DRR Pro posted March 08, 2022 11:51 AM
Is this on?
First and foremost, let me say that it has been a while. Second, Ed can suck it. Shooter sucks more than ever, and Goob still bracket races a TH400.
Flipper still alive? Beau$ passed on, Steve Taylor is gone. Tom396 is still kickin, but I'll bet money he ain't bought back yet.
SST 350R
Posts: 910 | Location: Hebron, Ohio | Registered: December 08, 2002
DRR Pro I might Rabbit, I might...
SST 350R
Posts: 910 | Location: Hebron, Ohio | Registered: December 08, 2002
DRR Elite a blast from the past when DRR/Bracket Talk was a bar room brawl amongst bracket racers most days and many had mutliple user names. Welcome back
DRR Pro quote:
Originally posted by Bill Hoskinson: Is this on? First and foremost, let me say that it has been a while. Second, Ed can suck it. Shooter sucks more than ever, and Goob still bracket races a TH400. Flipper still alive? Beau$ passed on, Steve Taylor is gone. Tom396 is still kickin, but I'll bet money he ain't bought back yet.
Yep. You'd win that bet.
Take care. Tom Worthington
If it seems that bracket racing has gotten too expensive for you, maybe you are just doing it wrong.
Posts: 1299 | Location: Rocky Mount, NC | Registered: December 01, 1999
DRR Pro Thought I smelled something.....
"Despite the high cost of living, it remains popular." Dave Cook N375
DRR S/Pro quote:
Originally posted by Michael Beard: Shooter went fishin', but his little brother (who is bigger than him) actually races the Chevy II.
He's only taller in winner circle pictures. He wears the high heels Shooter left in the car.
DRR Sportsman Ha, Pink got it ! No, I think many still here, would remember the stuff Taylor used to call everyone then.
Buffoons Relived
You have to put in the effort, to get anything out of it.
Posts: 736 | Location: Cumming Ga | Registered: January 07, 2007
DRR Pro Ill find some time here and there Tim. Looks like one of the no prep events we attend locally is hosting a 11.50 Index class so Im hoping to get into that with the malibu.
SST 350R
Posts: 910 | Location: Hebron, Ohio | Registered: December 08, 2002