DRR Top Comp
| quote: Originally posted by RPROGAS: Mike:
31,000 reported in the US so far and the count is far from over if we are less than half way through this. No one know what the final count will be but as I said if you add in all the American's who live overseas, my estimate my be closer than you think (hopefully not).
Bob, we mostly/usually agree on things.....but you labeled your statement(s) as "undisputable facts" not your estimate and/or what may happen..... Fair is fair my friend......This shyt has got everybody out of the groove a little....own it and move on
. Dave
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DRR Top Comp
| quote: China should be held accountable !
. Dave
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| Maybe we should concentrate 100% on getting this fixed before we work on accessing blame. There will be plenty of time to do so in a few months. In the meantime, lets work together to get our businesses up and going, while taking care not to exacerbate the spread of the disease. JMHO
It's not what you've got, it's what you give, it's not the life you choose, it's the life you live.
| Posts: 2120 | Location: Napa, California | Registered: December 26, 2003 |  

| quote: Originally posted by SCDIV1: Many questions with no answers. The Virus has spread in densely populated areas like wildfire
How and why did that happen in multiple countries yet China reports far fewer people contracted it and very low death numbers.
2 Billion people in China !
These facts alone are extremely suspicious.
China is lying to the world and should be held accountable !
Well, not quite 2 billion, but they are close to 20% of the worlds population. 2020 population ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ |
| Posts: 562 | Location: Republic of Texas | Registered: January 16, 2011 |  
DRR Sportsman

| One fact that has recently surfaced that you left out. USA has granted and funded this lab in China millions to do research on the Virus. Seems very fishy..... |
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DRR Sportsman

| quote: We are currently living under de-facto Martial Law in a Police State; essentially under House Arrest. The only thing missing is an ankle monitor. Again- where is the outrage?
There's already outrage (Lancing Michigan comes to mind), read the news, wait till your required to bring your vaccine paperwork to work/school! No vaccine? your fired! quote: "There is precedent for employers to require vaccination" quote: https://www.statnews.com/2020/...testing-vaccination/
| Posts: 128 | Location: Div 3 | Registered: December 01, 2005 |  
DRR Elite
| If employers start requiring a vaccine to ensure the safety of their products and workforce, we have a choice about that. We can choose whether to work there or not. It is different than the government requiring it of me. Plus, right now there are no alternatives, no choices. I'm not sure I trust a vaccine monopoly. And one that was rushed through. What if the long term affects of this vaccine are dire? And America required it of everyone. Population control at its finest.
Foxtrot Juliet Bravo
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| quote: Can anyone post facts with sources to prove this is any worse than the flu?
Yes it's all true, I read it on the internet.
Illegitimi non carborundum
| Posts: 2397 | Location: OKC, OK | Registered: February 15, 2008 |  
DRR Elite
| quote: Originally posted by Phil Dees: Can anyone post facts with sources to prove this is any worse than the flu?
Worse how? And there are no facts to be had frankly. The mortality data is poisoned, and nobody knows how many have it or have had it. Worse than the flu? I New York and other high population density areas I would say there is evidence that it very much is. Probably more contagious and at least as lethal. so it hit hard and quick. But nothing will compare to the worst case scenarios throw out there from the get go.
Foxtrot Juliet Bravo
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DRR Elite
| it's highly contagious not highly deadly. I ain't scared and I'm in NYC everyday. The fear factor is being driven my the liberal media for the dems who will stop at nothing including bankrupting our country, their country in an attempt to regain the white house. They should all be shot for treason and they will lose in November AGAIN! |
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| quote: Originally posted by SS427IMP: This is not a serious discussion, just idle speculation about placing blame and how many are sick. Meanwhile dozens of Governors and city mayors have eviscerated the supposedly sacrosanct Bill of Rights with the willing, almost eager support of 66% of Americans and I don't hear a word of outrage. We are currently living under de-facto Martial Law in a Police State; essentially under House Arrest. The only thing missing is an ankle monitor. Again- where is the outrage?
I'm so outraged it has my blood pressure up on the chip, but sadly I seem to be in a very small minority.
| Posts: 1613 | Location: Marietta, GA | Registered: December 09, 2005 |  

| The reason it isn't seen as worse than the flu is because of the measures we have taken, even though people are paying a huge cost for it. That price would have been paid monetarily or with the loss of life. The flu is a known evil and many of us have antibodies to fight against it. Antivirals such as Tamiflu, although I still am not convinced those work, known symptoms and known treatments. None of us have antibodies against this virus. It's a crap shoot as to who's body can't deal with this virus. It seriously attacks the lungs of those who's body can't fight it off or who don't end up asymptomatic. We don't ever end up with this many people on a vent from the flu. If we hadn't limited contact and this had run rampant as was stated there wouldn't have been a small percentage of enough ventilators to deal with it. Many of the people who succumb to this have their lungs get wet to a point that just breathing wears their muscles down to a point that their body gives up. Others have underlying conditions that are exacerbated by it and cause shutdown of those organs. We shouldn't live in fear per say but if you aren't seriously concerned by this virus you are a fool. If it doesn't change the way you go about your every day life right now you are a fool. I am not that much of a gambler, even though I worry about my wife if she were to get it, more than me.
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| Posts: 3254 | Location: KIEFER, OK. | Registered: August 17, 2007 |  