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591,000 Dead and Biden Is Clueless
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I believe the "squad" is made up of a few of those Islamic intruders. and AOC is nothing more than a bartender that got elected in the same area as Al Sharpton. Is this the best we can do?
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Is this the best we can do?

Yes it is. You can go back decades to get to where we are now. Most of our politicians come from American families, American schools, American churches and American universities. Mostly power hungry, greedy and corrupt attorneys. So yes it's the best we've got. Frown

Illegitimi non carborundum
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How do you believe anything when the sources all bring you differing information?

One source says a half million died. Another one says flu deaths were 0.1% (normally 10% according to the source) yet covid deaths higher than 10%?

The blame, is the media, in my opinion.

Because of that, nobody knows what to believe. I certainly don't believe the media. What I do believe (and know from experience) that covid was listed as COD for a number of deaths which were not directly attributed to covid. In other words if a patient dies and they weren't able to get the care they needed in the hospital because the ICU's were full of covid patients, they can (and did) list the COD of covid. First hand experience here. GF's mother, who I was close to-died in July of 2020. Cancer was the cause, however the official COD was covid but oddly she never once tested positive for covid. Not once and I was at her side for her last 2 weeks.

So who knows what to believe anymore. Look at current events (san jose for instance)--one source gives you some kind of information another source says something different, then an hour later the first source says something even different again contradicting what they said in the first place?

It makes one wonder, is this how the president "won" the 2020 election? I had an idea the other day, whether it'd be worth anything or not. Take media attention away from presidential elections for a period of 7 days prior and 7 days after the election. Give Americans a chance to make up their own minds without the media doing it for them.
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Picture of Curly1
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Originally posted by fuzzy dice:
Just to be clear, the CDC admitted some time ago the number of deaths from covid and not with covid is right at 10% of what the WHO and Dems are using...so the real number is under 60,000...this number is equal to or less than a normal flu season of the past...just sayin'...

I do not know that the number is UNDER 60,000 people but I do know it is NO WHERE NEAR the 591,000 they are blaming on COVID. In fact I would not be surprised if they change the way they count them to basically say NOBODY is now dying of COVID and Dictator Biden has cured it.

Just like the Election. It not the VOTES that count but WHO COUNTS THE VOTES. That has been proven.

What we DO KNOW is we have been lied to about COVID from the start and so where does the TRUTH come in if at all?

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"Dunning-Kruger Effect"
-a type of Cognitive bias where people with little expertise or ability assume they have superior expertise or ability. This overestimation occurs as a result of the fact that they do not have enough knowledge to know they don't have enough knowledge.

Before you argue with someone ask yourself, "Is this person mentally mature enough to grasp the concept of a different perspective?" If not there is no point to argue.

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Picture of fuzzy dice
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I don't know the real number either Curly...I was just pointing out that a while back the CDC finally fessed up to a number that was 10% of what the left was using against trump...we all know that biden had no "plan" to beat covid...that was political rhetoric, nothing more...
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Picture of SG2716
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i have been on the earth 56 years and never had a friend die of the flu and i do not know anyone who did die of the flu but i wish i could say the same for covid .
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Picture of Curly1
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I know about 150 people that got it most at work. One died from it and one was very sick for about 3 months. The one that was really sick from it still has not came back to work.

Most of the rest of us that got it was not bad. When I got it a few weeks before Christmas I had about 6 hours fever and then about 2 days of mild fever. Then a few weeks of quarantine that was not fun.

I was MUCH sicker earlier in the year and it took about 6 weeks to get rid of that bug.

I am not saying COVID is not Serious, it is, you do not want to get the Flu or anything else but it is NOT a death sentence like the Media and Democrats have been saying. I AM saying this has been used as a Political weapon and we are the Pawns.

One other thing that should be mentioned is the OVERALL death rate in America is very close to NORMAL. And we can all verify it ourselves. Most of us lose a people we know every year to Heart disease, Cancer etc. 2020 we lost about same number of people except miraculously Heart Disease and Cancer were almost cured. That is another indication they have been lying to us about it.

