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Destroying the Church of Global Warming
DRR Sportsman
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Originally posted by Bob H:
Originally posted by Canted Valve:

This would be the same government that doesn't define unemployment by the number of people not working. Tree huggers take something that is good, controlling our resources/environment, and turns it into slime.

Posts: 237 | Location: North Bend | Registered: February 06, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Sportsman
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, “You never let a serious crisis go to waste.” The hysteria surrounding the latest administration report on global warming implies a variation on that dictum, “Never miss an opportunity to create a serious crisis.” Though many of the crises created or compounded by the administration are real enough, the release of the National Climate Assessment has been hyped (abetted by much of the media) with bogus claims of past, current and predicted climate impacts.
NCA Quote: “Precipitation patterns are changing”
Reality: Precipitation patterns were never constant. Creating a crisis from the normal allows climate catastrophists to point to every abnormal bit of wet or dry as being “consistent with models” that predict one horrible outcome or another.
NCA Quote: “sea level is rising”
Reality: Yes sea level is rising, which it has done since the end of the last ice age. But the frequent claims and predictions of accelerating sea-level rise are not borne out in the data. In fact sea-level rise has slowed recently. One main-stream climatologist says this variation “makes the 21st century of sea level rise projections seem like unjustified arm waving.”
NCA Quote: “the frequency and intensity of some extreme weather events are increasing”
Reality: The latest report on the science from The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and analysis provided by the adminstration’s own National Climatic Data Center conclude that there isn’t a case for extreme weather increases – no significant trends for floods, droughts, hurricanes or tornadoes.
NCA Quote: “In Arctic Alaska, the summer sea ice that once protected the coasts has receded”
Reality: Global warming is supposedly global. Global sea ice (Arctic and Antarctic) is above average and, for this time of year, it is at its highest level in 30 years, which is the third-highest on record.
The authors apparently do not think anybody is checking their statements or they couldn’t possibly think they would get away with this one:
NCA Quote: “It is notable that as these data records have grown longer and climate models have become more comprehensive, earlier predictions have largely been confirmed.”

Reality: The past 15 years have seen the climate model predictions stray ****her and ****her from actual temperatures (here and here). Last year, prominent climatologist, Hans von Storch, said, “If things continue as they have been, in five years, at the latest, we will need to acknowledge that something is fundamentally wrong with our climate models.” Maybe Professor von Storch needs four more years to be sure the models are wrong, but there are no grounds on which the models can be declared “confirmed.” Instead, the predictions are getting worse and worse.

Posts: 237 | Location: North Bend | Registered: February 06, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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They preserve it not turning it into slime.

Get your facts straight.

Your slime comes from GREEDY oil companies.

Exxon Valdez and the Gulf oil spill ring a bell?????

Greed and the lust for money is what destroys our environment.
Not tree huggers.

Your response shows just how conditioned you are. Reminds me of the chicken that pecks the buzzer and receives a treat.
Extreme environmentalist are a slimy, underhanded, despicable bunch. The Al Sharptons of the environment. I never hear a conservative say we shouldn't protect our environment, just in a realistic manner. I challenge you to stop TODAY using all oil products produced by the greedy oil companies. Turn off your heat/AC, electricity, sell your car, etc. I would suggest you get a bicycle but they use petroleum products to produce them, and just about everything else. Granted there are greedy oil companies, BP and the gulf spill for one. BP is a terrible outfit. But who was in bed with them in the gulf? The MMS...... the government, the very agency that is suppose to regulate them! Those MMS inspectors come to the drilling rigs and act like they are real cowboys. In short you can't lump and lable all of any group. I work in the oil & gas business. Was working for Shell in southern Kansas. They were up there for about 1.5 years doing exploration. After they lost 1 Billion dollars they pulled out over night. That's right they spent a sizable portion of that in the Kansas economy generating a lot of jobs. You better have some pretty deep pockets to absorb 1 Billion in losses on one operation when you have hundreds going on around the world.
You bemoan the use of oil products yet you enjoy them to the fullest. The world moves on oil, if you don't understand that you are naive. I suppose we could nationalize them like the commies. Kinda like obamacare. I have worked for national oil companies in Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Australia, Russia, etc. and none compare to independent run US companies. In fact most all operation have US companies heavily involved to keep them running right. You need to wake up to the realities of life and get beyond the cliche "Greed and the lust for money is what destroys our environment."

This message has been edited. Last edited by: Canted Valve,

Illegitimi non carborundum
Posts: 2391 | Location: OKC, OK | Registered: February 15, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR All Star
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I don/t care in what you say CV, as your working interest with oil companies makes you on a bias side.

