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I do not think the Covid was a Biological Weapon, I believe it was started in the lab and got out due to poor handling of it. Still what CHINA, the WHO and even many of our own Government officials did to cover it up was CRIMINAL. https://postimg.cc/gallery/np3zpruo/ "Dunning-Kruger Effect" -a type of Cognitive bias where people with little expertise or ability assume they have superior expertise or ability. This overestimation occurs as a result of the fact that they do not have enough knowledge to know they don't have enough knowledge. Before you argue with someone ask yourself, "Is this person mentally mature enough to grasp the concept of a different perspective?" If not there is no point to argue. 4X NE2 CHAMPION. 2020 TDRA NE2 Champion | |||
DRR Top Comp![]() |
I do not believe much of what our Government and China have said about this. The "Official" deaths in China was like 49,000 people. Right! You believe that? They have almost 4 times more people in China and they are more packed in than we are yet they some how only had about 6% as many people die as here in America and many other Countries? You buying that? I am not. Also here in America why is Big Brother still trying to force the vaccine in us? We have around 70% of the population vaccinated and a significant portion of population has had it so we are are really at Herd Immunity. There may be 80-90% of the people have the anti bodies now. By the way originally it was supposed to be about 50% then 60% now they say 70% is not enough to get herd immunity and they keep moving those numbers up. Why? Why do they keep moving the bar? Who gains from the lies? we know we are being lied to. https://postimg.cc/gallery/np3zpruo/ "Dunning-Kruger Effect" -a type of Cognitive bias where people with little expertise or ability assume they have superior expertise or ability. This overestimation occurs as a result of the fact that they do not have enough knowledge to know they don't have enough knowledge. Before you argue with someone ask yourself, "Is this person mentally mature enough to grasp the concept of a different perspective?" If not there is no point to argue. 4X NE2 CHAMPION. 2020 TDRA NE2 Champion | |||
DRR Pro![]() |
Yep.....something is afoot...... Mark Goulette Owner/Driver of the Livin' The Dream Racing dragster www.livinthedreamracing.com "Speed kills but it's better than going slow!" Authorized Amsoil Retailer | |||
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I actually DO think it was developed as a biological weapon, and got inadvertently leaked (or maybe intentionally). WTF are these labs doing? They are NOT doing research to predict potential / future diseases and prevent/cure them. They are intentionally creating mutations and variations that are more deadly and transmissible than the strains they begin with! And to find out they were funded by OUR (U.S. Taxpayer) dollars, through an organization that the little lying ******* fauci was involved with, really pisses me off. How is it our own government was collaborating with those baztards on this shyt? Time to blow up every fvcking one of these labs, wherever they are. ![]()
Maybe the China numbers are more accurate, and the U.S. / rest of the world numbers are drastically inflated, because of the idiotic financial incentives that were given to code every possible death as Covid related? Maybe all of these "tools" (the virus itself, and the bogus fatality rate to cause mass hysteria and fear), were calibrated as the only realistic means for the handful in control to prevent the landslide re-election of an "outsider" president who was working to expose and disrupt their plans for a borderless, one-government "new world order"? To those who are disinterested, or living under a rock, it sounds like tinfoil hat stuff. To anyone with a brain who bothers to look beyond the leftist propaganda machine, (CBS,NBC, ABC, CNN, NY Times, Washington Post, etc), it is readily apparent that there is much sinister activity going on, not only with this "plandemic" and the ridiculously pushed vaccine, but far beyond it... Seriously, if this sounds like the ranting of a madman, stop and think for a moment, I would guess somewhere between 25-40% or more of American adults believe the same. Why? Do yourself a favor and take a few minutes to do some research beyond the "official narrative". There are hundreds / thousands of highly decorated & recognized physicians & scientists world wide, who are armed with indisputable facts and data, they have put their reputations and careers on the line, and they are being censored. Shut out / ignored by the mainstream news, and completely silenced on social media, because their professional opinions don't match the official narrative on the vaccine, the virus, etc. The American people are being lied to by their own government, and it's mouthpiece media / propaganda machine. Freedom of speech is allowable, as long as you don't go against the narrative. Just like in Communist China. ![]() Compulsory / mandatory vaccination against a known and very deadly plague, using an approved and tested vaccine, is understandable. NOT for a flu virus with a 99.5% survival rate, using an experimental Non-approved vaccine. JMHO, probably more than $.02 worth, (or maybe less). ![]() Dan "Jim" Moore Much too young to feel this damn old!! | |||
DRR Top Comp |
Globalists are working on their subjects perspectives, 24/7 on a loop. Their subjects worship at the satanic alter TV nightly. Look inside to see what you've become | |||
