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Today’s democrats
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Here’s a thought experiment: If someone had told you a year ago that the jobs report out today would be miserable, that Americans would be feeling levels of anxiety on national security not seen in years and that the president’s job approval rating would have skidded to 38 percent, how would you have forecast the elections two months away? What if you also knew that Democrats had committed a series of unforced errors, including a senator dropping his candidacy over plagiarism and a star recruit accidentally posting her whole campaign strategy online? What if you also knew that no Republican incumbents had been unseated in primaries? There are plenty of factors to consider, particularly Democratic spending advantages, but today provides a snapshot of a cycle that is tilting out of control for the majority party. Badly. Remember today the next time someone is trying to tell you that the atmosphere this year is anything other than brutal for Democrats.

'I'm Confident He's Going to Do Something' on Immigration

Harry Reid Bets on Obama:

More Senate Democrats urge Obama
to delay immigration order

Augusta Warrior Project
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White House: Obama to delay immigration action

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Abandoning his pledge to act by the end of summer, President Barack Obama has decided to delay any executive action on immigration until after the November congressional elections, White House officials said.

The move instantly infuriated immigration advocates while offering relief to some vulnerable Democrats in tough Senate re-election contests.
Associated Press

Obama to reportedly delay executive action on immigration until after elections

President Obama has abandoned his pledge to reform U.S. immigration policy by the end of summer and will instead wait until after the November congressional elections, The Associated Press reports Saturday.
Obama has abandoned his pledge

Gov. Jerry Brown: Nearly 30% of CA Kids Illegal or 'Don't Speak English'

During Thursday night's California gubernatorial debate against Republican Neel Kashkari, California Governor Jerry Brown (D) revealed that nearly 30% of the state's schoolchildren are either illegal immigrants or do not speak English.

"all welcome in California,"

Record Number of Foreign-Born Hold Jobs in U.S.

Augusta Warrior Project

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If this week’s polling is any evidence, Democrats are facing an even tougher road come November. With President Obama’s approval sinking below former president George W. Bush’s, the latest Fox News poll finds Republicans hold the advantage as they seek to reclaim the Senate. In states with active U.S. Senate races, likely voters say they would back the Republican a 9-point margin. And when looking at the results in just the 14 Fox News battleground states the GOP edge widens to 18-point margin. Fox News: “The president recently claimed that ‘by almost every measure’ the nation’s economy and American workers are better off now than when he took office. Voters dismiss his boast as ‘mostly false’ by a 58-36 percent margin. That includes 37 percent of Democrats who think it doesn’t ring true.”

[The battleground list: Arkansas, Colorado, Georgia, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, North Carolina, New Hampshire, South Dakota and West Virginia]

Dem base cracks up - WaPo: “Women surveyed [in the WaPo/ABC News poll] said they disapprove of [President Obama ] by a 50 percent to 44 percent margin — nearing an all-time low in the poll. It’s almost the reverse of the 55 percent to 44 percent breakdown for Obama among female voters in 2012, according to exit polls…His approval rating among women has slipped four percentage points from a year ago and 16 points since his second inaugural in January 2013, when his approval was 60 percent among the group. Among younger voting-age Americans, Obama’s approval rating stood at 43 percent. That marked an 11-point drop since June among those 18 to 29 years old.”

Dems divided -

“Sen. Mark Begich (D-Alaska) said anything dealing with the ramped-up U.S. attacks on ISIL should be split off from the CR. But, he said, even then he wouldn’t support giving Obama the authority to arm the rebels…Asked multiple times if she would support aiding the Syrian rebels, Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.) said she would need more information before she could take a firm position. Sens. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) and Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) declined to answer questions about Syria.”

Augusta Warrior Project
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“Women surveyed [in the WaPo/ABC News poll] said they disapprove of [President Obama ] by a 50 percent to 44 percent margin — nearing an all-time low in the poll. It’s almost the reverse of the 55 percent to 44 percent breakdown for Obama among female voters in 2012, according to exit polls…His approval rating among women has slipped four percentage points from a year ago and 16 points since his second inaugural in January 2013, when his approval was 60 percent among the group.

I would have to say a sizable number of women are bad decision makers when it comes to the betterment of our nation. That's where emotion vs. logic will get you.