"Greed and the lust for money is what destroys our environment."

I will stand by in what I quote.

I think you should invest in acreage where strip mining has moved out.
Posts: 10253 | Location: Henderson, NV | Registered: December 09, 1999Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Elite
Picture of Bill Koski
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This lawless anti-American regime has lied about anything and everything and the duped boob "totus" testicle swingers are so shameless they still post the bull shyt this regime decimates!!!!!
The duped boobs are beyond help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Later, Bill Koski
Posts: 11038 | Location: LAS VEGAS. NEVADA, US of A | Registered: December 03, 1999Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Trophy
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Many years ago i was a "Global Warming" believer, it seemed to make sense but after a lot of research
I came to the conclusion the only one believing in global warming were the ones benefiting from global warming.
Of course then came the BIG SWITCHERROOOO and its now "Climate Change" because of course the warming had stopped.
What is very interesting is the fact very prominent scientist like Dr.Patrick Moore, Dr.Fritz Vahrenholt, James
Lovelock and others that helped perpetrate the hoax are now the ones coming out against it! One of them even said some
warming would be good for the planet, there's a lot of people in the world and you can't grow food on the frozen tundra.

As far as alternative energy goes I'm all for it, bring on the wind mills and solar(i have solar panels on my roof for
heating water) and nuclear why aren't we doing more nukes the French get 75% of their electric from nukes China is building
nuclear power plants like crazy, now who do you think can build them better and safer? Us or them?
You just cant say today we stop this energy source and use this instead, competition and free market is what will get us
there its what works and made this nation the greatest in history. I once heard someone say the automobile wouldn't be what
it is without government mandates, I cry B.S. to this , I guess it was government mandate that got us from old rotary phone
to a touch screen IPhone with internet access, nope competition and market at it again. JMHO......


The question isn't will the Nation survive and recover from an Obama Presidency but can the Nation survive and recover from the uninformed electorate that put him there.

“If you're not a liberal at twenty you have no heart, if you're not a conservative at forty, you have no brain.”

― Winston Churchill
Posts: 78 | Location: Florida USA | Registered: January 13, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Sportsman
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Originally posted by Bob H:
I don/t care in what you say CV, as your working interest with oil companies makes you on a bias side.

"Greed and the lust for money is what destroys our environment."

I will stand by my penis pump.

I think I should invest in acreage where I can strip and run naked with my Penis pump.

Posts: 237 | Location: North Bend | Registered: February 06, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post

DRR Sportsman
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Originally posted by Bill Koski:
The HYPOCRISY from the "greenies" concerning wind and solar power is down right STAGGERING!!!!!
These "greenies" are supposedly protecting every single living non-human in existence BUT millions of birds are flying into the windmills vortex and being chopped up, including protected species like bald eagles, and the heat above solar installations using mirrors to increase output is so intense that birds that are drawn there by a charged field above the solar panels are bursting into flames as they fly there!!!!!
HYPOCRISY to the NTH degree from the left-wing whack jobs!!!!!
Hey moron have you ever seen a wind power rotor turning? Not likely to chop up a bird. As far as birds bursting into flames from solar panel, that's hilarious!!!!!! Don't believe either happens. Just like you don't think global warming is real. Stay away from Rush and the Fox snooze crowd and educate yourself!!!!!!
Posts: 193 | Location: ohio | Registered: July 04, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Sportsman
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Originally posted by 524vette:
Originally posted by Bill Koski:
The HYPOCRISY from the "greenies" concerning wind and solar power is down right STAGGERING!!!!!
These "greenies" are supposedly protecting every single living non-human in existence BUT millions of birds are flying into the windmills vortex and being chopped up, including protected species like bald eagles, and the heat above solar installations using mirrors to increase output is so intense that birds that are drawn there by a charged field above the solar panels are bursting into flames as they fly there!!!!!
HYPOCRISY to the NTH degree from the left-wing whack jobs!!!!!
Just want in From a POSvette
Posts: 237 | Location: North Bend | Registered: February 06, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Sportsman
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stop pretending climate scientists are saints in lab coats!!