Like FUZZY DICE said "We do not know the Real number" but we do know we have been lied to.

"Dunning-Kruger Effect"
-a type of Cognitive bias where people with little expertise or ability assume they have superior expertise or ability. This overestimation occurs as a result of the fact that they do not have enough knowledge to know they don't have enough knowledge.

Before you argue with someone ask yourself, "Is this person mentally mature enough to grasp the concept of a different perspective?" If not there is no point to argue.

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Picture of Michael Beard
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United States Mortality Data
2015 2,712,630
2016 2,744,248 +31,618
2017 2,813,503 +69,255
2018 2,839,205 +25,702
2019 2,854,838 +15,633
2020 3,358,814 +503,976

Draw your own conclusion.

Michael Beard - staginglight@gmail.com
Staging Light Graphic Design, Printing & Event Marketing

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The point I was trying to make is that no one seems to be interested in discovering the true origin of this virus. Failing to find the source opens the opportunity for this to repeat itself, or for another manufactured virus to spread. So the question is, why doesn't anyone seem to give a ****?

591,000 or 591, dead is dead and our Government is doing nothing to prevent it from happening again! Why the hell are they still in Office?

Posts: 3289 | Location: Lakeside, Ca | Registered: February 15, 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by RPROGAS:
The point I was trying to make is that no one seems to be interested in discovering the true origin of this virus. Failing to find the source opens the opportunity for this to repeat itself, or for another manufactured virus to spread. So the question is, why doesn't anyone seem to give a ****?

591,000 or 591, dead is dead and our Government is doing nothing to prevent it from happening again! Why the hell are they still in Office?


Too little, too late Bob. They’ve had time to clean up their mess and generate a defense. The experts know through research that the bat virus had to be modified. Biden is busy selling America to the highest bidder. Their latest bill spells it out.

California Screaming!
Raceless in California!
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Originally posted by RPROGAS:
The point I was trying to make is that no one seems to be interested in discovering the true origin of this virus. Failing to find the source opens the opportunity for this to repeat itself, or for another manufactured virus to spread. So the question is, why doesn't anyone seem to give a ****?

591,000 or 591, dead is dead and our Government is doing nothing to prevent it from happening again! Why the hell are they still in Office?


There are only so many things that we should be getting for our tax dollars. Protection from foreign countries attacks is one of the few. Our country is not only failing on this, they aren't even trying.

Foxtrot Juliet Bravo
Posts: 6501 | Location: Illinois | Registered: July 08, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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I recommend that everyone look at the latest information that reveals the origin of Covid-19.

The Director of NIAID (National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Disease) Dr. Anthony Faucci knew about, and helped fund the sturdy of the genetic mutation of the pathogen that evolved into Covid-19. His words. This occurred before it was accidentally released into the public in early 2019. He was fully aware of the risks involved and felt that it was worth the risk / reward to the Scientific Community in gaining knowledge about the pathogen before "Nature released it into the population". His time line was wrong. The pathogen escaped from the Wuhan laboratory and created the pandemic they actually feared. It could not have been a worse scenario.

The result required immediately gaining control of the media. So in order to "get ahead" of the panic they released their fabricated "Bat" version of what happened. The actual number of people that died World wide as the result can be argued, but the bottom line is that the American public was mislead and (pick your favorite number) many died.

Dr. Faucci continued in the role of advising the Administration and the American public when in fact he knew in advance about the research and the risks involved. I'm not blaming Dr. Faucci for the accident, that lies solely on the lab technicians in Wuhan, certainly not the Chinese population. These Lab Technicians knew the risks involved and failed to control the release of the pathogen. The Chinese Government squashed the story and suddenly many of the Researchers at the Wuhan Laboratory began to disappear.

