| Glad to say that Bob H is no longer with us! He seemed to have a problem posting pictures of our family members on this site in retaliation over his issues with the subject(s) of conversation on here. So he's OUTTA here!
Jerry Mock
| Posts: 2001 | Location: 2000 miles from the Village IDIOT and that's still to close! | Registered: September 06, 2004 |  
| Good luck generating any meaningful dialog in this forum. Participation use to be pretty brisk but it is so dominated by gramdpa/gma it has pretty well driven others away. But, don't let me dampen your enthusiasm, it would be nice to see meaningful contributions again.
Illegitimi non carborundum
| Posts: 2398 | Location: OKC, OK | Registered: February 15, 2008 |  
DRR Elite
| True that. But then it usually comes down to the same views by the same people....including me.
Foxtrot Juliet Bravo
| |