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Vaccine approved, any takers?
Picture of muggs
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We listened to Liar in Chief sock puppet yesterday. All the non vaxxed are hurting everyone? It is everyone elses fault?

No mention of those who have had already and carry a degree of immunity. No mention of % already safe? Also no questions again?

This reminds me a lot of what I was told about Axis countries by generation before mine.

My son (vaxxed, job mandate) got covid a few weeks ago. His wife (unvaxxed) had it a few months ago. Both had similar symptoms for same duration and were only ones in house, no additional infections in house among family. Oldest grandson had same symptoms but no positive test at all after multiple tries.

What is Liar and Chief sock puppet (or his minions) angle on this? Vax the one already withstood? Vax one again just to be safe? Grandson showed healthy kids may not be much of a risk? Where are all the answers?

We got 1st shot, on fence with 2nd. Extended family in old country having some success with Ivermectin (human grade, dosage) as treatment.

I hope this madness reverses at some point.
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Picture of Michael Beard
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Well NOW is a good time to study vaccine side effects, isn't it...?

NIH is funding studies on possible effects of COVID-19 vaccines on menstruation

Michael Beard - staginglight@gmail.com
Staging Light Graphic Design, Printing & Event Marketing

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All Federal employees must be Vaccinated expect the 650,000 postal workers. They must have a strong union. Or they told Joe they won't deliver Hunters art work if they had to be Vaccinated!

When everything is coming your way, your probably in the wrong lane.
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I am 80 years old and got them all back when I started grade school. There was no resistance back then and if you didn't get them you couldn't go to school period. No internet either! Now a lot of resistance for whatever reason but the shots did cut down on deaths for awhile and now they are going up once more. My friend Ducky had a reaction to the shot but he is the only person I know that was affected that way...yet I just don't understand the resistance to something that may help you or someone you love. No worse than going to the Mall and taking a chance on getting shot. Probably chance of more danger at the mall. Don't let your hate for Biden stop you from doing something that may help you and others. I can't stand the creep but I got the shots for me and my family and friends. Flame on!
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No flame here Fern!! 1000% agree with every bit of your post!
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Originally posted by ferndaleflyer:
I am 80 years old and got them all back when I started grade school. There was no resistance back then and if you didn't get them you couldn't go to school period. No internet either! Now a lot of resistance for whatever reason but the shots did cut down on deaths for awhile and now they are going up once more. My friend Ducky had a reaction to the shot but he is the only person I know that was affected that way...yet I just don't understand the resistance to something that may help you or someone you love. No worse than going to the Mall and taking a chance on getting shot. Probably chance of more danger at the mall. Don't let your hate for Biden stop you from doing something that may help you and others. I can't stand the creep but I got the shots for me and my family and friends. Flame on!

Respectfully, I will reply from my point of view.

Since I am age 36 I have a different view than you do at 80. For my age group, here in Ohio, death isn't a big deal. Last time I checked (about a month ago) 125 people age 30-39 have died from Covid-19. This is not a concern for me as I am in good health with no underlying health conditions.

My wife has had it and recovered with no issues while pregnant with our son last December. The only thing she could take was Tylenol. Thankfully, she made it thru without any issues. While she was sick, I of course, was quarantined. I slept beside her and looked after her with only a low grade fever and runny nose for a few hours. I took two extra strength Tylenol and was good to go.

I believe I had it in October 2019, before it was a thing here. I went to urgent care with a bad cough and a 104° fever. They took chest x-rays and told me I had spots of Pneumonia on my lungs. I asked them what I had and they said there is a virus going around but we don't know what it is yet. They sent me home with some meds and I recovered slowly for the next several months coughing and wheezing as I went. My co-workers joke around and call me patient zero. I have never tested positive, and the Antibody test doesn't go back far enough to to tell me if I have them.

