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Holley Manifolds
Picture of nomad
It looks like Holley has offshored their manifold production. The other day I saw a new Holley 300-25 when it was unboxed that said, "Made in China". The cast surface finish was real smooth as if Chinese sand was much finer than ours.

Bruce Guertin

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Picture of Goob
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Edelbrock FTW! Still U.S.A. produced?

Since Weiand is Holley now, I guess that is Chinko now too....?

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Dave Cook
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Originally posted by nomad:
It looks like Holley has offshored their manifold production. The other day I saw a new Holley 300-25 when it was unboxed that said, "Made in China". The cast surface finish was real smooth as if Chinese sand was much finer than ours.

Yep most have.. Sad we cannot make a quality product here anymore.

California Screaming!
Raceless in California!
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Picture of J178RED
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I bet no one here is surprised about this , These companies will be sorry. Just a matter on time. China wants every dime of the world’s manufacturing , plain and simple . Sad American company’s are leading us down this dark road, as if there is not enough slaves in China.


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I probably have 4 of the 300-5 Holley Strip Dominators and I might have a few of the small blocks too.
The last manifolds I saw from China a few years back were Hurricane and they looked identical to the Holley.

California Screaming!
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DRR Trophy
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If you were a businessman....

if your company is struggling to compete with another who manufactures the same product, your product is USA made, and theirs is sourced overseas. Your margin is 1%. Theirs is 15%. They can grow faster than you can. They can buy and sell more product than you can. They can get bigger faster and bigger than you. They have more buying power, so they're buying raw materials right out from under you.

What do YOU do?

With the way the US economy is heading, really I can't see how any American manufacturing survives at all.

And another question. Rhetorical, if you will. What happens when a country, let's say China in this case, that the USA is so reliant on, decides to start a war with the USA? Where does most of our stuff come from? Our enemy? And what happens when our enemy is our main source of, stuff? They quit sending it. Then what do we do? With how much it costs to do business here (which also affects the military), one could say we are doomed, dependent on foreign countries if you will.

Take it for whatever it's worth.

I hate seeing it happen. I know this country is better than this. But at the same time as a businessman myself, I can absolutely see why larger manufacturing operations are sent overseas. I mean, if you have to pay someone a minimum of $12.00/hr here but a chinese individual does twice the work for $1.00/hr what do you do? The same reason immigration is such a big deal. They'll work for pennies in a lot of cases, in comparison. We (as americans) gotta have half million dollar houses, and maybe multiples, when that's not what we need. We may only need 1200 square foot (and to keep it racing related, a 1500 square foot shop).

It's sad really, what we have become. Next question. When's the bubble gonna bust?
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I am certainly not a Biden administration fan, but a tariff on Chinese made goods sounds OK by me.

Tariff on Chinese made goods

Take care. Tom Worthington

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Picture of J178RED
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Originally posted by Tom396:
I am certainly not a Biden administration fan, but a tariff on Chinese made goods sounds me.

Take care. Tom Worthington

We consumers will be paying all the tariffs . Look at what’s going on now? Who in business is not raising price’s to cover new higher cost of goods and new higher freight charge’s. And yes we are doomed. All we can do is buy as much as you can made in USA goods. Just my two cents not worth a thing for sure.

Posts: 2698 | Location: OLD NICK OUT ON THE TRACK OR IN THE DESERT | Registered: March 09, 2010Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Scary to realize how many companies are outsourcing race products to China or others. Stamped oil pans, timing covers, valve covers mostly done in India.

California Screaming!
Raceless in California!
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DRR Top Comp
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The scary is how nice the work wing wong ching chong is pumping out.

I carried the no wing wong ching chong ball 20 years, all it did was keep pockets empty.

It's your turn to do your 20 years.

Look at the finish on this Weiand / Holley Track Warrior, nice.

I use these pump gas engines, for the best BBC hood clearance, of the open plenum intakes on the market.

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Picture of Curly1
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A Tariff will not help much if any at all.

Think about the REAL problem. Our Tax code.

I you have a Business in America or are an Employee here you pay a huge Tax for the privilege of working here. There is about 50% taxes built into everything Made in America. Those taxes get passed on to consumer.

Goods imported from China prior to Trump paid nothing. A $500 a YEAR Bond and you can bring in BILLIONS of dollars of goods. Even if they now have to pay a 15% Tariff that is nothing compared to and in ADDITION to the 50% we are already paying to work here. What is hurting China now WAY MORE than the Tariff is the fact that shipping costs are up extremely high. One year ago a complete 40 Cargo container was under $5,000 to get here completely full. Now it is over $28,000 for same container! If you can even get it here and unloaded. A shipment from China used to take 28-31 days. Now it takes 3 to 4 MONTHS. Let's go Brandon.
Many of the News stations said that China did not like Trump and that is simply not true. Chine knew that America was in trouble and if America fails they lose their biggest customer. If America goes into a Depression so will China and the rest of the World. Maybe not as bad but it would hurt them. China wanted Trump and America to succeed. China may have wanted Biden in but I do not think they expected the shipping problems in time and money from his administration.