The resulting pandemic has destroyed countless lives (again, pick your favorite number) and seriously impacted the World wide economy. It's time to place responsibilty ahead of "Political Correctness" and hold someone accountable.

Posts: 3289 | Location: Lakeside, Ca | Registered: February 15, 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Picture of wideopen231
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Lets consider a few things.

A lab in China develops virus

It just happens to escape the lab.Gets into the rest of the world. Destroys economy's every where.

It just happens to be in time to help make it easier to steal a election. A election that just happen to remove the one President that has stood up to China. Just happen to put a man who has been bought by China years ago.

The party that now is in control just happens to do everything possible to reverse anything good for America and especially if it was done by Trump.

The virus gives the government all kinds of ways to push the agenda of socialism, which is inline with China's way of doing things.

One of the biggest investors in that same lab just happens to be billionaire from computers that work off electronics sold to us by China which he has been doing business with for decades.

The man put in charge of handling virus outbreak.Just so happens has been involved with same lab and a lot of folks who benefit from outbreak. He also moves over to new administration that came into power thru carefull manipulation of virus and the openings it provided to make voter fraud a breeze.

Nobody is really looking into how all of this happened.

Lot more could list but I think pretty clear picture.

Damn thats a lot of coincidences for one virus

America home of free. Brought to you by 2nd amendment.
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Originally posted by wideopen231:
Lets consider a few things.

A lab in China develops virus

It just happens to escape the lab.Gets into the rest of the world. Destroys economy's every where.

It just happens to be in time to help make it easier to steal a election. A election that just happen to remove the one President that has stood up to China. Just happen to put a man who has been bought by China years ago.

The party that now is in control just happens to do everything possible to reverse anything good for America and especially if it was done by Trump.

The virus gives the government all kinds of ways to push the agenda of socialism, which is inline with China's way of doing things.

One of the biggest investors in that same lab just happens to be billionaire from computers that work off electronics sold to us by China which he has been doing business with for decades.

The man put in charge of handling virus outbreak.Just so happens has been involved with same lab and a lot of folks who benefit from outbreak. He also moves over to new administration that came into power thru carefull manipulation of virus and the openings it provided to make voter fraud a breeze.

Nobody is really looking into how all of this happened.

Lot more could list but I think pretty clear picture.

Damn thats a lot of coincidences for one virus

This all yours or quoted from someone. Well done either way. Very thoughtful

Foxtrot Juliet Bravo
Posts: 6501 | Location: Illinois | Registered: July 08, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post

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also took ol hunter biden out of the spotlight while getting joey, china s friend, elected. How sweet it is.
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Sniff was clueless LONG before 591,000 people died
Posts: 309 | Location: USA | Registered: February 27, 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Picture of Curly1
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Originally posted by Michael Beard:
United States Mortality Data
2015 2,712,630
2016 2,744,248 +31,618
2017 2,813,503 +69,255
2018 2,839,205 +25,702
2019 2,854,838 +15,633
2020 3,358,814 +503,976

Draw your own conclusion.

Agreed, one thing is I saw earlier where official numbers for 2020 was around 2,9xx,xxx.

Why did they go up 400,000? I was watching those numbers for quite a while and while supposedly thousands of people were dying from it the overall numbers of dead were very close to previous years. That brought up Red Flags. Something is not right.

"Dunning-Kruger Effect"
-a type of Cognitive bias where people with little expertise or ability assume they have superior expertise or ability. This overestimation occurs as a result of the fact that they do not have enough knowledge to know they don't have enough knowledge.

Before you argue with someone ask yourself, "Is this person mentally mature enough to grasp the concept of a different perspective?" If not there is no point to argue.

4X NE2 CHAMPION. 2020 TDRA NE2 Champion
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Picture of Curly1
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Originally posted by RPROGAS:
I recommend that everyone look at the latest information that reveals the origin of Covid-19.

