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"Good Morning Drr" 11,000 strong and growing,stop in a say hello.
Picture of Mike Hawks
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Good morning gang,Susie that is so cool two wins two IM,wow WTG ya'll,thats great............... Car.......................................

Still praying for your situation Mouse,I know some about that,just hang in there they'res alot of good days mixed in with the rough ones,but I know (from experience)the good Lord will help ya................... Praying...............................

Prayers all around and hope ya'll's day is a gooden.................. Praying hug Wave.............................................................
Posts: 5080 | Location: Cana va. | Registered: December 05, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Top Comp
Picture of ChuckT
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Mornin' all! Over center day! Kinda cooler and cloudy today, and I'll take it. Friday and Saturday are looking beautiful, and I hope it stays that way.

Susie, that is awesome for Mark! Woo hoo! I'm glad that was a good mental health break for you. I hope you're doing well.

Mouse, I don't know if we're ever prepared to deal with that. No matter how old we are, I think on some level we're still little kids, and think our parents will live forever.

You all have a great day!

'81 Cutlass, KX05, Keystone Raceway Park
Millerstown Pic-A-Part, Tarentum, PA
Wholesale Transmission, New Kensington, PA
Thinking of Nikki and Mark - forever 53
Posts: 7230 | Location: Pittsburgh | Registered: December 07, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Sportsman
Picture of Mouse
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Good morning everyone.
Thanks for the thoughts and prayers. I know, some how, some way, it's going to be alright.
Well, this is my Friday! Woo Hoo!
Y'all have a good one.
See ya.

Dennis "Mouse" McKee
Wild Rodent Racing
Posts: 1049 | Location: Sapulpa, Ok. | Registered: May 14, 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Top Comp
Picture of ChuckT
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Mornin' all! Kind of a cool day here, but I'll take it, probably aren't many left as the summer moves in. Wish I could test n tune tonight, might have my shot at the 11s. But I've got to do the paperwork for some stuff I'm buying, maybe I'll get out to watch after. This Saturday, knock on wood, looks like a great day, can't wait to go racing.

Mouse, it will be all right somehow. I hope you have a good weekend.

'81 Cutlass, KX05, Keystone Raceway Park
Millerstown Pic-A-Part, Tarentum, PA
Wholesale Transmission, New Kensington, PA
Thinking of Nikki and Mark - forever 53
Posts: 7230 | Location: Pittsburgh | Registered: December 07, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Mike Hawks
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Good morning gang,allergy's are about to overtake us all around here,a little TMI this morning there's so much snot flying around here,you got to hold on to something or you'll slip and fall, No No................oh well I try..............even Tipsey(our little dog)has it she's sneezing and blowing too..................... I'm stupid.............................

Ok enough nasty stuff,prayers to all and yea Mouse it'll all be ok,just take it as it comes,with Mom since Dad passed away,it's a constant something,but I know when I was a kid she looked after me,so it's my turn,but with 4sisters and 1brother,you'd think there would be enough to go around,not here anyway,leave it for old Mike,he ain't got nothing to do anyway, Banging Headbut it's really ok,if it's for Mom I getter done................. hug.......................................

See ya'll later............ Praying hug Wave...............................................
Posts: 5080 | Location: Cana va. | Registered: December 05, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Mike Hawks
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Good morning ya'll,got to go over to DRC and see Susie and Marks pic. where they won the dbl IM race last weekend too cool............ Cool...................

Looking like a nice Mothers day weekend here,I got to clean Mom PT cruiser up for her,she gets so many flowers and other dust collecters,I thought I'd do something different,ever thought about Moms and Dad,without Moms they would be no Dads,but without Dads they'd be no Moms........ Confused Wink...............................food for thought.................. Hum No No...................................

