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Did he cross the center line or not?
DRR Sportsman
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You asked for evidence so here you go..

Here we see another example of how Mike is trying to steer a narrative with blatantly FALSE information. As he thinks he cleverly edited the last image in his rolling reel of edited garbage to make it look like the block was still standing there after the car passes. He blows up the final image and crops the block out of the picture, also cutting the Snowbird and Strange logos from the bottom. Seems he needs to work on his photoshop skills as well as his story telling. A classic example of his gaslighting, trying to convince everyone that their own eyes as lying.

I know I know magic unicorn ****s blew the block off its place. You got cheated, you were wronged, they had it out for you blah blah blah.

Now time to sit back and listen to him rant and name call in his attempt to gaslight any evidence that is contrary to his version of events.

This is what the unedited last image in his comical, incorrect reel actually shows...

"I am not ashamed to confess I am ignorant of what I do not know."
Marcus Tullius Cicero
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lane weber

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DRR Top Comp
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Gas lighting? I called you out for gas lighting on YB the same as I will here.

You were in Las Vegas and you're trying to tell me and eye wittnesses on the fence in Bradenton Fl. what we saw with our own two eyes didn't happen. That's the definition of gas lighting.

We know the "foamy" ended up the right lane.

This is the evidence of how it got there, as the original call said declaring the Nova winner.

The orange "foamy" timing fixture never budged until the Nova was past it.

This is three still shots put in a gif, with the fourth still shot, the photo I post all the time, attached at the end.

You have an entire video of the race to pluck still shots from, yet you can't find one to post showing the Nova accomplishing any of your claims in saying it crossed the center line before the finish line. That's also gas lighting.

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Posts: 9398 | Location: Madeira Beach Fl. | Registered: June 12, 2018Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Top Comp
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Posts: 9398 | Location: Madeira Beach Fl. | Registered: June 12, 2018Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Top Comp
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I can post still shot photo's all day long showing the block never budged until the Nova was past it.

Al Alguire has an entire video of the race to pluck still shot photo's from, but can't come up with one single photo showing the Nova crossing the center line before the finish line, as he claims.

That's gas lighting Al Alguire, same as I said it was 3-4 years ago.

Posts: 9398 | Location: Madeira Beach Fl. | Registered: June 12, 2018Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Sportsman
Picture of Hotrod Corvette
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Endless name calling...
Endless whining...

Quacks like a leftist...
Crys like a leftist...
Identifys self in the third person..."the Nova"...don't you mean yourself

Leftist trannyX that trys to idenitify as a normal human being...

You just can't stop beliving your own lies

Trump would throw you out into the ditch in a second...He sure don't need your kind of help.

Hey I want to shoot spit balls in this too...


I'm So Proud To Be An American And Not A Democrat...

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DRR Sportsman
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Originally posted by Mike Rietow:
Time to get back chiseling a masterpiece.

I'll check back later Smile

Is a level this new secret clutch pack building tool?
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DRR Sportsman
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Originally posted by Mike Rietow:
, same as I said it was 3-4 years ago.

and here we have it.

ep-3 or 4 years the man has been consumed with this travesty
Posts: 792 | Location: dodging double wides... | Registered: November 28, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Top Comp
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Originally posted by Hotrod Corvette:
Endless name calling...
Endless whining...

Quacks like a leftist...
Crys like a leftist...
Identifys self in the third person..."the Nova"...don't you mean yourself

Leftist trannyX that trys to idenitify as a normal human being...

You just can't stop beliving your own lies

Trump would throw you out into the ditch in a second...He sure don't need your kind of help.

Hey I want to shoot spit balls in this too...

Originally posted by Hotrod Corvette:
Originally posted by Mike Rietow:

Obviously there's no tire track leading to the "front side" of the block. That was a concocted story (bold faced lie) to put the wagon back in the race 45 minutes later.

Guess what???

They lied to you

You didn't want to believe it

They were good enough to get you to accept it and leave

You changed your mind and wanted to fight about it

You babbled on and on about this and the track, from what I hear a year and a half

Guess what...THEY WON Get over yourself already...

