I've had the unusual opportunity to go to the OKC VA hospital 3 time in the last week. When you enter you are ask if you've had any Covid symptoms, no is the correct answer apparently. Yesterday on my 3rd visit I ask the gal what happens if someone answers yes? I don't know she replied. Everyday the parking lot was at least 80% full so the traffic was very heavy for sure. The number/percentage that answered no had to be staggering. My medical service was very good by the way.
As an addon: While waiting I was sitting under a TV spewing government propaganda, it could not be described any other way. It was pushing the vaccine hard. Even addressed the Tuskegee debacle. All possible objections were addressed and of course the vaccination was the correct way to go every time. Made me sick!This message has been edited. Last edited by: Canted Valve,
Illegitimi non carborundum
Posts: 2397 | Location: OKC, OK | Registered: February 15, 2008
How many here have gotten the semi quantitate antibody tests? Why isn't this more mainstream? Seems like we would want to monitor the natural immunity of the unvaccinated. And why not measure the immunity level of the vaccinated as well?
Foxtrot Juliet Bravo
Posts: 6506 | Location: Illinois | Registered: July 08, 2004
Originally posted by Bucky: How many here have gotten the semi quantitate antibody tests? Why isn't this more mainstream? Seems like we would want to monitor the natural immunity of the unvaccinated. And why not measure the immunity level of the vaccinated as well?
My Sister has had that test. She's a leukemia survivor, so her immune system could be weak. I don't know the numbers but her Doctors said her response to the vaccine was really good. I'm not sure which vaccine she got, but her Doctor said a "booster" wasn't necessary at this time.
After donating blood (last July) the Red Cross said I had covid antibodies. I hadn't been sick at all since Sept 2019. My Doctor said I was probably exposed to Covid enough for my body to build an immune response but not enough to develop an infection. (???) They used some of my blood for my cousin who ended up dying from covid. (before the vaccine was available) (I'm O-, universal donor). I'm curious about my response to the vaccine, but not curious enough to spend money on it. FWIW I had the Johnson and Johnson shot back in March.
I've said this before but feel compelled to say it again. I think getting the "shot" is the best choice for most people. I'm strongly AGAINST forcing anyone to take it. It's a medical decision that should be between an individual, and their Doctor. If you don't trust your Doctor for medical advice I'd recommend changing Doctors. The amount of misinformation (from both sides) is amazing, and dangerous.
I used to be a people person, but people ruined that.
Posts: 225 | Location: Usually home | Registered: January 27, 2013
I'm curious about my response to the vaccine, but not curious enough to spend money on it.
I checked last week and my insurance covered mine 100%.
It's interesting in a time where dr's are more resistant to simply handing over antibiotics without testing, and any sort of pain relief without a note from God, that the mainstream plan now is just give it, and boosters regardless of need for it.
Foxtrot Juliet Bravo
Posts: 6506 | Location: Illinois | Registered: July 08, 2004
My doctor wont give pains meds out at all, even with a note from God. She days go to pain management, which means another appt, another wait, another office call charge. She is a good doctor, but its like she has no hands, all she does is recommend tests then reads the results and recommends another doctor. To me its like taking your car to a repair shop and they say you need sparkplugs so take it to a tune up shop, or if you need tires take it to a tire store. There is no all-in-one anymore.
Posts: 317 | Location: Nevada | Registered: February 01, 2009
Originally posted by qtrrcr: My doctor wont give pains meds out at all, even with a note from God. She days go to pain management, which means another appt, another wait, another office call charge. She is a good doctor, but its like she has no hands, all she does is recommend tests then reads the results and recommends another doctor. To me its like taking your car to a repair shop and they say you need sparkplugs so take it to a tune up shop, or if you need tires take it to a tire store. There is no all-in-one anymore.
This sounds terrible, but there is very little in the way of thinking for themselves today. They all have their specialty and are unwilling to think much outside of it. They are afraid to make decisions out of line of mainstream ideals, nor think about how this patient is different from others. I think this is partially due to the sue crazy world we live in. And cancel culture in general.
Foxtrot Juliet Bravo
Posts: 6506 | Location: Illinois | Registered: July 08, 2004
My wife got the third shot as soon as they came out. This one gave her the symptoms of a bad case of flu for two days, then went away. She opted to get it because of the high risk category she is in with her health problems. Im not eligible until November, but not sure I am going to get it, I am in good health and not even sure if I needed the first two shots. Ill see how things go in November when I am eligible for the third dose.
