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Trump indicted on 31 counts of 18 USC 793(e) Espionage.
Well hello (un?)happy campers long time no see.

Well to my very great surprise I figured there would be much wailing, whining and gnashing of teeth and there is not a peep.

What's up with that?

Trump's on the hook for about 310 year, if max on all counts, all said and done. Looks like Mr. Smith has a really solid boilerplate case.

So no thoughts, anyone?

Later Larry

Sapere aude!

"Put some jam on the bottom shelf where the little man can reach it."

"The Truth", it's just another liberal conspiracy!
Posts: 1236 | Location: Port Charlotte, Florida | Registered: December 16, 1999Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Uuppsy, my bad it's up to 70 felony charges over all.

Later Larry

Sapere aude!

"Put some jam on the bottom shelf where the little man can reach it."

"The Truth", it's just another liberal conspiracy!
Posts: 1236 | Location: Port Charlotte, Florida | Registered: December 16, 1999Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Posts: 2995 | Location: Boon Docks, FL | Registered: March 22, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Picture of Bill Koski
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The LOOOOOOONIE LEFTIES are salivating exactly like they did for the Russia HOAX and impeachments number 1 and 2!!!

Later, Bill Koski
Posts: 11014 | Location: LAS VEGAS. NEVADA, US of A | Registered: December 03, 1999Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Bullshyt Billy! As I live and breath good to see you ain't dead yet! Well except for the ever present all ready brain dead part, I suppose nothing will ever do for that.

Yeah so, as I remember it, the Russia thing, and the two impeachments, were played out in a hyper-partisan political Arena. Things are in the real now, not a political Fantasyland, but an actual court of law, not some political Kabuki Court. I think things are going to come out a wee bit different, now that the jury isn't "rigged", what you think Billy? It may take a while for sure, given that now most of his lawyer's are hitting the door at a dead run. Two out of three of the lawyers mentioned in the indictment, are gone with the wind. Why do you think that is Billy? Something else to cogitate on, why hasn't "I only hire the best people", hired the best lawyers? Where are all the Johnnie Cochran's of this world, why aren't they all beating down the doors to defend an ex-President of the United States, think of the money, think of the fame to be had? Yeah, they ain't stupid! None of them would touch the Orange Turd even with your **** Billy. Who's he got, Alina Habba, one look at a picture of her and even you can figure out his little mushroom **** is who hired her. On this level alone Trump is F'ked. The bunch he has now couldn't manage to get a wet dream done right even with god and all the angels on their side.

Yeah ok let's see, 31 counts of espionage, for starters, in just this indictment with more indictments to come. Likely many more. What do you think will happen when Mr. Smith gets to figuring out who old Orange Julius sold them papers to? I'm thinking it was old Baba ben Bone Saw got first dibs. Particularly given all the intelligence assets that kept turning up dead or missing in Bone Saws neck of the woods, not to mention the boy wonder, savior of the Middle East, Jared Kushner got handed $2 billion of Bone Saws money to play with, being how he is such a money management genius and all.

Selling top top secret armed services compartmentalized docs to foreign countries is some pretty serious shyt don't you think? You OK with that Oafish Orange Fat F'k doing that Billy? All said and done I think he is going away for the rest of his life at best. If in further indictments, and they are coming, they levy and convict for a charge or charges of treason I'd be willing to set aside my position against the death penalty, in this case.

In fact, I think a good old fashioned public hanging would be just great. Do it right in the middle of The Ellipse between the White House and the Washington Monument, pack um in, bring a basket of food and a cooler of soda pop (sorry no beer, no whisky, no guns allowed, at a proper hinging) the kids and make a day of it. I might even be persuaded to buy tickets to go see. I'd sure put my name in the hat to be a Public Witness. You would likely need a lottery to pick the people to be allowed to buy the tickets, so damn many would want in. You know, I'd be willing to bet old Trump would actually fill the the national mall and then some for this appearance, and know one would gainsay it. Yes some good old fashion Conservative Christion justice, at the end of a rope. Dance tiny dancer dance.

You're a death penalty advocate aren't you Billy?

Such a shame Trump is as old as he is, likely be dead before he serves a tenth of the sentence he is likely to get on just this first batch of indictments, to bad so sad. Guess we will just have to pray for a treason conviction and quick hanging, I am told it's a Conservative Christian White Nationalist sort of thing to wish/pray for.

