Tonight I get to meet Mr. Paul Schultz aka AdvET266. He actually made the trek out to New Mexico to see Carlsbad Caverns and the wife and I are going to have dinner and adult beverages with Mr. and Mrs. Schultz.
It has been great over the years to meet several that post on here. Great bunch of people. And yes, I've even met the currently banned Mr. ED. LOL
Hope to get together with more of you on here before I croak.
Have a nice Friday everyone and good racing this weekend. I'll report back tomorrow on how things went.
Clowns to the left of me, Jokers to the right. Here I am.......
Posts: 5345 | Location: stuck in the middle with you! | Registered: March 11, 2002
Possibly meet Moe and Paul at RT66 between today and Sunday. Doing the Jegs Allstar deal.Good luck to them. They drove 34-35 hours to get there he said. that there is a "HAUL"This message has been edited. Last edited by: TD3550,
Posts: 1425 | Location: Under a Truck | Registered: August 23, 2013
Cash, I have met Paul in Florida some years back, nice guy! I have met many many others on here thru the years. They normally enter my pit saying something like: are you Ed 1320racer?
Ole Ed is clearly on a time out...never the less, Most all racers are good people! We all tend to think so anyhow.
Originally posted by T/D6591: I have meet three of the posters in this thread and they are all good people,now me on the other hand,I am kinda questionable,lol.
So I thought I would be the "questionable" one...Hahaha
Posts: 2698 | Location: OLD NICK OUT ON THE TRACK OR IN THE DESERT | Registered: March 09, 2010
I have met a lot of good people from here and it is pretty cool. "Dunning-Kruger Effect" -a type of Cognitive bias where people with little expertise or ability assume they have superior expertise or ability. This overestimation occurs as a result of the fact that they do not have enough knowledge to know they don't have enough knowledge.
Before you argue with someone ask yourself, "Is this person mentally mature enough to grasp the concept of a different perspective?" If not there is no point to argue.
4X NE2 CHAMPION. 2020 TDRA NE2 Champion
Posts: 4422 | Location: United States of Texas | Registered: April 02, 2011
No question about it. Cashflow was the best host. Hope I can reciprocate someday in my hood. Come on down anytime. Thank you Vern, and your beautiful bride.
2005 2000lb 4 link dragster home brew 582 BBC Dart 355 1.058 2.98 4.629@149 6.094 7.310@185
Posts: 12177 | Location: 33463 | Registered: February 04, 2004
Sorry I wasn't able to make it down there Paul, it's been a crazy week and I could have used a little R&R! Wishing you the best on your remaining travels - I'm jealous! JB
Posts: 1146 | Location: Busy putting up crop circles | Registered: October 01, 2005
I was at Joliet Friday. No way to tell who the members are. I saw the Pirate. Great looking and performing car. But everyone is kinda busy with racing.
Off topic, but I marvel walking through the pits of a national event, at the quantity and quality of equipment there. Not just the beautiful and well built race cars. But also the trailers and toters. Many are rolling into the track with equipment that cost more to buy than my house! Many with no sponsors showing. And they can afford the time off to hit these national events and travel to them. Some people really figured it out in life!
Foxtrot Juliet Bravo
Posts: 6504 | Location: Illinois | Registered: July 08, 2004
It is amazing to see all the equipment. We get to go to a few of them every year. Maybe someday they'll all be asleep and I can sneak by for a win. LOL
Looking forward to the Denver Divisional and then the Mile High Nationals. Well, at least looking forward to the divisional. The parking at the national sucks a rock! I keep swearing I'm not going to go back but I always do.
Pivotdoc, Dirtdobber and myself will all be there so any of you guys want to stop by that would be great. At the divisional we usually pit right at the end of the track and the national we're somewhere out by Golden. Dirtdobber would probably buy you a beer but if I'm buying it will be bourbon.
Clowns to the left of me, Jokers to the right. Here I am.......
Posts: 5345 | Location: stuck in the middle with you! | Registered: March 11, 2002