If you go to buy something do you want to pay an extra 15% or extra 50% or more? That is really what it comes down to. In China they have high technology, they get paid much better than you think they do and they absolutely care about quality. They know to sell more TV's, Computers, phones or anything else they have to produce good quality.

Money and more specifically TAXES is why China and all other Countries have a huge advantage here in our own Country.

I think the only solution is to go with a FairTax which eliminates the Tax penalty for working. You keep what you make and then you pay the Federal Taxes at Point of Sale. There is other benefits to it. Currently ILLEGAL ALIENS, Drug Dealers, Topless dancers or anyone who gets paid straight cash are NOT paying into Federal System leaving a larger load for the Honest Working man (and woman)
Then it would not matter who or where it was built the Federal Government would get the money with out ripping off the working man.

The working man can not continue to support the whole World and if we are going to have the Global Economy thing stuck up us we need to have our tax code changed so that everyone pays.

The Democrats would have you believe the rich are the problem. Nope it is our Government and wasteful spending. I do not care if you work hard and make a good living. I do not even care if your family has money and left it to you.

Now the problem to that is we have a Government that is out of control and spends, wastes way too much of our money.

Even though a FairTax would eliminate the problem in theory I do not trust our Government and they would use it as a fresh new way to screw us more, harder and deeper.

I do know if you continue to give all other Countries a free ride on our Taxes while expecting the Working man and American Businesses to pay for everything you are headed for disaster.
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-a type of Cognitive bias where people with little expertise or ability assume they have superior expertise or ability. This overestimation occurs as a result of the fact that they do not have enough knowledge to know they don't have enough knowledge.

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DRR Elite
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Originally posted by Mike Rietow:
The scary is how nice the work wing wong ching chong is pumping out.

more chinese junk that will never be used on my race cars
Posts: 13522 | Location: NJ | Registered: August 20, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Sportsman
Picture of Boucher Jr
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Everything holley touches turns to shyt.

The commie ba$tards would all stop selling out their own country in a heartbeat if cheap a$$ commies would stop buying the chink garbage. Common sense.

What pi$$es me off the most, are the scumbags that put USA in their branding, have American flags on their logos, and slap em all over chink junk. Pulling an idiotic stunt like that should get you locked up for treason. Seems to be a popular trend in the safety gear business these days.

Posts: 237 | Location: Il. | Registered: December 31, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by Boucher Jr:
Everything holley touches turns to shyt.

The commie ba$tards would all stop selling out their own country in a heartbeat if cheap a$$ commies would stop buying the chink garbage. Common sense.

What pi$$es me off the most, are the scumbags that put USA in their branding, have American flags on their logos, and slap em all over chink junk. Pulling an idiotic stunt like that should get you locked up for treason. Seems to be a popular trend in the safety gear business these days.


Dam shame! They use our technology and sell it back. Boucher, they do play by different rules than us and That has to change. Brandon could give to F’s ! He’s invested heavily in offshore. So are his crunnies!

California Screaming!
Raceless in California!
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DRR Elite
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Originally posted by Boucher Jr:
The commie ba$tards would all stop selling out their own country in a heartbeat if cheap a$$ commies would stop buying the chink garbage. Common sense.

quoted for the truth and we have many here!
Posts: 13522 | Location: NJ | Registered: August 20, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Top Comp
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For those who don't know, here's how it works.

Robber baron American fat cats show up at a turn key, ready to fire, fully staffed manufacturing factory in china with a blueprint of what they want manufactured for pennies on the dollar, 95%
profit margins.

Levi's, Nike, Craftsman... any name brand you can think of.
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Then they turn around and invest in the theater of mass distraction, aka the reality created/reported in the fake news.

Fake news official stories / lies / propaganda.

Viscous circle
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Posts: 9398 | Location: Madeira Beach Fl. | Registered: June 12, 2018Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Sportsman
Picture of Boucher Jr
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Originally posted by BP758:

Dam shame! They use our technology and sell it back. Boucher, they do play by different rules than us and That has to change. Brandon could give to F’s ! He’s invested heavily in offshore. So are his crunnies!

Fuc that pos and his followers, that said, he's not putting a gun to anybodys head and forcing them to sell commie race parts. The dirtbags are doing that all on their own. Then they have the nerve to try and justify it by saying "all of product x comes from china" or "it would cost x amount more." Thats all commie talk.

Seriously, if you have shyt made over seas youre a pos. If you assemble shyt here with chink garbage, youre a pos. End of story.

That said... Theres still good companies left. Take Stroud for example. The vender they were using for shoes went to the chinks. Instead of pushing chink shoes on us, Stroud stopped selling them while they invested in America to tool up and make them in house. They deserve our business. Not some commie going track to track pedling chink firesuits.
Posts: 237 | Location: Il. | Registered: December 31, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of SCDIV1
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My daughter bought me a gift for Fathers Day
Custom, you design them NIKE’s

I buy ASICS for years. They fit and are comfortable.
I’m not sure but think the ASICS are made in various countries but not China.

The custom Nike’s come all packaged very high end

$150 shoes. I normally never spend anywhere near that amount


Those left wing liberal scum suckers support all kinds of Anti-American causes and America haters

$150 for shoes made by Our economic enemies and the huge profits get used to undermine our country


Nixon went to China and people thought how good this will be !

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