I will take my chances on not getting the "Vaccine" as I believe I already have the natural antibodies. I do not trust an unproven vaccine that just now got FDA approved. I do not trust the approval as there is no way they couldn't approve it at this point. I have a lot of life left to live, and I have to worry about the long term effects this could potentially have on my life. Do you remember when baby powder was safe? Now it causes ovarian cancer 30 years later?

Studies have came out stating that natural immunity is more potent than immunity from the vaccine and more likely to fight off various stains. I'm going to take my chances on natural immunity. Studies have also came out showing that just because you are vaccinated doesn't keep you from getting it again and doesn't keep you out of the hospital. So what's the point of the vaccine? To give you antibodies....that I already have.

I do not care if you get the vaccine. I do not care if you do not get the vaccine. I do not care if you wear a mask. I do not care if you do not wear a mask. To each their own and everyone's situation is different. This country was founded on freedom and we should all have that freedom to protect ourselves as we see fit.

I feel there is a lot of politics and money behind all this on both sides and no one has my best interests in mind except for me. The bad part is there is so much information, and misinformation, on both sides that no one knows what to believe anymore.
Posts: 97 | Location: Ohio | Registered: October 06, 2015Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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2 common sense reply's by ferndaleflyer and champshire without all the name calling and attacks.
Being as I am the same age as ferndaleflyer I have to agree with him but I can also understand a 36 year old persons view.
The information and misinformation statement is so true.
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I posted here several months ago about my perspective on this subject. To recap, my wife has health issues, some serious, like kidneys and heart. If she gets covid, she dies. If there is only a 1% chance that it works, it is worth it for her. On the other hand i'm 73 years old, no health issues at all and I went with her and got my shots. Why? Why not? If it works, fine, if it doesn't work, no harm done. As long as it didn't kill me I have no issues with it. Now that the third shot is available, my wife was first in line to get it. As for me, I am holding off for now, I am not so sure I needed the first two. If they come out with a vaccine for the delta or wu variant I might reconsider. I got my first flu shot ever last december, because like they say, happy wife happy life. My first trip to a doctor was october of 2019 just to get my torn rotator cuff diagnosed to be fixed. I just dont get sick enough ever to go see a MD. But to go or not to go to a doctor or get the vaccine is clearly a individual choice. I do follow the mask mandates when required, but if not required, I dont wear it.
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My views sure agree mostly with CHamshire. With one exception: IMO you don't know what you don't know. Meaning, your assumption is that you have antibodies still. There is little data showing the length of time you keep them. My wife and I are both getting QUANTITATIVE antibody testing done to see where we stand. We have not vaccinated, but may....probably will when our antibody protection has waned.

I also can go along with Fern, from his perspective as a man of his age. I encouraged my mother to get the shot and think it was the right choice for her. However, you compared to childhood vaccines. Were any of the vaccines you took less than a year old? Probably not. Most likely they had been used on people and studied for years before they were mandated in any way. There is a clear difference here. From a global perspective, IF these vaccines affect fertility in any way. If they have long term negative health affects.....mandating that the majority of our population gets them is a permanent disaster. In my experience in life, you never ever put all your eggs in one basket unless you have nearly zero doubt that the basket is sound.

Foxtrot Juliet Bravo
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Five boosters a year sounds like a Junky. Like a opening scene for a Zombie Apocalypse movie.

Hey there's a idea, for millions $$
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Posts: 9398 | Location: Madeira Beach Fl. | Registered: June 12, 2018Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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I've posted this other places regarding Bidens vaccine "mandate".

It's not mandatory vaccination, it's mandatory vaccination, or testing once a week. The key statistic for "their" Covid spread formula is the positive rate of Covid tests. How can you get the percentage of positive tests to go down? Test more people who aren't sick. In a few months "they" will be saying covid is gone due to the "vaccine" mandate. The facts will be that no more people got vaccinated, and the number of new cases will still be the same. However, the percentage of positive tests will be used to say the spread has slowed.