This is what a leftist sounds like, Trump would kick you to the curb, you sound like the liberals today celebrating their con on Trump and the American people.....

"Guess what???... "They lied to you" (meaning they lied to everyone in drag racing).

"They were good enough at lying to you, to get you accept it and leave the track without your money"

Guess What???.... THEY WON.
Posts: 9398 | Location: Madeira Beach Fl. | Registered: June 12, 2018Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Sportsman
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No Mike as usual you are wrong again. You are the one with and edited photo attempting to prove your point. I simply am showing the unedited version of the same photo. You are the one trying to make up our own version of events by using a doctored photo. That would be gaslighting....The only one being dishonest here is you by editing a photo in an attempt to sway opinion. Just like you have been doing for the past 4 years.

"I am not ashamed to confess I am ignorant of what I do not know."
Marcus Tullius Cicero
Posts: 1059 | Location: Las Vegas, NV | Registered: April 14, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Top Comp
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Originally posted by Al Alguire:
No Mike as usual you are wrong again. You are the one with and edited photo attempting to prove your point. I simply am showing the unedited version of the same photo. You are the one trying to make up our own version of events by using a doctored photo. That would be gaslighting....The only one being dishonest here is you by editing a photo in an attempt to sway opinion. Just like you have been doing for the past 4 years

It's not dishonest of me at all to leave the "foamy" out of the photo in gif showing the "foamy" never budged until the Nova was past it.

It's not at all dishonest because it is self evident, the Nova had nothing to do with the "foamy" ending up in the right lane.

I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything by leaving the "foamy" out of the photo in the gif showing the scoreboard. I had nothing to do with it being in the right lane. So why should I include it?

Why should I feel the need to convince anyone according to your thinking? When it's self evident to anyone with a decent IQ the "foamy" peeled off the track surface from the draft off the back bumper after the Nova was past it?

Sorry but that's not gas lighting.

Gas lighting is what you're doing by telling eyewitnesses in Florida on the fence at Bradenton what they didn't see, from your location in Las Vegas.

Posts: 9398 | Location: Madeira Beach Fl. | Registered: June 12, 2018Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Top Comp
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You have an entire video to pluck photo's from to prove your claims the Nova crossed the center line before the finish line.

Instead from Las Vegas, you're telling eyewitnesses at bradenton what they didn't see with their own two eyes.

That's gas lighting.

You're the one trying to convince.

I have self evident observable video, I don't need to convince anyone, it's not a subjective matter, it's self evident the original call ruling the Nova happened in reality.

The reversal call 45 minutes later, was a fictional story used to put the wagon back in the race.
Posts: 9398 | Location: Madeira Beach Fl. | Registered: June 12, 2018Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Top Comp
Picture of Curly1
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At 4.28 on the Video you are over the line and I do not see the cone in picture there. Does not matter you cross over line you lose. Load up and go home, you done.

"Dunning-Kruger Effect"
-a type of Cognitive bias where people with little expertise or ability assume they have superior expertise or ability. This overestimation occurs as a result of the fact that they do not have enough knowledge to know they don't have enough knowledge.

Before you argue with someone ask yourself, "Is this person mentally mature enough to grasp the concept of a different perspective?" If not there is no point to argue.

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DRR Top Comp
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Originally posted by Curly1:
At 4.28 on the Video you are over the line and I do not see the cone in picture there. Does not matter you cross over line you lose. Load up and go home, you done.

That claim is 1000% impossible, also the reason you won't pluck photo's from the video to back your claims.

Here I'll do it for you. This is 4:28 (top photo), how do I get around the orange "foamy" timing fixture if I'm across the center line? It's impossible.

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Posts: 9398 | Location: Madeira Beach Fl. | Registered: June 12, 2018Reply With QuoteReport This Post

DRR Top Comp
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3200 lb Drag cars with the castor laid back, and pizza cutter tires don't turn like that.


