| | Topic | Topic Starter | Replies | Views | Rating | Last Post |
  |  | Senators selling stocks,insider trading | wideopen231 | 1 | 681 | | by RPROGAS |
  |  | Could cash be banned because of a pandemic? | Bad Nusz | 7 | 1388 | | by Bucky |
  |  | Mini Mike | Grandma / Gpa | 6 | 1232 | | by Grandma / Gpa |
  |  | Ilhan Omar terrorist? | wideopen231 | 9 | 2139 | | by wideopen231 |
  |  | Merrry Christmas from Louder with Craowder | David Covey | 1 | 1030 | | by Canted Valve |
  |  | 72% believe main stream news is fake. | Tom396 | 8 | 1657 | | by Bad Nusz |
  |  | My Man BETO | David Covey | 9 | 1816 | | by Grandma / Gpa |
  |  | Jury nullification | Bad Nusz | 0 | 693 | |
  |  | perfect fix for lack of room for immigrants | wideopen231 | 4 | 1390 | | by Bad Nusz |
  |  | Mueller report 'sticks it to the haters' | Trans Lady | 19 | 2857 | | by Grandma / Gpa |
  |  | wrong approach to Iran? | wideopen231 | 3 | 840 | | by Grandma / Gpa |
  |  | Betsy ros flag and Nike | wideopen231 | 3 | 1010 | | by Grandma / Gpa |
  |  | Antifa Terrorist? | wideopen231 | 1 | 891 | | by RPROGAS |
  |  | When you see them you think of who? | Footloose | 7 | 1496 | | by Grandma / Gpa |
  |  | Ray Stevens explains climate change | wideopen231 | 0 | 688 | |
  |  | candy ass' attacking MAGA hats | wideopen231 | 3 | 983 | | by Junior Bailey |
  |  | Newsome WTH...suspends death penalty | BP758 | 4 | 1143 | | by Grandma / Gpa |
  |  | Veteran's Benefits | Michael Beard | 218 | 48132 | | by Grandma / Gpa |
  |  | Media/Political Misrepresentation??? | muggs | 2 | 964 | | by Grandma / Gpa |
  |  | In ‘n Out Burgers Under Fire From Liberals | BD | 5 | 1644 | | by wideopen231 |
  |  | House votes for transgender military fighting ... the weather | Canted Valve | 25 | 6435 | | by Grandma / Gpa |
  |  | senate definition of undecided | wideopen231 | 2 | 889 | | by Grandma / Gpa |
  |  | reason liberals should not be allowed to reproduce | wideopen231 | 2 | 1074 | | by Bucky |
  |  | Cell Phone Tax | RPROGAS | 0 | 791 | |
  |  | Trump is ruining entertainment | wideopen231 | 2 | 969 | | by wideopen231 |
  |  | Observation | SlyFox | 5 | 1247 | | by wideopen231 |
  |  | Why Illinois is dead broke. | Canted Valve | 35 | 8489 | | by Grandma / Gpa |
  |  | 2016 | Dan Lee Watson | 354 | 63432 |  | by Grandma / Gpa |
  |  | Will The Wall Get Built? | Footloose | 15 | 3125 |  | by Canted Valve |
  |  | Safe Injection Sites | Bucky | 8 | 2497 | | by RPROGAS |
  |  | Stop The Carnage | RPROGAS | 14 | 2835 | | by Canted Valve |