Ok prayers all around and ya'll hug somebody today,but ask her husband first,no sense in a fist fight................. Praying hug help Wave.................................................................
Posts: 5080 | Location: Cana va. | Registered: December 05, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Top Comp
Picture of ChuckT
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Mornin' all! TGIF!! In for a beauty of a day today and tomorrow it looks like. I'm ready to race, and want to light some lamps. I wanted to go to the Pirate game last night too, only chance this year to see the Nationals, and I wanted to see Strasburg pitch, and Harper hit and field. Harper's fielding helped us get a run.

Mike, why does it sound like you're talking to Floyd about asking the husband first?? Big Grin And I think you are thinking in circles again. Is this the pic you mean from DRC? Way cool!

You all have a great weekend! Prescription time:
Ice Cream hug

'81 Cutlass, KX05, Keystone Raceway Park
Millerstown Pic-A-Part, Tarentum, PA
Wholesale Transmission, New Kensington, PA
Thinking of Nikki and Mark - forever 53
Posts: 7230 | Location: Pittsburgh | Registered: December 07, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post

Picture of MsFurr
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that is just too cool Susie, so very happy for you guys!! Congrats on a job well done!

Been a rough week, looking forward to my weekend...Rick & the kids are always so great to me esp on a special occasion, so thankful for my family!

We made the cover of DRR for a few days, did you guys see the story, pretty cool =)

Hope you guys have a great weekend!! and I hope all is okay with each of you..

Posts: 2023 | Location: hugging my kids... | Registered: March 26, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Sportsman
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Good evening everyone. Yep that was us on Sunday night after winning our 2nd Wally. We were all pretty tired & dirty by then, but really happy. It was indeed a great weekend, thanks for posting the picture Chuck.

Hey Michelle I saw that cover and said to Mark, hey look there's our Michelle on the cover of ND and he was pretty impressed, as was I. Good job girl. You get some rest & relaxation this weekend and have a wonderful Mother's Day.

You all have a safe and wonderful weekend.

Hugs & Prayers all around. hug Praying

Posts: 684 | Location: Winners Circle | Registered: January 04, 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Floyd Staggs
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Mornin Y'all!
I'm kinda embarrased even posting on here after reading about the winners in our little on-line family. It's taken me 2 weekends to get 4 wheels polished on the hay hauler. And it still isn't down off the jack stands. I just can't seem to get Buddy motivated to do some actual work in the garage. He likes to nap a lot. I can't let him nap alone, that just wouldn't be fair. Tongue
Congrats Susie on a great double up.
Michelle, I don't need to tell you how proud I am.
Y'all have a gooden. Praying Angel hug

Let's see, first jack up the rear end, next pull out jack stands, then ????????????
Posts: 4863 | Location: Cucamonga, Ca | Registered: May 28, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Mike Hawks
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Morning all,Floyd I feel your pain,I can't seem to get Mad Mater running for more than a weekend out of four,oh well,like Buddy,Tipsey loves company for them naps also............ Sleep.............................

Ya'll have a fine weekend and a great Mama's day,prayers all over the place,see ya'll afterwhile................... Praying hug Wave...................................

Hey Chuck Wave yea I'm thinking in circles again,I call it the chicken and the egg thing.................. Confused Banging Head Hum Tongue..................................................
Posts: 5080 | Location: Cana va. | Registered: December 05, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Sportsman
Picture of Mouse
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Good morning gang from Tulsa Raceway Park.
That rain has moved on, the sun is peeking through, and we are racing today.
Y'all have a great weekend.
See ya.

Dennis "Mouse" McKee
Wild Rodent Racing
Posts: 1049 | Location: Sapulpa, Ok. | Registered: May 14, 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Floyd Staggs
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Mornin Y'all!

Mouse, have a great day and turn on some win lites.

Y'all have a gooden. I'm so tired from all the work I did yesterdfay I'm going to take a nap. Yep, I got it all done.
Praying Angel hug
Posts: 4863 | Location: Cucamonga, Ca | Registered: May 28, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Mike Hawks
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Good morning,WTG Floyd................ not worthy..................

