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Me Too
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Picture of wideopen231
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1 week to ask same people same questions. Makes sense. They had both in front of them for questioning. Admittedly she had a special council asking her questions,they could have give her the questions to ask they wanted answered. As for Kavanaugh if they has spent 10% of the time asking real questions instead of trying to trick him into answering something they could twist to be something else.They would have all of their questions answered.

I quess new rule is vote in who you want if we can not stop you there we will impeach him when we get the power back. Because you the people are too stupid to do it right like we told you to do in first place.

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Democrats are pieces of shyt. They dont deserve to breath American air. Once ya'll get that through your heads you wont be so suprised every time one opens its filthy wh ore mouth.

Time we re-write the laws and policies of the land exactly as George Washington and his posse of freedom wrote em. Call it the "shut the fuc up and make me a sandwich" movement.
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thought it was shut up cook my steak,bring me my bourbon and get naked

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Then Jake the Flake bails out on the deal UNLESS they have a one week FBI investigation.

Something clicked in me when Trump agreed to this. I suspicion this is the out Flake, and maybe others, needs in order to vote yes. Don't know but that's my gut feeling.

Illegitimi non carborundum
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Hope you are right
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Originally posted by ferndaleflyer:
Then Jake the Flake bails out on the deal UNLESS they have a one week FBI investigation. Arizona needed to dump him and McCain long ago. Then you got the ding bat from Alaska and the one from Vermont (I think) don't know what they will do. Come on Man!

But???? What is the FBI investigating? Bank, phone and e-mails to tie Ford the the demoncrats?

I used to be a people person, but people ruined that.
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Picture of chasracer
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I believe there is a bigger picture down the road a bit that is going to have a major impact on the human race as a whole.

Not sure how many of you out there have young men and women still in high school but being a grandfather multiple times over, the one thing that I have noticed is that there is very little one on one dating now. Kids go out in groups, whether to a dinner, movie or dance, etc. I believe honestly that part of that is the economics of it for one but the other part is simply trust or rather the lack of it. The girls don't trust the boys and quite frankly the boys don't trust the girls. I think that as generations pass, we are going to see an even larger impact on the lack of marriage and the birth rate. Both are already taking pretty serious shots and we may get to the point in the future where the very survival of the human race could come into question. Maybe that's a reach but I think you have to wonder about it.

Save on Fuel - GetUpside -
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Originally posted by chasracer:
I believe there is a bigger picture down the road a bit that is going to have a major impact on the human race as a whole.

Not sure how many of you out there have young men and women still in high school but being a grandfather multiple times over, the one thing that I have noticed is that there is very little one on one dating now. Kids go out in groups, whether to a dinner, movie or dance, etc. I believe honestly that part of that is the economics of it for one but the other part is simply trust or rather the lack of it. The girls don't trust the boys and quite frankly the boys don't trust the girls. I think that as generations pass, we are going to see an even larger impact on the lack of marriage and the birth rate. Both are already taking pretty serious shots and we may get to the point in the future where the very survival of the human race could come into question. Maybe that's a reach but I think you have to wonder about it.

Well it may be a reach. But your points are taken. Frankly though, maybe risky behavior....putting too much trust when we shouldn't, it what creates situations like this. Maybe young women shouldn't put themselves in these vulnerable situations. Maybe they shouldn't get sloppy drunk when there are men around who could possibly use poor judgement when sloppy drunk themselves. I preach to my son to stay out of situations like that because of what could happen or what could be claimed. All the kids at said party were behaving badly. Underaged drinking. Drinking to excess. Promiscuous behavior. It all lends itself to the acceptance of situations that are inappropriate usually. Would we think it would be ok for our wives to go to a party like this and drink excessively? By themselves. Not with us. Not with a group of friends. Of course not. It's asking for trouble. Let's not be silly here. It's kinda what is expected from these scenes. It's part of the excitement.
Should young women go to dinner, a movie, back to a dorm room or apartment....with a man they barely know? Of course not. That has ALWAYS been when we go in groups. Double dates...whatever. Trust builds with future dates.
What has changed today is how people meet each other. They often go online and get hooked up with someone they know nothing about...and end up one on one with them way before it is safe to do so. That's unwise.....and it always has been.

People gotta use their heads sometimes.

Foxtrot Juliet Bravo
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One of my son's friends pointed out that the Twitter movement....#Metoo, would either be stated "Hashtag Me too" or "Pound Me too."
LOL. Good catch..

Foxtrot Juliet Bravo
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Originally posted by chasracer:
I believe there is a bigger picture down the road a bit that is going to have a major impact on the human race as a whole.

