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Lights Out & Donald Long
Picture of T/D6591
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Originally posted by TubeCarz:
Originally posted by Mike Rietow:
Let it go Charlie. You've been defeated by Evidence long ago. It's time to let it go and stop being a sore loser.

Take a deep breath and let it go Charlie, you're not gonna win them all. Your parents should have taught you this when you were like 8 years old Charlie.

No amount of make believe will suffice.

Evidence is Authority.

and even you lack of HP .. Howdy fellerz !

The easy way to spot a demokrap is that they accuse others of the the exact thing they themselfs do ...
Hillery it's been 3 1/2 years , yes I hate to be the bearer of bad news .. but ya lost .. bigly !

Here's the evidence .. let that sink in .. >

Speakin of sinkin in ...

Such a gaping azz .. so few cones .. Eek

And now i'm chopped liver. Where is that damn cat? Dancing Cat

Posts: 1708 | Location: Portland,Oregon | Registered: January 18, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Easiest way to spot a Lefty is Lies, fake news and no Evidence.

Good luck coming up with evidence of the Nova losing in two or ten more years LoL.


Posts: 9398 | Location: Madeira Beach Fl. | Registered: June 12, 2018Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Picture of TubeCarz
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Originally posted by T/D6591:
And now i'm chopped liver. Where is that damn cat? Dancing Cat[/QUOTE]

MoZilla, you missed the first round call .. Big Grin
Howdy Zilla .. !

Conesquatter .. why move on to more loses , you haven't got all the notoriety you deserve out of this one yet.
I like how everyone and his brother seen that POS NoGo ten feet out of the groove .. but you !
Nice job at doctoring up the video .. you can change everything but this ... >

They said you left in a hurry .. no need being embarrased, it was an honest mistake . But now you know there is no middle lane, maybe if they let you back in again, you can try to do better .. and pick up your trophy you left behind ...

Posts: 428 | Location: Palm City Fla . | Registered: June 22, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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The Evidence at the stripe shows the foam block sitting on the finish line behind the cars unmoved.

This was also the original call.

What does the Nova have to do with the foam block coming off the track surface after the Nova is past it? The answer is nothing

Posts: 9398 | Location: Madeira Beach Fl. | Registered: June 12, 2018Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Let me know when you find the page in the rule book, where it states a car can't be close to the center line.

Not every trip down the track is perfectly straight.

Posts: 9398 | Location: Madeira Beach Fl. | Registered: June 12, 2018Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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The difference between ignorance and stupidity. Ignorance is lack of knowledge. Stupidity is the inability to learn. Don't be stupid
Posts: 428 | Location: des moines iowa | Registered: January 10, 2020Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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45 minutes later after the wagon was loaded up, track official Peter Conry says he found a tire track leading to the front side of the finish line block.

Peter went on to say he hated to do it but had to, due to his conscience. He said he had to reverse the original call and put the wagon back in the race.

Let me know when you have some Evidence of the Nova losing.

Laughing Hard

Posts: 9398 | Location: Madeira Beach Fl. | Registered: June 12, 2018Reply With QuoteReport This Post

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Originally posted by TubeCarz:

I am a little anxious to see evidence of any of your claims, or should we all consider them liberal fake news?

Show me another N/A sbc 3200 lb Nova on the planet that has been 1.27 60ft on a 10 x 28 bias slick eh? I'm sure there might be one other out there.

We can even narrow it down even further. Show me one the owner built the engine and transmission eh?

You can't back up anything you say with Evidence.


Liberals ran the same exact smear campaign on Trump. It's what Liberals do when caught red handed.
Posts: 9398 | Location: Madeira Beach Fl. | Registered: June 12, 2018Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by TubeCarz:
who can't drive a 11 second car

Here's my 370 Pro Tree 6.50 index high gear only tune I rode to the final round first time in the class, out of the box.

I'm sure you can easily explain your Liberal fake news accounts of the car. I'll be waiting patiently.

From the looks of it, the wagon misjudged the stripe as a result of it's power, once I was able to get the car accelerating after the tire spin. Probably looked like nitrous came on to him thinking he was gonna slide by on the brakes. That didn't work out too good did it? Power left him behind.

But I'm sure you can tell us more about this POS NoGo 11 second car with no evidence to back any of your liberal fake news. Laughing Hard

Posts: 9398 | Location: Madeira Beach Fl. | Registered: June 12, 2018Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Wow. It is amazing just to witness this, as it is happening. Take care. Tom Worthington

If it seems that bracket racing has gotten too expensive for you, maybe you are just doing it wrong.
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Originally posted by Mike Rietow:
track official Peter Conry says he found a tire track leading to the front side of the finish line block.

Peter went on to say he hated to do it but had to, due to his conscience. He said he had to reverse the original call and put the wagon back in the race.

Let me know when you have some Evidence of the Nova losing.

Laughing Hard

This is REAL evidence not photo shopped images or ones taken well after the cone is out of sight. The FACT that the other car was put back int he race and you were DQ'ed is all the evidence needed on this matter.

When did this thread go from a promoter with less than questionable activities to Mike yet again trying to defend himself from a DQ more than 4 years ago. DUDE you lost let it go.....
Posts: 685 | Location: Anderson SC. | Registered: July 10, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Picture of Richard Hammond
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Originally posted by Freddie:
Originally posted by Mike Rietow:
track official Peter Conry says he found a tire track leading to the front side of the finish line block.

