March 11, 2024, 06:20 PM
ssmithMsd grid question
My sd card is full for the run replay. Instead of manually deleting them one by one is there a way to do it quickly?
It’s very time consuming to do them all.
Thanks for any help.
March 11, 2024, 07:22 PM
markemarkClick on the word “Delete” to select ALL recordings, then select Apply
March 11, 2024, 07:34 PM
ssmithThank you very much. I appreciate it.
March 11, 2024, 09:42 PM
ssmithOne more question.
What happens to the actual timing of the engine when the max timing is set at 37 in the grid and the engine crank trigger is set in 35? The actual timing in the grid is on 35 with no retards at all. I haven’t had a chance to see what the timing light says either. I’m just hoping for some insight.
March 11, 2024, 10:30 PM
markemarkMSD Grid is dumb and only knows what you program in it, Guaranteed! If you program Grid Maximum Timing Reference to 37* and then physically set the timing to 35* with your light, Grid displays 37* because that’s what you programmed.
Grid PowerPoint Grid AdviceMarch 11, 2024, 11:40 PM
FastLaneMEM, you are a great resource!!
March 12, 2024, 06:09 AM
B KINGquote:
Originally posted by FastLane:
MEM, you are a great resource!!

March 12, 2024, 01:53 PM
ski_dwn_itHere is what I do with timing. If you think the max you will need will be 38* or less. Physically set timing at 38*, tell grid base is 38*. Then you can remove timing with the computer vs physically having to change the crank trigger or distributor. Just go in and remove 2* with a retard and your at 36*. Very easy to dial in what timing the motor wants based on MPH and reading plugs.
You can set it at 40* or whatever. Just be sure of you end up at 32 or something you phase your distributor to the final desired if its way different.
Configuration: 3350#, 582 C.I.,
60 - 1.24
1/8 - 5.53@ 126MPH
1/4 - 8.73@ 159MPH
3700#+210lb driver, FULL interior, through mufflers, 10.5 tire.
60'-1.333 (IN 4000ft DA! Joisy Math excluded; 1.25sec using JOISY MATH.) 
1/4 - 9.60@144MPH March 13, 2024, 11:02 AM
ssmiththanks for all the help. We're all set now.
March 15, 2024, 04:03 PM
S/S DartHow do we know the Grid actually removes or adds the timing as Programed?? If thats is what is was programmed to do?? We "assume" it does ...But is there a way to verify? what goes on Downtrack? We test the Launch retard with a timing light and the Car on stands...and the Driver activating the Trans Brake button....After that ???? Probably need some type of Distributor Machine...
March 15, 2024, 07:51 PM
markemark^^^^^Review the data acquisition showing the Engine Timing channel. What it shows is factual.
In this Grid data acquisition, I’m showing the difference in time of Ignition Input to Ignition Output firing at 33* not retarded, to 25* retarded at very close to the same engine rpm. At 33* timing not retarded, the Ignition Output occurs at 0.000078 after Ignition Input. At 25* retarded the Ignition Output time increase to 0.000319. This show that the programmed Launch Retard is in fact working.
March 16, 2024, 09:06 AM
S/S DartThanks Mark, will have to study to wrap my head around that...Are those numbers in Millioniths of a second???
March 16, 2024, 09:46 AM
Originally posted by S/S Dart:
.Are those numbers in Millioniths of a second???
The values six places to the right of the decimal point is microseconds and generally expressed as such. The larger the value, the longer the time period. Think of it as looking at your time slip or delay box settings.