DRR Trophy
| My 2 cents here. The government get involved in the stock market by bailing out businesses that should be left to fend for themselves. They get involved in school curriculum that promotes low level learning and their liberal agenda. They get the press involved to indoctrinate our children from the time they enter the school system with the same liberal ideals and "not their fault" mentality. They tell every kid they are winners when they aren't. The TV shows glorify people like Jane Fonda, Cher, The View, Bruce Springsteen. They hide the messed up things that go on in entertainment and tell the hard working American we are the problem because we aren't generous enough, not tolerant enough, not willing to accept other cultures or religions. We don't raise our children with the same value system were taught. Our level of acceptability is too low and other kids do it, why can't I? We want to be our kids friend but we need to be their parents. My point started out to be that the government is involved in so many things and they waste so much money on things like the mating habits the Hungarian Partridge, worm exploration, Panda poo, etc. that seems totally reasonable that they should have enough money to outfit every school with whatever it takes to protect our kids. How about we stop telling kids about gay rights and start teaching them what they need to do to survive? Stop looking at your phone for God's sake and pay attention to what's going on around you! I guess I'm getting too old. OK rant over, and gun control is with 2 hands. |
| Posts: 82 | Location: Salt Lake City | Registered: August 06, 2009 |  
DRR Elite
| quote: Originally posted by ferndaleflyer: Don't cost a dime to let teachers that want to and are qualified to carry a concealed weapon.
The assumption being that teachers are sober and well meaning people consistently. There are only a handful of teachers I know that I would trust with a gun in their hands. My mother isn't one of them. it's one thing on the range. But under any kind of pressure, I think she would be a bigger danger than a shooter. But certainly this approach is more practical in most ways.
Foxtrot Juliet Bravo
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DRR Trophy
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| Posts: 82 | Location: Salt Lake City | Registered: August 06, 2009 |  

| quote: Originally posted by ferndaleflyer: Don't cost a dime to let teachers that want to and are qualified to carry a concealed weapon.
We can't seem to find police that are qualified. We have teachers walking out all around the country due to low wages and no materials to teach with. |
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| I agree with Bucky arming Teachers is not the solution. Punching paper on a target range is far different than punching someone’s ticket. Hesitate for one second and you come in second in a gun fight. More than likely the armed intruder would over power a well meaning Teacher and gain access to another weapon. Teachers are not great tactical defenders, an experienced Police Officer would, (or should be) better equipped to neutralize a kid with a gun.
We always have money to provide Police security at Sporting events, Concerts and other public gatherings, why not Schools? It’s time to put our kids Security in the hands of well trained Professionals, not Teachers, or School Custodians. Contact the State Senator who is responsible for the District you live in, he’s the one that has the power to make things happen.
Doing nothing is not an option, and a certain way to never get elected again.
Bob |
| Posts: 3289 | Location: Lakeside, Ca | Registered: February 15, 2003 |  
DRR Top Comp
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| Posts: 5345 | Location: stuck in the middle with you! | Registered: March 11, 2002 |  
| This is a very emotional subject and people and emotions are a crazy thing. Do we care more about the 10 kids, or so, that get killed per year in school shooting than we do about the 2,300+ that get killed each year in car crashes? Wouldn't simply denying them a drivers license cure the bulk of the problem with no cost? But there isn't ANY interest in saving kids lives in this arena. Now back to our regularly scheduled emotional program. "In 2015, 2,333 teens in the United States ages 16–19 were killed and 235,845 were treated in emergency departments for injuries suffered in motor vehicle crashes.1 That means that six teens ages 16–19 died every day from motor vehicle injuries."
Illegitimi non carborundum
| Posts: 2397 | Location: OKC, OK | Registered: February 15, 2008 |  
| quote: Originally posted by Boucher Jr: Its so simple its rediculous. The government has the name and address of everybody that voted for hilary. Get rid of them. By boat or undertaker dont care. Tell muslims they can fly home or visit the hangman. Fire bomb the projects at night. Mexicans will be gone shortly regardless. Now your left with a country of god fearin men that earn their own paycheck and dont need armed gaurds in front of a school, you know, they way it was before a bunch of dumb ass parents started raising liberals queers that started raising little pieces of shyt that are such little fuctards they would fathem shooting a school. I like the 44 in the truck right next to me. Just in case theres a snappin turtle in the road or need to kill some time during an oil down. But ill be damned if im gonna live in a country where i think im gonna need to shoot a kamikazee towel head on my way to work or lay down cover with the ar so the nephew can walk to school. Fuc that. America better fucn turn back into motherfucn Mayberry and better do it in a hurry and if anybody dont like it the governments got plenty of body bags and the oceans plenty deep. And thats all i have to say about that.
