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Another guy throws a fit at the GABR Million
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Sportsmanship starts with the officials

Game officials are looked to as the central authority in any athletic event to maintain an atmosphere of proper sportsmanship. All officials must understand that sportsmanship is an appreciation of everyone's contributions to the outcome of a fairly conducted contest. It encompasses a genuine concern for others. Referees, umpires and judges are expected to demand the highest level of sportsmanlike conduct from players and coaches. How can they do this if, at the same time, they are not modeling a level of sportsmanship that serves as an example to all and cannot be construed as arrogant or condescending?

To that end, officials' conduct needs to be closely examined as well as the officials' expectations of coaches and players. Having the dual role of both model and enforcer places an extra duty on the individual official to both comport himself/herself in an unimpeachable manner and also to enforce rules of conduct with impunity and alacrity.
Posts: 9398 | Location: Madeira Beach Fl. | Registered: June 12, 2018Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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While i agree you got screwed years ago, and you stated that point a 1000 times on here with pictures. You need to get over it and move on, how many years ago was that. You can never go back and fix it or thinking posting on here will have an reverse effect on it. **** happens in life and in sporting events. Your hatred of track officials is carrying over to every incident that happens. Who doesn't watch football or other sporting events and scream at officials for making a bad call or missing a call.
I think you owe an apology to all the track employees you called mickey mouse. Having worked at every position at tracks over the years it is very demanding, hard work with little pay.

Have you ever worked in the tower for sometimes a 14 hour shift typing numbers in either being called up on radio or looking with binoculars? People are only human and no one is perfect and if you think you can type car numbers and dials in for 14 hours without making a mistake then you are superman. do the math a 200 car race, 2 time runs with buyback thats over 1000 plus car numbers and dial ins being typed in. most tracks only have one computer operator and starter.

Was the dial in wrong sure ( there isn't a race event where a dialin or car number wasn't entered wrong) that's why there are dialin boards and scoreboard to give a racer 2 chances to catch it but the racer prestaged and he bought it. that's basic racing 101. Did the starter make a mistake in a way kind of but in the heat of the moment he had no idea what the issue was and the tower on the radio in his ear saying what was up and a racer yelling at him, but he made the right final call and the correct racer got the win.
If you look at it from the bigger picture the second that racer pre-staged with the wrong dialin he bought it.

Most track employees this is a second job to them and they do their best possible but mistakes happen. Most tracks do their best to correct it if a bad call was made. (yes we know you got screwed)

Now as for the actions of the racer, hitting those cones and causing a stoppage is unacceptable. In football they throw a flag and give a penalty and ejected. Using your logic for officials the same should hold true for racer. There are plastic reflectors inside the cone that shatter into a zillion parts when hit and stick to the glue on the track making a cleanup very difficult and time consuming. He cost the track $$$ in a big way, those cones and reflectors are $60 each ( covid era $80) and the time to stop racing and clean up he should be charged for that or never allowed to race at that track again or event. If he had a payout coming it should be deducted from it or it was voided out.

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Posts: 182 | Location: New Stanton | Registered: January 25, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Sportsman
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Tower officials mess up a few dials and people blame them until the end of time, but you'll never hear anyone talk about the 1000 times they entered the dials correctly that day!

Driver is supposed to double check bottom line before prestaging. This is why magazines have editors, and don't just put the print out without reading over it.
Posts: 664 | Location: UTD | Registered: September 25, 2019Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by Turk:

While i agree you got screwed years ago, and you stated that point a 1000 times on here with pictures. You need to get over it and move on, how many years ago was that. You can never go back and fix it or thinking posting on here will have an reverse effect on it. **** happens in life and in sporting events. Your hatred of track officials is carrying over to every incident that happens. Who doesn't watch football or other sporting events and scream at officials for making a bad call or missing a call.
I think you owe an apology to all the track employees you called mickey mouse. Having worked at every position at tracks over the years it is very demanding, hard work with little pay.