Well I guess this turd is large enough to make up for lost time and particularly when dropped in this little punch bowel.


Later Larry

Sapere aude!

"Put some jam on the bottom shelf where the little man can reach it."

"The Truth", it's just another liberal conspiracy!
Posts: 1236 | Location: Port Charlotte, Florida | Registered: December 16, 1999Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Wasted key strokes boob!
Sane people know the TRUTH and FACTS!

Later, Bill Koski
Posts: 11014 | Location: LAS VEGAS. NEVADA, US of A | Registered: December 03, 1999Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Wasted key strokes

Yeah probably.

"To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead"
--Thomas Paine

But as the old saying goes, hope springs eternal.

Sane people know the TRUTH and FACTS!

That leaves you out, don't it Billy.

"You can't convince a (Billy) believer of anything; for their belief is not
based on evidence, it's based on a deep seated need to believe."
~ Carl Sagan ~

Come on Billy take your dose of Aricept, see if it will fire up a couple more brain cells, you can do better than this weak sauce.

Later Larry

Sapere aude!

"Put some jam on the bottom shelf where the little man can reach it."

"The Truth", it's just another liberal conspiracy!
Posts: 1236 | Location: Port Charlotte, Florida | Registered: December 16, 1999Reply With QuoteReport This Post

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Just for the record. Four more. All it takes is one and Donny goes away for life.

Later Larry

Sapere aude!

"Put some jam on the bottom shelf where the little man can reach it."

"The Truth", it's just another liberal conspiracy!
Posts: 1236 | Location: Port Charlotte, Florida | Registered: December 16, 1999Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Up to 91 indictments, some serious RICO stuff in this bunch.

I wonder what the over/under is on remanded to custody this time around.


Later Larry

Sapere aude!

"Put some jam on the bottom shelf where the little man can reach it."

"The Truth", it's just another liberal conspiracy!
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Posts: 674 | Location: Blythe, Ga USA | Registered: March 26, 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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The looooooonie lefties still praying that one of these frame up IDIOTIC indictment counts may work while the CORRUPT brain addled POS now in the Oval office has committed an UNTOLD NUMBER OF ACTS OF TREASON!!!!!"PRESIDENT TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME" truly has turned people into MORONS and ruined their lives!!!!! Though the above boob has been a baby step away from there for years!

Later, Bill Koski
Posts: 11014 | Location: LAS VEGAS. NEVADA, US of A | Registered: December 03, 1999Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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You are aware that EVERY bit of evidence in every indictment comes straight from REPUBLICANS, right? All the best people Trump hired.

I truly wonder if you are misapprehending who it is that actually has, as you put it, TDS. From my point of view it is you who is caught up in the cult of personality who's figurehead is Trump/Republicans/fascist. It seems to me that TDS and the Trump cult of personality are the same thing just going by different names. Who is it really has Trump Derangement Syndrome Billy, me or you?

Cult members are unable and unwilling to accept any fact(s) that puts their cult or leader in a bad light. Then comes the whataboutisms as a substitute for actual rebuttals to points made against the cult or it's leader i.e. 91 felony indictments. That would be you claiming innumerable treasonous acts by Biden with ZERO evidence to support any of the suppositions, simply because some cult member said so. It would also be you whining their/everyone's lives had been somehow ruined, again because some cult member is crying woe is me the country is in the ****ter, when all outward signs are to the contrary.

~3.5% unemployment, down from ~15% Apr 2020. 13.5 million new jobs, way above and beyond those lost to the pandemic. 800,000 new high tech manufacturing jobs. Billions in private sector money put into new US manufacturing as well as onshoring old manufacturing jobs.

As of 2021 there were a record 5.4 million new small business starts. There are 10.8 million jobs open and only 5.9 million unemployed workers. All according to U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

I'm retired (more or less), got ZERO debt, low monthly bills, two homes, multiple properties, more toys than I know what to do with, I have ~$7000/Mo income before starting to take minimum required disbursement on multiple retirement accounts in a few months. So another $4000-$5000 a month income. That don't even take into consideration the wife and what all she makes and has squirreled away. I'm ruined I tells ya, just ruined! Was it the TDS?

So yeah I guess us poor morons with TDS will just have to live out our ruined lives. God knows I'm hardly even in the middle class, but please do tell me how I've or others have ruined our lives, because of what Biden did or didn't do?