Not sure how many of you out there have young men and women still in high school but being a grandfather multiple times over, the one thing that I have noticed is that there is very little one on one dating now. Kids go out in groups, whether to a dinner, movie or dance, etc. I believe honestly that part of that is the economics of it for one but the other part is simply trust or rather the lack of it. The girls don't trust the boys and quite frankly the boys don't trust the girls. I think that as generations pass, we are going to see an even larger impact on the lack of marriage and the birth rate. Both are already taking pretty serious shots and we may get to the point in the future where the very survival of the human race could come into question. Maybe that's a reach but I think you have to wonder about it.

Get real. Only the white Christian race is in any danger of being depleted. The Moslems and Hispanics breed like rabbits.
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Picture of wideopen231
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Originally posted by SS427IMP:
Originally posted by chasracer:
I believe there is a bigger picture down the road a bit that is going to have a major impact on the human race as a whole.

Not sure how many of you out there have young men and women still in high school but being a grandfather multiple times over, the one thing that I have noticed is that there is very little one on one dating now. Kids go out in groups, whether to a dinner, movie or dance, etc. I believe honestly that part of that is the economics of it for one but the other part is simply trust or rather the lack of it. The girls don't trust the boys and quite frankly the boys don't trust the girls. I think that as generations pass, we are going to see an even larger impact on the lack of marriage and the birth rate. Both are already taking pretty serious shots and we may get to the point in the future where the very survival of the human race could come into question. Maybe that's a reach but I think you have to wonder about it.

Get real. Only the white Christian race is in any danger of being depleted. The Moslems and Hispanics breed like rabbits.

forgot the blacks,after all more kids bigger fee house! Whites always on short end and get blame for everyone else causing problem.

I have been saying for decades the white male is discriminated against more than any race or sex on earth.

America home of free. Brought to you by 2nd amendment.
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Originally posted by Bucky:
Originally posted by chasracer:
I believe there is a bigger picture down the road a bit that is going to have a major impact on the human race as a whole.

Not sure how many of you out there have young men and women still in high school but being a grandfather multiple times over, the one thing that I have noticed is that there is very little one on one dating now. Kids go out in groups, whether to a dinner, movie or dance, etc. I believe honestly that part of that is the economics of it for one but the other part is simply trust or rather the lack of it. The girls don't trust the boys and quite frankly the boys don't trust the girls. I think that as generations pass, we are going to see an even larger impact on the lack of marriage and the birth rate. Both are already taking pretty serious shots and we may get to the point in the future where the very survival of the human race could come into question. Maybe that's a reach but I think you have to wonder about it.

Well it may be a reach. But your points are taken. Frankly though, maybe risky behavior....putting too much trust when we shouldn't, it what creates situations like this. Maybe young women shouldn't put themselves in these vulnerable situations. Maybe they shouldn't get sloppy drunk when there are men around who could possibly use poor judgement when sloppy drunk themselves. I preach to my son to stay out of situations like that because of what could happen or what could be claimed. All the kids at said party were behaving badly. Underaged drinking. Drinking to excess. Promiscuous behavior. It all lends itself to the acceptance of situations that are inappropriate usually. Would we think it would be ok for our wives to go to a party like this and drink excessively? By themselves. Not with us. Not with a group of friends. Of course not. It's asking for trouble. Let's not be silly here. It's kinda what is expected from these scenes. It's part of the excitement.
Should young women go to dinner, a movie, back to a dorm room or apartment....with a man they barely know? Of course not. That has ALWAYS been when we go in groups. Double dates...whatever. Trust builds with future dates.
What has changed today is how people meet each other. They often go online and get hooked up with someone they know nothing about...and end up one on one with them way before it is safe to do so. That's unwise.....and it always has been.

People gotta use their heads sometimes.

There are truths to both statements. Something I have been noticing is how people date nowadays. In groups. Now, I'm old enough to wonder why-but I'm still young enough to speculate why, so I have a hard time understanding the practice. When I met my current girlfriend, she brought her friend with her. I was alone of course. Dangerous? Could have been--if one of them had bad intentions.

Online dating-which has gained much popularity is part of the issue here. When you meet someone online, you know supposedly know nothing about them. In a lot of cases, one can make judgment of their character by their interests and to an extent their profile page. But unfortunately, not everyone has good judgement in choosing a "date". And yes I've had them all over the world and all different kinds of people ranging from extremely conservative Christian ladies to extremely liberal atheists and much in between. I took a lady out once that believed firearms should be totally outlawed. Found this out an hour or so after talking with her. As the waiter came to check on us, then left a check, I grabbed my wallet to pull the card out-and my CCL was visible. She says what's that? I showed her...."you mean you have a gun"? Yup. Right pocket. She promptly left. No big loss there. To each their own I guess.