Illegitimi non carborundum
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Like the Winch from Wasilla?

Wes Scott

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Obama Losing Support

Three essential groups that formed part of Barack Obama’s voting coalition are slipping away from him, according to a new Washington Post/ABC News poll: women, young voters, and Latinos.

“Regardless of their 2012 vote, moms’ opinions of Obama have dulled. At best, some feel sorry for him … While he may be a player in how moms perceive the dysfunction in Washington, they will not have President Obama directly in mind when casting their vote in November.”

Among Women, Youths, Latinos

Augusta Warrior Project
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Another "Bridge To Nowhere"..............
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Originally posted by Bob H:

Another "Bridge To Nowhere"..............

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President Obama and Democrats hit the panic button two weeks ago as voters expressed deepening despair over Obama’s foreign policy and the makings of a terrible tide in November were taking shape. The president acknowledged having failed at “the theater” of presidential leadership and, after a fashion, turned to new, more dramatic language about his incremental escalation of the effort to contain Islamist militants who keep beheading Westerners in their captivity. While White House officials briefing reporters on Monday said they wouldn’t be running on the ISIS war, per se, they expressed satisfaction that the president’s new more resolute persona had stabilized things with voters. The briefers laid out the events of weeks to come designed to highlight the president’s new part. As lawmakers gnaw on a proposal to provide more arms to rival rebel factions in Syria, the president is getting ready to take his show on the road, with stops in Atlanta to show engagement on the expanding threat of the Ebola virus and in Florida where he will visit military commanders.

[What will 100 grand buy you? - President Obama was the guest of honor Monday night at a Democratic Senate fundraiser with the amazing price of $100,000 per attendee at the posh Jefferson Hotel]

On the home front - But while the president has altered his playbill to indicate attentiveness to national security issues, he and his party also have been deploying new measures against Republicans as the midterm season heats up. And it seems to be working. Democrats are seeing returns on a strategy to use superior financial resources to attack Republicans for trying to buy elections. As today’s fundraising totals show, well-heeled Democrats are dumping far more money into keeping the Senate than Republicans and their allies are putting into trying to win it. Having spent so heavily in the early going to blunt the bucks of conservatives, the president and his team are carefully turning toward rallying the Democratic base. Obama’s campaign schedule is taking shape and the president has cut his first ads of the general election season, radio spots aimed at black voters and single women.

Augusta Warrior Project
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The deep divisions among Democrats over President Barack Obama’s plan to attack Islamic State militants foreshadow fights ahead within the party over how aggressively to assert itself on foreign policy.
Dems divided on Obama’s Syria plan

Augusta Warrior Project
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Another "Bridge To Nowhere".............

ZERO/Barney Fife

L8R, Mike

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Democrats turn on Debbie Wasserman Schultz

Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz is in a behind-the-scenes struggle with the White House, congressional Democrats and Washington insiders who have lost confidence in her as both a unifying leader and reliable party spokesperson at a time when they need her most.
She rejects the idea she is over-extended.

Augusta Warrior Project
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Kerry Reminds CodePink He Was Anti-War Before It Was Cool

CodePink activists protested a Senate hearing on President Obama's plan to bomb the Islamic State for a second straight day, but this time,

John Kerry was ready for them.

Augusta Warrior Project
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Democrats aren’t talking much about Obama in congressional speeches

When President Obama took office in 2009, congressional Democrats were euphoric. With control of the House, Senate and the White House, and high public approval for their new party standard bearer, Democrats eagerly embraced Obama and all the long-awaited policy initiatives he’d surely help them achieve.

In that first month, congressional Democrats mentioned Obama during floor speeches 200 or so more times than Republicans. In the next year and a half, the parties referred to the president at similar rates, sometimes with the Republicans having more to say, other times the Democrats.

These days,

Augusta Warrior Project
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A host of Democratic Senate hopefuls who rode anti-war sentiment into office in the past decade are running for reelection now as hawks, staking out hard-line positions on the latest upheaval in the Middle East. The candidates are quick to note the differences between then and now — a years-long military mission with boots on the ground versus the airstrikes President Barack Obama has launched in Iraq and Syria in the past month.
Liberal doves run as war hawks

Augusta Warrior Project
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