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DRR Sportsman![]() |
Look out. and no weapon involved.... New vehicles going to auction... LMAO Looks like a "Death Surcharge" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_2CyasXG1Y | ||
DRR Elite![]() |
Well maybe that guy is too young or never bought a new car, but every new car for decades has had a destination charge. Transportation from factory to dealer. It’s not a dealer fee. The market adjustment is just capitalism in practice. Good old supply and demand. That all started with the lack of chips needed for the 356 computers in new cars. Way more demand than available cars. I’ve seen that in new models too. Like the new 2022-2023 tundra’s. 2005 2000lb 4 link dragster home brew 582 BBC Dart 355 1.058 2.98 4.629@149 6.094 7.310@185 | |||
DRR Trophy![]() |
Market is already crashing. Only a few select models can warrant these market surcharges still, and hopefully that will end soon. What comes around, goes around. Dealers need buyers that can afford what they're selling. Anyone with any sense saw this crash coming, wait another 6 months and buy when there are lots of things people can't pay for. Just like housing 2008. FJB FBO 6.41@221 (so far) 4.11@178 off the shelf/built it myself | |||
DRR S/Pro![]() |
The one I think is ridiculous is the Documentation Fee that got added not that long ago.... Every state allows it and every dealer charges something different. Varies by hundreds of dollars The taxes and registration charges have zero to do with the "documentation charge" Prices are dropping and dealers around here that I spoke to not long ago were not adding anything to the sticker prices on a new one I was shopping new and nearly new pickups and decided to wait ..... | |||
DRR Pro![]() |
I didn't watch the whole video, but the $35,000 market adjustment was on a special edition "Lightning" truck, no? Here's the deal - if the MSRP on any vehicle is $41,000 and the true value on the open market is $76,000, would you rather see the manufacturer and the dealer make the additional $35k, or see some scumbag flipper who added no value whatsoever buy it at $41K and then sell on ebay for $76K? Same deal with concert tickets - if the Rolling Stones (for example) can sell out a 40,000 seat arena at $250 each, would you rather see Mick & the boys earn the whole $10 million (40,00 x 250) or would you prefer the artists sell the tickets at $100 each ($4 million) and then see scalpers and scammers like stubhub and ticketmaster gobble them up at $100, flip them all at $250, and then the bottom feeders who added nothing of value walk off with a free $6 million? Fck that noise - let the people who work and bring products to market make the money. If someone is willing to pay $35k over sticker, they are a volunteer, not a victim. Mike | |||
DRR Trophy |
Economy needs to reset. People are stupid with their money. I have no pity for people that think they "need" a new vehicle. | |||
DRR Top Comp![]() |
I expect market to crash on cars, trucks, trailers and houses. I refuse to buy when it is out of line with pricing. That was a good time to SELL but not buy. For instance I started to buy a trailer I guess in June of 2021 and the trailer I wanted was $32,000. Only reason I did not buy it was it was a very dark grey almost black and I do not want a dark color in Texas heat. I wanted a white trailer. I decided to wait and due to Covid or what ever that same trailer was $69,000 and when you add Tax, Title and License it was probably closer to $80,000 and I was not going to pay that. Why? Well when market comes down it will be worth less than half what you paid for it. Not that I could not afford it but I am not throwing money away. With our economy now I am not even sure about the future of racing in general. I do not mind spending money , heck I have a bunch of cars (and other expensive hobbies) but I am not going to waste money. I think if you pay a Dealers or Market fee what ever you want to call it then that is money you are throwing away. Yellow Ticket said: "Economy needs to reset. People are stupid with their money. I have no pity for people that think they "need" a new vehicle." I hate to hear that but you are right, We have a Federal Deficit that can never be paid off unless we are TAXED to death or they put us in a Depression and bring in Socialism which would be even worse. Our Government is spending money they do not "Need" and we are going to have to pay for it. Hang on very soon there may be a lot of nice race cars, trailers, Houses etc real cheap. Prices are coming back down on some things but if our Economy gets any worse it could get real ugly quick. https://postimg.cc/gallery/np3zpruo/ "Dunning-Kruger Effect" -a type of Cognitive bias where people with little expertise or ability assume they have superior expertise or ability. This overestimation occurs as a result of the fact that they do not have enough knowledge to know they don't have enough knowledge. Before you argue with someone ask yourself, "Is this person mentally mature enough to grasp the concept of a different perspective?" If not there is no point to argue. 4X NE2 CHAMPION. 2020 TDRA NE2 Champion | |||
DRR Sportsman![]() |