Peter went on to say he hated to do it but had to, due to his conscience. He said he had to reverse the original call and put the wagon back in the race.

Let me know when you have some Evidence of the Nova losing.

Laughing Hard

This is REAL evidence not photo shopped images or ones taken well after the cone is out of sight. The FACT that the other car was put back int he race and you were DQ'ed is all the evidence needed on this matter.

When did this thread go from a promoter with less than questionable activities to Mike yet again trying to defend himself from a DQ more than 4 years ago. DUDE you lost let it go.....

That's why he was banned from Bradenton. He called out everyone from the track owner down to the people that park cars for his inability to drive a race car. He needs to start his 10th username and go back to YB where he belongs.
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Originally posted by Richard Hammond:

That's why he was banned from Bradenton. He called out everyone from the track owner down to the people that park cars for his inability to drive a race car.

Do you have any evidence to back any of your liberal fake news?

Fact of the matter is I can't be banned unless I pull up at the gate and that's not gonna happen, because the last time I pulled up to the gate, I made it to the final round, was declared the winner in the quarter final race, in the race in question, only to be DQ'd 45 minutes later by a made up out of thin air fake story.

Telling the truth of what happened isn't calling anyone out. It's merely the Truth.

If you're running your mouth with no Evidence to backup your mouth, you're no different than the Liberals who smeared Trump for four years, with no Evidence.

I do have evidence to back up everything I say. I was DQ'd 45 minutes later on a made up out of thin air fake story by track official Peter Conry who claimed he found a tire track leading to the front side of the block.

Is that an impossible story according to photo evidence? Yes, we know the story Peter conry told to put the wagon back in the race was impossible according to the photo evidence below.

We also know it was a made up out of thin air fake story by the fact he wouldn't clarify (repeat) it the next day after everyone who heard Peter recite the fake story, saw the video and photo evidence.

The photo evidence below is the reason Bradenton can't repeat (clarify) to this day, the explanation they used to put the wagon back in the race 45 minutes after they declared the wagon loser of the race.

This message has been edited. Last edited by: Mike Rietow,
Posts: 9398 | Location: Madeira Beach Fl. | Registered: June 12, 2018Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Sportsman
Picture of TubeCarz
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Originally posted by Mike Rietow:
Do you have any evidence to back any of your liberal fake news?

Your the only one who can lose a round and still whine like hillery years later , and call everyone in the entire racing community ... liberals .. LMAO

Posting "half time slips" and a bogus picture full of color bleed, shadows and reflection .. has gotten you nowhere but thought of as nothing more than a little dribble mouthed ***** .. If that's what you want your career to be remembered as, so be it. Roll Eyes

The Duck .. he seemed to be a good dude at the Heads-Up madness races. And he gave my kid a $50 dollar tip for getting him a good parking spot when he worked at some of the larger Moroso / PBIR events. That was almost a decade ago ..
Poor way to handle the local police issue. He should have spoken to the officers, if that didn't work then the chief, then the mayor, went to the city council ahead of time with how much racers spend in their town during his events ... etc.
Just like Hillery has shown us here, he was in the wrong lane ... Wink

Proof .. no one really give a **** about you. It is fun watching you make a fool out of yourself though. It's kind of like shooting fish in a barrel. After a few easy ones, it gets boring ... Loser
Posts: 428 | Location: Palm City Fla . | Registered: June 22, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post

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The finish line block is sitting on the finish line unmoved behind the cars no matter the particular photo posted. It's only a matter of pausing the video.

This is how freedom is preserved, I could care less how I look to dumb fuks such as yourself, I understand the majority of drag racers are smart enough to realize we can't have 4 ft 11" tall track officials putting people back in races on made up out of thin air stories 45 minutes later.

It's the dumb fuks like you in the minority who don't get it. Now bring some Evidence of the Nova losing the race or shut your dumb Liberal mouth.

BTW Trump said he'd accept losing the Election after looking at the Evidence of how he lost too. It's what every rational thinking American does, adhering to Evidence.

Posts: 9398 | Location: Madeira Beach Fl. | Registered: June 12, 2018Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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“I was DNQ’d 45 minutes later”
I don’t know which is worse...being DQ’d 45 minutes later or still crying about it 4 to 5 YEARS later....



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Laughing Hard
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So anyway, has the Duck issued a formal apology yet?
Posts: 154 | Location: PA | Registered: December 31, 2016Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by Mitch H:
So anyway, has the Duck issued a formal apology yet?

Damn you're SJW lifestyle has you off on another witch hunt and after two years you still don't have any Evidence of wrongdoing in your previous SJW Liberal witch hunt, that's shocking!

Do you at least have Evidence of wrongdoing on the new witch hunt or are you playing judge, jury and executioner games again from thousands of miles away, while pretending to know the details once again!

Trump was right about you Liberals, bring a raincoat!

Posts: 9398 | Location: Madeira Beach Fl. | Registered: June 12, 2018Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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This fruitloops worse than Ed. Get rid of him Scott. He is gettin old faster than his pud car.Thought this was a racing sight.

The difference between ignorance and stupidity. Ignorance is lack of knowledge. Stupidity is the inability to learn. Don't be stupid
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