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No-Box & no burnout across line?
DRR Top Comp
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While you're at it explain why Walmart is eligible to earn, and Bandimere isn't.

Same thing. Dictates
Posts: 9398 | Location: Madeira Beach Fl. | Registered: June 12, 2018Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Top Comp
Picture of Michael Beard
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Sweet Christmas, you are obtuse...

- Doing a burnout without going over the starting line is not rocket science.
- The IHRA rulebook clearly states the rule, as previously quoted. Like most rules, it is arbitrary.
- If you disagree with the rule for any reason, you are more than welcome to petition the sanctioning body and/or track to change the rule.

Funny how your argument changes when you don't make any headway with one direction, just like a liberal.

Michael Beard - staginglight@gmail.com
Staging Light Graphic Design, Printing & Event Marketing

Posts: 5793 | Location: Columbus, OH | Registered: December 15, 1999Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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You must be reading someone else. The Op's question has remained the same throughout.

Liberal is pretending showing a precedence of illogic provides logic for more illogic. That's like saying Walmart has always been eligible to earn, when others haven't.

The OP wants to know why a delay box determines who is eligible to cross the starting line.

You claim it's not rocket science, what's not rocket science? The illogic of the rule or a rational explanation for the rule?

We know the answer to this, it's the same reason Walmart is earning and Bandimere is hung up in court for the right to earn.

Dictates. Dictates are Leftist or Liberal as you call it.

Communist Dictates. Arbitrary.

This message has been edited. Last edited by: Mike Rietow,
Posts: 9398 | Location: Madeira Beach Fl. | Registered: June 12, 2018Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Box cars follow top et rules as that’s the only class that allows boxes and nobox follows pro or whatever’s it’s called rules and it is separate till the finals otherwise if everybody is following the same rules then nobox cars are allowed to run a box, not that hard to figure out except when you have an agenda and are blinded by anything else. They didn’t sell 64 entries, they sold 32 box entries and 32 nobox entries with finalist from each class running for the grand prize.
Posts: 2595 | Location: at the track | Registered: May 09, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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I grew up in the age of Buster Couch where arguing with the Starter got you a fat lip, and an exit from the event.

Posts: 3274 | Location: Lakeside, Ca | Registered: February 15, 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Top Comp
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Originally posted by green1:
Box cars follow top et rules as that’s the only class that allows boxes and nobox follows pro or whatever’s it’s called rules and it is separate till the finals otherwise if everybody is following the same rules then nobox cars are allowed to run a box, not that hard to figure out except when you have an agenda and are blinded by anything else. They didn’t sell 64 entries, they sold 32 box entries and 32 nobox entries with finalist from each class running for the grand prize.

Yeah, call me crazy but I like the rules to make sense. That way if someone is DQ'd, it makes sense they're DQ'd and not by a personal whim / preference.

If you were DQ'd for no good reason, I'd have the same view.

It's like Bandimere, they've been told they can't earn. Call me crazy but it makes no sense Walmart can earn, and Bandimere can't. But then again that's the arbitrary power for you, we should all be watchful of.

Before it spills over on all of us.
Posts: 9398 | Location: Madeira Beach Fl. | Registered: June 12, 2018Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Top Comp
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Originally posted by A39Coronet:
What a straw man argument. When you open a track and set the rules, let us know. I'll bring my car down and do a 330' smoke show through all the timing blocks. I'll hit Walmart on the way home for a new set of hoops, I hear they're open.

I'm guessing this means you can't rationally make the claim, both racers weren't DQ'd for no good reason.

I can assure you, if I ran a track, nobody would be DQ'd for no good reason. That's just common sense approach, ain't it? Especially before the race even starts Geez!
Posts: 9398 | Location: Madeira Beach Fl. | Registered: June 12, 2018Reply With QuoteReport This Post

DRR Top Comp
Picture of wideopen231
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Hey I like putting on show. Example last week had driver **** up the trans issue.Still had few come by and tell me burnout was awesome. Seems another FED there cpl weeks earlier and was not even smoking tires. Me I was roasting them 100' past tree and loving hell out of it.

