I will wear two mask right after I start wearing one. Adolph Cooper governor here in NC has made it mandatory. As democraps said for 4 years.Not my governor. As I am saying for next 4 years about Cooper and thief that is tresspassing in white house,They can both kiss my a--.
America home of free. Brought to you by 2nd amendment.
Originally posted by wideopen231: I will wear two mask right after I start wearing one. Adolph Cooper governor here in NC has made it mandatory. As democraps said for 4 years.Not my governor. As I am saying for next 4 years about Cooper and thief that is tresspassing in white house,They can both kiss my a-.
They're gonna suffocate the last brain cells out of dumbazz's.
Interesting editorial, not claiming it is 100% true or false but made me think I am going to pass on the needle until its been around a while. vaccine?
Last March wasn't it Fausi that said you don't need to wear a mask? Got the Pfizer shot Wednesday and so far so good. So where are the stats on How Many Folks that got the Covid 19 vaccination got Covid? Wonder how many, any opinions?
When everything is coming your way, your probably in the wrong lane.
Posts: 1078 | Location: Between a Rock and a Hard Spot, USA | Registered: December 06, 2001