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Anyone else have a really bad feeling recently?
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Originally posted by Coloradoracer:
Mike, you clearly don't understand the complete concept of warfare...


Until you've been there, you won't understand...

Oh ok...

If all was hopeless, the psychological operation (TV) and censoring wouldn't be necessary.
Posts: 9398 | Location: Madeira Beach Fl. | Registered: June 12, 2018Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Alaskaracer
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Psychological operations are a TACTIC of warfare, not a war itself...operations within a psy-op are a break down of the tactic, just like individual assignments are on a physical operation.

Youtube calls it "silent warfare" because it's a catchy title and the people publishing it don't have a clue. Q was an operation inside a tactic......one of many that are still being used.....

Again, psy-ops are a TACTIC, and not warfare itself.....

Mark Goulette
Owner/Driver of the Livin' The Dream Racing dragster
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Have you ever been in a war Mikey??? Just because you pull up a google search doesn't mean you're right....all that does is define what psychological uses....it is NOT WARFARE BY ITSELF...

Mark Goulette
Owner/Driver of the Livin' The Dream Racing dragster
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I'm less concerned about your disagreement in the definition of words I've used, than I am people becoming spectators to the madness, rather than remaining the subjects.

It's in everyone's best interest, to see to it the devil has over played his hand.

Posts: 9398 | Location: Madeira Beach Fl. | Registered: June 12, 2018Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Alaskaracer
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I want to post something about warfare that some of you may know, or may not know, before this thread gets out of hand with Mikey's posts.

Psychological warfare, or also known and most commonly called psy-ops in the military, is a tactic used to prep a target before other operations are conducted. There is no time limit as to how long a tactic is used, but a guideline is as long as it's still effective, it will be. When it stops being effective, or it's benefits are dwindling, then other tactics are used, or when a detailed plan calls for other tactics to be used. It's similar to using artillery or mortars to prep an objective before an assult. It's done to "soften" the target in an effort to make it easier to take over. In no war is any one tactic used exclusively, and now is no different. psy-ops works very well for a large majority of the masses, but even the best ones begin to lose effectiveness over time. People wake up to the disinformation and propaganda, grow tired of it, or simply see through the bs. We are at that stage now. Slow erosion of our rights has been ongoing for years, but is starting to get substantial pushback. Psy-ops have also been going on for years, but fall into the same category. Hence a new tactic had to be utilized to advance to the next level, and along came COVID.....as a tactic, it worked VERY WELL, but again it's losing effectiveness as people grow weary of the bs. The biggest issue using psy-ops is that while they can be employed for long periods of time, there still must be another tactic employed to accomplish the mission and achieve the end goal. So the big question now, is what's next? I'm scared to think of what the left will employ, but I think we've already gotten a sample with Canada....how hard will we push back, then back off when big gov says so? With Russia and China forming an alliance, we are in very serious danger, whether you choose to believe it or not. China WILL invade our borders....it's only a matter of time before they get that bold. But what happens in the mean time? Putin has already given us a clue in saying if we retaliate he will also in a severe manner. Putin will push the button if he feels so inclined....As will China.....and with the current administration, they are only being further enabled to do exactly that. But there will be a breaking point, just what that point is though, is still in question. How far will we as a nation let this go before we finally stand up and do something about it all..???

I fear for us and what could very possibly happen.

Mark Goulette
Owner/Driver of the Livin' The Dream Racing dragster
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Picture of Alaskaracer
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Originally posted by Mike Rietow:
I'm less concerned about your disagreement in the definition of words I've used, than I am people becoming spectators to the madness, rather than remaining the subjects.

It's in everyone's best interest, to see to it the devil has over played his hand.

Problem is Mikey, is there will ALWAYS BE SUBJECTS AND SPECTATORS.... NOTHING can ever be done to change that....NOTHING! Be as concerned as you want to be about it, it won't change anything......that's one thing I don't concern myself with is who will be the sheep, who will watch from the sidelines, and who will actually get their hands dirty. What I concern myself with is how I'm going to deal with it. What will I do if the sXXXt really hits the fan? What will I do about my family and friends that aren't as prepared as I am? The masses will be the masses. But my actions could very well have a profound impact on many potential outcomes....

If I were to give you any advice at all, and you were to take it to heart, worry less about the sheep and do nothings around you and take care of yourself and those you care about....if and when the time comes, that's the only thing that will matter.....not what other people become......

Mark Goulette
Owner/Driver of the Livin' The Dream Racing dragster
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Picture of Goob
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Been beating this drum for over 20 years. No one wants to hear it. Everyone is too comfortable to take any action.

Since they finally got the NDAA, it's a simple plan..collapse industry, create civil unrest, government takes over all essential industry, were done here.

goob- sorry for the grandkids, but it's good to be a short timer right now

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Picture of SlyFox
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Gotta agree with 1320 on this one. I pay attention, I control what I can control, and I position myself as best I can to navigate potential hard times. Having done all that, I then go do what I do - racing, good times with my family, etc. Pearl-clutching gets you nowhere.

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Originally posted by Coloradoracer:
Originally posted by Mike Rietow:
I'm less concerned about your disagreement in the definition of words I've used, than I am people becoming spectators to the madness, rather than remaining the subjects.

It's in everyone's best interest, to see to it the devil has over played his hand.

