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Trump is our only Hope
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Looking kind of ugly for Donald

Later Larry

Sapere aude!

"Put some jam on the bottom shelf where the little man can reach it."

"The Truth", it's just another liberal conspiracy!
Posts: 1275 | Location: Port Charlotte, Florida | Registered: December 16, 1999Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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August doesn't matter, all that matters is what happens in November....



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Village Idiot and Little Larry are such a cute couple.

L8R, Mike

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Picture of Bill Koski
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The vast majority sure as Hell are not CONSERVATIVES and ones that are embracing the life-long loony leftie PERVERTED SERIAL LIAR trumpster have shredded their CONSERVATIVE credentials!!!!!
The VILE trumpster is in bed with the gutless rinos as he adopts FLEEBAGGER policies on a daily basis!!!!!

Later, Bill Koski
Posts: 11039 | Location: LAS VEGAS. NEVADA, US of A | Registered: December 03, 1999Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by Bill Koski:
The vast majority sure as Hell are not CONSERVATIVES and ones that are embracing the life-long loony leftie PERVERTED SERIAL LIAR trumpster have shredded their CONSERVATIVE credentials!!!!!
The VILE trumpster is in bed with the gutless rinos as he adopts FLEEBAGGER policies on a daily basis!!!!!


This has been a recorded rant.errrr. announcement.


BK...walk down the hallway and ask for your pills for today at the nurses station...



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Originally posted by Mike English:
Village Idiot and Little Larry are such a cute couple.

Which one is the guy?

Wes Scott

Posts: 8960 | Location: Cooper, Texas | Registered: June 06, 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Wes, neither

L8R, Mike

Posts: 12321 | Location: Wildomar, Ca | Registered: August 30, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post

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Originally posted by imakehp:
August doesn't matter, all that matters is what happens in November....

Yes sir that is correct august is not the be all end all, but it does seem to be the beginning of a trend, does in not. One can only wonder how much further down Trump can drive his poll ratings by his bombastic rhetoric and outright offensiveness while still remaining a viable candidate? Frankly I think if Trump didn’t say another word from now until Election Day he might fare better. But I am pretty sure that Donald will make every day from now until Election Day entertaining, if he makes it that far. He has come up with some real corkers over the last few days. Unfortunately for him most of what he has said lately seems to end up resulting in self-inflected wounds. Some say that if he keeps on shooting off his mouth the way he has in the past few days and his ratings get too much lower and he suffers too much more public embarrassment, he might just say screw it all and quit. The thin skin and fragile ego of a narcissistic personality doesn’t do too well with personal embarrassment, particularly on such a large stage. Of course he is already starting to float excuses, like the system is rigged; getting his exit strategy in place it appears.

Frankly the guy seems to me to be just a few more episodes of major self-inflected public embarrassment away from a full on psychotic break. Hell he is such a pathological liar he makes lying Ted look like a choirboy in comparison. It surely seems quite obvious, to me at any rate, the man has a personality disorder of some kind, as to what exactly the diagnosis is, I will leave to professionals, all though a number of people with much acumen in psychology have publicly stated Trump to be a World Class Narcissist, among other things.

On a side note, it is really strange that the one person around here I figured would buy into the Trump Cult of Personality that has been spun over the last year or so is the one so adamantly in opposition to him, go figure. Blind pigs, acorns and all that I suppose.

Later Larry

Sapere aude!

"Put some jam on the bottom shelf where the little man can reach it."

"The Truth", it's just another liberal conspiracy!
Posts: 1275 | Location: Port Charlotte, Florida | Registered: December 16, 1999Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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So, I gather all that means you're not voting for Trump?

Don't be afraid to keep it simple dude....



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Village Idiot and Little Man can copy and paste with the best of them.

L8R, Mike

Posts: 12321 | Location: Wildomar, Ca | Registered: August 30, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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"Village Idiot and Little Man can copy and paste with the best of them."

I have to call BS on that Mike.

Have you read what BK posts? I have to believe there's no other person in the World that talk gibberish like him.

Now LH is another story all together... Rolling



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Trump to be a World Class Narcissist, among other things.

Ok. Let's say he is. So were many of our founding fathers and some of our greatest leaders. I'm not looking to have a beer with him. I'm looking for a leader for our country. Let's ask this question: Which is worse for a personality trait for President? Narcissism or complete lack of integrity? Hillary has been already caught in many a lie. And was fired from her first job for lack of integrity. She has a problem with being transparent with Americans about just about anything. So which is the worst of the two evils?

Foxtrot Juliet Bravo
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Bucky, your asking a left wing nut case to make a decision

L8R, Mike

Posts: 12321 | Location: Wildomar, Ca | Registered: August 30, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by Larry Heath:
Originally posted by imakehp:
August doesn't matter, all that matters is what happens in November....

Yes sir that is correct august is not the be all end all, but it does seem to be the beginning of a trend, does in not. One can only wonder how much further down Trump can drive his poll ratings by his bombastic rhetoric and outright offensiveness while still remaining a viable candidate? Frankly I think if Trump didn’t say another word from now until Election Day he might fare better. But I am pretty sure that Donald will make every day from now until Election Day entertaining, if he makes it that far. He has come up with some real corkers over the last few days. Unfortunately for him most of what he has said lately seems to end up resulting in self-inflected wounds. Some say that if he keeps on shooting off his mouth the way he has in the past few days and his ratings get too much lower and he suffers too much more public embarrassment, he might just say screw it all and quit. The thin skin and fragile ego of a narcissistic personality doesn’t do too well with personal embarrassment, particularly on such a large stage. Of course he is already starting to float excuses, like the system is rigged; getting his exit strategy in place it appears.