In his increasingly meek efforts to not look like a lame duck (as well as to take every available opportunity to portray Republicans as apathetic-yet-spiteful haters of any agenda item he could possibly produce), President Obama is once again turning to that ever-reliable progressive tactic of climate-change alarm-mongering to gin up some noise. The administration released what we’re told is a “major,” “new,” “significant” report on the extravagant perils of living on a planet that doesn’t remain in climate stasis, and yet the report seems suspiciously full of plenty of everything we’ve already heard before (most recently, from the United Nation’s International Panel on Climate Change). For instance, this is MSNBC‘s take on the report’s findings:
Climate change has officially arrived, and it is wreaking havoc across the United States – draining water supplies, throwing off sea levels and affecting the health of millions of Americans, according to a significant new government report.
“Residents of some coastal cities see their streets flood more regularly during storms and high tides. Inland cities near large rivers also experience more flooding, especially in the Midwest and Northeast. Insurance rates are rising in some vulnerable locations, and insurance is no longer available in others. Hotter and drier weather and earlier snow melt mean that wildfires in the West start earlier in the spring, last longer into the fall and burn more acreage,” the U.S. National Climate Assessment report found.
Climate change effects every part of daily life, including major sectors of the economy – the growing season is getting longer, which could be considered a positive effect in the short term, according to the report. But, “our society and its infrastructure were designed for the climate that we have had, not the rapidly changing climate we now have and can expect in the future.”
The report, released Tuesday by the White House, seeks to quantify and illustrate the huge impact climate change has had and will have on the country, from the catastrophic and devastating – rising sea levels threaten millions of homes in coastal communities as hurricanes, wildfires, and other extreme patterns ravage communities – to the subtle but pervasive growth in allergies.

You get the idea, and if you merely accept that climate change has indeed been happening since the dawn of time, and that mindfulness and mitigation may be good ideas but central planning from a global bureaucracy isn’t — instead of faithfully accepting that an utterly earth-smashing disaster is absolutely imminent and that human beings are irrevocably, devastatingly hastening the planet’s natural processes — then you will be called a knuckle-dragging flat-earther/denier. Deal with it.
The best that can be said for the report is that it does endorse some adaptation strategies, and that the White House is still fine with fracking — at least grudgingly acknowledging that natural gas has been the best thing for carbon-emission mitigation in recent history (brought to you by the free market, and not by egregiously subsidized/costly/unreliable wind-and-solar schemes. Sorry.). But, never fear, progressives — I’m sure we can all look forward to the report being used for all kinds of sweet new regulations and executive orders of the next few years. Here are some thoughts from Krauthammer and George Will on that front:

KRAUTHAMMER: Any scientific theory that explains everything, explains nothing, and no matter what happens — in climate, if it’s unpleasant, the word for that is “weather” — is attributed to global warming. I mean, if we continue with global warming up here in the northeast, we’re going to freeze to death. But, the most important element is what McConnell was talking about: The negligible gain. Assume they are right about global warming. Assume that it is all caused by man. The United States has reduced carbon emissions since 2006 more than any other country on earth. We are right now at 1992 levels, according to the IEA, and yet, carbon emissions have gone up globally. Why? We don’t control the emissions of the other 96 percent of humanity, especially China and India. As we dismantle the coal plants in our country, China and India together are adding one coal-fired plant every week. …
WILL: There is however no evidence in the increase of extreme weather. I own a home on an island in South Carolina looking south in the direction of hurricanes, and after Katrina, I was really interested when they said, “This is a harbinger of increased hurricane activity,” which since then has plummeted. Now, Mr. Holden who introduced this report has his own record of very interesting failed forecasts, not to mention Al Gore who, in 2008, said that by 2013 — for those of you keeping score at home, that’s last year — the ice cap in the North Pole would be gone. It’s not. Now, there is, as Charles says, the policy question is how much wealth do we want to spend, directly or in lost production, in order to have no discernible, measurable effect on the climate. … There is a sociology of science. Scientists are not saints in white laboratory smocks. They’ve got interests like everybody else. If you want a tenured position in academia, don’t question the reigning orthodoxy on climate change. If you want money from the biggest source of direct research in this country, the federal government, don’t question its orthodoxy. If you want to get along with you peers, conform to peer pressure. This is what’s happening. … The New Yorker magazine, which is impeccably upset about climate change, recently spoke about the report from the IPCC as “the last word on climate change.” Now, try that phrase, “the last word on microbiology, quantum mechanics, physics, chemistry.” Since when does science come to the end?
Posts: 237 | Location: North Bend | Registered: February 06, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Sportsman
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Tuesday on his radio show, conservative talker Rush Limbaugh made the argument the Democrats are forwarding climate change as an issue in the 2014 mid term elections because everything they have done has been a disaster saying:

"There isn't a single issue that the democrats can run for reelection on in the upcoming mid terms, not a single one, everything they have done has blown up on them."

Limbaugh added they other bonus on "circling back to climate change" is Obama gets to abuse his executive powers saying, "by the same token, permit Obama to exercise dictatorial powers with his executive orders."