Now when I ran Nova(long time ago) I still pust on show and did bigger an longer burnouts than moST. Add in cpl years of TA/D where burnout limit is how man y parts you want to buy next week. NOT GOOD!

America home of free. Brought to you by 2nd amendment.
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DRR Trophy
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Originally posted by Mike Rietow:
Originally posted by A39Coronet:
What a straw man argument. When you open a track and set the rules, let us know. I'll bring my car down and do a 330' smoke show through all the timing blocks. I'll hit Walmart on the way home for a new set of hoops, I hear they're open.

I'm guessing this means you can't rationally make the claim, both racers weren't DQ'd for no good reason.

I can assure you, if I ran a track, nobody would be DQ'd for no good reason. That's just common sense approach, ain't it? Especially before the race even starts Geez!

My rebuttals were focused on your assumption the starter was out to get a racer due to personal conviction to be "a dictator", or that it's "officials vs racers" (which seems to be the ongoing trend these days to always divide the masses and then force people to pick one of two extremes). We can agree or disagree to the rule needing to or not needing to existing, but it doesn't take away that it did indeed exist prior to the violations.
Posts: 119 | Location: Outside | Registered: May 08, 2014Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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I believe the founders got governance right. I believe freedom goes off the rails when officials begin to believe racers are their to serve the track.

I believe any official public or private would do himself good, if he read this from time to time. These are the principles of any official public or private.

The most important debate in constitutional law today is
within the conservative-libertarian movement over the proper
role of courts in mediating personal freedom and government
power. At one end of the spectrum are those who support robust
judicial review and the protection of rights not specifically
enumerated in the text of the Constitution; at the other are
those who favor judicial restraint and deference to majoritarian
politics. This tension parallels an even more fundamental debate
about the relationship of the individual and the state. Simply
put, does the state exist to serve the interests of individuals or do
individuals exist to serve the interests of the state?

The Founders had a clear answer to that question, which they
expressed “to a candid world” in the Declaration of
Independence.1 “We hold these truths to be self-evident,” they
begin: not debatable, not relative, not purely a matter of
subjective preference or social mores, but self-evident—that is,
objectively true in all settings, for all people, for all time.2 And
what are these objective, self-evident truths? That individuals
have certain natural rights to which they are all equally entitled,
and that the purpose of government is to secure those rights. It
did not give them to us, and it cannot (legitimately) take them
Posts: 9398 | Location: Madeira Beach Fl. | Registered: June 12, 2018Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of fuzzy dice
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This rule is nothing new...it has been in effect at every track I have raced other than an outlaw track, maybe...dragsters cannot have a line lock for obvious reasons...I was always under the impression that is the reason they do a "barney rubble" burn out...door cars can do a "barney rubble" as well but, since they can install a line lock, that becomes a choice as long as they do not cross the starting line...

I was told time is a factor in this rule as well...can you imagine if everyone could do as long a burnout as they wished how much time that would add to the event?...you just know some racers would put on a burn out show...anyway, that's my .02...
Posts: 1282 | Location: Florida (FL) | Registered: June 06, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Sportsman
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Rule is a holdover from when the classes were divided by ET.
Posts: 538 | Location: Southeast | Registered: March 14, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by Mike Rietow:
Originally posted by A39Coronet:
What a straw man argument. When you open a track and set the rules, let us know. I'll bring my car down and do a 330' smoke show through all the timing blocks. I'll hit Walmart on the way home for a new set of hoops, I hear they're open.

I'm guessing this means you can't rationally make the claim, both racers weren't DQ'd for no good reason.

I can assure you, if I ran a track, nobody would be DQ'd for no good reason. That's just common sense approach, ain't it? Especially before the race even starts Geez!

