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School metal detectors
DRR Sportsman
I know this is not racing related. But I as probably all of us on DRR are very upset about the horrible shooting in Texas today. My question is; why in the world do we have metal detectors at airports, concerts, sporting events and courts. Not at schools who have students just trying to get an education. Wake up State and Federal governments spend some of that money that goes over seas on our schools and precious children.

When everything is coming your way, your probably in the wrong lane.
Posts: 1077 | Location: Between a Rock and a Hard Spot, USA | Registered: December 06, 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Sportsman
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Originally posted by Larry Scarth:
I know this is not racing related. But I as probably all of us on DRR are very upset about the horrible shooting in Texas today. My question is; why in the world do we have metal detectors at airports, concerts, sporting events and courts. Not at schools who have students just trying to get an education. Wake up State and Federal governments, spend some of that money that goes over seas on our schools and precious children.

When everything is coming your way, your probably in the wrong lane.
Posts: 1077 | Location: Between a Rock and a Hard Spot, USA | Registered: December 06, 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of "The Bender"
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Originally posted by Larry Scarth:
I know this is not racing related. But I as probably all of us on DRR are very upset about the horrible shooting in Texas today. My question is; why in the world do we have metal detectors at airports, concerts, sporting events and courts. Not at schools who have students just trying to get an education. Wake up State and Federal governments spend some of that money that goes over seas on our schools and precious children.


272" Spitzer
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DRR Sportsman
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Another thought, have the metal detectors manned by armed officers. There is NO DOWNSIDE to this, protect our children.

When everything is coming your way, your probably in the wrong lane.
Posts: 1077 | Location: Between a Rock and a Hard Spot, USA | Registered: December 06, 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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The downside is government encroachment. Must we go running to the government to save us? The muslims won on 9-11, period.

Illegitimi non carborundum
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Picture of Roger McGinnis
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As long as we have a 2nd Amendment, politicians will do everything they can to keep protective measurements out of schools. They are using our children as chum. Let all schools have gun toting faculty and you will see these idiots go to other gun free zones.

Posts: 562 | Location: Republic of Texas | Registered: January 16, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Top Comp
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Not much gets said about the times that an idiot with a gun has been stopped by a good guy with a gun.....I saw on TV the other night where an armed person jumped into a crowd in front of a school and a woman whipped out her piece and shot him 3 times----ruined his day. But these incidents are rarely shown on TV or reported in newspapers. I was just in a court house in MD and even had to take off my belt to get in so why not schools? Why not?
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DRR Sportsman
Picture of easy e
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Name and pictures of one of the shooters already being released. This is another big problem in my opinion; giving them the attention many are desperately seeking

Eddie Tice

"I've over-educated myself in all the things I shouldn't have known at all"
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Picture of Mike Beck
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Originally posted by easy e:
Name and pictures of one of the shooters already being released. This is another big problem in my opinion; giving them the attention many are desperately seeking

Dead-on with a ZERO!

Don't mention their name, execute them that day, things will change!
Posts: 1444 | Location: South River, NJ | Registered: June 19, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Sportsman
Picture of Richard Hammond
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Originally posted by Canted Valve:
The downside is government encroachment. Must we go running to the government to save us? The muslims won on 9-11, period.

So protecting innocent kids is not important to you? Why can’t we have metal detectors and armed police at every school. Tell me where the downside is to that.
Posts: 469 | Location: miami | Registered: September 07, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Sportsman
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Great idea! School security and mental health both need to be addressed
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DRR Top Comp
Picture of Curly1
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There is no one simple answer. I do think they need to have metal detectors and armed guards in schools. I also think they need to do something about the violent video games and the Rap crap glorifying robbing, raping and killing.

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-a type of Cognitive bias where people with little expertise or ability assume they have superior expertise or ability. This overestimation occurs as a result of the fact that they do not have enough knowledge to know they don't have enough knowledge.