IE, if you test 100 people, and 17 are positive that's a 17% positive rate. (That's the rate in my county, and it's considered rapid spread) However, if you test 1000 people, and 68 people are positive that's only a 6.8% positive rate. That's considered good, even though it's 4 times as many new cases.

"They" have 2 goals. 1. Manipulate the number so it appears they've done something. 2. Take attention away from the Afghanistan fiasco, and the Arizona election audit.

Added: IF they were really concerned about peoples health they'd be releasing statistics about the percentage of Covid patients in ICU's that aren't vaccinated. That would convince more people to get the vaccine than any abuse of power "mandate" ever will. Also if "they" were really concerned about people health they'd secure our borders.

I used to be a people person, but people ruined that.
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Picture of Curly1
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Originally posted by Woody B:
I've posted this other places regarding Bidens vaccine "mandate".

It's not mandatory vaccination, it's mandatory vaccination, or testing once a week. The key statistic for "their" Covid spread formula is the positive rate of Covid tests. How can you get the percentage of positive tests to go down? Test more people who aren't sick. In a few months "they" will be saying covid is gone due to the "vaccine" mandate. The facts will be that no more people got vaccinated, and the number of new cases will still be the same. However, the percentage of positive tests will be used to say the spread has slowed.

Added: IF they were really concerned about peoples health they'd be releasing statistics about the percentage of Covid patients in ICU's that aren't vaccinated. That would convince more people to get the vaccine than any abuse of power "mandate" ever will. Also if "they" were really concerned about people health they'd secure our borders.

To say it is not mandatory is not exactly true. Biden has put in place a $14,000 fine if you do not do it. When you put a penalty on it if you do not comply then it is no longer a suggestion.

"Dunning-Kruger Effect"
-a type of Cognitive bias where people with little expertise or ability assume they have superior expertise or ability. This overestimation occurs as a result of the fact that they do not have enough knowledge to know they don't have enough knowledge.

Before you argue with someone ask yourself, "Is this person mentally mature enough to grasp the concept of a different perspective?" If not there is no point to argue.

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Originally posted by Curly1:

To say it is not mandatory is not exactly true. Biden has put in place a $14,000 fine if you do not do it. When you put a penalty on it if you do not comply then it is no longer a suggestion.

I said it's not a mandatory "vaccination". I never said the "mandate" wasn't mandatory. It's EITHER vaccination, or testing at least once a week. "They" don't care if anyone get's vaccinated. "They" want people who aren't sick to get tested so "they" can brag about the low positive rate of testing.

I used to be a people person, but people ruined that.
Posts: 225 | Location: Usually home | Registered: January 27, 2013Reply With QuoteReport This Post

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I am saying once they put a fine or penalty on it then it is no longer a suggestion or recommendation.

"Dunning-Kruger Effect"
-a type of Cognitive bias where people with little expertise or ability assume they have superior expertise or ability. This overestimation occurs as a result of the fact that they do not have enough knowledge to know they don't have enough knowledge.

Before you argue with someone ask yourself, "Is this person mentally mature enough to grasp the concept of a different perspective?" If not there is no point to argue.

4X NE2 CHAMPION. 2020 TDRA NE2 Champion
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I said IT'S NOT A MANDATORY VACCINATION!!!!!! and it's not a mandatory V A C C I N A T I O N. What part of that is hard to understand, or are you just looking to argue?

I used to be a people person, but people ruined that.
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Originally posted by Woody B:
I said IT'S NOT A MANDATORY VACCINATION!!!!!! and it's not a mandatory V A C C I N A T I O N. What part of that is hard to understand, or are you just looking to argue?