Problem is Mikey, is there will ALWAYS BE SUBJECTS AND SPECTATORS.... NOTHING can ever be done to change that....NOTHING! Be as concerned as you want to be about it, it won't change anything......that's one thing I don't concern myself with is who will be the sheep, who will watch from the sidelines, and who will actually get their hands dirty. What I concern myself with is how I'm going to deal with it. What will I do if the sXXXt really hits the fan? What will I do about my family and friends that aren't as prepared as I am? The masses will be the masses. But my actions could very well have a profound impact on many potential outcomes....

If I were to give you any advice at all, and you were to take it to heart, worry less about the sheep and do nothings around you and take care of yourself and those you care about....if and when the time comes, that's the only thing that will matter.....not what other people become......

Very True, the masses love being the masses.

And good advice (mature).

But we only need 51% to wake up to reality, to avert the SHTF.

So I remain optimistic.

If all was hopeless, the psychological operation (TV) and censoring wouldn't be necessary.
Posts: 9398 | Location: Madeira Beach Fl. | Registered: June 12, 2018Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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I don’t worry about things I can’t control.

We’re here for a good time, not a long time, make the best of your time, your life. We all die.

I plan to start the 2022 season in 50 days and the price of gas/diesel nor a war in Ukraine will stop me.

^^^^^^^ X2
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I don't think one needs to sit around wringing their hands and focusing all their time on something, to have some level of concern about it.

And, since when do we have no control over, well most of these issues? People who have no interest in political activism are truly the reason we are where we are. Start at the community level. Run for political office. Communicate with the leadership in your local schools. Write those who represent you or better yet call.
And freakin vote!

Foxtrot Juliet Bravo
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The fallacy of thinking you have no control is some (not all) of the problem. Someone once said all politics is local. Have any of you become involved in your local community politics? Doubt it. TRUE change starts at the bottom with us. In todays climate most if not all want the government to do something. Well who the h-e-l-l is the government, it's us, the voting public. If that right is infringed upon then you take to the streets. Who among us is willing to put EVERYTHING on the line to protect our God given rights, our constitutional right to LIFE, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness? Our founders did just that. Will you? I know I will.
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Originally posted by Bucky:
I don't think one needs to sit around wringing their hands and focusing all their time on something, to have some level of concern about it.

I have ZERO concern about it!
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All I seem sure of is the cost to get to the races will double. Will that shrink the turnout, it sure did when I ran my track in the late 70's through early 80s. Not as many show up, the prize money had to be changed and it was a bad deal.

I think the pre-entry bracket races around Iowa are selling out fast.

Biden is just a puppet, he is miles away from being smart enough to organize this stuff. Now, the World Economic Forum with Klaus and Gates... they have the money, the power, the following of minions in the big banks. Like it or not, it will take something MAJOR to change the track we are on.

God Bless us all and I hope He "arrives"!!!


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I noticed that all the roads out of there were clogged with those "patriots" getting out. Unwilling to fight for their own country. You suppose this will in some way dry up Hunters money stream?
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I agree the outlook is scary. I can only so so much. I have some stuff semi stockpiled.I have good amount of main things, especially the things they do not want us to have. While not enough for a army ,I figure what I have will last longer than I will if it comes down to that.

I agree that nothing will change a lot without a civil war to some degree.Problem is most have too much to lose to fight not to lose what they have or have been told all of our lives we have as Americans.

100% agree it's not a bad time to be on the short side of life expectancy. Do feel sorry for those who have so much life ahead of them and the doubt it will be anything like most of ours have been. Kind of makes me glad I never had children.

I find it hard to believe my outlook and obvious that of so many other could change in short time. Don't get me wrong I have felt for years that America as we know it was going to end. It has just changed a ton for the worst in one year.

The idea that some have that the crap we see in other countries could never happen here has always amazed me. War in the streets could never happen here. So what the hell was the summer of 2020. Well other than a ploy to scare judges so they would not rule against election fraud because they would be too scared of civil unrest.

Say what you want about those doing it.They are far from stupid. Just think about the planning and steps that had to be taken to pull off 2020 shamlection. Give some in depth thought and it will amaze the hell out of you.

Sorry it if is upsetting, but it will not change w/o blood in the streets.Just the facts.

America home of free. Brought to you by 2nd amendment.
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Firstly, 1320 is an idiot, he has proven this many times and has fortified it in this thread.

Virtually no one alive today has known anything but milk and honey in the USA. The American Revolution, WW1, depression, WW2, Korea, were real, and people were financially decimated and killed but "we" can't relate. Be advised "tectonic changes" are on the move. Those that prepare will flourish those that don't will suffer! Make no mistake that is a true statement. Those that don't will be consumed by the digital dollar and the social justice system. It's time to chose up side and take action. Bucky, the OP, has every right to be concerned. The ball is rolling down hill and will pick up velocity. Those that seek solace in changing two carb jet sizes will be heavily impacted. Am I committed to my beliefs? I moved $455k dollars of cash today and will be doing more very soon. Those that don't feel a since of urgency and take action will be the proverbial duck.

Don't mind me I'm the "fringe minority" Justin Trudeau spoke of. Nothing to see here, move along. Wait til the next election, things will change dramatically.... like they always do (sic).

Illegitimi non carborundum
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This may be THE END, but the last 40 or 50 crises haven't been THE END. So, I'll just continue doing what I do and prepare my offspring to thrive in a different world than the one I was born into.
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I lived as a civilian in Saigon during the middle 60s and can tell you as war was all around life went on--people didn't pay attention unless it touched them. Much as I hate it I will go on with my life. Hate it but to old to worry about it.
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The only table excused from the concerns of war, is the kiddie table.

Some never leave the kiddie table.

Posts: 9398 | Location: Madeira Beach Fl. | Registered: June 12, 2018Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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