We start accepting entries Tuesday November 21st at noon eastern. It only takes $199 to lock in your spot. Go to sfgpromotions.com to register. You will be able to pay your deposit on the website. You will not be added to the list until the deposit is made.
July 18-22 2018 Rockingham Dragway 100k-100k-100k for only $799 (Unbelievable entry) #100keveryday call Kyle Riley if you have any questions 708-921-5737
Our Midwest Bracket Nationals event sold 500 entries in under a hour!! So if your at work at the time pre entry opens I suggest you designate someone to sign up for you.
Here is your chance to race for a guaranteed $300,000 for only $799. Best Bang for your Buck in Bracket Racing. Go to sfgpromotions.com starting at noon eastern to pay the $199 deposit to lock in your spot. This event is expected to sell out 500 entries in a couple hours so I recommend you sign up at noon!!! #SFGPROMOTIONS
This Awesome event is open for entries (Not sold out) The Pre entry $799 price is available until July 5th or you can show up and pay at the gate for $899. 100k-100k-100k
Very excited for this event as it will be our first SFG event and our first time visiting the "historic" Rockingham Dragway. 3 - $100 Granders! are you serious?
Kyle and AJ have been doing a great job building this brand and DRR can't wait to be part of it.
100k-100k-100k for only $799 When July 19-22 2018 Rockingham Dragway
Gate entries welcome!!!
Door Cars vs Door Car Dragsters vs Dragsters kept separate until at least 1/4 finals No box welcome kept separate until the last 1 standing Top Sportsman and Top Dragster welcome kept separate until 1 left. Any questions call 708-921-5737
Cancelled because of weather??? Didn't take Rockingham long to post a added purse race for these same dates. Local weather forecast looks like they will race???????
Posts: 6313 | Location: everywhere | Registered: March 15, 2007
That race that was geared towards local racers. The SFG race that was rescheduled had a lot of entries traveling from 15 hours away. It's a BIG difference in payouts in the payouts of the 2 races the rescheduled race has over $500,000 in guaranteed weekend payouts and the local race is 5k-7.5k-5k. So it's a huge difference in risking a forecast with possibly having 3 days of rain Fern. I figured it's a no brainer because I already had another date scheduled at the same track. (Rockingham) and we won't have to fight 90 degree temperatures in October.
The 2nd date is what made the decision easier. If we didn't have the 2nd Rockingham date we probably would have moved forward with the original date and hoped for the best.
Deadline for $799 pre entry price is August 16th just pay $300 deposit and the rest at the gate. Price goes up to $899 August 17th thru September 21. Same deal pay $300 deposit and the rest at the gate. Gate entries will be $950
Reminder pre entry deadline for the Superbowl of Bracket Racing $799 price is 2 days away. Pay $300 and the rest at the gate. The raffle for the 3 free entries for the World Series will be Friday August 17th. If you haven't paid your deposit you will be removed from the list.
The best deal in Bracket Racing just got better. Working on a weekend points program. Tune in to Kyle Rileys Facebook page tonight at 9pm eastern for details.
Race for more money 1 day at the Superbowl of Bracket Racing (100k) than you race for the entire weekend at other races!!! Show up and pay at the gate. Don't miss it
Originally posted by whos next: The best deal in Bracket Racing just got better. Working on a weekend points program. Tune in to Kyle Rileys Facebook page tonight at 9pm eastern for details.
Kyle, I’m always late to the dance and just viewed this announcement and this is my suggestion.
Instead of paying more money to those that are already receiving round money, pay it the other way. If a racer (car entry number) enters all three 100k races and does not win any round money on that entry number, put them in a drawing at the end of the event. Draw 5 racers that supported your three $100k races that went home empty handed and pay them all $799, the three day entry fee for the race when first announced.
Posts: 2783 | Location: 53056 | Registered: December 30, 2009
The Superbowl of Bracket Racing keeps getting better. We will be doing a FREE run for the money for Thursdays 20k time trial. Winner will receive a entry into the Million in Montgomery Please spread the word.