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Let me clarify that I said I do not believe it was a Biological Weapon, I think it was accidentally released. I think it may have been DESIGNED as a weapon but I do not think it was RELEASED on purpose. I agree with Footbrake Jim, I do not believe the numbers in America are correct. We know for a fact there were some who died from getting shot and motorcycle accidents that were listed as COVID. There is a huge Financial incentive for the Hospitals to list it as COVID so they did. We do not know how far off the actual numbers are we may never know same as how bad the Voter Fraud was. We do KNOW it happened and going back to prove otherwise is very hard now. We do know that when you tell every Hospital that all COVID deaths will get an additional $75,000 each form Government do not act surprised when you get crazy numbers. I do not believe the numbers from China are true. I think America and many other Countries are way over counting for financial gain and power grab and China is under counting to make them look better like they did not start it and it was not as bad as other Countries act. Our OWN Media lies worse than China to us. We also KNOW the Media is lying to use and protecting the Democrat party. They are not there to give us NEWS they are there to indoctrinate us and tell us what to think and how to Vote and many people are eating it up. Much of the Media lies is originating from our own Government in particular the Democrat side. Ever notice how many of the stations are saying same thing almost word for word? They are not giving you news they are reading a script. We do know that many in our own Government and around the World want a Border less, one World, one Government, One Religion New World Order. They have also determined that that One Religion will be Islam. That should scare all of you and yet some are not smart enough to see what is right in front of your face. https://postimg.cc/gallery/np3zpruo/ "Dunning-Kruger Effect" -a type of Cognitive bias where people with little expertise or ability assume they have superior expertise or ability. This overestimation occurs as a result of the fact that they do not have enough knowledge to know they don't have enough knowledge. Before you argue with someone ask yourself, "Is this person mentally mature enough to grasp the concept of a different perspective?" If not there is no point to argue. 4X NE2 CHAMPION. 2020 TDRA NE2 Champion | |||
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It would be mighty White (traditional American) of you to not automatically cuck to track official's stories, without looking at the Evidence objectively, Cuck. Lefty Nazi POS ![]() | |||
DRR S/Pro |
The finger is pointed at China! Of course they are going to say; it is not that bad.. and sure their numbers are far lower but we know thats Bu!!shyt! Look who is involved in the investigation.. Fox is in the Hen House! California Screaming! Raceless in California! | |||
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It's china's fault you participated in what lead to the destruction of millions of American jobs, business's and livelyhoods? Hows that ? ![]() Coke didn't even have to program you less white, it came naturally without any prodding. ![]() | |||
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Look on the bright side, it's all china's fault. Is that weapons of mass destruction again? Or weapons of mass deception? ![]() ![]() | |||
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It would be mighty White (traditional American) of you, if you didn't bend over for every unlawful order. Like a good little cuck. ![]() | |||
DRR S/Pro |
E v e r y o n e knows, This virus could have taken a lot more lives. The US dealt with it as well as they could have with the knowledge they had then. How would you have handled it Mike? Ignore it? Loose more family and friends because they had “ underlying conditions” ? Wait for the Herd Immunity ? I believe Trump did the right thing releasing funds and science to curb this. If not for that move we would be far worse off right now. The long term effects of the virus are still not known and will go on forever. You can argue and debate this forever but you cannot change the outcome-because, it’s out of our hands. , get over it! Like changing the outcome of your last race. Not gonna happen. BP California Screaming! Raceless in California! | |||
DRR Top Comp |
The reason millions of business's and jobs were destroyed, is because of cucks who automatically bend over for unlawful orders, instead of stand up for freedom, in defiance of unlawful orders. The cucks excuse in the end will be, I was just following orders. Same as always. The cucks who've made elected officials their rulers. FYI ... We don't have rulers here, we have elected officials. | |||
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Nope! And it's worse than that. The official WHO numbers for China is 5,106 deaths. LOL It's like they're not even trying to be believable. They are unbelievable straight-faced gaslighters.
Not even close. 42%. Remember, most vaccines require two shots to be "fully vaccinated". Since COVID-19 vaccine distribution began in the United States on Dec. 14, more than 301 million doses have been administered, fully vaccinating over 139 million people or 41.9% of the total U.S. population. It is estimated that the U.S. will reach 70% by October 24th. If none of the people who got vaccinations were also those who previously had covid, then we'd be at about 52%, but there's a lot of overlap.
Fauci specifically admitted to fudging herd immunity numbers completely off the cuff with no scientific basis just to try to incentivize more people to get vaccinated. Fauci told The New York Times: "When polls said only about half of all Americans would take a vaccine, I was saying herd immunity would take 70 to 75 percent …Then, when newer surveys said 60 percent or more would take it, I thought, ‘I can nudge this up a bit,’ so I went to 80,85." He's a *&^%ing LIAR, straight up. He's working right out of the Sal Alinsky handbook. "The ends justify the means."
