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crap going on in America.
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Picture of wideopen231
I know I am not only one on here who can not beilieve the crap going in this country. Cops running from bunch of anarchist,people wanting to take mnoney from police to give to balcks to make them happy,turning towns over w/o any fight. WTH?

I know probably belongs in political but nobody goes there because grandma/gpa has ruined it with endless comics.

America home of free. Brought to you by 2nd amendment.
Posts: 4584 | Location: Greensboro NC | Registered: May 24, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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It just makes me shake my head. We will defend our small towns in the sticks and our homes in the middle of nowhere. If cities want to become cesspools, let em.

Foxtrot Juliet Bravo
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I know I am not only one on here who can not beilieve the crap going in this country.

It's not just this country! It's a well orchestrated effort from the Soro's cartel. They are toppling statues in America. They are also toppling statues in Great Britain. That is in no way a coincidence. Nigel Farage, a powerful political force in GB, just got let go from his radio station job for an unpopular statement regarding statue toppling. Liberals are a well ingrained force that is well financed and motivated. The most conservatives ever do is play defense and damage control.

We will defend our small towns in the sticks and our homes in the middle of nowhere. If cities want to become cesspools, let em.

That is admiral of course, BUT, the cities are where the government resides and operates. They collect YOUR tax dollars and use them against you. They ultimately control all the lethal forces, city police, (maybe not county sheriff's in some instances), state police, national guard, etc. A no win slow death scenario at best.

Illegitimi non carborundum
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Cities aren't chit if us country folks stop feeding them. I don't hardly turn on the TV any more because of the insanity going on.
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Picture of wideopen231
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Question guys. By staying home or your community only and avoiding it on tv. Is that not letting them win and hoping it will go away? Not saying everybody need to ride into town guns blazing. Then since our law enforcement's hands are being tied it may come down to just that. I wonder how many wilt actually fight and how many will just sit back and say nothing I could do.

I made statement on face book about cops not doing anything might end up in favor of those who will fight back. Bad thing is and we all know it.The ones fighting back will be ones they try to arrest.

I have been amazed at the number of people who have told me this kind of crap could not happen in USA it only happens in those 3rd world country's. Guess what?

America home of free. Brought to you by 2nd amendment.
Posts: 4584 | Location: Greensboro NC | Registered: May 24, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Alaskaracer
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Here's my take. The left is going all out now, and aren't trying to hide anything. Like him or not, Trump outed them for what they are and they are desperate to get him out of office. There is one thing I've been saying though, and have said it for months. We are closer to a fully armed revolution in this country than most realize, and it's already beginning with the **** that's going on in Seattle and other areas now. It's about the left wanting total power over us, and the destruction of America as we know it. History doesn't lie, just because they cover it up or try to erase it. While the hope is that it doesn't happen, you're more than likely going to see some shooting soon. And I don't mean a person here or a person there. I'm talking armed groups attacking other armed groups. There are militias right now gearing up for just that, and as you can see in ****attle, even the dumbasses are arming themselves. This is a giant powder keg with the fuse already lit...it's just a matter of that final little bit to push it over the edge. The left is dividing everyone and has us waring against each other. Not one single riot or "protest" has a thing to do with the death of that one dude....it's all a paid activity, geared towards creating as much civil unrest as possible, and it's going to continue to push until someone finally says enough. Hopefully it's the President, and the military does what needs to be done. But I honestly think its going to be someone from one of those ****holes that the liberal left is occupying that's had enough of the bull**** and snaps...

As for me, I want things back to the way they were pre-fake virus and ****...But.....if the **** hits the fan, I'm not going to run or hide on the sidelines....I will do my sworn duty until it's over or I breathe my last breath. I'm so sick of this **** now I can just puke. But turning off the tv won't make it go away, it's well beyond that now. The only thing that will make it go away is the left needs slapped HARD into next century and beyond....

Mark Goulette
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Looting is nothing new, you don't need rioting but only a disturbance or crisis for looting.

Leftist's are notorious for looting like the saying goes "never let a good crisis go to waste"

Like after 911 a lot of the US citizens rights were looted with the "Patriot act, which is a good name for it ... act like it's patriotic to loot (theft) citizens rights.

The looting on the TV isn't the real looting, that's the petty crime looting of TV's and Nike shoe's

The real looting is the $$$ trillion dollar bailouts.

Looting goes on all the time, all that is needed is a disturbance... Ask Bradenton Motorsports Park they got busted on camera looting a customers winnings, a couple years ago.

Posts: 9398 | Location: Madeira Beach Fl. | Registered: June 12, 2018Reply With QuoteReport This Post

DRR Sportsman
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I live out in the sticks. The way I was raised, and the way I lived when we was all young'ns, we are perfectly fine defending ourselves. It's second nature to me anyway to sleep with one eye open. That said, I certainly do not agree with defunding the police. They do more than just shoot and/or kill people.
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Picture of TD3550
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We just had an home invasion here last week on a senior female. 5 Perps. Broke the glass and gained entry. 4 were armed. She had no money. Trashed the house. Stole her car and dumped it. Real nice area also. They had to be casing the place. Lock and load now. 2nd one in 1.5 years. These farmers don't play games out here. They won't think twice.

Sept 2019. 5 of them. Burglary in the building in from of mine..Thousands is saws.


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Posts: 1424 | Location: Under a Truck | Registered: August 23, 2013Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Sept 2019. 5 of them. Burglary in the building in from of mine.

I have to ask, after all the expense of surveillance equipment what was the net benefit? He gets to see the burglary since it was after hours and he wasn't there in person? Seems like a poor return on investment to me.

