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DRR S/Pro |
Should one call this campaign rhetoric, spin, outright lie???? Self sufficient conservatives aren't about to "resonate" with a confessed socialist. There's only one source to pay for his idiotic tax & spend ways and that for the working class to pay the tax. Sorry Bern, saying it don't make it so.... makes it a BS lie. Illegitimi non carborundum | |||
DRR Elite![]() |
No doubt the Trumpster is terrified of the socialist moron that has seven supporters nationwide? The socialist moron and the felon committing Benghazi queenie have run so far off of the sane peoples tracks that Jim Webb is considering reentering the campaign! For a national party to have two clueless nincompoops as their ONLY viable candidates demonstrates how low the FLEEBAGGERS have fallen with the lying, queer, treason committing, half-breed illegal alien in the Whitehouse!!!!! TAKE IT TO THE BANK!!!!! Later, Bill Koski | |||
DRR S/Pro |
I think the "kicker" in Hitlary's campaign is that "Slick" Willy is going to join her on the campaign trail! ![]() ![]() Wow, a rapist and a liar campaigning on women's rights! ![]() ![]() Jerry Mock | |||
DRR Elite![]() |
Two serial liars, a convicted perjurer and two unindicted felons, one for RAPE and the other for an unfathomable number of felonies!!!!! TAKE IT TO THE BANK!!!!! Later, Bill Koski | |||
DRR Pro |
On Morning Joe............... "We have to become competitive with the world," he said Wednesday in an interview on MSNBC's "Morning Joe" broadcast from St. Anselm College in New Hampshire. "Our taxes are too high, our wages are too high, everything is too high," he said. "People are going to start firing people" because costs are excessive, he added. "We're becoming a noncompetitive country, that's the problem," he said. http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/...ar-CCfQ4Z?li=AAa0dzB | |||
DRR Elite |
Lot of truth there andI dont think he is talking about the lower end of the wage scale. L8R, Mike | |||
DRR Elite![]() |
Just saw where an LV corrections officer was arrested for a prostitution charge, a minority male. He made $80,000.00 in 2014 according to the story and no doubt had exorbitant bennies besides, I doubt there was overtime in that job! This is the problem with public unions in a nut shell. An uneducated boob making that kind of money is idiotic! TAKE IT TO THE BANK!!!!! Later, Bill Koski | |||
DRR Elite |
Unfortunately that is the type of blanket statement that Trump makes all the time. I agree that public sector and unions make a poor marriage. But I really don't think that is what Trump was taking about. Who knows though. Are floor sweepers in our auto plants making $80k making us less competitive? Yes. Are $15 per hour manufacturing jobs hurting our competitiveness? I really don't think so. At what point to you say enough is enough? Do we simply search the cesspools of the Earth to find people who are so desperate that they will work for whatever they are offered, and send our jobs there? Oh yes. We already do that. Foxtrot Juliet Bravo | |||
DRR Elite![]() |
The employees working for private enterprises are paid more then they are worth in many cases BUT their pay is not confiscated from tax payers at the point of a gun! Eventually the outlandish pay and benefits and ESPECIALLY the retirements of public sector unions are going to meet a brick wall! $15.00 an hour is a far site from $80,000.00 a year! TAKE IT TO THE BANK!!!!! Later, Bill Koski | |||
DRR All Star |
Hey Old Man, this is a Trump topic. ![]() ![]() | |||
DRR All Star |
Today, even the Conservative Wall Street Journal was critical of Trump’s most recent lies about watching “thousands and thousands” of people cheering as the World Trade Center came tumbling down. No, the Journal did not call Trump’s statement a lie — as the New York Times had the guts and integrity to do so (below) — rather it called it a “controversy” and danced around it as follows: The latest Trump controversy came over the weekend, when he told a rally in Alabama that he saw “thousands and thousands” of New Jersey residents celebrating when the World Trade Center towers went down in the 9/11 terror attacks. The implication was that Muslim-Americans across the river cheered terror strikes. . A few news reports at the time said there were rumors of celebrations in New Jersey, but there was no substantiation, and certainly no television images of anything like the scene Mr. Trump recalled seeing. But we have come to expect such of Trump apologizers. What is really shameful, however, is how the Journal