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Pure democrat drivel.
Just using it for their own political gains.

Democrats --- "Hey, did you hear, we have more cases, we need to shutdown the economy again so we can get Biden in".

But the facts show that the covid hospitalizations are still low.
The ICU's are NOT full of covid people, just other regular ICU patients because the hospitals have started performing non-covid procedures again.

But the number of covid cases have gone up.
Yup, that's what you get when you test more people.

TRUMP 2020

Man was not built to fly ... That's why he built HEMI's

Frank Zeffiro
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Originally posted by Mile High:
125,000+ deaths because of this "hoax". 25,000 in the last month. "Doctor" Larry Kudlow and Kellyanne Conway said it was contained a few months ago. The White House keeps lying about the coronavirus. "A Great Success Story" is what Jared said to the minions watching Faux News.

They don't care about your health, they care about their wealth.

Does it hurt?
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Deception up,Temptation up, Satanic up, Schemes up, Put on the full Armor of God down.
Posts: 9398 | Location: Madeira Beach Fl. | Registered: June 12, 2018Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by 442OLDS:
Originally posted by Mile High:
125,000+ deaths because of this "hoax". 25,000 in the last month. "Doctor" Larry Kudlow and Kellyanne Conway said it was contained a few months ago. The White House keeps lying about the coronavirus. "A Great Success Story" is what Jared said to the minions watching Faux News.

They don't care about your health, they care about their wealth.

There have been 120 MILLION deaths from Coronavirus.

I never said hoax. But in my opinion, it has been handled completely wrong, and based upon political gain and popularity based upon fear.

When you take that burned field that I mentioned above, not all of the blades burned. There are some blade that will die if they burn....or get sick. But the field comes back stronger/healthier, and very very quickly.

Of course we need to take precautions if we are among the population that are at greatest risk if we get sick. They need to hunker down during the worst of this. But the way we have handled this, has made the worst of this delayed and very spread out over time. They can't hunker down indefinitely. So they come out and get sick, and die. Or their kids come visit and get them sick.

Like I said above, a certain amount of the blades will burn. We can do it fast or slow. We have proven that over running the hospitals is unlikely in rural areas. Cities need to be a little more careful. But that's not how we handled it. We never really seeded the rural areas. So few of us have gotten sick that there is zero herd immunity. We are all at risk and we are all a threat to each other. Except for meat packing plants. They are the exception. They got hit hard early, and thus they will see less activity as we go forward.

I love it when people call Trump anti science. If he and the rest of the nation had put less faith in the Dr leaders, we would be over this by now and lives would be normal. Instead, some people get to hunker down until flu season arrives, and we can deal with them both at the same time. Yippie!

Foxtrot Juliet Bravo
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Here's a question about masks: I see posts about it not being protection but rather compliance. Ok great for a bumper sticker. But what is the end game here? What is the advantage of getting everyone to wear a face covering?
I'm as hard headed as the next guy. I hate the masks and will avoid going places that require them. But I don't think they are completely useless when it comes to avoiding getting sick.
So what are the deep thoughts here about masks?

Foxtrot Juliet Bravo
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Like rats in an experiment.

Riots down, Lock downs up, Riots down, Mandatory Mask laws up.

Nothing to see here.
Posts: 9398 | Location: Madeira Beach Fl. | Registered: June 12, 2018Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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So what are the deep thoughts here about masks?

Surgeons wear masks for a good reason. A specific sanitized mask in a single use environment. When the general public wear all kinds of different concoctions from homemade kotex w/a rubber band to whatever they buy at the Dollar General, and wear them for a week at a time, the effectiveness is suspect. Bottom line it boils down to the individual protecting themselves a whatever exposure level they feel secure. But no-law politician mandates are about control of people not a virus.

Then we move on to distancing. We all know the virus can't travel 6'1". And it makes no difference if you're inside breathing recirculated air or on the beach with a sea breeze blowing.... it's 6'0". Give me a break. Let the fields burn and regenerate.

