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DRR Pro |
Well here is a blast from the past! You don't have to have Facebook to be able to read the info. Just use the link/address. https://www.facebook.com/Wayne.../?rf=119743124708653 3451 Nahunta Rd Pikeville NC 27863 (919) 920-5992 I just got off the phone with the track operator. The track has all of it's timing equipment fixed and running well. They are getting a decent number of test and tune folks out there on Sunday afternoons (1:00PM-6:00PM). He has had a couple of events, including a Harley Davidson owners meet. The track operator's father is currently in the hospital, so he doesn't want to commit to a lot right this minute, but more positive changes are coming. There are not any bracket races scheduled yet...but they are on the way! ![]() Take care. Tom Worthington If it seems that bracket racing has gotten too expensive for you, maybe you are just doing it wrong. | ||
DRR Pro |
Wayne County Dragstrip has now added a website, as well as a Facebook page. The address is: http://www.waynecountydragstrip.com/ I made the trip down there today, just to see how things are going. They have a pretty fair turnout for their test and tune session. It really wasn't a bracket racing crowd, though. I did manage to find one person and show them how it works by putting dial-ins on our cars and just going for it. I may have created a convert. ![]() If it seems that bracket racing has gotten too expensive for you, maybe you are just doing it wrong. | |||
DRR Pro |
Maybe the bracket races are coming back sooner than later? Wayne County Dragstrip 8 hrs · This is the race I'm putting together!!! Foot Brake 10:99 and faster $800 $200 $50 purse based on 25 entrys $40 entry car & driver 1st&2nd round buy back $30 60ft prep -Street Race tags & registered legal - street legal radials $300 $50 $25 purse based on 15 cars $25 entry fee car & driver $10 buy back 1st&2nd round 60 ft prep #Whatcha think #help me out #lets do this https://www.facebook.com/Wayne.../?rf=119743124708653 Take care. Tom Worthington If it seems that bracket racing has gotten too expensive for you, maybe you are just doing it wrong. | |||
DRR Pro |
Wayne County Dragstrip is proud to announce we are going Hot Rod racing Sunday June 25th !!! (FOOT BRAKE) MOD E/T 9.99 & Quicker Win $800 R/U $200 Semi $50 $40 entry car&driver 1st & 2nd round buy backs $30. ($$$$ based on 25 cars) ---STREET SHOOTOUT Win $250 R/U $50 Semi $25 Tags & Registration (current) must have street legal tires $25 entry car & driver 1st & 2nd round buy backs $10 ($$$$ based on 18 entry's)Your support is greatly appreciated!!!! Gates will open at 12 pm Test & Tune cars welcome between rounds !!! How bout dat??! ![]() Take care. Tom Worthington If it seems that bracket racing has gotten too expensive for you, maybe you are just doing it wrong. | |||
DRR Pro |
Huge turnout for this first bracket race in 10+ years at Wayne County. In fact, I would go so far as to say they have never had this kind of turnout for a bracket race, in their entire history. Eric Aman pulled off a win in both the Modified eliminator and the Street eliminator! He was also driving the same car in both eliminators. ![]() Since there was such a big turnout, I think more bracket races may be coming to Wayne County in the future. Take care. Tom Worthington If it seems that bracket racing has gotten too expensive for you, maybe you are just doing it wrong. | |||
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![]() Take care. Tom Worthington If it seems that bracket racing has gotten too expensive for you, maybe you are just doing it wrong. | |||
DRR Trophy |
Hey Tom, whosr car was Eric driving? HR901 | |||
DRR Pro |
Clee Guin's. You might recognize it. He usually does not have those Cragar wheels on the back. ![]() They really took the whole street legal business thing seriously. They checked for DOT info on the tires and even matched tags with registrations and then registrations with VINs! Take care. Tom Worthington Take care. Tom Worthington If it seems that bracket racing has gotten too expensive for you, maybe you are just doing it wrong. | |||
