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DRR Top Comp |
If you and I and two others put a handcuffed and defenseless man to death in the fashion police did George, we'd be charged first degree torture murder crime against humanity. Where is the rule of law in the police not being held to the same standard? Is this engineered chaos? I suggest again the perpetrators in this torture murder the trusted officials, be held to the same standard. This is a rational suggestion any first world civilization would carry out. Anything else is indeed engineered chaos. You can't expect the people to respect the rule of law, if the trusted officials don't respect the rule of law. Common sense. | |||
DRR Pro |
NBA player J.R. Smith whooping on a vandal who broke his truck window.... South Philly locals guarding their Target store from anybody trying to get inside... I guess we will start seeing more street justice. | |||
DRR Top Comp |
https://youtu.be/yJ7EBF6IQn4 Engineered chaos? You can be an NPC- non player character, or you can ask rational questions and make rational suggestions to quell the violence before it's too late. You're looking at the collapse of America, seems like you'd be interested in adding something logical to save your country. Parroting fake news won't help. | |||
DRR Top Comp |
Here's how easily they could stop the protests if they wanted. All they have to do is charge the four cops with murder. If you and I and two other guys murdered a handcuffed man in the fashion the police did George, We'd be charged with torture murder crimes against humanity probably. If authorities really want to stop the protests they'd apply the rule of law on their own, the police. The protests would subside, leaving only the criminals in the street, to shoot like fish in a barrel. The ship is listing and about to go down if there's no rule of law, there's no freedom to begin with. If we could get every American to promote this approach we could right the ship before it goes down. Because authority's would be forced to apply the rule of law to their own, the police. We could aid in stopping the rioting looting. To stop the Chaos is as easy as stopping the protest. ![]() | |||
DRR Trophy![]() |
You prefer a dictator as President I presume? Obviously the people want a Democrat and not a Russian loving Republican running their cities. | |||
DRR Trophy![]() |
The dear leader (wannabe dictator) and right wing media (propaganda) called Coronavirus a hoax. You believe their lies. Foolish minions. OVER 108,000+ DEAD IN 3 MONTHS. | |||
DRR Sportsman |
My Governor in Illinois locked the state down for months.Threatened arrest if you didn't social distance without a face mask. That sounds like a dictator to me. Now he changed his tune and encourages protesting.What happened to Coronavirus? | |||
DRR Pro |
You're calling a President who want to ensure Americans safety a "dictator"? I guess looting and arson are ok with you! Take A ride through democratic control Philly during looting..... You won't see this in a Democratic state.... | |||
DRR Top Comp |
LaVoy Finicum is the original hands up don't shoot American. No violence, No Truth, No Justice, No murder charges, No Liberty Does this look like a racial problem to you? No virtue is the problem and the chicken which has come home to roost. The bad Karma which is now in every American's lap. ![]() ![]() | |||
DRR Trophy![]() |
So it's ok to gas and shoot with rubber bullets peaceful protesters so the dear leader can do a photo op with a Bible (which he has never read) in front of a church he rarely attends? Over 19,000 lies and misleading statements made by the dear leader conman since he took office and you all believe every word he spews. | |||
DRR Top Comp |
Only a virtuous people are capable of Freedom - LaVoy Finicum One of, if not the greatest quote in the history of America. Fact ![]() | |||
DRR Top Comp |
This is the equivalent of a cripple with no arms and legs being strangled to death by a trusted official, does it really matter what the color of the cripple's skin is? Seriously? WTF have you become? Demonic? You people are F'n sick! ![]() | |||
DRR Top Comp |
crip·ple cause (someone) to become unable to walk or move properly. And you people are worried about Trump after a cripple torso is strangled to death on video by a trusted official? You people are F'n sick! What have you become? Satanic? It's no wonder this bad Karma chicken has come home to roost in all our laps. Because of you and your religion. ![]() | |||
DRR Top Comp |
That Polk County guy has got it right.....Looters are thieves and should be treated as such. They aren't protesting anything---just stealing under the cover of the real protesters. And everyone should be allowed to protect themselves, including cops that get assulted by these thugs posing as "protesters". | |||
DRR Sportsman |
My son lives in Polk County. Sheriff Grady is a well respected law enforcement official, tough as nails. That being said, god have mercy on anybody threating my son or his family. He and his wife are both crack shots and not afraid to shoot. | |||
DRR S/Pro |
Corona virus is dead, and everything that goes along with it! How many arrest have been made against rioters for violating social distancing? If it's not important during protest & riots then it's not important. Illegitimi non carborundum | |||
DRR Trophy![]() |
I agree looters and rioters should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. I don't have any room for them. | |||
DRR Trophy![]() |
I think we should give it 2 or 3 weeks and see how the count will grow. It's still going up in some states now. It was suppose to go away in April remember when it when the weather got warmer. Somebody said that. | |||
DRR Sportsman |
It did here. | |||
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