Just yesterday my neighbor showed me a surveillance video of a couple going through mine and his families vehicles. But darn it, the feature that's suppose to call his phone when suspicious activity is observed didn't work. Useless hi-tec.

Illegitimi non carborundum
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Debt is going exponential. They put 1 trillion on the debt in one month. It could be that's why the national guard and troops have been dispersed nationwide. Maybe they're worried about funding for the police.

It's like a second covid wave. Typically whatever is played on a loop on TV, is to predictive program the people. I've heard this theory as reason for the troops.

If they can't extend the socialism, ya got 50 - 60 million people out of work. It could go real bad, real fast.

Ya gotta be able to protect your own property, in any case.
Posts: 9398 | Location: Madeira Beach Fl. | Registered: June 12, 2018Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Picture of wideopen231
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Originally posted by TD3550:
We just had an home invasion here last week on a senior female. 5 Perps. Broke the glass and gained entry. 4 were armed. She had no money. Trashed the house. Stole her car and dumped it. Real nice area also. They had to be casing the place. Lock and load now. 2nd one in 1.5 years. These farmers don't play games out here. They won't think twice.

Sept 2019. 5 of them. Burglary in the building in from of mine..Thousands is saws.


Reason I live in country with a bunch of farmers I went to school with. I can get a backhoe anytime I want and know quite a few areas that rarely see human activity.

While I think it takes sorry sob to kill someone for money,for fun or what ever reason they have. Killing someone for harming family or stealing my stuff I work my azz off for. Sorry I have doubt it would bother me one bit. Maybe wrong you never truly know till you have to do it. I did not buy all these loud toys and those shinny things that make BIG boom for no reaso at all.

IMO if you attack someone to do bodily harm and get shot between the eyes it was just suicide by stupid.

America home of free. Brought to you by 2nd amendment.
Posts: 4584 | Location: Greensboro NC | Registered: May 24, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Big Steve
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Suicide by stupid, that has a good ring to it, I like it!
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Picture of TD3550
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Originally posted by Canted Valve:
Sept 2019. 5 of them. Burglary in the building in from of mine.

I have to ask, after all the expense of surveillance equipment what was the net benefit? He gets to see the burglary since it was after hours and he wasn't there in person? Seems like a poor return on investment to me.

Just yesterday my neighbor showed me a surveillance video of a couple going through mine and his families vehicles. But darn it, the feature that's suppose to call his phone when suspicious activity is observed didn't work. Useless hi-tec.

Don't know if he had a system or not. Alarm.
I don't think he did. Aggressive systems are now wireless and work on a different frequency and are spontaneous.Cutting phone lines and building
electrical source are a thing of the past.Any disruption signal wise, They get called.
Posts: 1424 | Location: Under a Truck | Registered: August 23, 2013Reply With QuoteReport This Post

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Originally posted by mavman:
I live out in the sticks. The way I was raised, and the way I lived when we was all young'ns, we are perfectly fine defending ourselves. It's second nature to me anyway to sleep with one eye open. That said, I certainly do not agree with defunding the police. They do more than just shoot and/or kill people.

There might be an interesting comparison if you take into consideration black lives matters who have joined forces with ANTIFA in causing chaos, are funded by seemingly status quo institutions. These people (BLM - ANTIFA) are basically useful idiots it appears, the same as the Nazi storm troopers who caused chaos on the Weimar Republic police during Hitlers rise to power.

Of course the Storm Troopers were then all assassinated by the Nazi SS once their usefulness against the Weimar Republic police, was complete and the SS (Gestapo) became the Nazi police force.

It's kinda an interesting comparisonin that Black Lives Matters and ANTIFA are paid agent provocateurs the same as the Nazi Storm Troopers, and there's all this talk of replacing the police now.

The comparison might be something to monitor. Research the night of the long knives for comparison.
Posts: 9398 | Location: Madeira Beach Fl. | Registered: June 12, 2018Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Watch this if ya wanna know how badly offshoring the US economy to china has crippled Americans, which will compound our current problems.

This is Ronald Reagan Treasury Secretary Paul Craig Roberts.
Posts: 9398 | Location: Madeira Beach Fl. | Registered: June 12, 2018Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Picture of wideopen231
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All of this call for justice. Where is justice for those who have had business destroyed or pulled from their cars and beaten because they where white? How about justice meaning if you are speeding in Greensboro you get pulled even if you are black? How about us tearing down all of the MLK signs that every town has because it offends someone? Oh wait justice for white is racist.

I do likeMikes comparison of Pre WWII actions to whats going one here. The fact that Soros was part of one and paying for the other just makes it that much more of reason to NIP IT IN THE BUD.

America home of free. Brought to you by 2nd amendment.
Posts: 4584 | Location: Greensboro NC | Registered: May 24, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Top - down Revolution with sanctioned Hate.

Sturmabteilung (SA)
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Picture of wideopen231
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Wonder if any of these idiots wanting to do away with cops have thought of one thing? The cops might be what is keeping them from being shot down in the streets.

Biggest problem with all out race war is those who don't know what they are and how little they mean to the ones they think they owe something to.

America home of free. Brought to you by 2nd amendment.
Posts: 4584 | Location: Greensboro NC | Registered: May 24, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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The cops might be what is keeping them from being shot down in the streets.

If, er I mean when, push comes to shove the 13% of the population is likely to find out how tired whitey is of being called racist and having his nose rubbed in all their civil disobedience. JMO

Illegitimi non carborundum
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