Have you ever worked in the tower for a sometimes a 14 hour shift typing numbers in either being called up on radio or looking with binoculars? People are only human and no one is perfect and if you think you can type car numbers and dials in for 14 hours without making a mistake then you are superman. do the math a 200 car race, 2 time runs with buyback thats over 1000 plus car numbers and dial ins being typed in. most tracks only have one computer operator and starter.

Was the dial in wrong sure ( there isn't a race event where a dialin or car number wasn't entered wrong) that's why there are dailin boards and scoreboard to give a racer 2 chances to catch it but the racer prestaged and he bought it. that's basic racing 101. Did the starter make a mistake in a way kind of but in the heat of the moment he had no idea what the issue was and the tower on the radio in his ear saying what was up and a racer yelling at him, but he made the right final call and the correct racer got the win.
If you look at it from the bigger picture the second that racer pre-staged with the wrong dialin he bought it.

Most track employees this is a second job to them and they do their best possible but mistakes happen. Most tracks do their best to correct it if a bad call was made. (yes we know you got screwed)

Now as for the actions of the racer, hitting those cones and causing a stoppage is unacceptable. In football they throw a flag and give a penalty and ejected. Using your logic for officials the same should hold true for racer. There are plastic reflectors inside the cone that shatter into a zillion parts when hit and stick to the glue on the track making a cleanup very difficult and time consuming. He cost the track $$$ in a big way, those cones and reflectors are $60 each ( covid era $80) and the time to stop racing and clean up he should be charged for that or never allowed to race at that track again or event. If he had a payout coming it should be deducted from it or it was voided out.

I agree with you on 99% of what you're saying, but ultimately, is if you have a $3,000 entry, guaranteed million dollar drag race, ya gotta make Big League decisions. I think at the local level it's a fair rule, because, as you've said, the officials are part time working long hours - two jobs.

For this race $3000 entry $1,000,000,000 dollars to win, and any like it, there's no room for error. The officials aren't successful if at the end of the day, their authority over the race isn't 100% unimpeachable.

Gotcha is not gonna work Big picture. Checks and balances, the last line of defense was breached when the starter wasn't quick witted enough to back em up, reset the dial ins, once he got himself involved.

BTW to clarify. The second race I entered at Orlando this year, I did a Mickey Mouse job of driving the finish line 4th round, and that's why I lost. Couple people pointed that out to me, and I thanked them.
Posts: 9398 | Location: Madeira Beach Fl. | Registered: June 12, 2018Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Big League sportsmanship

Posts: 9398 | Location: Madeira Beach Fl. | Registered: June 12, 2018Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Sportsman
Picture of 329L
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Every promotor in the country should turn this guy away at the gate of every race he tries to attend. If he would have been a MAN, he would have went straight to management and taken care of this, instead he acted like a spoiled child that has never been told no, and him and his slow ass box car got exactly what they had coming. "Big League" drag racing is turning into a f u c k i n g joke!!!

Jeremiah Hall
Posts: 771 | Location: Evansville, IN | Registered: February 24, 2010Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by 329L:
Every promotor in the country should turn this guy away at the gate of every race he tries to attend. If he would have been a MAN, he would have went straight to management and taken care of this, instead he acted like a spoiled child that has never been told no, and him and his slow ass box car got exactly what they had coming. "Big League" drag racing is turning into a f u c k i n g joke!!!

You forgot, overly emotional rant excluding rational points, over Confused
Posts: 9398 | Location: Madeira Beach Fl. | Registered: June 12, 2018Reply With QuoteReport This Post

DRR Sportsman
Picture of 329L
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Originally posted by Mike Rietow:
Originally posted by 329L:
Every promotor in the country should turn this guy away at the gate of every race he tries to attend. If he would have been a MAN, he would have went straight to management and taken care of this, instead he acted like a spoiled child that has never been told no, and him and his slow ass box car got exactly what they had coming. "Big League" drag racing is turning into a f u c k i n g joke!!!