DRR Pro |
Another footbrake race is scheduled for Saturday July 29, 2017. Here is the facebook posting: MOD E/T Money Race and TEST & TUNE Saturday Night July 29th 2017 Drag Racing under the Lights !!!! MOD E/T (foot brake) 9.99 & quicker $$$$$$$ based on entrys $40 entry fee car & driver - 25 cars Win $800 r/u $200 of semi $50 - 30 cars Win $1000 r/u $250 semi $50 - 35 cars Win $1200 r/u $250 semi $50 - 40 cars Win $1400 r/u $300 semi $50 !!!!!!! 1st & 2nd round buy backs $30 !!!!!Spectators $10 admission - TEST & TUNE for all others (hot rods... motorcycles etc.)will be allowed between Mod E/T rounds and afterwards!!!! Gates open 4:00 open runs start 5:30 dial in run afterwards eliminations begin 7:15 Thanks for your support!!!! It appears there will not be a Street eliminator at this event, since it is not mentioned. Take care. Tom Worthington If it seems that bracket racing has gotten too expensive for you, maybe you are just doing it wrong. | |||
DRR Pro |
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pO7z_XBRY9M Brian Perkins (the car in the near lane) was yesterday's winner. ![]() Take care. Tom Worthington If it seems that bracket racing has gotten too expensive for you, maybe you are just doing it wrong. | |||
DRR Pro |
Bracket racing again this Saturday August 12, 2017. Wayne County Dragstrip 1 hr · MOD E/T (footbrake) (9.99 & quicker) racing returns this Saturday Aug. 12th under the Lights!!!! Win $1000 r/u $200 semi $50 ---$40 entry car&driver $30 buy back 1st & 2nd rounds !!!! $$$$ based on 25 entries Test & Tune for all others allowed between Mod e/t rounds !!! $10 admission $10 T&T Gates open 4:00 Practice runs begin 5:30 Racing 7:30 Thank you for your support!!!! Take care. Tom Worthington If it seems that bracket racing has gotten too expensive for you, maybe you are just doing it wrong. | |||
DRR Pro |
Wow. I have got say, Wayne County went way above and beyond to get the race done last night (and into the wee hours of the morning). Huge downpour, just as the first timeruns were about to get underway. Not a short one, either. Over half an hour long. I don't know many places that would have even bothered to wait for the rains to stop to call that one. Once the rains stopped, there were basically lakes everywhere. But Eddie Radford would not give up. He and his crew worked and worked. And about 4 hours later, the cars were called to the line! First timerun was at 10:00PM. Here is your winner's circle picture. I lost in only the second round and that was just after midnight! ![]() Take care. Tom Worthington If it seems that bracket racing has gotten too expensive for you, maybe you are just doing it wrong. | |||
DRR Pro |
From the Wayne County facebook page: Wayne County Dragstrip 18 hrs · MOD E/T (foot brake) racing returns to Nahunta Dragway Saturday night aug 26th under the Lights !!!! $800 to the winner + trophy $200 r/u $50 semi $40 entry $30 buy back 1st and 2nd round. $$$$$$ based on 25 entries Gates open 4:00 practice runs 6:00 eliminations 7:30 Test & Tune for all others in between mod rounds!!!! $10 spectators $10 extra test & tune !!!! Bring a grill bring a cooler,drop your tailgate and enjoy !!!! Thanks for your support I can't go, myself, this time. Points race at Northeast Dragway. Take care. Tom Worthington If it seems that bracket racing has gotten too expensive for you, maybe you are just doing it wrong. | |||
DRR Pro |
Wayne County Dragstrip 6 hrs · Mod E/T (foot brake) 9.99 & quicker racing action this Saturday night September 2nd under the Lights !!!!! Win $800 plus trophy r/u $200 semi $50 Entry fee $40 buy back 1st & 2nd round $30 $$$$$ based on 25 entries Gates open 4:00 practice 6:00 eliminations 7:30 Test & Tune in between race rounds $10 spectators $10 Thank you for your support!!!! Take care. Tom Worthington If it seems that bracket racing has gotten too expensive for you, maybe you are just doing it wrong. | |||
DRR Pro |
