Nothing good will come from this. Coca Cola lawyers will squash NHRA lawyers like a bug on the floor. At best NHRA will get a settlement agreement. Then who is going to want to work with them in the future
Posts: 2630 | Location: Moving back to the door side | Registered: April 30, 2010
Originally posted by Big Steve: Nothing good will come from this. Coca Cola lawyers will squash NHRA lawyers like a bug on the floor. At best NHRA will get a settlement agreement. Then who is going to want to work with them in the future
Might be slim...Pickens once this is out of the gate.
Posts: 1426 | Location: Under a Truck | Registered: August 23, 2013
I also never heard why Atlanta was cancelled. I do not believe the governor was opposed to it. Georgia Tech hosted UCF in football Saturday here in Atlanta with 11,000 in attendance.
Posts: 1613 | Location: Marietta, GA | Registered: December 09, 2005
I don't blame NHRA at all none. I blame elected officials for offshoring America to china for one, that's what caused the empty seats since 2009 at NHRA national events,... And the downsizing of local drag racing.
For two I blame elected officials locking this country down over a cold. If NHRA is told they can't bring value to theirs sponsors, this is what happens, sponsors leave asap. Blame your elected officials again.
And Sly Fox. How can Coke pay NHRA when NHRA isn't having events. The whole idea of sponsorship is getting exposure for the advertising dollars being spent. I wonder if there will be a purse at Gainsville this weekend?
When everything is coming your way, your probably in the wrong lane.
Posts: 1079 | Location: Between a Rock and a Hard Spot, USA | Registered: December 06, 2001
There is an escape clause written into nearly every contract written today, it uses a latin term, Force Majeure, meaning "An Act of God". The Covid-19 pandemic qualifies under that term. The contract between the NHRA and Coke more than likely has that provision, the Lawyers at Coke would have insisted. The chances of NHRA prevailing is somewhere between zero to less than zero. Suing Coke would be difficult to explain to the next Major Sponsor they court, more than likely it would scare them off.
The bigger, and more relivant question is where does this take everyone? Without Coke, or a Sponsor of that magnitude, where does The NHRA find the money to continue under their present "Show" format? The obvious answer is that they probably don't UNLESS someone with a lot of skin in the game steps up. Just a suggestion but wouldn't Jeg's, Summit and a Coalition of Performance Manufacturers be interested in taking the reins at The NHRA and continuing their Sportsman Programs?
Just a suggestion but something to consider.
ps: As of this morning 200,000 and countingThis message has been edited. Last edited by: RPROGAS,
Posts: 3299 | Location: Lakeside, Ca | Registered: February 15, 2003
The only thing NHRA did wrong was entertain the idea it was their fault attendance was dwindling, by making the Pro Stock guys do away with hood scoops. That cost them guys who knows how much.
There never was anything wrong with the product on the drag strip.
As soon as there's empty seats everyone is jumping on NHRA sucks, they need to do this that and the other.
No, debt zombies working two minimum wage jobs ringing up chinese garbage, don't make it out to the drag strip, for the national event in their state.