. Might make a pit cart out of one of them.

Nothing new with race cars over here. Decided a while ago to keep my workload as is, instead of selling any of it off. After this week, and speaking with a customer who spoke about chasing our own tails and burning candles from both ends, I may revisit the idea of selling off a couple routes. Chasing money can get in the way of life. We went from being in a drought, which really hit our farmers big time, to getting more rain than we can handle. It's increased my work hours enough that I hired on a couple guys to help out a couple days each week. I'm no fan of having employees anymore, but it's helping me get home at a decent time. Got hosed down with that tropical storm/hurricane to the tune of 16 inches of rain in my neighborhood over 3 days as well, and we were on the outskirts of it. Praying everyone that's been in the path is/has been safe.

Floyd, Those California fires seem to be a regular routine thing nowadays, from what I've seen in the news. Would be nice if we could send some of this rain out your way. Stay safe out there.

B King, Hope the Chevelle is working out in your favor.

Curtis, you're making me feel like I scored a smoking hot deal a few years ago on my roof. Under $6000, with the high end fortified shingles. Insurance did pay most of it, due to hurricane damage that year. Hope your hotrod is treating you better after the repairs.

Y'all have a great week.

William Kilduff
1970 Barracuda
1968 Camaro X2
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Posts: 165 | Location: Wilmington NC | Registered: June 15, 2014Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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All work & no play makes BTR a dull boy! Get to work on them race cars & get to racing. Wink

As for the Chevelle, it worked out above expected with making it to the semi-finals.

I checked on my car today. Work is getting done but has a long way to go. It's supposed to be in paint the end of next week. I'm not going to hold my breath!

I did get the new pit vehicle bought & delivered today. Polaris RZR, should be more useful than a golf cart.

Hope all is well with everyone!


1980 Camaro
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Picture of CURTIS REED
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BTR what is it that you do?

Hot rod was better than the driver last time out. LOL

Roof was so expensive because the wife wanted metal, so we got metal. I did end up a little cheaper though, it was only $24,000 in the end. First company that quoted $28,900 for 24 gauge came back and said, “oh our software didn’t add labor so it’s going to be just under $40,000. They figured out they put 24 instead of the normal 26 on the quote. I sent them packing for lying instead of just saying they screwed up.

2017 and 2018 Osage Casinos Tulsa Raceway Park No-Box Champion

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Curtis, My neighbor across the street did his own metal roof a couple years ago. Seems happy with it. looks good too. Kinda has me a little jealous with my shingles.

I'm a lawn/landscape technician... LOL. fancy way of saying, I cut grass for a living. Spent 20 years at Time Warner Cable, left in 2013 and started helping my brother with his lawn/landscaping business when his health went south. He passed away in 2016 and I decided to keep it going. Over the past few years, I've dialed it back to primarily lawn maintenance. Less equipment to keep on hand, easier to keep eyes on employees and gave me easy ability to drop everything at a moments notice to go help mom and dad. Pops had cancer and passed in 2017, and mom was diagnosed with alzheimers in 2018, so the need to be available in a pinch was necessary. Taking care of family since 2013 has been a big reason for me keeping the cars stuck in limbo since my brothers illness started. I did manage a few races in 2014 & 2015. 2 years ago I decided to be my only employee. Workers became too unreliable and stressful. Since being on my own, my stress is way down, less stuff breaks and customers tell me the quality of work is better. Mom was the last one and passed away last year. I have 2 small routes an hour away in Jacksonville, where mom lived, that I should sell off, but they're good money makers, which keeps me from getting more serious about selling them. It's really just selling a customer list. People expressing interest seem to want me to just give it to them, which isn't happening. For what I'm asking, they'll make their money back in roughly 4 weeks, as a conservative estimate. With this weeks rain delays, (hurricane/tropical storm Debbie), today I brought on a longtime family friends son to help out, just running a trimmer. Hard to screw that up, but some of my former employees did a great job of doing such. He's a good guy, so I'll give him the benefit of the doubt, and cross my fingers. based on today, I'm optimistic. Car was supposed to be ready in springtime, before my busy season, but tranny delays held that back until work was wide open. I typically work 10/12 hours daily 5 days weekly, so car stays in trailer for now. Need to undo my mistake with the tranny input shaft, fix some issues with the tranny tunnel and address a few other items. Work should lighten up a bit mid/late September, so I'll get back on it around then.

Glad your car is working. My experience, it's been easier for me to fix my car as opposed to fixing the driver.. LOL Have a great weekend.

William Kilduff
1970 Barracuda
1968 Camaro X2
1968 Caprice
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Posts: 165 | Location: Wilmington NC | Registered: June 15, 2014Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Lawn mowers!!!!Spent a whole day repairing the broken frame and was happy. Then I took it a trial run and something still wasn't right, frame broke clear in half on the other side. Spent today welding and plating that and it seems ok. Race car sitting there watching. So mine has broke 3 times, my neighbor once, and they had one just like ours sitting in the shop with the same break the same place. They claim it is built in their own factory in SC. My health is going well. Everyone stay safe.
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Picture of Floyd Staggs
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Did everybody take a break waiting for the US Nationals?
Posts: 4862 | Location: Cucamonga, Ca | Registered: May 28, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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I was busy watching the Little League World Series. Glad to see you in here Floyd. There is racing here at Rockingham this weekend but I am grounded by Dr still. Also the WFC is at Bristol I might take a ride up there. Everyone stay safe this weekend.
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Picture of BTR69
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Good evening... I've been on break from race related activities for a while since my work season went wide open. 12-13 hour work days, maintaining equipment on days off, then fitting in time for family stuff has the race car and trolling the racing forums scaled back for now. Still pop in here to read up on things periodically. Y'all have a great week.

William Kilduff
1970 Barracuda
1968 Camaro X2
1968 Caprice
1964 F100
Posts: 165 | Location: Wilmington NC | Registered: June 15, 2014Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Good to see some action going on in the thread!

The race car is painted, going to check on it tomorrow. Hopefully pick it up next week.

Hope all is well with everyone!


1980 Camaro
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Picture of CURTIS REED
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Finally got to go racing last Saturday. Well, maybe you could call what everyone else was doing as racing. LOL I was definitely rusty and lost a round I should win 100 out of 100 times. Oh well.

It's been hot around here but about to cool off for the long weekend and it is August. Going to be heading to our bracket finals next Thursday. Would love to win that and head to Vegas. Y'all have a great day.

2017 and 2018 Osage Casinos Tulsa Raceway Park No-Box Champion

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Picture of Floyd Staggs
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Mornin Y'all
Beautiful day out here. Can't be there but watching the action at Indy. Momma naturer doesn't pick favorites. Shake head
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