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Kenosha Kyle
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Ben Maybe someday, face to face with a few beers.

2005 2000lb 4 link dragster
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Originally posted by adv ET 266:
Ben Maybe someday, face to face with a few beers.

Were you ever ok with Americans killing terrorists?

Posts: 9398 | Location: Madeira Beach Fl. | Registered: June 12, 2018Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by adv ET 266:
Ben Maybe someday, face to face with a few beers.

Cool. I'm just as nice online as I am in person.

Foxtrot Juliet Bravo
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Originally posted by pauley:
Originally posted by adv ET 266:
No sympathy and hope the cops arrest his mom as well. Radical right wack job from out of town. Came with an AK-47 ready to kill humans. That’s all that is true. Rewriting history to say he was defending himself is just what I’d expect for criminals and Buffoons.

maybe he wouldn't have thought he needed to be there if the left wing wack jobs from out of town was where they shouldn't have been doing things they shouldn't be doing.

I am not a criminal and far from a buffoon but I have two eyes that show me who the problem in society is.

ep-I said the guy should have stayed home. but it is what it is now for everybody involved.

What part of being slammed in back of head and then shooting the sob is no defending ones self. If imprisonment because of being some place one has no business being then the street should be cleaned off an all rioters put in jail cell.Personally If find out there is a fucnd to help the guy my broke dyck azz will contribute gladly.

America home of free. Brought to you by 2nd amendment.
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Quote from AdvET266:
"Easy for most of you to label an opposing view as liberal or communist. It’s typical. Have fun with that and I hope that reinforces your view to your buds. The fact is, I’m socially and politically as middle of the road as they come. More a Libertarian than I’d care to admit. I also feel fascism is a far bigger threat than socialism to America.
NBC TV said that Ben, but as a wise poster just said, wait and the facts come out in due time. I’m glad know one I or you know was gunned down by this kid. It’s a very sad deal for families morning their deaths. Show a little empathy for these victims."

Dam, I thought people became more well informed when they retire.

Paul, until final reports/charges are in, we do not know anything solid other than videos. I have no idea whether he is upstanding or someone looking for trouble.

Now, why would you be afraid of faschism? I hear that from left wing frequently without any factual basis.

Law and order is what we are based on. Equal application of law and order can be deemed fuzzy at times because not everyone follows police instruction same. All of these recent issues stem from ignoring basic authority. At what point are people accountable?

Under the law, all Americans are equal. Regulation wise the playing field is level. What more do you really expect? All the government is an equal opportunity service to the American people first. What the government cannot do is change peoples hearts. That only changes with experience.

Clinton set the bar for lies. Obama set the bar for questioning authority, remember the Harvard guy {Gates} complaining about cop asking him to I.D. himself. I used to deliver papers in that area.

What the left is doing/sponsoring is more like fascism, asking for penance for something none of us were involved in? Never giving society credit for elimination of slavery and giving women full rights. These are not hippies but an orchestrated effort to undermine conventional society. They are avowed marxists and that should set all Americans on edge.
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These "protests" are organized crime and terrorism and should be treated as such.
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Originally posted by Phil Dees:
These "protests" are organized crime and terrorism and should be treated as such.

Well, there is a clear difference between those gathering, holding signs and expressing themselves, and those who intimidate, destroy and attack. I have not one issue with anyone peacefully protesting, not harming or impeding.
Riots....yep definitely need to look into where the money is coming from. If anyone wants to talk about reparations.....let's talk about reparations for the businesses, the insurance companies, and America for the damage being done this year. Those responsible should pay.

Foxtrot Juliet Bravo
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....yep definitely need to look into where the money is coming from.

I don't believe for one second the intelligence community doesn't know full well where the money is, and has been, coming from. The question to be answered is why haven't they taken action a long time ago!!??? We're paying millions and millions of dollars (we don't have) to support our MANY intelligence bureaucracies and they are knowingly failing the country.

Illegitimi non carborundum
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Picture of SlyFox
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Originally posted by adv ET 266:
The fact is, I’m socially and politically as middle of the road as they come.


Posts: 1612 | Location: Marietta, GA | Registered: December 09, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Roger McGinnis
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Originally posted by Canted Valve:
The question to be answered is why haven't they taken action a long time ago!!???
Because the cream rises to the top. There is no doubt that HiLIARy committed multiple felonies, that Obama and his administration spied on the Trump campaign, that the top dogs lied to the FISC for warrants. It would destroy one of the political parties. This movement belongs to the same party. That's why.

Posts: 562 | Location: Republic of Texas | Registered: January 16, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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