The Dims could also run on the excellent job they have done "Draining The Swamp!"
Posts: 237 | Location: North Bend | Registered: February 06, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Trophy
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Originally posted by 524vette:
Originally posted by Bill Koski:
The HYPOCRISY from the "greenies" concerning wind and solar power is down right STAGGERING!!!!!
These "greenies" are supposedly protecting every single living non-human in existence BUT millions of birds are flying into the windmills vortex and being chopped up, including protected species like bald eagles, and the heat above solar installations using mirrors to increase output is so intense that birds that are drawn there by a charged field above the solar panels are bursting into flames as they fly there!!!!!
HYPOCRISY to the NTH degree from the left-wing whack jobs!!!!!
Hey moron have you ever seen a wind power rotor turning? Not likely to chop up a bird. As far as birds bursting into flames from solar panel, that's hilarious!!!!!! Don't believe either happens. Just like you don't think global warming is real. Stay away from Rush and the Fox snooze crowd and educate yourself!!!!!!

In the end, using 58 mortality estimates that met their criteria, they came up with an estimate. According to the current literature somewhere between 140,000 and 328,000 birds die each year from collisions with wind turbines. That's not all, explains the blog Natural Reactions:

In addition, it appears that there is a greater risk of fatal collisions with taller turbines. This is a real problem, as larger wind turbines may provide more efficient energy generation. Consequently, it is expected that new wind farms will contain even bigger turbines, which will result in even more bird deaths. Future developments therefore will have to give very careful consideration to potential wildlife impacts when planning the type of turbine to install.

Read more: http://www.smithsonianmag.com/...#ZhGZ5U88jHUhlg7h.99
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I guess they do kill, who knew?

The question isn't will the Nation survive and recover from an Obama Presidency but can the Nation survive and recover from the uninformed electorate that put him there.

“If you're not a liberal at twenty you have no heart, if you're not a conservative at forty, you have no brain.”

― Winston Churchill
Posts: 78 | Location: Florida USA | Registered: January 13, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Trophy
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Originally posted by 524vette:
Originally posted by Bill Koski:
The HYPOCRISY from the "greenies" concerning wind and solar power is down right STAGGERING!!!!!
These "greenies" are supposedly protecting every single living non-human in existence BUT millions of birds are flying into the windmills vortex and being chopped up, including protected species like bald eagles, and the heat above solar installations using mirrors to increase output is so intense that birds that are drawn there by a charged field above the solar panels are bursting into flames as they fly there!!!!!
HYPOCRISY to the NTH degree from the left-wing whack jobs!!!!!
Hey moron have you ever seen a wind power rotor turning? Not likely to chop up a bird. As far as birds bursting into flames from solar panel, that's hilarious!!!!!! Don't believe either happens. Just like you don't think global warming is real. Stay away from Rush and the Fox snooze crowd and educate yourself!!!!!!

The Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System officially opened last week, a $2.2 billion solar farm containing about 350,000 mirrors, each the size of a garage door. Those mirrors are aimed at three 40-story-tall towers. The concentrated sunlight boils water in the towers, which in turn generates steam that drives special turbines.

For birds, the towers are more like the Eye of Sauron. During test runs at the plant over the past several months, workers discovered dozens of dead birds, the Wall Street Journal’s Cassandra Sweet reported. “The dead birds included a peregrine falcon, a grebe, two hawks, four nighthawks and a variety of warblers and sparrows.” They appeared to have been scorched. Hat tip Gizmodo

read more @ http://news.discovery.com/tech...ing-birds-140219.htm

again who knew?

The question isn't will the Nation survive and recover from an Obama Presidency but can the Nation survive and recover from the uninformed electorate that put him there.

“If you're not a liberal at twenty you have no heart, if you're not a conservative at forty, you have no brain.”

― Winston Churchill
Posts: 78 | Location: Florida USA | Registered: January 13, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR All Star
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Originally posted by Bill Koski:
When I post something you can TAKE IT TO THE BANK!!!!!
At a solar installation in southern fruits-an-nuts-state people are witnessing birds drawn to the charged field above the panels ACTUALLY bursting into flames as they are flying!!!!!
The HYPOCRISY from the "greenies" concerning wind and solar power is down right STAGGERING!!!!!
These "greenies" are supposedly protecting every single living non-human in existence BUT millions of birds are flying into the windmills vortex and being chopped up, including protected species like bald eagles, and the heat above solar installations using mirrors to increase output is so intense that birds that are drawn there by a charged field above the solar panels are bursting into flames as they fly there!!!!!
HYPOCRISY to the NTH degree from the left-wing whack jobs!!!!!