HAPPY MOTHERS DAY,to all you Good Morning Moms,love ya'll................... Angel hug............................

Ya'll have a fine day and prayers all around...................... Praying hug Wave.....................................
Posts: 5080 | Location: Cana va. | Registered: December 05, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post

DRR Sportsman
Picture of Mouse
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Good morning everyone.
It's Monday, and we all know what that means.
Y'all have a good one.
See ya.

Dennis "Mouse" McKee
Wild Rodent Racing
Posts: 1049 | Location: Sapulpa, Ok. | Registered: May 14, 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of MsFurr
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wonderful Mom's day yesterday, spent the day watching movies, hanging on the deck, snugglin with the kids who gave me handmade cards & a song, swinging in the hammock with them & Rick, the dogs & Bella cat, great food, awesome family, the best times that you take a forever photo to keep inside always ...I love my life !!

the only thing missing was my extended family...you guys are the best.

Posts: 2023 | Location: hugging my kids... | Registered: March 26, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Mike Hawks
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Morning gang,who said we needed this wet stuff,man o man,it's been raining heavy allnight,makes my day easy to plan,stay inside.............. Smile..........................

Hope all you Mom's had a great Mama's Day yesterday,funny I live beside my Mom and never saw her yesterday,just talked on the phone several times,family decided to have Mothers Day meal at a local eating joint,I eat out all the time,Moms day is for eating at home,if asked I'd cooked(maybe why I was'nt asked)anyway I did'nt go,they had to wait a hr.for their food and Mom was not to happy, Eyes,you know what they say about Mom not being happy, No No...........not to good,but whatever floats your boat,did I say it was raining alot.............. Hum Big Grin..................................

Hope ya'll's day is a good dry one and prayers to all that need them and we'll swim back around after bit................ Praying hug Wave.............................................

Oh almost forgot,great story on the Furr family on DRC,the GM crowd getting alot of internet time lately,congrats Michelle,Rick and kids,oh and Chevy too............ Wave....................................
Posts: 5080 | Location: Cana va. | Registered: December 05, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of MsFurr
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thanks Mike, I agree on being home...I forgot to mention today would be my Mom & Dad's 46th wedding anniversary, that falls into one of those things I've been asking for your prayers on as they are still apart right now...I know God has a plan though.

Posts: 2023 | Location: hugging my kids... | Registered: March 26, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Top Comp
Picture of ChuckT
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Mornin' all! Had a good weekend. Friend of mine was in, got to see her Thursday night. Friday night, bunch of us went out for another friend's birthday, good day Saturday at the track, just snoozed it up again, 2nd round this time. Practice tree is getting a work out this week. I hope all you moms had a great day.

Floyd, telepathically, I felt like you and Buddy were napping a lot yesterday, and didn't want y'all to feel lazy on a Sunday, so I took one too. Big Grin

Mouse, I hope you had a great birthday and turned on some lamps.

Hi Mike! Wave Oh yeah, there is no doubt, if momma ain't happy, ain't NOBODY happy.

Michelle, that's the good stuff for sure. Way cool story on the main page too. I don't know how far apart your parents are, but I hope they are working on it. My parents separated for 2 years, 30 years into it. Kept working, and got through it. Praying hug

'81 Cutlass, KX05, Keystone Raceway Park
Millerstown Pic-A-Part, Tarentum, PA
Wholesale Transmission, New Kensington, PA
Thinking of Nikki and Mark - forever 53
Posts: 7230 | Location: Pittsburgh | Registered: December 07, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Mike Hawks
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Good morning ya'll,got to get to loading cars got about a 5hr.window of no rain,got 8hrs. of work to do,yea haw................. Big Grin...........................

Prayers all around and hope ya'lls day is a goodern................. Praying hug Wave.......................................................
Posts: 5080 | Location: Cana va. | Registered: December 05, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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