I've been fitted for H2S breathing SCUBA apparatus multiple times. And it is an exacting process. Beards are forbidden. Have been fitted for and tested gas mask (tear gas) in the Army. So I've been exposed to serious attempts to control ones air intake. What I see at Walmart makes me smile.

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Illegitimi non carborundum
Posts: 2397 | Location: OKC, OK | Registered: February 15, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Big Steve
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Originally posted by Bucky:
Here's a question about masks: I see posts about it not being protection but rather compliance. Ok great for a bumper sticker. But what is the end game here? What is the advantage of getting everyone to wear a face covering?
I'm as hard headed as the next guy. I hate the masks and will avoid going places that require them. But I don't think they are completely useless when it comes to avoiding getting sick.
So what are the deep thoughts here about masks?

This is directly off of OSHAs website
COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions
This page includes frequently asked questions (FAQs) and answers related to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic.

Cloth Face Coverings
What are the key differences between cloth face coverings, surgical masks, and respirators?
Cloth face coverings:

May be commercially produced or improvised (i.e., homemade) garments, scarves, bandanas, or items made from t-shirts or other fabrics.
Are worn in public over the nose and mouth to contain the wearer's potentially infectious respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or talks and to limit the spread of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), to others.
Are not considered personal protective equipment (PPE).
Will not protect the wearer against airborne transmissible infectious agents due to loose fit and lack of seal or inadequate filtration.
Are not appropriate substitutes for PPE such as respirators (e.g., N95 respirators) or medical face masks (e.g., surgical masks) in workplaces where respirators or face masks are recommended or required to protect the wearer.
May be used by almost any worker, although those who have trouble breathing or are otherwise unable to put on or remove a mask without assistance should not wear one.
May be disposable or reusable after proper washing.
Surgical masks:

Are typically cleared by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration as medical devices (though not all devices that look like surgical masks are actually medical-grade, cleared devices).
Are used to protect workers against splashes and sprays (i.e., droplets) containing potentially infectious materials. In this capacity, surgical masks are considered PPE. Under OSHA's PPE standard (29 CFR 1910.132), employers must provide any necessary PPE at no-cost to workers.1
May also be worn to contain the wearer's respiratory droplets (e.g., healthcare workers, such as surgeons, wear them to avoid contaminating surgical sites, and dentists and dental hygienists wear them to protect patients).
Should be placed on sick individuals to prevent the transmission of respiratory infections that spread by large droplets.
Will not protect the wearer against airborne transmissible infectious agents due to loose fit and lack of seal or inadequate filtration.
May be used by almost anyone.
Should be properly disposed of after use.
Respirators (e.g., filtering facepieces):

Are used to prevent workers from inhaling small particles, including airborne transmissible or aerosolized infectious agents.
Must be provided and used in accordance with OSHA's Respiratory Protection standard (29 CFR 1910.134).
Must be certified by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH).
OSHA has temporarily exercised its enforcement discretion concerning supply shortages of disposable filtering facepiece respirators (FFRs), including as it relates to their extended use or reuse, use beyond their manufacturer's recommended shelf life, use of equipment from certain other countries and jurisdictions, and decontamination.
Need proper filter material (e.g., N95 or better) and, other than for loose-fitting powered, air purifying respirators (PAPRs), tight fit (to prevent air leaks).
Require proper training, fit testing, availability of appropriate medical evaluations and monitoring, cleaning, and oversight by a knowledgeable staff member.
OSHA has temporarily exercised its enforcement discretion concerning annual fit testing requirements in the Respiratory Protection standard (29 CFR 1910.134), as long as employers have made good-faith efforts to comply with the requirements of the standard and to follow the steps outlined in the March 14, 2020, and April 8, 2020, memoranda (as applicable to their industry).
When necessary to protect workers, require a respiratory protection program that is compliant with OSHA's Respiratory Protection standard (29 CFR 1910.134). OSHA consultation staff can assist with understanding respiratory protection requirements.
FFRs may be used voluntarily, if permitted by the employer. If an employer permits voluntary use of FFRs, employees must receive the information contained in Appendix D of OSHA's Respiratory Protection standard (29 CFR 1910.134).
1 If surgical masks are being used only as source control—not to protect workers against splashes and sprays (i.e., droplets) containing potentially infectious materials—OSHA's PPE standards do not require employers to provide them to workers. However, the General Duty Clause, Section 5(a)(1) of the Occupational Safety and Health Act, requires each employer to furnish to each of his employees employment and a place of employment which are free from recognized hazards that are causing or are likely to cause death or serious physical harm. Control measures may include a combination of engineering and administrative controls, including safe work practices like social distancing. Choosing to ensure use of surgical masks for source control may constitute a feasible means of abatement as part of a control plan designed to address hazards from SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. Back to Tex
Posts: 2630 | Location: Moving back to the door side | Registered: April 30, 2010Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Who here thinks this is still a hoax?

