DRR Elite
| quote: My deal works for me, Paul's works for him, etc, etc.
Dragracers agree on something???LOL
L8R, Mike
| Posts: 12319 | Location: Wildomar, Ca | Registered: August 30, 2000 |  
DRR Elite

| In all honesty, the jury is out on what I'm doing. It was recommended by a buddy that does triathlons. It is all new to me, but as an engineer it makes sense. I do know from cycling 9,000 miles in a few years, exercise alone will not result in weight loss. I'll check in in Jan with results.
2005 2000lb 4 link dragster home brew 582 BBC Dart 355 1.058 2.98 4.629@149 6.094 7.310@185
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DRR Sportsman

| quote: Originally posted by adv ET 266: In all honesty, the jury is out on what I'm doing. It was recommended by a buddy that does triathlons. It is all new to me, but as an engineer it makes sense. I do know from cycling 9,000 miles in a few years, exercise alone will not result in weight loss. I'll check in in Jan with results.
You are 100% correct Paul. I cycle also but that alone will not get you lean. I see many "fat" cyclist that have great cardio endurance but you would not know it from looking at them. Proper diet is key especially as we get older. I also weight train, nothing really heavy but I do have a program that works for me. |
| Posts: 638 | Location: Rochester, WA | Registered: November 22, 2006 |  
DRR Top Comp

| Diagnosed with diabetes two months ago,I knew before went in. So to stay healthy according to foods limited to I eat nothing everything is bad for me. Well unless it taste like shyt. Bad side to 30 plus years of cooking very well,I know what good food taste like. To top it off doctor gives me metformin which make me hungry all day.Hell how many veggies(the ones allowed) can one person eat. Need to shoot more deer next year. Tenderloin everyday just not on biscuit with gravy,Heck they even screwed that up. Even had to back down my milk consumption.Told doctor I was down to gallon a week.He said too much.I said he11 that's down 5 to 6 a week.LOL
America home of free. Brought to you by 2nd amendment.
| Posts: 4587 | Location: Greensboro NC | Registered: May 24, 2011 |  
| quote: Originally posted by Al Alguire: Eat less move more..
That is all
Bingo.. it works. Buying 5 acres keeps me moving.. so does my wife , aka Sgt Slaughter!lmao
California Screaming! Raceless in California!
| Posts: 4757 | Location: Vacaville | Registered: January 07, 2004 |  
DRR Elite
| Knocked down carbs and lost 12 lbs. I work out first thing in the morning for 35 minutes 4 times a week. 6'3" 224#.
Foxtrot Juliet Bravo
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| Simple, step on the scale every morning after your # 2. My weight is 170. If I am 172, I don't eat much that day, if I am 168 I eat what ever I want. Next day, repeat. Oh yes, one other thing..... if your toilet bowl has skid marks in it, you are not eating right!
It's not what you've got, it's what you give, it's not the life you choose, it's the life you live.
| Posts: 2120 | Location: Napa, California | Registered: December 26, 2003 |  
| quote: Originally posted by 1320racer: here's all you need to know, we all consume way too much sugar and wheat products. Eliminate them from your diet and you'll be healthy, fit and not over weight. 1500 calories a day is more than enough for the average person's well being.
How could you possible say that a 100 pound woman working in an office needs the same number of calories as a 300 pound NFL lineman? Have you always been an MKIA? or is this just a recent affliction? MKIA=MrKnowItAll
It's not what you've got, it's what you give, it's not the life you choose, it's the life you live.
| Posts: 2120 | Location: Napa, California | Registered: December 26, 2003 |  
DRR Elite
| a 300 pound NFL lineman got that way from eating steroids and HGH. Don't matter what he eats, he'll be dead long before the average lifespan, most likely from a heart related issue.  "The average life expectancy or lifespan of an American football NFL player has been reported to be extremely low, only 53 to 59 years depending on playing position." |
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DRR Top Comp

| quote: Originally posted by Footloose: How much water do you guys drink a day?
I'd guess about a gallon of water a day on average for me. First thing I do when I get to work is fill a 32 oz stadium cup, and drink it right down without leaving the sink, then fill it up again. I'll have at least 3 of those during the day, plus drink water at home, and the water in food. And move. I feel much more better since I started moving. Most of what I do is simple walking, and am mixing some other stuff in, working the heavy bag, want to lift some too. I'm behind a desk all day, got to move.
'81 Cutlass, KX05, Keystone Raceway Park Millerstown Pic-A-Part, Tarentum, PA Wholesale Transmission, New Kensington, PA Thinking of Nikki and Mark - forever 53
| Posts: 7230 | Location: Pittsburgh | Registered: December 07, 2005 |  