Regardless of what Joe Biden said,my employer said that the vaccination is MANDATORY or you will be terminated.
If you have a religious or medical exemption, you will be placed on unpaid leave.
That sounds pretty mandatory to me,although I still wonder if they will get away with it.They aren't even offering a weekly testing option at the moment.
Posts: 1184 | Location: Elgin,IL | Registered: February 08, 2010Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Day before Bidens proclamation my neighbor told me she had quit her job of 15 years in a nursing home because she refused to get shots or be tested and was hired by another one that did not require it. Their son has 17 years in the Army and also will resign rather than get it. Now what happens as now both are going to have to comply. Personally I don't want my self or my loved ones in a nursing home where they don't have the shots.
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Picture of Alaskaracer
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Agree or disagree, here's my take on all of this. I don't care if you get vaxxed or wear a mask. I will not. It's your choice, make the decision that you feel is best for your health. I will make mine. That's how it should be, period...I'm one of the rare few in that I'm immune....completely immune.....I can't get it, spread it, or suffer from it. Don't ask me how or why, I don't know. As of late I've been in close contact for extended periods of time with people that have been confirmed and even suffered from it....Yet I'm negative....so what's the point of me doing either? There is none...I know I'm not the only person out there that fits into this category, you just never hear about it.

However, EVERYONE should be VERY, VERY concerned over all this crap. First off, it's not nor has it ever been a pandemic. With a 99.9xx survival rate among ALL GROUPS combined, we'd have never known about it if our wonderful government hadn't said anything. Yes, people have died from it. But then again, all of a sudden there were no deaths from the flu or any other disease or affliction, every death was considered covid....that alone should alarm you. Also, with the latest document release PROVING the fraud Fauci lied about gain of function research...and why in the hell would they be doing that in the first place? They took a virus that was non-communicable to humans, and spliced it to an already engineered virus (that means designed bioweapon for the ignorant) to make it more communicable....What is the purpose of that? After having received substantial training over the years in nuclear, biological, and chemical warfare, there IS NO SOUND REASON OR PURPOSE to do that other than to create a weapon....that is the ONLY PURPOSE.... Now enter the supposed vaccines....over a period of approx 25 years, NO VACCINE made using the methods they made these with have ever been approved because they have FAILED every trial, yet now suddenly they are getting approved with NO DATA about long term side effects or anything else. They are conveniently leaving out the details about the deaths that are the results of the vaccine, and being very hesitant to release details about other health complications.....We also know that the vaccines are only designed for the original variant, and that the delta or other variants are already vaccine resistant. Add to that that the vax does not prevent transmission, symptoms, or death....so why again is it being forced on us? There is already proof out there that natural immunity is more effective and longer lasting, as well as more likely to protect you against the other variants....so again, why the mandatory push for vax? All arguments aside, you need to not only follow the money, but you need to be very concerned about what is happening.....vaccine passports, discrimination against the unvaxxed, categorizing people because of this......sound familiar???

Again, if you want to take it, then do it. Just don't complain if something happens to you as a result of it. If nothing does, good on you....but I'm guessing long term more and more bad things will start happening.

One last thing. I've recently heard that the vaccines can cause your body to ignore other viruses or disease, and that the more of the vax you take, the more susceptible you become to other illness. There is a video out that a PHD testified about this.....it was a very interesting watch.....she even mentioned how the flu shot over time makes you more susceptible to the flu rather than to protect you....maybe you might want to consider that for a bit.....

Here is one thing that cannot be argued, and has popped up time and time again. There is much much more money in treating a disease than there is in curing it......and the companies making the vax are raking in billions as we speak, with absolutely ZERO liability for it.....imagine for just a minute if they did have to pay for liability.....and there are enough medical professionals out there that have seen the results of what can happen with all of this that are willing to end their careers than to take the vax....to me that speaks volumes.......

And when the feds MANDATE something, 99.999% of the time it's not in YOUR best interest, its in someone else's........just something to think about......

Mark Goulette
Owner/Driver of the Livin' The Dream Racing dragster
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Good luck Coloradoracer, hopefully you won't get this Covid crap. From what I've read if you are not Vaccinated and get Covid it's pretty bad.

When everything is coming your way, your probably in the wrong lane.
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