Who will wear a mask and if not why?

California Screaming!
Raceless in California!
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Original estimates said we'd have 2.2 million dead by June, we have 50,000.

Fauci told everyone and anyone who'd listen months ago Covid 19 has a lower fatality rate than the Flu.

The masks are to determine who the sheeps who'll take the vaccine and who the Archie Bunker type trouble makers are who won't.

They need to figure out who the good wittle slaves are..

Posts: 9398 | Location: Madeira Beach Fl. | Registered: June 12, 2018Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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That's not answering the question MIKE. I am not interested in the hype or cartoons.

California Screaming!
Raceless in California!
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Who here thinks this is still a hoax?

The virus is real enough. Just another illness that has to pass through the herd. I'm not interested in wearing a mask and darn sure don't need some politician telling me to. A full 50% of the deaths come from the elderly (they were already at deaths doorstep). Another large percentage are obese, diabetic, respiratory diseases and such. At risk individuals if you will. The young and children are virtually immune. If the hospitals aren't over whelmed and people are receiving the treatment they need then it's business as normal. If you don't think there is consequences waiting in the wings for shutting down the economy, for the whole world, then you have a rude awakening coming.

Illegitimi non carborundum
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The virus itself is not a hoax. Just like any other virus it can kill. The hoax is the news media and others that wanted everyone believing there would be millions dead by now and life would be over as we knew it. Fear - propaganda - sheeple makes for a toxic combo.
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Originally posted by stk 758 BP!:
That's not answering the question MIKE. I am not interested in the hype or cartoons.

The only reason people know there is a racial problem in this country, is because the fake news told everyone who tunes in, there was a racial problem in this country, on a loop 24/7.

Same goes for Covid 19. Turn off the TV and you'd never even know the fake news is fomenting racial divide or that Covid 19 exists.

The only people wearing masks watch TV, but they're brainwashed mindcontrolled drones anyway, so who cares?

I just walked into a store, everyone in the store had a mask on, except myself and one other guy, a Sheriff.

If they had told me I needed a mask, I'd have went to a different store. It's just like any other day, I ain't play'in their game.

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Posts: 9398 | Location: Madeira Beach Fl. | Registered: June 12, 2018Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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They just shut down our County so that’s 19 ( counties) so far.

Thanks for being honest. It is your choice.
Most of not All stores are posted here; no mask no entry.

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California Screaming!
Raceless in California!
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Most of not All stores are posted here; no mask no entry.

I suppose if it's a govt. mandate they have no choice. Beyond that, they are in business and they need our money. Without our money they fail. If they want to push stupid rules on me then I'm more than happy to withhold my money. Other stores, other times to purchase. That's why one needs a good store of food and stuffs right now.

Illegitimi non carborundum
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I never said hoax. But the virus has been an opportunity to rape the public IMO. Handled completely wrong.

For instance.....when kids go back to school, masks are required here. How well do you think that will work? What do you think the numbers will do then? And then we will be into flu season shortly after school starts. If the strain is not deadly to kids, we would be better off if they had been through it and unable to carry it.

I'm not going to Menards. They aren't required to demand masks. It's on them. Mom and pop hardware doesn't have the same requirement.

Foxtrot Juliet Bravo
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Ozzy said, I told ya in January
Posts: 9398 | Location: Madeira Beach Fl. | Registered: June 12, 2018Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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