Bracket Talk
Excessive Braking

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May 31, 2022, 06:11 AM
Excessive Braking
What would truly define excessive braking?
May 31, 2022, 06:16 AM
Skid marks, smoke from the front tires, front tires flat

Jerry Emmons has a history of excessive braking and crying about it when the NHRA takes action

This message has been edited. Last edited by: 1320racer, May 31, 2022 06:31 AM
May 31, 2022, 06:30 AM
I agree with the above statement. Smoke from the front tires is a clear sign that control was lost. Just because you slid straight does not mean you had control.

Perfect example was the in car view of Jeg Coughlin Jr. on Motor Mania at Xenia. 2-3 nitrous taps and a hard drop. You could see the car sashaying while he was on the brake pedal.

This is one of the greatest all wheelmen of all time.
May 31, 2022, 08:46 AM
I don't even follow Stock/Super Stock racing, but I believe I have seen a video of this Emmons character doing a complete 180 at the finish line in a Camaro after excessive braking.

May 31, 2022, 08:49 AM
You think Gauge Burch was braking excessively at the SFG race when he nearly whacked his opponent? Did it matter?
May 31, 2022, 08:54 AM
Originally posted by 442OLDS:
What would truly define excessive braking?

Looks to me like the NHRA just defined it by tossing him.

By now, Emmons surely knows that there are risks associated with excessive braking, one of them being that you might get DQ'ed. He's free to take that risk, and the NHRA is free to toss him. I'm not seeing the controversy.

May 31, 2022, 08:57 AM
Originally posted by SlyFox:
I don't even follow Stock/Super Stock racing, but I believe I have seen a video of this Emmons character doing a complete 180 at the finish line in a Camaro after excessive braking.

You sure you aren't remembering the Fletcher kid's 360? NHRA shows that one from time to time. Kind of hypocritical of them to me.

2017 and 2018 Osage Casinos Tulsa Raceway Park No-Box Champion

2018 Div4 Goodguys Hammer award winner
May 31, 2022, 09:09 AM
I would say this is pretty excessive and fits the definition of what not to do.

72 Nova "Hooptie"
May 31, 2022, 09:43 AM
Canted Valve
^^^^ Let's focus on the positive shall we.... "incredible save". HMMMM

Illegitimi non carborundum
May 31, 2022, 10:47 AM
Originally posted by CURTIS REED:
Originally posted by SlyFox:
I don't even follow Stock/Super Stock racing, but I believe I have seen a video of this Emmons character doing a complete 180 at the finish line in a Camaro after excessive braking.

You sure you aren't remembering the Fletcher kid's 360? NHRA shows that one from time to time. Kind of hypocritical of them to me.

You are correct, my apologies to Mr. Emmons.

May 31, 2022, 11:47 AM
Michael Beard
Originally posted by Tom Reyer:
I would say this is pretty excessive and fits the definition of what not to do.

There was a problem with the left front brake, which was later found and fixed.

Michael Beard -
Staging Light Graphic Design, Printing & Event Marketing

May 31, 2022, 12:34 PM
I love Dan but his son locked up both fronts....
You can see skid marks from both wheels...the left front was stopped and the right is not visible but there are skid marks on both sides...Way to hard on the brakes and he was extremely lucky....I'm sure he got yelled at by Dan...It's old news anyway....

A clear policy should be in place....Not vague and no warnings.....You get spotted doing anything that aggressive and you're matter who you are....

I would say we all have been aggressive on the brakes at one time or another

I did it plenty of times and got way less aggressive as I drove faster and faster speeds......

Take the L and go home in 1 piece.....1/4 mile speeds are faster than ever....
May 31, 2022, 02:05 PM
LOL, it's never the driver's fault, it's always a defective/locking caliper.

May 31, 2022, 04:45 PM
60 falcon
If it's a $50,000 drop at a million I get it sorta lol if it's a regular Saturday night $1,000 to win race that won't replace the front tires and wheels much less the rest of the car well as I've gotten older that really doesn't make much sense to me.

sammy mathis
May 31, 2022, 05:28 PM
C Hodge
What if that 50k drop at the million causes him to loose control and hit your car ? Still ok that it’s a 50k drop. Smoke from any tires at the finish line should be a DQ no matter who you are unless you roll back in the pits and the front is locked up because of a mechanical issue
June 01, 2022, 12:17 AM
Roger McGinnis
Originally posted by 1320racer:

Jerry Emmons has a history of excessive braking and crying about it when the NHRA takes action


Jerry, Terry, Gary and Harvey have won more races than everyone combined on this forum. You don't know $h!t about his history other than what you've heard. You won't find a nicer guy, or a better racer.

June 01, 2022, 08:51 AM
feel better now? never said he wasn't a nice guy and I know what I've read from the NHRA and what I've seen with my own eyes and as far as finding a better racer, I don't need to, the NHRA already has a list of many who are better.
June 01, 2022, 09:02 AM
Please correct me if I am reading these posts wrong here: some of you are justifying….legitimizing the practice of excessive braking. Is that what I’m seeing?

Foxtrot Juliet Bravo
June 01, 2022, 09:47 AM
You cannot have total control of a race car when the wheels are locked up.
June 01, 2022, 10:01 AM
Mike Rietow
Originally posted by 442OLDS:
What would truly define excessive braking?

If they prepped the finish line same as the starting line, and you rip a brake caliper or two off the car.

Then it's not a subjective (opinion) matter.