It made sense to me the broke the rule they got tossed. Like getting caught speeding with nobody around you know you were in the wrong just like Nick was hard on the brakes because he knew he wasn’t allowed to cross the line or otherwise he would have rolled over the line and backed up slowly.
I heard klenex turned you down for sponsorship told you to try bounty because bounty paper towels could hold more tears.
Posts: 2595 | Location: at the track | Registered: May 09, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Top Comp
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Originally posted by green1:
Originally posted by Mike Rietow:
Originally posted by A39Coronet:
What a straw man argument. When you open a track and set the rules, let us know. I'll bring my car down and do a 330' smoke show through all the timing blocks. I'll hit Walmart on the way home for a new set of hoops, I hear they're open.

I'm guessing this means you can't rationally make the claim, both racers weren't DQ'd for no good reason.

I can assure you, if I ran a track, nobody would be DQ'd for no good reason. That's just common sense approach, ain't it? Especially before the race even starts Geez!

It made sense to me the broke the rule they got tossed. Like getting caught speeding with nobody around you know you were in the wrong just like Nick was hard on the brakes because he knew he wasn’t allowed to cross the line or otherwise he would have rolled over the line and backed up slowly.
I heard klenex turned you down for sponsorship told you to try bounty because bounty paper towels could hold more tears.

If me questioning arbitrary rules makes you judge me, which make no sense and DQ racers before the race even starts, because they don't have a delay box, I forgive you.

If me questioning senseless arbitrary rules make you upset, which make certain groups eligible for preferential treatment akin to Walmart being able to earn according to the arbitrary rules, and Bandimere not eligible to earn, I pray for you.
Posts: 9398 | Location: Madeira Beach Fl. | Registered: June 12, 2018Reply With QuoteReport This Post

Picture of RacerVX54
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Originally posted by Michael Beard:
Sweet Christmas, you are obtuse...

- Doing a burnout without going over the starting line is not rocket science.
- The IHRA rulebook clearly states the rule, as previously quoted. Like most rules, it is arbitrary.
- If you disagree with the rule for any reason, you are more than welcome to petition the sanctioning body and/or track to change the rule.

Funny how your argument changes when you don't make any headway with one direction, just like a liberal.

Beginning to think Mike just like to hear himself talk.

"Just Shut Up and Race"

Brian Martin
Martin Racing
5.50 126
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Originally posted by RacerVX54:
Originally posted by Michael Beard:
Sweet Christmas, you are obtuse...

- Doing a burnout without going over the starting line is not rocket science.
- The IHRA rulebook clearly states the rule, as previously quoted. Like most rules, it is arbitrary.
- If you disagree with the rule for any reason, you are more than welcome to petition the sanctioning body and/or track to change the rule.

Funny how your argument changes when you don't make any headway with one direction, just like a liberal.

Beginning to think Mike just like to hear himself talk.

Most rules rules are arbitrary? Wrong.

I can't think of any arbitrary rules, since the advent of True Start.
Posts: 9398 | Location: Madeira Beach Fl. | Registered: June 12, 2018Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Well he got tossed when he broke the rule as the last pair of cars in the shootout so the race was started and he broke the rule and got tossed.
Using your stupid theory I could leave before the tree is activated and not be tossed out because your thinking is the race hasn’t started when in fact the race started as soon as you are paired up.
Posts: 2595 | Location: at the track | Registered: May 09, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Footloose
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Lets face it some footbrake cars have become very fast and that causes some of the big burnouts. used to be 7.0 was the cut off. Not now.
Posts: 1922 | Location: in a van down buy the river | Registered: September 07, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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They may have become very fast but you build your car to fit the rules not the rules to fit your car.
Posts: 2595 | Location: at the track | Registered: May 09, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Sportsman
Picture of Richard Hammond
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It is a stupid rule but it is what it is. And like any track you attend you have to know the rules plain and simple. It would be better to give warnings as both times weren’t blatant violations.
Posts: 465 | Location: miami | Registered: September 07, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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