Wayne County has rescheduled for tomorrow, due to weather. Wayne County Dragstrip 53 mins · Sunday !!! Sunday !!! Sunday !!!! Due to over 5 inches of rain last night and it's still drizzling rain now we've decided to cancel tonight's racing action !!!! We will race tomorrow Sunday sept 3 gates open 12:00 Mod e/t race and test & tune action all day !!! Hope you make plans to join us and thank you for your support Take care. Tom Worthington If it seems that bracket racing has gotten too expensive for you, maybe you are just doing it wrong. | |||
DRR Pro |
They are really starting to get into this whole bracket racing thing at Wayne County. This Saturday night September 9th under the Lights the Mod E/T (foot brake) racing will be returning to Nahunta!!!! Win $800 r/u $200 semi $50 (9.99 and quicker) $40 entry $30 buy back 1st & 2nd round- $$$$$ based on 25 entries Test & Tune race cars will have runs in between mod race rounds !!!! Admission $10 T&T $10 Gates open 4:00 practice 5:30 eliminations 7:15 Thank you for all the support!!!! Drag Racing at its finest!!!! Take care. Tom Worthington If it seems that bracket racing has gotten too expensive for you, maybe you are just doing it wrong. | |||
DRR Pro |
Bracket racing again this coming Saturday. Mod E/T (foot brake)9.99 and quicker racing returns Saturday night September 16 under the Lights on the 1/8th mile hooked up Nahunta Dragway!!!! $800 to win plus trophy Runner/up $200 Semi $50. Entry $40 car&driver 1st & 2nd round buy backs $30 $$$$$ based on 24 entries----- Plus Test and Tune and Grudge racing !!!!!!!! Test and Tune $10 driver $10 for hot rod!!!! Spectators $10 gates open 4 practice 5:30 Elimination rounds 7:15 Test and Tune and grudge racing in between Mod e/t rounds Thank you for your support!!!! Take care. Tom Worthington If it seems that bracket racing has gotten too expensive for you, maybe you are just doing it wrong. | |||
DRR Pro |
Big Night!!! Double Feature!!!! Saturday September 23rd Mod E/T and Nahunta Street Race !!!! Mod E/T 9.99 & quicker (footbrake) $800 win + trophy - r/u $200 - semi $50 $40 entry 1st & 2nd round buy back $30 $$$$$ based on 24 entries Nahunta Street Race -- full chassis car or truck (no tube chassis) - tags & registration required - must be DOT legal tires - no transbrake - no lexan - no wheelie bars - no power adder - $20 extra to enter race - for every car entered track will add $10 to pot - winner takes all !!!! No time - bracket tree Test & Tune cars welcome between race rounds !!! Admission $10 T&T $10 gates open 4:00 practice 5:30 racing 7:15 thanks for supporting Nahunta Dragway (Hook City) Bracket racing is getting to be a pretty regular thing at Wayne County! The crowds are getting larger, too. Take care. Tom Worthington If it seems that bracket racing has gotten too expensive for you, maybe you are just doing it wrong. | |||
DRR Pro |
Racing action returns to Nahunta Dragway Saturday night September 30th under the Lights !!!!! Mod E/T (footbrake) 9.99 & quicker will battle for $1000 to win + trophy r/u $200 semi $50 entry fee car and driver $40 buy backs $30 1st & 2nd rounds !!!!! $$$$ based on 25 entries $$$$$ Test and Tune hotrods welcome!!!!! Gates open 4:00 practice 5:30 Eliminations 7:30 admission $10 T&T $10 Thanks to everyone that's helped make Nahunta Dragway Great Again!!!!! Stage em and race em at Hook City !!!!!! Seriously. Does anyone know of another dragstrip in North Carolina that is offering bracket racing on a weekly basis?! I don't. Take care. Tom Worthington If it seems that bracket racing has gotten too expensive for you, maybe you are just doing it wrong. | |||
DRR Pro |
The Hard Racing Mod E/T (footbrake) 9.99 & quicker Hot Rods return to Nahunta Dragway Saturday night oct 7th under the Lights !!! $40 entry fee car & driver - Win $800 R/U $250 Semi $75 - Buy backs 1st & 2nd round $30 Plus Test and Tune & Grudge Racing for car & truck hot rods, motorcycles and atvs !!! $10 admission $10 Test & Tune Gates open 3:30 practice 5:00 Eliminations 7:00 Hook City Thanks you for your support!!!! I'm running out of superlatives. Take care. Tom Worthington If it seems that bracket racing has gotten too expensive for you, maybe you are just doing it wrong. | |||
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