The reversal to put the wagon back in was even better fiction, it said the Nova's right front tire lead straight to the front side of the "foamy" running it over.
Posts: 9398 | Location: Madeira Beach Fl. | Registered: June 12, 2018Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Sportsman
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This has been played out adnauseam, but hey ill play along. You want more pictures here you go, I even circled the SCIENCE for you. First picture is the MPH block, note there is NO REFLECTION coming from it as there would not be, SCIENCE. Picture two shows a reflection coming off the block. The reason, that block has been turned off its anchored position, you know where they glue it on. That's again called SCIENCE. See in the science of reflection, the angle of incidence(that means the light from the source in the wall for you Mike) equals the angle of reflection(the light bouncing off the reflector from the wall Mike). If that block had remained unmoved there would not be a reflection from the light source hitting the camera, agian SCIENCE

Its science, or are you going to claim science is wrong and you are right. The ONLY way that finish line block can cast a reflection back at the camera is if it has been turned. The camera position being between the two lights proves the block has moved. IE no reflection from MPH cone and a reflection from the ET cone. Its pretty rudimentary science frankly.

No reflection from MPH cone, again even circled it for you.

And the reflection cast from the finish line cone, again I circled the science for you, that reflection only happens one way.

"I am not ashamed to confess I am ignorant of what I do not know."
Marcus Tullius Cicero
Posts: 1059 | Location: Las Vegas, NV | Registered: April 14, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Sportsman
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Now for the barrage of BS and repetitive rants and lets not forget name calling.

Mike maybe hit the dictionary and look up gaslighting. you trying to prove your case with an edited photo in your little montage is proof of you trying to lie your way to convincing others.

"I am not ashamed to confess I am ignorant of what I do not know."
Marcus Tullius Cicero
Posts: 1059 | Location: Las Vegas, NV | Registered: April 14, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Top Comp
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Al Alguire, you're off topic, read the title of the thread.

You have an entire video to pluck still shot photo's from to prove your claims the Nova crossed the center line before the finish line, which is what it would take for the Nova to be responsible for the "foamy".

Here I'll help you out. The "foamy never budges until after the Nova is past it.

Meaning the draft behind the back bumper of the Nova peeled the orange "foamy" finish line track fixture off the track surface after the Nova's win light was on justifiably, past the "foamy".

^^^The US nationals, 3 weeks after the race in question.

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Posts: 9398 | Location: Madeira Beach Fl. | Registered: June 12, 2018Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Sportsman
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Off topic lol....Keep swinging for the fence Mike.

Science proves you crossed and hit it..Since there will not be any footage showing the car across the line due to the ONLY angle shown the cone is blocked by cars, we have to do what logical thinking dictates. Looks at the evidence and form a conclusion. I get that critical thinking is tough for many

Observable evidence, Cone lying in left lane after Nova passes, as well as a video showing such. Empirical evidence of video showing cone is CLEARLY giving off the reflection which the camera would not pick up had it no moved. Also empirical evidence the announcer stating the fact that the cone had indeed been kicked to the other lane.

Your evidence, a doctored photo, your claims which mean little given your past aversion to being truthful all the time, and a claim by someone on the fence that it didn't get hit which the empirical and observable evidence counter. Then a comment on a vidoe, of which you delete any counter claims.

All this should lead any logically thinking person to conclude you did indeed hit the cone and deserved to be disqualified, Your only argument there is it took them 45 minutes. Well you provided them the sufficient time to look for the evidence and conclude you did in deed hit the cone by hitting it in the first place.

Yet you will cling to that precious montage which ends in a lie of a doctored photo. All in a lame attempt to prove you were correct. I dot even understand why you edited the photo in the first place, the only logical conclusion would be to it was a lame attempt to sneak it by a third grader that the cone was not hit.

Now back to Mike for more of the same ole same old..

"I am not ashamed to confess I am ignorant of what I do not know."
Marcus Tullius Cicero
Posts: 1059 | Location: Las Vegas, NV | Registered: April 14, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Top Comp
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If anything I post was doctored, you could easily pluck un-doctored screen shot photo's from the video, to prove these claims too.

But that won't ever happen either, because you know as well as I, nothing I post is doctored but rather screen shot photos from the video, you won't dare post.

On the other hand you will pretend to know what happened, and tell eyewitnesses at the race what they did or didn't see from Las Vegas.

Which is comical!

Posts: 9398 | Location: Madeira Beach Fl. | Registered: June 12, 2018Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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