attempts to explain why a candidate such as Trump who “regularly makes statements so incendiary that, spoken in other times, they likely would have driven another candidate to the sidelines… merely rolls on, still the Republican front-runner.” How does that happen, the Journal asks and blames it on two long and unsatisfying wars in Iraq and Afghanistan; on the deep recession of 2007-09; on “cultural changes, such as the spread of gay marriage” and of course on Barack Obama and — almost as an afterthought — on the Republican Party for “failing to reverse such trends.” The Journal concludes: As a result, the unfolding Republican primary sometimes seems to be a contest to see who can be most derogatory of current political leadership—and that’s a contest Mr. Trump figures to win every time. His supporters seem less interested in the details of his pronouncements than in his attitude. To that I say, if in fact Republicans want to nominate a liar, a demagogue and a bigot as their Party’s presidential candidate because things are “so bad,” go right ahead. Democrats will reward your myopia and folly next November. Original Post: The Politically Correct media and others have called them “inaccurate,” “questionable,” “exaggerations,” “outrageous,” “flying in the face of all evidence,” “fabrications,” even “false statements.” Fact-checking sites have rated his statements as “Pants on Fire,” worth “four “Pinocchios,” etc. Of course we are talking about Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump. But, finally, some news organizations are getting the backbone and the integrity to call a lie a lie. The New York Times Editorial Board has just done that. In a scathing yet honest editorial the Board writes: America has just lived through another presidential campaign week dominated by Donald Trump’s racist lies. Here’s a partial list of false statements: The United States is about to take in 250,000 Syrian refugees; African-Americans are responsible for most white homicides; and during the 9/11 attacks, “thousands and thousands” of people in an unnamed “Arab” community in New Jersey “were cheering as that building was coming down.” . In the Republican field, Mr. Trump has distinguished himself as fastest to dive to the bottom. If it’s a lie too vile to utter aloud, count on Mr. Trump to say it, often. It wins him airtime, and retweets through the roof. The Times expands on a couple of recent examples of such lies and compares them to other politicians who have targeted minorities, foreigners or women in the past and concludes by bemoaning how such a person “stays at the top of the Republican field” and “is regularly rewarded with free TV time, where he talks right over anyone challenging him, and doubles down when called out on his lies.” This isn’t about shutting off Mr. Trump’s bullhorn. His right to spew nonsense is protected by the Constitution, but the public doesn’t need to swallow it. History teaches that failing to hold a demagogue to account is a dangerous act. It’s no easy task for journalists to interrupt Mr. Trump with the facts, but it’s an important one. Thank you, New York Times. Please continue to interrupt Mr. Trump with the facts and without fear. America needs such a champion | |||
DRR Top Comp |
Gpa | |||
DRR Elite |
Troll, the copy and paste queen! L8R, Mike | |||
DRR Top Comp |
![]() Trump Is Right, Bill Clinton’s Sordid Sexual History Is Fair Game Washington Post: ![]() Augusta Warrior Project Gpa | |||
DRR Elite![]() |
Poor 'ole bill cosby is being crucified by the lefties because he dared tell the truth about the lefties destroying the black family structure! He didn't RAPE somebody the way the RAPIST did and the hypocrite "stupid voters" still lick the RAPIST'S boots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TAKE IT TO THE BANK!!!!! Later, Bill Koski | |||
DRR Elite |
Trump is the only one with enough balls to bring this up. Cant wait to hear what Billary says. L8R, Mike | |||
DRR All Star |
DRR's pusswad doing a little copy and pasting himself. What an IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!!! | |||
DRR All Star |
Trump wins the award for "Liar of the Year" from Politifact. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cca8IydS8iI What does that say about his followers? ![]() ![]() | |||
DRR All Star |
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5UBeGGfzm8E English, spit Trumps ba11s out of your mouth and watch this...... lmao | |||
DRR All Star![]() |
Donald will eat Bill's ass up. _____________________________ Wes Scott | |||
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