Bracket Talk
Division 7 ET Finals will be at Sacramento

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December 25, 2020, 06:16 PM
Bruce Williams
Division 7 ET Finals will be at Sacramento
I have no problems running at Sacramento. We ran there last time the ET finals were held there.
What I really have a problem with is the very bad freeways in Calif to get there.
Another thing about Calif. Will they still be in shutdown?

Bruce Lee Cool

Experience is what you get when you don't get what you want.
December 25, 2020, 08:06 PM
Sorry if my post sounded like I was mother-F'n Sac....not what I was saying....I was telling a funny story about the last time I raced there. This was long ago, maybe even last century lol
I think the owner then was a guy named Dave and he was pissed about something...At that time we had several tracks to race at, so I just never went back....but I agree, Sac being one of the last standing tracks in Calif looks like the best place in the state to me now!! lol



December 28, 2020, 09:48 AM
Al Alguire
Enjoyed all the fun times I had racing at Sac..From Grudgefests to bracket races to the Mopar race. Always had a good time and a burrito or two at the concession stand. Hell even got lucky enough to have my hoopty on a t shirt there

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Marcus Tullius Cicero