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DRR Trophy
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Agree that metal detectors and armed LEO's would be a great help.
Armed security guards, armed teachers...not so much. Many of them might be sportsmen, excellent hunters, fine marksmen, etc., but how will they react to someone shooting at them, in hallways full of screaming students. Some would do well, most would panic too.
Just my observation while working as a volunteer school nurse (yeah a school nurse, thanks to the Army training, my time as an infantry medic in Viet Nam, & PA training after discharge) in a small, poor rural school district in VA. Many of the teachers and administrators think they'd like to carry guns to school. Most never think about someone shooting at them.
I've often thought about retired military and disabled veterans staffing school security positions, with possibly a 90 day training period. All schools are handicap accessible, these folks have seen both ends of weapons, AND many are unemployed or underemployed. Just seems to me like a good fit.

We always wondered exactly what he did, until he quit doing it!
Posts: 4 | Location: Laurel Fork, VA | Registered: June 22, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Sportsman
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Originally posted by Rick Carlson:
Agree that metal detectors and armed LEO's would be a great help.
Armed security guards, armed teachers...not so much. Many of them might be sportsmen, excellent hunters, fine marksmen, etc., but how will they react to someone shooting at them, in hallways full of screaming students. Some would do well, most would panic too.
Just my observation while working as a volunteer school nurse (yeah a school nurse, thanks to the Army training, my time as an infantry medic in Viet Nam, & PA training after discharge) in a small, poor rural school district in VA. Many of the teachers and administrators think they'd like to carry guns to school. Most never think about someone shooting at them.
I've often thought about retired military and disabled veterans staffing school security positions, with possibly a 90 day training period. All schools are handicap accessible, these folks have seen both ends of weapons, AND many are unemployed or underemployed. Just seems to me like a good fit.

Posts: 900 | Location: Georgia | Registered: May 09, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post

Picture of Footloose
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Put some special forces dudes in the schools posing as janitors. Hidden but well armed. Eek That might cut some of the incarcerations down Wink Go to a small courthouse and you will see 10 under paid cops protecting what? The dirt bag being tried. 1 Yr later and the cops will lock the same turd up. Our police officers were kicked in the teeth by the last President and that has slowed the progress of many yrs.of different types of security. These kids are our future. They only get 1 chance at making our country better. You can not give a gun to every teacher-thats nuts. but some would qualify. Sorry for the little rant but WE OWE THESE KIDS SAFETY!
Posts: 1922 | Location: in a van down buy the river | Registered: September 07, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Sportsman
Picture of jimv245
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It's tough to say what would work best. For sure, these buildings have too many entrances that are not secured. Many, many school districts just don't have the funding for extra security and many police departments are already undermanned and underfunded also.
To me, we need to get a handle on mental illness and monitoring those who show signs. Most of these shooters have been known to be dangerous but slip through the system.

Jim Gleason
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Picture of Roger McGinnis
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The simple fix is Constitutional carry and the elimination of gun free zones. It won't stop all gun crimes, but it will deter most, and reduce deaths where it didn't stop them from coming in.

Posts: 562 | Location: Republic of Texas | Registered: January 16, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Sportsman
Picture of Boucher Jr
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Its so simple its rediculous. The government has the name and address of everybody that voted for hilary. Get rid of them. By boat or undertaker dont care. Tell muslims they can fly home or visit the hangman. Fire bomb the projects at night. Mexicans will be gone shortly regardless. Now your left with a country of god fearin men that earn their own paycheck and dont need armed gaurds in front of a school, you know, they way it was before a bunch of dumb ass parents started raising liberals queers that started raising little pieces of shyt that are such little fuctards they would fathem shooting a school. I like the 44 in the truck right next to me. Just in case theres a snappin turtle in the road or need to kill some time during an oil down. But ill be damned if im gonna live in a country where i think im gonna need to shoot a kamikazee towel head on my way to work or lay down cover with the ar so the nephew can walk to school. Fuc that. America better fucn turn back into motherfucn Mayberry and better do it in a hurry and if anybody dont like it the governments got plenty of body bags and the oceans plenty deep. And thats all i have to say about that.
Posts: 237 | Location: Il. | Registered: December 31, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Top Comp
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^^^^^ I’ve gotta meet this guy!

Clowns to the left of me, Jokers to the right. Here I am.......
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DRR Sportsman
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1000000% agree with Jr!!
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