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site other than facebook and not as liberal?
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Picture of Curly1
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I to refrain from calling people names and do not approve of it. I have no problem with legal immigrants. I do not even really have a problem with the ones who are already here finding a way to give them a path to citizenship.

Now what I DO have a problem with is anyone who comes here, refuses to learn the language after 25 years and it still flying their flag, if they love it so much there then go back. If you love it here try to become a part of America. I also have a huge problem when we have Veterans and children sleeping on the streets while we are giving housing, food and money to "Refugees" who are simply working the system.

Back to the original deal about Facebook, they allow people to say anything about Trump even asking for his assassination and allow that under "Free Speech" but if you say protect our borders to slow illegal immigrants you get banned for "Hate Speech" Same deal here I have a real problem when the rules are not the same for everyone. You or I would get banned for saying something bad about someone and calling names yet one certain individual did it every day for years. That is my problem. Make the rules or laws the same for everyone and enforce them the same. What I got banned on Facebook last time for was on a post about Obama I posted something like "I think Obama should be tried for Treason against United States of America for giving 150 Billion dollars to Iran and giving them Nuclear Technology." Bam, I was banned for hate speech. To the best of my knowledge that is a true statement and if you or I did that to any Country who vows to Kill us we would be tried for it. I did not call anyone any racist names or anything, just stated my opinion.

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Picture of Hotrod Corvette
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Originally posted by TD6297:
Originally posted by Coloradoracer:
The term "racist" is the new go to term for liberal democraps. It's taken the place of "I disagree with your opinion."

you must have seen clips of our Prime Minster then huh? LOL That is his go to thing if anyone publically disagrees with him!

Oh you mean Prime Minister Zoolander?

Ooops...Was that "Hate Speech"??


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Picture of Alaskaracer
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Originally posted by rocketolds400:
Is calling someone a wetback racist? Or the n-word? Or any other disparaging term used as an insult based solely off someone's ethnicity?

Yes or no.

It could be considered that, yes, but that wasn't my point. My point is that the liberal left is using the term racist to describe ANYBODY that doesn't agree with their opinion on how things should be. I had a friend that was VERY liberal. I told her I didn't like Obama....she said I was racist because of it. Standard, go to term....His color has ZERO to do with my opinion of him....but because I didn't agree with her, and she thought he was the proverbial savior, I was racist....Sorry, she's wrong....I can't and couldn't stand the guy because he hated America....and tried to destroy it.

Don't want open boarders? Then you're a racist.
Want to take care of our own homeless and needy first, and not cater to illegals? Then you're a racist...
Believe in LEGAL immigration and assimilation into OUR CULTURE? Racist....
Want welfare benefits cut off for illegals?
Want free medical and education cut off for illegals? Racist....

All ramblings of the liberal left. I respect a person that immigrates here legally. I believe in taking care of Americans first. Illegals BROKE THE LAW! They should not be catered to. I believe in our sovereignty and the rule of law, not open boarders getting flooded with whoever from wherever....but because these are some of my beliefs, I'm labeled a racist by the left.....

I guess my friends would disagree, my closest friend in the world, black. Some of the best friends I've ever had in my life, and still friends to this day, hispanic, black, asian, native American, european, and others....but because I'm a conservative I'm a racist....

Mark Goulette
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Just to be clear. "Freedom of speech" has nothing to do with privately owned businesses. A newspaper does not have to print whatever you submit to them anymore than Facebook has to allow your words to posted on their site. Freedom of Speech is a right that keeps our government from limiting your speech. It also keeps Facebook from being told by our government what it can and cannot allow to be posted.

As the original poster asked, what alternatives are there? Because that is how freedom works. Look elsewhere.

Personally, I wish tracks didn't depend so much on Facebook for getting their information out, but it is what it is. Take care. Tom Worthington

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Picture of TD6297
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Originally posted by Hotrod Corvette:

Oh you mean Prime Minister Zoolander?

Ooops...Was that "Hate Speech"??

ROFL that is a new one, love it.
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For the record, there is no law against being racist. There are some hiring and service laws about taking prejudice actions. There is no law protecting any kind of speech on a private message board.

Racist has some element of pre judging. But one needs to remember that prejudging is natural and common. If you don't like sour tastes, you avoid the greenest of apples. It is a pre judgement on these apples based on your experience on previous apples. Of course not every green apple is sour. But by avoiding all green apples, you have significantly lowered your chance that you will bite into a sour apple. We use these experiences in every part of our lives, even when judging people quickly. Sometimes the assumptions are wrong. Often they are right. It appears that every inner city black person considers every white police officer a racist who is out to get them. Based probably on some previous experiences with one or more police officer.

Foxtrot Juliet Bravo
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Picture of Don Higgins Crew Chief Pro Software
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So, if someone calls a Canadian a "Snow Back", is that racist?

Asking for a friend... lol.

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Picture of Roger McGinnis
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Racist is to be against a race. If you call someone a nigger or a wetback or a spic, or a redneck/cracker it might only mean that you're against that person or the gang they hang out with. Not the whole tribe.

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It appears that every inner city black person considers every white police officer a racist who is out to get them.

I believe it's more of a cultural thing that is drilled into their heads from day 1, opposed to actual experiences. Although they do exist of course, a single incident can validate a life time of conditioning. People love to buy into the victim hood mentality. And no better place does that fester than the government plantation.

Illegitimi non carborundum
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Originally posted by Canted Valve:
It appears that every inner city black person considers every white police officer a racist who is out to get them.

I believe it's more of a cultural thing that is drilled into their heads from day 1, opposed to actual experiences. Although they do exist of course, a single incident can validate a life time of conditioning. People love to buy into the victim hood mentality. And no better place does that fester than the government plantation.