You forgot, overly emotional rant excluding rational points, over Confused

Go find your ******* son and a parking lot and go run over all the cones y'all hearts desire

Jeremiah Hall
Posts: 771 | Location: Evansville, IN | Registered: February 24, 2010Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by 329L:
Originally posted by Mike Rietow:
Originally posted by 329L:
Every promotor in the country should turn this guy away at the gate of every race he tries to attend. If he would have been a MAN, he would have went straight to management and taken care of this, instead he acted like a spoiled child that has never been told no, and him and his slow ass box car got exactly what they had coming. "Big League" drag racing is turning into a f u c k i n g joke!!!

You forgot, overly emotional rant excluding rational points, over Confused

Go find your ******* son and a parking lot and go run over all the cones y'all hearts desire

Why so emotional Karen? Confused
Posts: 9398 | Location: Madeira Beach Fl. | Registered: June 12, 2018Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Lot of good opinions BUT...once the starter stopped that pair of cars, the error was known and acknowledged as a "track error". The race wasn't started and should have been re-run.
For $3000 entry and $1,000,000 to win, once an error is caught and race stopped; Just Make It Right, make it a race like they paid entry fees for. Too late now but that is something these Race Promoters who rent tracks should be prepared for.

www.trailertoad.com designed by racers for racers.

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Originally posted by Toad1:
Lot of good opinions BUT...once the starter stopped that pair of cars, the error was known and acknowledged as a "track error". The race wasn't started and should have been re-run.
For $3000 entry and $1,000,000 to win, once an error is caught and race stopped; Just Make It Right, make it a race like they paid entry fees for. Too late now but that is something these Race Promoters who rent tracks should be prepared for.

I have to say I agree with this. There was a chance that this guy could have won the race even with the wrong dial, until the starter intervened. Now I'm not being critical of the starter. If the guy is wildly waving his hands or door open or whatever, it may be some sort of emergency that needs attention. Bad situation, made worse, then made terrible.

Foxtrot Juliet Bravo
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Picture of tommy d
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If the driver hadn't bull dozed the track equipment they may have just thrown him into the next round also.Ive seen that happen a few times.
Posts: 30 | Location: Indiana | Registered: November 06, 2010Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by tommy d:
If the driver hadn't bull dozed the track equipment they may have just thrown him into the next round also.Ive seen that happen a few times.

He wasn't asking them to do the right thing twice (begging).

That man did that for his own self respect. Kudos to him.

Standing up for what's right, is always right, never wrong.

It's the snowball to hell, created by the cowards who don't, that is the problem we see now everywhere today.

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Posts: 9398 | Location: Madeira Beach Fl. | Registered: June 12, 2018Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Trophy
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Originally posted by Mike Rietow:
Originally posted by tommy d:
If the driver hadn't bull dozed the track equipment they may have just thrown him into the next round also.Ive seen that happen a few times.

He wasn't asking them to do the right thing twice (begging).

That man did that for his own self respect. Kudos to him.

Standing up for what's right, is always right, never wrong.

It's the snowball to hell, created by the cowards who don't, that is the problem we see now everywhere today.

thats about the dumbest thing i have had the misfortune to read today, and i just got done reading a post that little eddy wrote.
Posts: 79 | Location: myrtle point ore | Registered: April 07, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post

DRR Sportsman
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by Holytown:
What's wrong with these guys?

Long story short incorrect dial-in is on the scoreboard. Both guys pre-stage (therefore accepting the dial-ins). One guy stages, it is at this point that the man with the incorrect dial in realizes it. He tries to get the starters attention at this point.

This is where it gets weird. The starter then runs over to the staged vehicle (which now warrants a re-run due to starter interference.)

It is at this point the starter realizes he messed up, and makes the incorrect decision to send the other car down the track, as the green light has been on for 10 seconds or so.

Now the driver with the wrong dial in sits on the line, gets out of the car yelling and screaming (yes he should be mad about what has transpired here). However, if he keeps his cool he can easily claim the starter interfered with the race (which he should have effectively lost. he is lucky in this aspect.)

However, after throwing a big fit, he decides to drive down the center of the track, taking out 330, mph, and 660 cones purposefully. Now he warrants being thrown out in my opinion.