Frankly the guy seems to me to be just a few more episodes of major self-inflected public embarrassment away from a full on psychotic break. Hell he is such a pathological liar he makes lying Ted look like a choirboy in comparison. It surely seems quite obvious, to me at any rate, the man has a personality disorder of some kind, as to what exactly the diagnosis is, I will leave to professionals, all though a number of people with much acumen in psychology have publicly stated Trump to be a World Class Narcissist, among other things.

On a side note, it is really strange that the one person around here I figured would buy into the Trump Cult of Personality that has been spun over the last year or so is the one so adamantly in opposition to him, go figure. Blind pigs, acorns and all that I suppose.

Stop wasting band width with your queer ramblings.

Wes Scott

Posts: 8960 | Location: Cooper, Texas | Registered: June 06, 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post

Picture of David Covey
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By Jonah Goldberg•Contact Reporter

May 27, 2016, 2:15 PM

Clinton's style of deception more insidious than Trump's

The State Department’s inspector general just released a report concluding that Hillary Clinton is a breathtakingly brazen and consistent liar.

No, that’s not a direct quote. Bureaucrats don’t talk that way under the best of circumstances — and this IG, Steve Linick, is an Obama appointee whose report is about the apparent Democratic nominee for president.

So it’s all the more shocking, then, that the report confirms nearly everything Clinton’s critics have been saying. By setting up a secret email server in her home in Chappaqua, N.Y., without proper authorization from any legal or security official, Clinton displayed a cavalier disregard for national security and an outrageous desire to hide her doings from Freedom of Information Act requests, government archivists, Congress, the press and, ultimately, the American people.

What’s infuriating about all of this is that it is not, in fact, news. Yes, the fresh details are justifiably headline-grabbing. But the underlying conclusion is about as shocking as a Department of Interior report confirming that bears are currently using our national parklands as toilets.

Over a year ago, Clinton held a press conference at the United Nations intended to put the whole controversy to rest. Nearly every significant statement she made was a lie. And we’ve known it for a year.

For instance, she said, “I did not email any classified material to anyone on my email. There is no classified material.” We know that’s untrue. Of the emails she handed over (remember, she unilaterally deleted some 32,000 on her own), 2,079 of them contained classified material, some given a classification even more sensitive than “top secret,” some fairly mundane. Her campaign clings to the fact that they were not “marked” classified.

Nonsense. Classified material is “born” classified, and it was Clinton’s job to understand that. Moreover, how could the classified material she sent be marked “classified” if the whole point of her shadow server was to avoid oversight by the people who do the classifying? It’s like selling bootleg gin and then claiming that no one from the government marked it “bootleg.”

Another major lie: that she did this out of “convenience” because she didn’t want to carry two devices. The whole thing sort of just happened on auto-pilot while she was concentrating on much more important things, Clinton insisted.

More lies. Not only did she carry several devices, but the IG report makes it clear that this stealth rig took a lot of planning and effort. She told staffers, “I don’t want any risk of the personal being accessible.”

When two employees in the IT department raised concerns that Clinton’s stealth server would not properly preserve records, a supervisor replied that the matter had been reviewed and approved by lawyers and that the staffers were “never to speak of the secretary’s personal email system again.”

That’s a strange instruction for something lawyers approved, isn’t it? The IG couldn’t find any evidence of this legal review of Clinton’s system. These mystery lawyers are surely unreachable because they are aiding O.J. Simpson in the search for the real killers.

If such a review existed, you’d think the Clinton campaign would provide it to investigators (and the press). Then again, if Clinton did nothing wrong, she also would have talked to the inspector general, like every other relevant secretary of state did. And she would have happily told her team to cooperate with the IG to clear the air. They all refused. I wonder why.

Just kidding. Of course I don’t wonder why. From the earliest days of this scandal — and it is a scandal — Clinton has lied. Unlike Donald Trump’s lies, which he usually vomits up spontaneously like a vesuvian geyser, Clinton’s were carefully prepared, typed up and repeated for all the world to hear over and over again.

I would think this is an important distinction. Neither of the candidates is worthy of the office in my eyes, but voters might discount many of Trump’s deceits as symptoms of his glandular personality. Much like Vice President Joe Biden, who always gets a pass for launching errant fake-fact missiles from the offline silo that is his mouth, Trump is often seen as entertainingly spontaneous.

Meanwhile, Clinton — who lives many time zones away from the word “entertaining” — is marketing herself as the mature and upstanding grown-up. She does nothing spontaneously. And that means all of her lies are premeditated.

"It is usually futile to try to talk facts and analysis to people who are enjoying a sense of moral superiority in their ignorance." -Thomas Sowell
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Bill, don't let you obsession carry you away. The 3rd line of Dave's post is "Clinton's style of deception more insidious than Trump's". I don't think anyone believes Trump isn't a fibber.

Illegitimi non carborundum
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The PERVRTED SERIAL LIAR trumpster is a pathological LIAR and we have had 7 1/2 years to observe what the results are when a COMPULSIVE PATHOLOGICAL LIAR OCCUPIES THE OVAL OFFICE!
Will the VILE trumpster suddenly become HONEST?????

Later, Bill Koski
Posts: 11039 | Location: LAS VEGAS. NEVADA, US of A | Registered: December 03, 1999Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Village Idiot continues to flap his lips about nothing. Must miss Ted Luzer Rolling

L8R, Mike

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I don't care if he lies. He is an amateur at it. I am going to vote for him to help keep a professional liar, Clinton, from the White House.

Wes Scott

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Very good point !!!!



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