| quote: Originally posted by SCDIV1: Greg Kelley had the best description for them
One side will be the "lead leaker" and lose air twice as fast
4x4's in your trailer under the 4 link brackets works well.....
As Ed would say "Truth and Facts" |
| Posts: 2630 | Location: Moving back to the door side | Registered: April 30, 2010 |  
| The amount of air leaking from MTs can be lessened in the soap application and brand. You can’t do better than Walmart Great Value Ultra Original Dish Liquid 3X. This stuff will plug up the end of a dispensing bottle in 2 weeks time. Take it from the guy that washes dishes by hand 3x a day every day. Day prior to mounting, I generously soap complete interior, stand both tires up and leave a 20” floor fan blow through them on Hi and mount next day. My car on jacks in cold garage with tires at 10# last Nov were 9# and 6# this April. No flat MTs in my trailer during the tow season. It’s sad that one has to go through this to make a $800+ new set of rear tires leak less. The 4 yr old 25” Goodyear Fronts on my car had less than 8# sitting 5 months over winter starting at 35#. |
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DRR Elite
| Thanks for the tip Mark but that’s way too much work for my son and I ain’t soaping one tire. I’m betting he’ll be done with empties by the end of the season, maybe before. |
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DRR Top Comp

| If you want to win you have have an open mind and try to improve to stay on top. That means testing and trying things some work, some do not. As for losing .7 MPH who cares? You picked up .04 in 60 and all down track. That is pretty significant in the 60 foot and on my stuff it is more consistent to over a wider temperature range. Like it or not it will probably help him win more rounds. https://postimg.cc/gallery/np3zpruo/"Dunning-Kruger Effect" -a type of Cognitive bias where people with little expertise or ability assume they have superior expertise or ability. This overestimation occurs as a result of the fact that they do not have enough knowledge to know they don't have enough knowledge. Before you argue with someone ask yourself, "Is this person mentally mature enough to grasp the concept of a different perspective?" If not there is no point to argue. 4X NE2 CHAMPION. 2020 TDRA NE2 Champion |
| Posts: 4428 | Location: United States of Texas | Registered: April 02, 2011 |  
DRR Elite
|  as my son says..."no tire is helping me win." He wins because he can drive both ends of the track, knows what his bulb is and knows what the race should look like down track. quote: Originally posted by Big Steve: Not that there is much difference, Did you choose 3195 or 97s
3195. I/m told by those that have tried the 97s they saw no difference. |
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| quote: Originally posted by DragRaceResults: News travels fast in the intraworld, lol
Well I'm bound to be a monkey's uncle! |
| Posts: 1754 | Location: Houston, Tx. | Registered: November 27, 2008 |  
DRR Elite
| It’s all good but I’m still not a fan of empties.
60 foots were .04 quicker. As for consistency, 4 passes over 2 days/22 hours 60 foots moved .005 and overlaying the graphs of all 4 passes is one line.
That said I expect when I next open my trailer door the empties will live up to their name and be flat with the rims crushing the sidewalls which will definitely shorten tire life an effect tire performance! |
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DRR Top Comp
| When I was carrying two cars my partner didn’t soap his Mickeys, total pain in the a-z-z. I carried a wooden block with rubber on it to put under the rear end. I soaped mine and they were fine, still leaked a little but not bad. The Hoosiers leak a tiny amount but not enough to worry about. My junk is slow anyway so I’ll stick with the Hoosiers for now.
Clowns to the left of me, Jokers to the right. Here I am.......
| Posts: 5345 | Location: stuck in the middle with you! | Registered: March 11, 2002 |  
DRR Elite
| quote: Originally posted by 434 olds: Tires do not win races.
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DRR Top Comp

| I have made calls to all preachers I know and my mother has been secretary for a Baptist church for 35 years. Hell is serving ice cream daily.LOL My M/T's must be factory screw-up. They leak about .5 lb over the winter sitting in the trailer on the stand. Either that or one coating of dawn did the trick. Trying new stuff make racing more fun. Doing same thing over and over is just boring.It might win rounds, but you never know what works best unless you try something different from time to time. Congrads to Kyle for open minded thinking and picking up et while doing so.
America home of free. Brought to you by 2nd amendment.
| Posts: 4608 | Location: Greensboro NC | Registered: May 24, 2011 |  
DRR Elite
| The first time my dragster is sitting on the hood of my freshly painted Firebird will be the last time and Hoosier’s C1550 will be back on my Delta wheels. |
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DRR Elite
| I haven’t checked yet but can’t be based on the 60 foot quote: Originally posted by Big Steve: I was thinking about that, the way you have the dragster loaded above the Firebird would scare the crap out of me with Mickeys on the dragster, I hope you have lots of clearance if you plan on leaving it loaded for more than a couple of days
About 3” which is less than the height of the sidewall.  |
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