No. There was a MASSIVE increase in deaths last year, WAY above normal year-over-year increases, which has a direct correlation to covid-19. United States Mortality Data 2015 2,712,630 2016 2,744,248 +31,618 2017 2,813,503 +69,255 2018 2,839,205 +25,702 2019 2,854,838 +15,633 2020 3,358,814 +503,976 With all due respect, I don't know why people so desperately want to pretend that it's some worldwide super-hoax conspiracy. It's a virus. It's real. It sucks. I've had it, and luckily my case was very mild. I personally know numerous people WHO ARE ^%$%ING DEAD because of covid. Can we just get back to fighting off blatantly unconstitutional, economically destructive, and science-ignoring government overreach? __ Michael Beard - staginglight@gmail.com Staging Light Graphic Design, Printing & Event Marketing | |||
DRR Top Comp |
500,000 is a low number considering the million jobs lost due to lockdowns, every week since 15 days to flatten the curve. With the resulting depression and escalated alcohol and drug use, you'd think the numbers would be double or triple that. You'd think locking healthy people down, removing their means of meeting their financial obligations would kill millions more healthy people, just due to stress alone. I'm sure it did worldwide. Global financial collapse says this couldn't be a orchestrated global event (sarcasm). Someone hasn't heard of the looming great reset apparently, or they prescribe to wishful thinking, which wouldn't surprise me either. ![]() | |||
DRR Sportsman |
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DRR Top Comp |
Where do all these cucks come from? Where have they been all their lives? Who taught these people bending over for unlawful orders is patriotic? Bending over for unlawful orders is the opposite of patriotic. It's the TV brainwashing. It has gotta be. If every American would have laughed at these Tyrants as I did, we'd still have a country to be proud of. ![]() | |||
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Yes, I thought when I saw the numbers from China was like 4,900 but I thought that must be a mistake there is no way. Must have left a few Zeros off. https://postimg.cc/gallery/np3zpruo/ "Dunning-Kruger Effect" -a type of Cognitive bias where people with little expertise or ability assume they have superior expertise or ability. This overestimation occurs as a result of the fact that they do not have enough knowledge to know they don't have enough knowledge. Before you argue with someone ask yourself, "Is this person mentally mature enough to grasp the concept of a different perspective?" If not there is no point to argue. 4X NE2 CHAMPION. 2020 TDRA NE2 Champion | |||
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Michael, Ok, even if we assume the mortality numbers you posted are accurate, (although honestly at this point I have very little confidence in ANY data published by WHO, CDC, China OR the Biden puppet show), does that mean there is no conspiracy or bad intent among the would-be ruling elite / globalists to control or drastically alter our way of life? Or that the Chinese Virus was not intentionally engineered to cause massive destruction / illness / death? I haven't seen anyone here say that the Covid China virus is a hoax. If what you are referring to as a hoax is the widely disputed numbers of mortalities blamed on Covid, (with no noted distinctions between deaths attributed TO Covid, vs deaths that occurred to a person "with" Covid, (either the deceased tested positive before, or after death), that really does not matter to me whether it was 5,000 or 5,000,000. I chose to continue living life like I always did, just like the rest of my family and friends. Sure there were times when we had no choice but to put a freaking diaper on our faces for a minute to get essential items, (thanks to the governmental over-reach you mentioned, because of that lying a-hole fauci, who now admits those chinese made, germ-infested diapers do NOTHING to stop the spread or prevent infection by Covid). I guess I am not sure what you are referring to as a hoax / conspiracy. THe fact that the virus was intentionally developed in a Communist Chinese lab is indisputable. The fact that the current regime in DC has close ties to Communist China is indisputable. The fact that the previous U.S. President had an adversarial relationship with Communist China is indisputable. The fact the Communist China had a very strong interest in seeing that President unseated is indisputable. I doubt you will find a single U.S. adult who would HONESTLY disagree that had the Chinese virus NOT been released in 2020, Donald Trump would still be our President. I also believe the true cost of the collateral damage, in both lives and dollars lost, that occurred due to the unprecedented and unconstitutional lockdowns is simply incalculable. (And still ongoing). How many Covid patients died because they were hooked to ventilators unnecessarily, in order for the treating facility to gather even more of the unbelievably obscene incentive dollars in government payouts? (Many doctors have discussed in detail how the ventilators cause many other health issues, quite often fatal). I actually think many of us are on the same page with a lot of the governmental bvllshyt surrounding this, sometimes become separated or divided on some of the extraneous BS like the statistics. If this Communist Chinese engineered virus only killed 5K people, that is far too many. If it killed 10 million, far worse. Intentional or otherwise, the ongoing stonewalling, cover-up and outright lying by the Communist Chinese Gov't is criminal. Just as bad, (if not worse), is the cover provided to them by the WHO, fauci, and the mainstream media etc. The opportunistic leftists used the disease as a weapon to unconstitutionally change the fundamental way this nation conducts it's elections, to basically control the outcome of it through many devious and foul means, and now they are trying to permanently implement those unlawful changes and many more, to ensure they never lose another election. That is bvll shyt that should never have happened, thanks to this engineered Chinese virus. In my opinion, many, MANY people in high places, on both sides of the Pacific, need to be held accountable. But that will likely never happen. Not when the puppet shytshow in DC and their propaganda machine / MSM are touting the virtues of little liar fauci, basically conferring sainthood on the freaking key enabler of the chinese perpetrators. Dan "Jim" Moore Much too young to feel this damn old!! | |||
DRR Top Comp |
Rotted out teeth and poor health goes hand in hand with mask wearing, virtue signaling. Do you think that it's planned that way? Rewards for good behavior? ![]() | |||
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