For sure. Of course, we all do that. We validate our long standing beliefs with one off incidents. Black guy holds up a liquor store or a middle eastern blows himself up. And also of course, our long standing beliefs came from somewhere, and are often not wrong.
The problem is when we assume that EVERY person of certain ethnicity is a certain way. It's human nature, and again one of the things that keep us safe in general. But of course it is not always accurate nor fair.

Foxtrot Juliet Bravo
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Originally posted by Bucky:

The problem is when we assume that EVERY person of certain ethnicity is a certain way.

Like when something happens like this........

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Picture of wideopen231
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There is research about this kind of group mentality attacking one or in this case two people . Goes back to animal kingdom. Yea I know thats racist too,but the facts are the facts. If it looks like a duck walks like a duck,well we all know the rest. Call it racist if you want but when one group of people is almost always the one attacking it leads pone to believe this is violent part of the problem.

Prime example would be antifa group while its not one race it attacks it does attack one ideology. No different than attacking a race or religion. NAACP is racist as it promotes people of color deserve to as they want with nobody allowed to stop them or they will be labeled as racist.

Words are just that words. Might make you mad might hurt your little feelings,but you are not injured or bleeding.

I never asked for anyone's pity over face book thing. Hell I wait for the email about stuff and don't really care. My gripe was about how people get booted for comments against liberal crap and especially if saying something about a muslim,which I have twice. The wetback thing was just what caused latest one. Hence reason I asked about site thats not so liberal. Bad habit I talk faster than most,I tend to skip over and hit multiple points at same time. My typing sucks because I am trying to get 5th sentence while typing 2nd one. Hell my inlaws of 10 years are still trying to speed their listening up.LMAO Point is the racist thing has nothing to do with why I would like to get on a site where saying a muslim needs to leave if they don't want to assimilate or they come here and disrespect our country and I happen to mention need of third eye socket.

Is interesting to see how after 3 pages of debate its not getting nasty as it use to around here.

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Tear down all the ghettos and rebuild them all along the mexican border. Its win win. Our citys wont look like shyt holes and they will have easier access to their favorite drugs. Once the move is finished it would stop even the brokest of mexican dycks from wanting to swim over here. The putrid rag head problem isnt so simple, but would be for a biologist willing to infect a shyt ton of goats with rabies.
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Picture of SG2716
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I am just proud to be a white male southern conservative . Take it or leave it , like it or lump it . Call it what you may LMAO ....
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Is it racist to state that the white race is a superior race? Save your emotions and indoctrination rants and name calling, I'm talking facts, regarding century's of achievements (or lack there of) !!! Check out this vid starting about 1:35

Illegitimi non carborundum
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Chris, check out yellow bullets political section. anything goes over there.
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68TSCAMARO I 2nd your statement,and a Christian! Everyone should be able to be proud of their individual heritage and state that without being labeled something. And last I checked none of us alive today had a choice in the matter of who/what/when/where we were born???? And if anybody at all in these United Sates has a reason to be pi$$ed off it’s the Native American Indian. “Chump’s” out..........
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There is not a thing wrong with being proud of who you are, your history, lineage etc. ..even your race.

Wide seems to be comfortable and accurate with his self assessment. But why would anyone not thing that "wetback" or "nigger" or any of the regulars, not be considered prejudicial and racist? This is not referring to a person describing accurately their color. This is using a well known slur in insult someone based upon their racial makeup. Let's not play dumb about this. Wide will admit right up front that when he calls someone a "nigger", it isn't a compliment to that person nor the entire race. At least he owns it. It really matters not that blacks call each other "nigger". That's up to them and not my concern, because frankly it doesn't affect me in the slightest.

As far as speaking about illegals or what to do with them or what happens in inner cities and statistics about who is doing what.....well that is fact and opinion. I don't like that F'book censors it. But then, I have never been a big fan of F'book either. Wide was looking for somewhere else that he could speak freely about this stuff. Good idea.
And yes, anything still pretty much goes on the bullet.

Foxtrot Juliet Bravo
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But why would anyone not thing that "wetback" or "nigger" or any of the regulars, not be considered prejudicial and racist?

Why? Did you look at the vid I posted above? The "colored" reverend used nigger but I CAN'T! I had to "launder" the language I wanted to use through a black man. That is racist, at the very least prejudicial. I can't say it because I'm white but he can. Racist. When you control what people can say you eventually control what they think. Once it becomes habit they got you.... you're trained.

Illegitimi non carborundum
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Picture of Roger McGinnis
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Originally posted by Bucky:
There is not a thing wrong with being proud of who you are, your history, lineage etc. ..even your race.

Wide seems to be comfortable and accurate with his self assessment. But why would anyone not thing that "wetback" or "nigger" or any of the regulars, not be considered prejudicial and racist? This is not referring to a person describing accurately their color. This is using a well known slur in insult someone based upon their racial makeup. Let's not play dumb about this. Wide will admit right up front that when he calls someone a "nigger", it isn't a compliment to that person nor the entire race. At least he owns it. It really matters not that blacks call each other "nigger". That's up to them and not my concern, because frankly it doesn't affect me in the slightest.

As far as speaking about illegals or what to do with them or what happens in inner cities and statistics about who is doing what.....well that is fact and opinion. I don't like that F'book censors it. But then, I have never been a big fan of F'book either. Wide was looking for somewhere else that he could speak freely about this stuff. Good idea.
And yes, anything still pretty much goes on the bullet.

If you're violated or hurt by a name, you're nothing but a victim (by popular choice). I laugh every time I hear or read "the "N" word". It takes a real loser to be afraid to say a nasty word. Until using the Lords name in vain is the worst offense, I'll laugh at those offended by words.

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