Things may reset a LITTLE but they will never go back to what they were. It doesn't matter what the product is. Now I know different parts of the country are a little different but in general things will stay high because they HAVE TO because of all the FREE money being given out by the Dems. Like I've said before, I have friends that won the Connecticut Lottery, splurged, built the million dollar house and have bought and paid for all the new toys, BMWs, etc, BUT they get FREE HEAT, FREE FOOD, etc, because they don't have any income and don't work and only live on their Social Security, about $1600 a month combined (they are 54 and 52). Meanwhile, they have Millions in the bank and Stock Market. Connecticut just raised the electricity fees (January 1st) by 40% because the utility can't pay for the increase of LNG to run their facilities. Do you think that will EVER go down, NEVER. Not to mention people are stupid, they think that using less electricity will save them money, NOPE, they'll just raise the fees so people pay the same amount for using less. Oh, and let's not forget all the monkey see monkey doers that put solar on their houses THINKING they are saving money except when all the electric company fees (not kilowatts used) go up so they wind up paying the same as they did pre-solar. Those people are furious here in Connecticut to the point they want to have a "meeting" with the local politicians (like that will change anything). Same goes for cars, trucks, houses, etc. Get a price to build a new house, you'll be paying 30% to 35% more than a few years ago due to all the increased fees, labor, delivery, fuel, electric, etc. etc. So with vehicles, the dealer doesn't care because they will just ship it to auction and probably break even or make a few extra bucks. I have a friend that has been going to car auctions for many years, he can't believe how the prices of vehicle at the auctions have increased by THOUSANDS per vehicle, the dealerships are still getting their prices with little to no overhead. The business model has changed a bit BUT the outcome is the same. Man was not built to fly ... That's why he built HEMI's Frank Zeffiro ALIAS -- BIG KAHUNA | |||
DRR Top Comp![]() |
I expect things to get a little more expensive every year. But not like it has, Gas going from $1.49 to $5 or more. Eggs going from $1.19 a dozen to $3.99 or more. Bread I like went from $1 a loaf to $3.99. Some of the snacks I like were $1 each now they are $2.79 each. Most everything else has doubled. What has changed? President and his Policies. And he said he was going to do it. He said he was going to put the Gas, Coal and Oil industries out of business. What did you think he meant by that? Hello! I think America is very close to having a really bad Depression similar to the one in 1929 but this one will not be because of the Stock market inflated prices but because of the Federal Deficit our Government has created. I hope I am wrong but fact is our Government has put more on Credit card (Federal Deficit) than our Gross National Product more than all of us combined make every year. Even if they took EVERY PENNEY EVERY AMERICAN MADE FOR A WHOLE YEAR WE WOULD STILL BE IN DEBT. How can anyone or Country survive like that? How can they keep giving away "Free Money" that we do not have and can not afford to pay back? At some point people are going to have to realize the Government is the PROBLEM and not the SOLUTION. And some are saying the Dems are for the Working man but they are the reason these prices have went up. They are the reason gas and everything else is so high. They are the reason Healthcare insurance has went through the roof. Before Obamacare most Americans had affordable insurance and now few can afford it or those who do have insurance does not cover much Thanks to ObamaCare and the Dems. And what do you think the end result of bringing in tens of MILLIONS of Illegal Immigrants is going to do for our Economy? They are already working to fast track make them citizens and they are giving them FREE healthcare, housing, food and phones. Who do you think is paying for that? Most of what Frank Zeffrio said above is true but you have to look at why and how we got here. Losing our right to a free and Honest Elections here has made it even worse. https://postimg.cc/gallery/np3zpruo/ "Dunning-Kruger Effect" -a type of Cognitive bias where people with little expertise or ability assume they have superior expertise or ability. This overestimation occurs as a result of the fact that they do not have enough knowledge to know they don't have enough knowledge. Before you argue with someone ask yourself, "Is this person mentally mature enough to grasp the concept of a different perspective?" If not there is no point to argue. 4X NE2 CHAMPION. 2020 TDRA NE2 Champion | |||
DRR Top Comp |
I own a bunch of oil and gas leases in WV. The tax assessment on some of them has gone from $500+ to $8000. They say its on "projected" production. my gripe is somewhere between that hole in the ground and the gas pump someone is making a lot of money as my income at $1.85 a gallon to $5.00+ a gallon never changed. Another thing most don't pay any attention to is how they are making everyone use credit or debit cards and direct deposit. Trying to eliminate cash as for the most part it is untraceable. Eggs--at Wal Mart they are about $.50 each or $6 a dozen. Right up the road here you can buy fresh farm raised eggs for $2 a dozen. Go figure. | |||