Posts: 317 | Location: Nevada | Registered: February 01, 2009
I got the Moderna shots, the last one was on April 10th. I haven't heard when the booster shot is due / required but I am going to get it since I've had two rounds with cancer.
Posts: 3299 | Location: Lakeside, Ca | Registered: February 15, 2003
There is a question at the end of this rant, please don't miss it.
I understand the issue with being TOLD you will get vaccinated, if you don't we will deny you employment and publicly ostracizes you. It starts with violating the Civil Rights of City and County Employees but eventually it will and has filtered down to every citizen in this Country. The real intent is to divid our Country, it stared with Race and now it has become an issue of personal Rights. These are the mandates of the people we elected to Office.
To be clear this is my body and my CHOICE to be vaccinated (that was MY Right) but I totally disagree with anyone or any entity that mandates what they can do that violates our Civil Rights!
SO....my question, and here it is:
Where is the ACLU? They present themselves as the Champions of your Civil Rights....except when it doesn't agree with their Political affiliation and agenda. They file Lawsuits against people and Companies for the most ridiculous reasons but completely fail for the most important reasons. They just became an extension of those forcing their will on you, they became complicit in violating everyones Civil Rights.
If you presently are, please STOP donating to these worthless MAGOTS, The ACLU!
Rant Over;
Posts: 3299 | Location: Lakeside, Ca | Registered: February 15, 2003
We are nothing more than trained Pavlovian dogs. The public school system taught us to obey the bells. The bells told us where and when to be. No wonder the government had little resistance when it came time to put us in our quarantine crates. We are good, obedient dogs. These days the stimulus checks keep us docile to the masters’ hands. The Pavlovian system has worked and it will go on working until the masters become bankrupt. Good dog.
Chad Prather
"It is usually futile to try to talk facts and analysis to people who are enjoying a sense of moral superiority in their ignorance." -Thomas Sowell
Posts: 3382 | Location: American By Birth Texan By The Grace Of God | Registered: April 29, 2004
Originally posted by David Covey: We are nothing more than trained Pavlovian dogs. The public school system taught us to obey the bells. The bells told us where and when to be. No wonder the government had little resistance when it came time to put us in our quarantine crates. We are good, obedient dogs. These days the stimulus checks keep us docile to the masters’ hands. The Pavlovian system has worked and it will go on working until the masters become bankrupt. Good dog.
Chad Prather
Rules, laws....I don't think for the most part they are a bad thing. I'm not rooting for the wild wild west where anything goes. Law and order is what having boarders and nations is all about. But here, in THIS country, certain exclusive rights were protected by the founding fathers as so important that they are considered God given. THOSE are the ones that should never be infringed upon. I liked the bells. They helped insure some amount of order in school life. But when the government got into things they had no business being in? Schools even for that matter, the slope got pretty slippery obviously. And the situation became ripe for extremism to be taught in mass.
Foxtrot Juliet Bravo
Posts: 6506 | Location: Illinois | Registered: July 08, 2004
An old slipper is hard to throw away. What is routine and habit is embraced by most all. Many want the pledge of allegiance and prayer brought back into schools. I don't think they will be very happy, for what they fought for, is head banging facing mecca. After all conservatives are all about prayer and liberals are about action.
But when the government got into things they had no business being in?
Which came first the chicken or the egg? Liberals are a motivated and hard working bunch. They infiltrated the news, education, entertainment, bureaucracies, etc. Then simply brought them under government control when they controlled the govt. and bureaus.
Illegitimi non carborundum
Posts: 2397 | Location: OKC, OK | Registered: February 15, 2008
If we all step back and look at this, I kinda come up with two points:
1. The mandates are BS, unconstitutional and not really completely supported science wise. Masks as well. This is being handled in about the most unamerican way possible. And workplace requirements skirt worker protection rights that have long been in place. And the entire thing has gone full on political.
2. I don't make my health decisions based upon politics. Now it is possible that I will be forced to vaccinate before what science supports timing wise. But I won't refuse the vaccine because Sleepy Joe is pushing it. And I won't get it because of a false narrative. I am inclined to get on version of the vaccine in coming months as my natural immunity numbers fall. It's important to not let politics either way influence your decisions here. Some of us have become hard headed about it and have our feet dug in BECAUSE it is being pushed. Stick with your own risk assessment. JMO
Foxtrot Juliet Bravo
Posts: 6506 | Location: Illinois | Registered: July 08, 2004