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Destroying the Church of Global Warming
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Posts: 10253 | Location: Henderson, NV | Registered: December 09, 1999Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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They have brought "Global Warrior" out of retirement to help explain to people like koski who are "brain dead" on Global Warming. Razz

Posts: 10253 | Location: Henderson, NV | Registered: December 09, 1999Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by Mike English:
Larry, good to have back. Everything ok?

Oh yeah, just a lot of stuff that needs getting done. Had some friends brake and or bend two engines in as many weeks, mines apart for refreash, updates and mods. Got honey do's coming out the yeng yang. Had to get up at 3 this AM just to write all my overdo bills so they can go out in the morning mail. Still haven't unpacked the luggage from the Kid and my trip to Gainesville for the Gators. Right now it seems the faster I go the behinder I be getting!

And now at O'dark 30 in the AM, its time to go to work, ain't life grand! If I was off to the races some where I just know it wouldn't seem so bad, but for work it is the pits!

Later Larry

Sapere aude!

"Put some jam on the bottom shelf where the little man can reach it."

"The Truth", it's just another liberal conspiracy!
Posts: 1236 | Location: Port Charlotte, Florida | Registered: December 16, 1999Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Elite
Picture of Bill Koski
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A question for you algore sycophants???
If the anti-capitalist hysteria mongers had not made an abrupt U-turn in the 70's and were still touting a coming ice age do you actually believe they would be encouraging the driving of gas-guzzling suv's and spewing as much CO2 into the atmosphere as possible to stave off the COLD??????????????
As the Czech official, who lived under a communist regime says, "the global warming movement is the new home of communism!"

Later, Bill Koski
Posts: 11008 | Location: LAS VEGAS. NEVADA, US of A | Registered: December 03, 1999Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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In the video, pay particular attention to what the former head of Greenpeace has to say about the "global warming movement"!

He essentially equated environmentalist with communist and basically called them anarchist... anything to stand in opposition to the United States government!

Greg Stanley
Off the grid and off my rocker!

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HOUSE # 1: A 20-room mansion (not including 8 bathrooms) heated by natural gas. Add on a pool (and a pool house) and a separate guest house all heated by gas. In ONE MONTH ALONE this mansion consumes more energy than the average American household in an ENTIRE YEAR. The average bill for electricity and natural gas runs over $2,400.00 per month. In natural gas alone (which last time we checked was a fossil fuel), this property consumes more than 20 times the national average for an American home. This house is not in a northern or Midwestern "snow belt," either. It?s in the South.

HOUSE # 2: Designed by an architecture professor at a leading national university,
this house incorporates every "green" feature current home construction can provide. The house contains only 4,000 square feet (4 bedrooms) and is nestled on arid high prairie in the American southwest. A central closet in the house holds geothermal heat pumps drawing ground water through pipes sunk 300 feet into the ground. The water (usually 67 degrees F.) heats the house in winter and cools it in summer. The system uses no fossil fuels such as oil or natural gas, and it consumes 25% of the electricity required for a conventional heating/cooling system. Rainwater from the roof is collected
and funneled into a 25,000 gallon underground cistern. Wastewater from showers, sinks and toilets goes into underground purifying tanks and then into the cistern. The collected water then irrigates the land surrounding the house. Flowers and shrubs native to the area blend the property into the surrounding rural landscape.

HOUSE #1 (20 room energy guzzling mansion) is outside of Nashville, Tennessee. It is the abode of that renowned environmentalist (and film maker) Al Gore.

HOUSE #2 (model eco-friendly house) is on a ranch near Crawford, Texas. Also known as "the Texas White House," it is the private residence of the President of the United States, George W. Bush.

L8R, Mike

Posts: 12297 | Location: Murrieta, Calif | Registered: August 30, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Travolta on global warming

Zell/Granny 2008

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Grandpa Bob
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<Jeremy J.>
If there's no such thing as global warming like some of you say, how come the Supreme Court didn't rule in favor of Dumbya? I guess Al Gore and all the rest of the scientists are just that good at lying huh?

Dumbya just can't get a break.....
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DRR Elite
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This should explain it:

He was joined by his liberal colleagues, Justices Stephen Breyer, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and David Souter, and the court’s swing voter, Justice Anthony Kennedy.

L8R, Mike

Posts: 12297 | Location: Murrieta, Calif | Registered: August 30, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Elite
Picture of Bill Koski
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Simply another instance where the socialist libs can't get what they want at the ballot box so they do it in the courts!!!!!!!!!
algore's liberal cohorts along with a confused kennedy meddling in a scientific matter!!!!!
Another case of the socialist, liberal kooks cutting off their nose to spite their face! You kooks do realize this is going to cost you money I hope, course you can just blame it on President Bush, celebrating what you see as a setback for the President because of vitriolic hatred when it is going to cost you, what a delicious irony!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Later, Bill Koski
Posts: 11008 | Location: LAS VEGAS. NEVADA, US of A | Registered: December 03, 1999Reply With QuoteReport This Post
<Jeremy J.>
You kooks do realize this is going to cost you money I hope, course you can just blame it on President Bush, celebrating what you see as a setback for the President because of vitriolic hatred when it is going to cost you,

And that's any different from the war because.......