So again I ask, WHAT IS WRONG WITH THESE GUYS?[/QUOTE For that Kind of Entry Fee He got Screwed

2003 Footbrake Champion
Bristol Dragway
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DRR Sportsman
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Again i think he
got Screwed

2003 Footbrake Champion
Bristol Dragway
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DRR Elite
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Originally posted by Junior Bailey:
Again i think he
got Screwed

The driver was also in error, and responsible for that matter. He didn't check the dial before pre staging. Once he started the staging process, he threw a wrench in everything by stopping mid stage, and calling the starter over for what at that point, the starter may have thought was a safety issue. Plus, now the other guy was probably fully staged, and the guy in question probably timed out. Is the starter supposed to pull the fully staged car back and get the time adjusted? This is exactly why drivers are required to insure that their dials are correct BEFORE staging.

Foxtrot Juliet Bravo
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Picture of CURTIS REED
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Originally posted by Junior Bailey:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Holytown:
What's wrong with these guys?

Long story short incorrect dial-in is on the scoreboard. Both guys pre-stage (therefore accepting the dial-ins). One guy stages, it is at this point that the man with the incorrect dial in realizes it. He tries to get the starters attention at this point.

This is where it gets weird. The starter then runs over to the staged vehicle (which now warrants a re-run due to starter interference.)

It is at this point the starter realizes he messed up, and makes the incorrect decision to send the other car down the track, as the green light has been on for 10 seconds or so.

Now the driver with the wrong dial in sits on the line, gets out of the car yelling and screaming (yes he should be mad about what has transpired here). However, if he keeps his cool he can easily claim the starter interfered with the race (which he should have effectively lost. he is lucky in this aspect.)

However, after throwing a big fit, he decides to drive down the center of the track, taking out 330, mph, and 660 cones purposefully. Now he warrants being thrown out in my opinion.


[/QUOTE For that Kind of Entry Fee He got Screwed

The amount of the entry has nothing to do with right or wrong in this case or any for that matter. He screwed up and just made it worse with his little antics.

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Picture of Michael Beard
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Originally posted by Bucky:

The driver was also in error, and responsible for that matter. He didn't check the dial before pre staging. Once he started the staging process, he threw a wrench in everything by stopping mid stage, and calling the starter over for what at that point, the starter may have thought was a safety issue. Plus, now the other guy was probably fully staged, and the guy in question probably timed out. Is the starter supposed to pull the fully staged car back and get the time adjusted? This is exactly why drivers are required to insure that their dials are correct BEFORE staging.

Correct, although there's no "probably" about it. There is video of the entire incident. When both cars were pre-staged, the starter armed AutoStart, as he should. At that point, it is a race. Rumley was prestaged for 11 seconds before his opponent fully staged. His opponent was fully staged when he tried to flag down the starter. With three bulbs lit and AutoStart engaged, the tree was already active at this point and the 10 sec timeout clock was running. Rumley *created* the starter issue by waving at the starter with the race already in progress.

At 55:30

Michael Beard - staginglight@gmail.com
Staging Light Graphic Design, Printing & Event Marketing

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Originally posted by Michael Beard:
Originally posted by Bucky:

The driver was also in error, and responsible for that matter. He didn't check the dial before pre staging. Once he started the staging process, he threw a wrench in everything by stopping mid stage, and calling the starter over for what at that point, the starter may have thought was a safety issue. Plus, now the other guy was probably fully staged, and the guy in question probably timed out. Is the starter supposed to pull the fully staged car back and get the time adjusted? This is exactly why drivers are required to insure that their dials are correct BEFORE staging.

Correct, although there's no "probably" about it. There is video of the entire incident. When both cars were pre-staged, the starter armed AutoStart, as he should. At that point, it is a race. Rumley was prestaged for 11 seconds before his opponent fully staged. His opponent was fully staged when he tried to flag down the starter. With three bulbs lit and AutoStart engaged, the tree was already active at this point and the 10 sec timeout clock was running. Rumley *created* the starter issue by waving at the starter with the race already in progress.

At 55:30
Exactly…then after what the dip shyt did after the fact…he would never race at any track I owned….
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