I just took a new dragster chassis out of storage and apparently I didn't finish painting it before putting it up in the rafters. So the back half of it has rust. Any suggestions on a process or chemical that will get it back to bare metal? I know about acid dipping it and having it sand blasted but I recently sold my old dragster with the trailer. I could put it in the bed of my truck and go up over the cab. I would rather handle the job at home.
Any tips on some badass remover to try?
. Dave
Posts: 4597 | Location: Earth | Registered: February 08, 2006
Eastwood has a spray on liquid to remove surface rust on metal. I used it when I let my new quarters get some surface rust because I was dragging along on the install. It works.
Posts: 518 | Location: Going to or returning from the chipmine. | Registered: July 01, 2011
Locate your local autobody supply house ask for a metal prep that will remove surface rust also buy some red scotchbrites and rubber gloves have fun been there
The difference between ignorance and stupidity. Ignorance is lack of knowledge. Stupidity is the inability to learn. Don't be stupid
Posts: 428 | Location: des moines iowa | Registered: January 10, 2020
I would suggest you at least look at "rust converters" available in both liquid and spray, at home improvement centers. Depends on the severity of the rust too. It will not deliver a surface suitable for a class A paint job, such as body panels, but it might suffice for a frame. I use to sell industrial chemicals that's how I became aware of it. It provides a passivated coating ready to accept paint at a much reduced labor output. I have successfully used it on a home A/C compressor housing, which sweats perpetually. And most recently a stored generator frame. As suggested Eastwood has a good variety of quality products. Oh, you might want to consider aerosol cold zinc galvanize as an undercoat for the paint.
Illegitimi non carborundum
Posts: 2397 | Location: OKC, OK | Registered: February 15, 2008
Those "rust converters" will work-for a while but for long lasting results agood metal etch and epoxy primer will last a lifetime unless you repaint your frame every 5 years or so-lol. the Eastwood stuff is mostly for "hobbiests" results
The difference between ignorance and stupidity. Ignorance is lack of knowledge. Stupidity is the inability to learn. Don't be stupid
Posts: 428 | Location: des moines iowa | Registered: January 10, 2020