The only thing you take to the bank is Mary's inheritance money.
Posts: 10253 | Location: Henderson, NV | Registered: December 09, 1999Reply With QuoteReport This Post

DRR Sportsman
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Originally posted by Bob H:
Originally posted by Bill Koski:
When I post something you can TAKE IT TO THE BANK!!!!!
At a solar installation in southern fruits-an-nuts-state people are witnessing birds drawn to the charged field above the panels ACTUALLY bursting into flames as they are flying!!!!!
The HYPOCRISY from the "greenies" concerning wind and solar power is down right STAGGERING!!!!!
These "greenies" are supposedly protecting every single living non-human in existence BUT millions of birds are flying into the windmills vortex and being chopped up, including protected species like bald eagles, and the heat above solar installations using mirrors to increase output is so intense that birds that are drawn there by a charged field above the solar panels are bursting into flames as they fly there!!!!!
HYPOCRISY to the NTH degree from the left-wing whack jobs!!!!!
The only thing you take to the bank is my money. crying


Posts: 237 | Location: North Bend | Registered: February 06, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Sportsman
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Climate Hustle’ or ‘American Doomsday’?! Obama climate report panned by scientists – ‘Pseudoscience’ ‘sales pitch’ ‘follow the money’ ‘total distortion’ ‘false premise’ ‘outdated & wrong’ ‘failure’

Posts: 237 | Location: North Bend | Registered: February 06, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Elite
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will stand by in what I quote.I think you should invest in acreage where strip mining has moved out.


L8R, Mike

Posts: 12316 | Location: Wildomar, Ca | Registered: August 30, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Elite
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The only thing you take to the bank is Mary's inheritance money.

ZERO with posts like a idiot.

L8R, Mike

Posts: 12316 | Location: Wildomar, Ca | Registered: August 30, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Trophy
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Originally posted by Jim Segner:
Originally posted by 524vette:
Originally posted by Bill Koski:
The HYPOCRISY from the "greenies" concerning wind and solar power is down right STAGGERING!!!!!
These "greenies" are supposedly protecting every single living non-human in existence BUT millions of birds are flying into the windmills vortex and being chopped up, including protected species like bald eagles, and the heat above solar installations using mirrors to increase output is so intense that birds that are drawn there by a charged field above the solar panels are bursting into flames as they fly there!!!!!
HYPOCRISY to the NTH degree from the left-wing whack jobs!!!!!
Hey moron have you ever seen a wind power rotor turning? Not likely to chop up a bird. As far as birds bursting into flames from solar panel, that's hilarious!!!!!! Don't believe either happens. Just like you don't think global warming is real. Stay away from Rush and the Fox snooze crowd and educate yourself!!!!!!

In the end, using 58 mortality estimates that met their criteria, they came up with an estimate. According to the current literature somewhere between 140,000 and 328,000 birds die each year from collisions with wind turbines. That's not all, explains the blog Natural Reactions:

In addition, it appears that there is a greater risk of fatal collisions with taller turbines. This is a real problem, as larger wind turbines may provide more efficient energy generation. Consequently, it is expected that new wind farms will contain even bigger turbines, which will result in even more bird deaths. Future developments therefore will have to give very careful consideration to potential wildlife impacts when planning the type of turbine to install.

Read more: http://www.smithsonianmag.com/...#ZhGZ5U88jHUhlg7h.99
Give the gift of Smithsonian magazine for only $12! http://bit.ly/1cGUiGv
Follow us: @SmithsonianMag on Twitter

I guess they do kill, who knew?

and someone can't admit when they are wrong !! No real surprise!!

The question isn't will the Nation survive and recover from an Obama Presidency but can the Nation survive and recover from the uninformed electorate that put him there.

“If you're not a liberal at twenty you have no heart, if you're not a conservative at forty, you have no brain.”

― Winston Churchill
Posts: 78 | Location: Florida USA | Registered: January 13, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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will stand by in what I quote.I think you should invest in acreage where strip mining has moved out.

Any good manager will listen to concerns but he doesn't want to hear *****ing, he want to here solutions. So how were we to heat all the homes that strip mining provided with the technology at the time? How are we to move the world that the oil industry provides without mans inevitable muck ups? For all the dreamers..... it can't be done. What man touches he will muck up from time to time. It's not a perfect world and if you're going to provide for mankind well..... you're going to have to break a few eggs to make an omelet. Just the way life is, but ideologiest will P&M while enjoying all the benefits of the things they complain about. At first you can blame it on naïvety or immaturity but when they get older, like nazi Nancy, you know it's plain distorted stupidity and inability to grasp reality.

Illegitimi non carborundum
Posts: 2391 | Location: OKC, OK | Registered: February 15, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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