DRR Pro |
In SE Wisconsin we have coal for electric generation and a few NG fired backup on demand satellite stations. The Jan 2023 electric rate increase is 20.8% to 0.1658 a KWH. The Customer Charge, Fuel cost Adj and environmental control charges in addition to this. There is also a “State Low Income Assistance Fee” charge that you pay for others that can’t afford to pay their electric bill. The 2023 Natural gas base price increased 42%, distribution charge increased 46% and that does not include the additional PGA (purchased gas adjustment) charge that varies wildly every month. In WI we are heavily dependent on Natural Gas. | |||
DRR Top Comp |
You will own nothing and be happy - Klaus Schwab president of the World. These big corporations will do anything they're told, in order to stay in the clique that controls the levers which create the money out of thin air. It's really not all that difficult to comprehend. Ever heard of Feudalism? Keep letting these clowns lead you around by the ear, you'll find out about feudalism. You are the carbon they'll use to roll all this BS out on. ![]() | |||
DRR Pro |
“You Will Eat ze Bugs and Be Happy”: EU Authorizes Crickets for Consumption | |||
DRR Top Comp |
Before they come take me off to the funny farm/ Gulags while the seals clap, I just wanna blow some doors off with a 4 door Nova light to light with a Screaming for Vengeance 8 track blaring through the speakers. ![]() Priorities They dismantle reality/ Truth daily in this upside down world. I think more and more people are waking up everyday though, and the rats are running around on the deck of their sinking ship - admissions. So there is still hope.This message has been edited. Last edited by: Mike Rietow, | |||
DRR Top Comp |
The Australian kids in school are eating bugs in school cafeterias already. Those people rolled over without a peep. It's incredible. Bugs are poison, look into it. Slow kill. Anything that tastes bad or looks bad to eat, is bad to eat. That goes for anything, if you consume it enough, it kills you. | |||
DRR Top Comp |
So in other words, nothing surprises me, especially $75,000 SUV's and $5.00 a gallon gas. It's the plan. Price you out slowly so you keep *wishing* everything is normal. If you wish to yourself enough, you'll start to believe your own wishes as if reality. The electric cars are too expensive eh? Not for long. None of this gets my attention. Not surprised in the least.This message has been edited. Last edited by: Mike Rietow, | |||
DRR Sportsman![]() |
People don't realize that the cost of one product Called diesel fuel along with "Market Manipulation Is the largest contributing factor. Where as a driver that normally spends 10K a week on fuel. now spends 15-18K. From bacon to shoes to lumber.... Everything. The only winners in this game is "BIG OIL" | |||
DRR Top Comp |
Biden delivered for big oil / establishment by creating shortages closing pipelines. As they transition off fossil fuel, big oil won't lose because they're transitioning you and I off fossil fuel, not them. They'll have the money to pay for gasoline, at any price. We'll all be in electric cars. They know what they're doing, this ain't their first rodeo. | |||
DRR Sportsman![]() |
TD3550, Don't forget the politicians being big winners also. You do know they get kickbacks for voting a certain way, correct. Not to mention how the politicians are heavily invested in the oil companies stocks. It's amazing how soon people forget that a little over 3 years ago we were energy independent. The economy was BOOMING (coming out of covid) and gas was $2 or less BUT due to mean Tweets we are paying HUGE prices for everything because our WHOLE economy RUNS on fossil fuels, everything we touch uses it. This past election shows that people care more about holding hands and singing koombya than about the economy and peoples well being. Probably because most of those people are receiving government HANDOUTS. And let's not forget that we are sending 11.2 BILLION Cubic Feet of LNG to Europe EVERY DAY accounting for over 70% of OUR LNG, so of course it will be higher because we don't have any for the US to use. Biden is just doing what he said he was going to do and the people voted for it BUT people are acting surprised (IDIOTS). Man was not built to fly ... That's why he built HEMI's Frank Zeffiro ALIAS -- BIG KAHUNA | |||
DRR Top Comp |
I don't think people voted for it. Did you see the Biden celebration they showed on TV?,,,, GHOST TOWN, nobody there. Did you see the uprising in Brazil? Brazilian's didn't buy the election results. The peoples President in Brazil was anti-covid, anti-establishment. Pro-People populace President. Establishment ousted him then tried to arrest him, same as Trump. Malsinaro is in Orlando Fl now, he had to escape to avoid being put in the klink. The Brazilian people are turning the place upside down, in the streets. I'm not afraid to say I believe Biden was anointed winner. Hey, if they can convince 88% of Americans to take an injection they don't have to tell you what's in it for 75 years, they can convince that same 88% of anything. | |||
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