The Director of NIAID (National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Disease) Dr. Anthony Faucci knew about, and helped fund the sturdy of the genetic mutation of the pathogen that evolved into Covid-19. His words. This occurred before it was accidentally released into the public in early 2019. He was fully aware of the risks involved and felt that it was worth the risk / reward to the Scientific Community in gaining knowledge about the pathogen before "Nature released it into the population". His time line was wrong. The pathogen escaped from the Wuhan laboratory and created the pandemic they actually feared. It could not have been a worse scenario.

The result required immediately gaining control of the media. So in order to "get ahead" of the panic they released their fabricated "Bat" version of what happened. The actual number of people that died World wide as the result can be argued, but the bottom line is that the American public was mislead and (pick your favorite number) many died.

Dr. Faucci continued in the role of advising the Administration and the American public when in fact he knew in advance about the research and the risks involved. I'm not blaming Dr. Faucci for the accident, that lies solely on the lab technicians in Wuhan, certainly not the Chinese population. These Lab Technicians knew the risks involved and failed to control the release of the pathogen. The Chinese Government squashed the story and suddenly many of the Researchers at the Wuhan Laboratory began to disappear.

The resulting pandemic has destroyed countless lives (again, pick your favorite number) and seriously impacted the World wide economy. It's time to place responsibilty ahead of "Political Correctness" and hold someone accountable.


Bob, They were doing "Gain of Function" research in that Wuhan lab. That is where they modify existing diseases so they can can travel to other species. So they may have not been lying when they said it Originated in Bats, they were lying about how it was able to transfer to people and how it got out of the lab.
We also know that the Obama Administration was funding that research in the Wuhan lab, we know that Obama cancelled the funding on it less than 2 weeks before Trump took office and Dr. Fauchi remained involved. What we do not know is why America was funding it, why Obama pulled out and why Dr. Fauchi remained involved?

If it was so bad why was Obama funding it?

If it was working why did he stop funding it right before Trump took over?

And why did the Media and everyone try to put the hush on anyone who even mentioned the Lab in Wuhan where it originated?

"Dunning-Kruger Effect"
-a type of Cognitive bias where people with little expertise or ability assume they have superior expertise or ability. This overestimation occurs as a result of the fact that they do not have enough knowledge to know they don't have enough knowledge.

Before you argue with someone ask yourself, "Is this person mentally mature enough to grasp the concept of a different perspective?" If not there is no point to argue.

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Picture of Bill Koski
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The big question is how did POS fauci know Trump was going to face a major medical emergency before his 1st term was over?
The boob stated this early in Trump's term, it is DOCUMENTED!

Later, Bill Koski
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When you understand the meaning of the term "Gain of Function" you begin to understand how dangerous the research can become. You are genetically mutating a exceptionally dangerous pathogen of one species to study the effects it has on other species. In this particular case it was bats and humans.

The protocols the lab in Wuhan used were obviously ineffective in containing the pathogen they created, this resulted in a World Wide Pandemic.

I get what happened in Wuhan, where I take serious exception is the way everyone handled the incident. The first was China lying to the public, then eliminating everyone connected to the research or fully containing their ability to warn the World. The impact was like starting a fire then stopping the Fire Department (The World) from helping. We will never know if the virus could have been initially contained, by stalling no one got that opportunity. I also hold the Media responsible. They misrepresented the seriousness of the situation and by doing so impeded the ability of the Research Community to rapidly respond. Insert Dr. Faucci and his vested interest in the research program and it's easier to understand how this virus had such a devastating impact.

There is a lesson to be learned here, I hope that it does not escape the attention of the Research Community. You folks screwed up, you wanted to stop a Pandemic but in your zeal you created one. For the love of God don't allow it to happen again you could kill everyone in the World.

One last comment: Blaming Chinese or Pan Asian people living in the United States is both stupid and ineffective, they had NOTHING to do with the Pandemic.

Posts: 3289 | Location: Lakeside, Ca | Registered: February 15, 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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