This day & age, I'm not sure I'd want to start dating again. People have changed. Dating has changed. Society has changed and nowadays finding someone you can at least halfway agree with is getting tough since many folks are either far right or far left-and not much in between.
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I've posted this in other places, but I've got 2 questions. When is abuse, abuse? and what are a victims responsibility?

When it is sexual abuse, or assault?
What if my Grandson sits on the bus next to Mary Youngchick everyday. They talk and he thinks she "likes" him. One day he decides to try to kiss her. She pulls away and says no. (she like Wideopens Grandson) My Grandson stops his advance, and leaves her alone. Is he an abuser? A while after that he's sitting on the bus next to Jill Snowflake. Same thing, he thinks she "likes" him, and tries to kiss her. She pulls away and says no. (she wants to be a man, when she graduates she's going to join the Army and have addadiktome surgery). He stops his advance and doesn't bother her anymore. Is he a "serial abuser" now?

Now, for victims responsibility. What if my neighbor jumps my fence and steals my weedeater. I know he done it, but don't report it since it's just "neighbors being neighbors". A few days later he jumps another neighbors fence and steals something from them. Should the second neighbor be mad at me because I didn't report it when my stuff was stolen? Had I reported the theft it's probable that my other neighbor wouldn't have had anything stolen.

Leave Kavanaugh, Bill Clinton, Keith Ellison, Al Franken ect out of it, so it's not political.

What if Bill Cosby's first victim would have reported him? How many victims could have been spared from this abuses? What if Harvey Weinstein's first victim would have reported him? How many victims could have been spared? What if Leslie Moonves first victim would have reported him?
I believe victims (of anything) have a responsibility to come forward, in a timely fashion to protect potential future victims. Obviously young children abused by family members ect are a different situation but a grown person should speak up at the time any abuse happens.

I'm not blaming the victim for being a victim, I'm blaming the victim for not stepping up and reporting stuff to protect future victims.

I used to be a people person, but people ruined that.
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All I know is I'm in deep Doo Doo when they all come out of the wood works looking for my past... Save the boobies... Show your boobs... Yep, I'll be done for. But we all had a good time.Smile

Bob (Cowboy) Hogan
Monrovia SO-CAL
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Picture of wideopen231
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Hell go back 10 year or more and I done. Married 8 year. Hey I had ton of fun up till then.Make that two or three tons.

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"What if Harvey Weinstiens first victim would have reported it?"

He was not the only one in Hollywood with a "Casting Couch". Everyone has always known most of the leading lady's roles was won on their knees or in the bedroom. Not saying it is right but it has always been that way. What bothers me is some of the women who did it 15 years ago and now they come out and complain about the choice they made then. Like they are above that but they were not then. They were happy to do it then when they were not a big movie star.

And I also do not put all of the blame on the men, women have also known they can get what they want even from their husbands for putting out or not. It may be unspoken but it is powerful.

Lets face it men are pigs and when women offer it up we pay attention.

It may not be right but both men and women have always used sex to get what they want from others.

Now I have huge problem with drugging and raping a woman but if a woman offers it up to get a Hollywood role then we all know what that is but not my business.
"Dunning-Kruger Effect"
-a type of Cognitive bias where people with little expertise or ability assume they have superior expertise or ability. This overestimation occurs as a result of the fact that they do not have enough knowledge to know they don't have enough knowledge.

Before you argue with someone ask yourself, "Is this person mentally mature enough to grasp the concept of a different perspective?" If not there is no point to argue.

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Originally posted by 1355PRO:
Originally posted by David_D.:
The whole "me too" movement has given many women the ability to absolve themselves of any responsibility with regards to choices they made surrounding their sexual exploits.

Or maybe they were raped.

Then why wait 30 years to tell anyone...
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Originally posted by fastracer482:
Originally posted by 1355PRO:
Originally posted by David_D.:
The whole "me too" movement has given many women the ability to absolve themselves of any responsibility with regards to choices they made surrounding their sexual exploits.

Or maybe they were raped.

Then why wait 30 years to tell anyone...

For sure. And...since when is a "maybe" all that is needed to ruin a person's life? "Maybe" the woman has an agenda and this is fabricated. Maybe she should lose her job and possibly face charges. Maybe?

Foxtrot Juliet Bravo
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