It's not what you've got, it's what you give, it's not the life you choose, it's the life you live.
| Posts: 2120 | Location: Napa, California | Registered: December 26, 2003 |  
DRR Sportsman
| Big difference between car accidents which weren't planned and planned deaths as in Texas that were planned. Secure our schools with Metal Detectors and armed security at the entrance. This ain't Mayberry anymore. Sadly these are our times and we need to protect our innocent youth. Our goverment has the (our) money so do it.
When everything is coming your way, your probably in the wrong lane.
| Posts: 1076 | Location: Between a Rock and a Hard Spot, USA | Registered: December 06, 2001 |  
DRR Sportsman
| Metal Detectors are our first priority then deal with mental, drug and other issues. Same as the border wall, put it up NOW then deal with MS13, illegals and others that are coming across our borders.
When everything is coming your way, your probably in the wrong lane.
| Posts: 1076 | Location: Between a Rock and a Hard Spot, USA | Registered: December 06, 2001 |  
DRR Sportsman

Really.... So they killed more than the shyt stained muslim camel fucrs on 9/11? Go back to your safe space and wait to fall in the ocean with the rest of you cali nut cases. |
| Posts: 237 | Location: Il. | Registered: December 31, 2008 |  
DRR Elite
| quote: Originally posted by Canted Valve: This is a very emotional subject and people and emotions are a crazy thing. Do we care more about the 10 kids, or so, that get killed per year in school shooting than we do about the 2,300+ that get killed each year in car crashes? Wouldn't simply denying them a drivers license cure the bulk of the problem with no cost? But there isn't ANY interest in saving kids lives in this arena. Now back to our regularly scheduled emotional program.
"In 2015, 2,333 teens in the United States ages 16–19 were killed and 235,845 were treated in emergency departments for injuries suffered in motor vehicle crashes.1 That means that six teens ages 16–19 died every day from motor vehicle injuries."
Don't go thinking logically about this now. You are going to ruin a great, emotional froth! Accurate data and statistics seem to be sorely missing from every conversation about this subject.
Foxtrot Juliet Bravo
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| quote: Big difference between car accidents which weren't planned and planned deaths...
Umm, I guess some do care more. A matter of desensitizing I guess. I don't think a parents grief would be soothed much when you tell them "at least it wasn't planned, thank goodness for that!" Be patient, you'll get your government metal detectors and armed guards, and more.
Illegitimi non carborundum
| Posts: 2397 | Location: OKC, OK | Registered: February 15, 2008 |  
| Staying with Larry's original post, yes, I agree we must stop the bleeding rightaway, then look for longer term solutions. In addition to metal detectors, how about posting armed National Guard Troops, in full combat gear, with shoot to kill orders for anyone brandishing a weapon on school property? Right after 911 we had the military in the airports, why not now in our schools? There are about 99,000 public schools in America, I am sure we could round up that many troops in a hurry!
It's not what you've got, it's what you give, it's not the life you choose, it's the life you live.
| Posts: 2120 | Location: Napa, California | Registered: December 26, 2003 |  
| quote: Originally posted by Boucher Jr: [QUOTE]Originally posted by Mike MacBrair: Brilliant Idea!....EXCEPT TIMOTHY MCVEIGH AND TERRY NICHOLS, THE DEADLIEST KILLERS IN US HISTORY, WOULD BE ALLOWED TO STAY USING YOUR PLAN!!!!
Really.... So they killed more than the shyt stained muslim camel fucrs on 9/11? Go back to your safe space and wait to fall in the ocean with the rest of you cali nut cases.[/QUOT The fact that 911 was done by Muslim terrorists makes the Oklahoma City bombing by white, American, ex military men OK? What is your point?
It's not what you've got, it's what you give, it's not the life you choose, it's the life you live.
| Posts: 2120 | Location: Napa, California | Registered: December 26, 2003 |  
DRR Elite
| One in 614,000,000 That’s the chances of any kid in public schools being fatally shot at school. As an adult I am three times more likely to win a lottery. Fatally struck by lightning is one in 10,000,000
Foxtrot Juliet Bravo
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DRR Elite
| Perhaps we should protect them from lightning
Foxtrot Juliet Bravo
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