Day to night delay box setting Do you remove time? = slow down on reaction. Add reaction time? = get faster on reaction. Stay exactly the same? No change
And by how much. I am sure lighting of the tree comes into play. Assuming LED Bulbs being used which I think almost all tracks are anymore, maybe I am wrong.
Originally posted by BG7X77: Day to night delay box setting Do you remove time? = slow down on reaction. Add time? = get faster on reaction. Stay exactly the same? No change
And by how much. I am sure lighting of the tree comes into play. Assuming LED Bulbs being used which I think almost all tracks are anymore, maybe I am wrong.
Originally posted by 1320racer: Most are slower at night and therefore take time out of the box.
That's what I thought, just had a limited sampling. Some say no change. A gentleman I know is pretty good says he is faster at night, but seems like MOST are slower. I don't box race a lot but at night I am about 0.015 slower than day. Thanks
Day time to dusk (Sun starting to set but not fully gone) I usually pick up .010 roughly. Then can go back to day time or need to roll it out after sun is fully down. On some occasions, when sun goes fully down I find not needing to take it out at all because by that time we're usually hot lapping and adrenaline is pumping so lights tend to stay better if you stay focused enough.
Nick Craig
1971 Camaro Split Bumper 376ci LS3
Posts: 412 | Location: Ohio | Registered: December 28, 2013
I'm usually.010 slower at night. At the Million last year with Montgomery's spotlight on the tree I could not seem to pull enough. I thought I crushed it to be .020-.025.
Posts: 638 | Location: Rochester, WA | Registered: November 22, 2006
Everywhere I have raced in last 5 years I believe so yes. But that is only 6 or so tracks. I can't remember one that was still incandescent. I'm sure there are somewhere I just noticed going off bottom I was slower at night and wanted to ask what others experienced.
I believe I’m a deer in the headlights bottom bulb racing as well. I have amber interior lights and yellow fog lights trying to adjust to the sudden yellow blast when the tree starts. If I think it helps, it probably helps…. Maybe..
Eye condition, age and normal reaction all play a role. My son slows down as the sky darkens, I speed up and I'm 25 years older. So he's rolling out numbers while I putting them in.
Not to high-jack the thread but we have an east/west track and as we rotate the big star in the sky will sit right behind the tree. I have requested and maybe others a temporary blackboard behind the tree but they refuse. There are times when I can't even see the stage bulbs.
Posts: 1135 | Location: The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem. Savvy?” ~~ Captain Jack Sparrow ~~ | Registered: August 21, 2000