I can surely see people with out enough income to buy a pot to piss in giving money to the Trump cult (TDS?) ruining their live, even more, for sure. Just how the F'k do they work that out in their heads? Ya got a guy, supposed billionaire, that flies around in a personal jet, shyts on a gold plated crapper, he needs YOUR money to pay the lawyers cause he got caught six ways to Sunday criming so much and so damn fast it took 2 years or more to catch up just writing it all down and get it before a grand jury. That's the guy you need to give your rent, beer or dope, child support money to cause he's the one going to make your life better? Personally I think it's just that he hates all the same people they hate and that's good enough for them and you Billy.

So Billy, one last question did you read the indictment? Or you just going to go with what the cult told you to think?

Later Larry

Sapere aude!

"Put some jam on the bottom shelf where the little man can reach it."

"The Truth", it's just another liberal conspiracy!
Posts: 1236 | Location: Port Charlotte, Florida | Registered: December 16, 1999Reply With QuoteReport This Post

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FOX News is reporting that Governor Katie Hobbs-Arizona-has approved the State Attorney General ELECTION FRAUD Case Which will be indictment number FIVE for Donald Trump.

Too bad, soo sad.

Later Larry

Sapere aude!

"Put some jam on the bottom shelf where the little man can reach it."

"The Truth", it's just another liberal conspiracy!
Posts: 1236 | Location: Port Charlotte, Florida | Registered: December 16, 1999Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Hey how about a little diddy from Roger Stone.


Later Larry

Sapere aude!

"Put some jam on the bottom shelf where the little man can reach it."

"The Truth", it's just another liberal conspiracy!
Posts: 1236 | Location: Port Charlotte, Florida | Registered: December 16, 1999Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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3 posts no sane person would bother reading!

Later, Bill Koski
Posts: 11014 | Location: LAS VEGAS. NEVADA, US of A | Registered: December 03, 1999Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Nothing rigged about holding a trial in a 90% red ditrict. Nothing rigged about all charges are from DA's nthat have run on I will get Trump. Nothing rigged about the fact all have recieved money from Soros.

Hell a black man would have better chance of being cleared in a all KKK court room in a county with Grand dragon as Mayor,judge and DA.

Will give democraps credit. They are creative at finding way to abuse power and stealing elections.

America home of free. Brought to you by 2nd amendment.
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Oh it's rigged alright, all that "rigging" as you put it is actually called the Law, read out loud chapter and verse in a court before a judge. Charges brought by plain common folks, a grand jury, who were shown all the evidence pertaining to charges developed by an investigative grand jury and to a man said yes, charge, arrest and bring him to trial.

Of course you know, or should, the Oafish Orange Fascist F'k is only running again to try and hide from the law. He is a fat rat running around in smaller and smaller circles trying to find a dark place to hide where the bright light of the Law won't shine so brightly on his bilious ars.

Trump is trying to play politics in a court of law. The rules of the politics, or the lack there of, don't fly in a court of law.

I know it's hard for cult members to deal with facts that go against their cult leader's twisted view of reality. It's hard being a cult apologist doling out weak political blathering's and whataboutism's as a defense against all the broken laws, all corroborated by multiple sources from inside the cult. It must really hard when you realize the reason why your butt hurts so bad, is that the cult leader has been butt F'kn ya all this time and you ain't getting nothing out of it but a sore butt. Oh by the way Donald needs your money to run for President (to hide from justice and pay his legal bills) so he can make it all better for you.

God, wake the F'k up.

Later Larry

Sapere aude!

"Put some jam on the bottom shelf where the little man can reach it."

"The Truth", it's just another liberal conspiracy!
Posts: 1236 | Location: Port Charlotte, Florida | Registered: December 16, 1999Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Here is a small report written by died in the wool conservatives many Trump appointed judges. 60 plus cases thrown out of court. The election was not stolen. Just a big lie from Trump et.al semi-psychotic fever dream's the sum total of which got dear old Rudy disbarred for all the egregious unsupported lies he told before multiple courts all across the country.


Later Larry

Sapere aude!

"Put some jam on the bottom shelf where the little man can reach it."

"The Truth", it's just another liberal conspiracy!
Posts: 1236 | Location: Port Charlotte, Florida | Registered: December 16, 1999Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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