I'm sure Haliburton will step up and find some way to profit off of it with substandard products.
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DRR Elite
Picture of Bill Koski
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Why omit the part about the irony of your actions?????????????? Touch a nerve did it????????
Let's hear about di-fi's conflict of interest and her husbands profiting!!!!!!!!

Later, Bill Koski
Posts: 11008 | Location: LAS VEGAS. NEVADA, US of A | Registered: December 03, 1999Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Picture of Bill Koski
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Poor little boy algore, he got some heckling at a Canuck university during his diatribe and promptly cancelled the Q and A and skedaddled for the exit with his tail tucked between his legs!
What a role model!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Later, Bill Koski
Posts: 11008 | Location: LAS VEGAS. NEVADA, US of A | Registered: December 03, 1999Reply With QuoteReport This Post
<Jeremy J.>
Sure looks to me like they can't stand him.... Roll Eyes

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DRR All Star
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It appears koski "take it to the bank" is telling lies again.

COLD HARD FACTS!!!!!!!!!!!
You don't need links when you deal with facts and the truth, liars are the people that need other liars and bogus claims to buttress their fantasies!!!!!!!!!!!

LMAO..... Classic Razz
Posts: 10253 | Location: Henderson, NV | Registered: December 09, 1999Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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government-owned telephone company,

Just perfect for you liberials.

L8R, Mike

Posts: 12297 | Location: Murrieta, Calif | Registered: August 30, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
<Jerry Bainbridge>
sitting here in hagerstown Md.
it is 31 degrees. normal is 39. high today 51. normal 59. where is this so called "global warming"? So I'm thinking the clowns back in the 70's who were predicting a coming ice age were right, but humans who caused "global warming" saved the day. yaaaaa!!!!by the way, the guy who said the Viet Nam war was all about the $$$$ was right. I received $65 a month in hostile fire pay,and $9 a month in overseas service pay, for a grand total $888 for the year.sure was more profitable than some racing seasons.
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Forecaster Blasts Gore on Global Warming

Apr 7, 2:55 AM (ET)


NEW ORLEANS (AP) - A top hurricane forecaster called Al Gore "a gross alarmist" Friday for making an Oscar-winning documentary about global warming.

"He's one of these guys that preaches the end of the world type of things. I think he's doing a great disservice and he doesn't know what he's talking about," Dr. William Gray said in an interview with The Associated Press at the National Hurricane Conference in New Orleans, where he delivered the closing speech.

A spokeswoman said Gore was on a flight from Washington, D.C., to Nashville Friday; he did not immediately respond to Gray's comments.

Gray, an emeritus professor at the atmospheric science department at Colorado State University, has long railed against the theory that heat-trapping gases generated by human activity are causing the world to warm.

Over the past 24 years, Gray, 77, has become known as America's most reliable hurricane forecaster; recently, his mentee, Philip Klotzbach, has begun doing the bulk of the forecasting work.

Gray's statements came the same day the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change approved a report that concludes the world will face dire consequences to food and water supplies, along with increased flooding and other dramatic weather events, unless nations adapt to climate change.

Rather than global warming, Gray believes a recent uptick in strong hurricanes is part of a multi-decade trend of alternating busy and slow periods related to ocean circulation patterns. Contrary to mainstream thinking, Gray believes ocean temperatures are going to drop in the next five to 10 years.

Gore's documentary, "An Inconvenient Truth," has helped fuel media attention on global warming.

Kerry Emanuel, an MIT professor who had feuded with Gray over global warming, said Gray has wrongly "dug (his) heels in" even though there is ample evidence that the world is getting hotter.

Zell/Granny 2008

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Grandpa Bob
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DRR All Star
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Gray believes
...Gray believes

Can you believe in something without scientific backing?
Sure you can..... Wink

...............Kerry Emanuel, an MIT professor who had feuded with Gray over global warming, said Gray has wrongly "dug (his) heels in"

............even though there is ample evidence that the world is getting hotter.
Posts: 10253 | Location: Henderson, NV | Registered: December 09, 1999Reply With QuoteReport This Post
<Jeremy J.>
Originally posted by Jerry Bainbridge:
sitting here in hagerstown Md.
it is 31 degrees. normal is 39. high today 51. normal 59. where is this so called "global warming"? So I'm thinking the clowns back in the 70's who were predicting a coming ice age were right, but humans who caused "global warming" saved the day. yaaaaa!!!!by the way, the guy who said the Viet Nam war was all about the $$$$ was right. I received $65 a month in hostile fire pay,and $9 a month in overseas service pay, for a grand total $888 for the year.sure was more profitable than some racing seasons.

So you picked one day to compare. How about taking the month of March? According to this website, the daily high in Hagerstown for the month of March was higher than the average 21 times. It was 10 degrees or more higher than the average 12 times and 20 degrees higher than the average 4 times. 70 and 80 degree days in Maryland during the month of March. Hmmm.... Not to mention when it hit 70's during January. I fail to see your point.

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